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    CalTec got a reaction from + bashful in Cooking with wine; what wine?   
    Lidia's answer
  2. Like
    CalTec reacted to + azdr0710 in All Quiet On The Western Front (2022)   
    we watched it on Netflix a few days ago......German movie with a choice of German or dubbed English and the usual subtitles.......about 2:20 long......exceedingly sad from beginning to end, not surprisingly, with its famous anti-war theme......one of the ten nominations for Oscar Best Picture this year.......great cinematography and settings......graphic in parts......I was very grateful to have a quiet, warm, dry bed to sleep in after watching
  3. Agree
    CalTec got a reaction from Medin in Sex toys suggestions   
    Agree with this. Tenga has a unique product offering. I love putting the tenga eggs in friend/family Xmas stockings. They always know who did it though! ??
  4. Like
    CalTec reacted to Keenan in Is escorting really traumatic for men?   
    I always am open to working with younger green providers and have been contacted by some.  After my own experiences I want to make sure they know how to stay safe and avoid being in harmful situations.  As I have learned in this industry some customers unfortunately see escorts more as a commodity or object to do what they want and will unfortunately take things into their own hands.  I learned from having a drink with a client, passing out and then waking up to being restrained and barebacked as I stated above.  I feel it's important to make sure that those coming in are safe.
  5. Like
    CalTec reacted to + purplekow in Newbie question   
    Even the most experienced of us had a first time hire.  A bit of trepidation is expected but fortunately for most of us, that first touch, first kiss, first tingle of excitement usually has the nerves on the run and our cock rising to the encounter.   You are requesting a pretty vanilla experience and you described what you want clearly here.  Have him come in, offer him a beverage.  Have him come sit next to you on the couch.  If he doesn't initiate after a minute or two lean in for the kiss or place your hand on his groin.  You both know why you are there, so there is no reason to act like a teenager on a first date, though you may feel that way initially.  Once your eyes have met, your lips have touched and you hand has found your way into his pants, allow the action and the juices to flow.  
    My suggestion is to be sober, but if you do take something to take the edge off, do not indulge to the point of not being in control of yourself and the situation.  
    Also, do not be afraid to say no.  If he tries to do something you are not ready to do, a simple, not that or not yet should have him moving onto something else.  He will likely do the same.  Good luck with that first hire.  
  6. Like
    CalTec reacted to Jamie21 in Is escorting really traumatic for men?   
    I agree with this. There’s a stigma to doing sex work. I’m careful with whom I share about what I do because some people just make lazy assumptions. I really hope society changes and becomes less puritanical about sex work. 
  7. Like
    CalTec reacted to Jamie21 in Is escorting really traumatic for men?   
    It depends. A friend of mine did it and he found it led him into the wrong path of meeting people with bad intentions and into doing drugs. We talked about it and he told me he enjoyed the attention and the money but it took a toll on his health because of doing drugs. I helped him stop and now he is clean and has stopped escorting. 
    I think it depends on your mental strength and your reasons for going into the work, and of course your age.
    My friend was in his 20’s when he started and I think at that age you’re probably not mature enough to make sensible decisions. I started doing sex work when I was older and I think it helps to have some life experience otherwise doing sex work can eat you up. If you’re doing it to boost your self esteem then I think that can end badly because you keep needing a bigger hit if that makes sense. If you’re doing it because you enjoy meeting people and are interested in how they enjoy sex then that’s more likely to be sustainable. 
    I’ve had only one bad experience with a client and I learned from that and from speaking with other sex workers about how to read signs and avoid bad situations. If you work professionally, with better quality clients and you keep it as only part of who you are then I think it’s a fabulous job. I love it.
    I get to meet interesting people, make them happy, and I don’t have to sit at a desk or answer to a boss. Of course I still kiss ass….but it’s literally rather than metaphorically. Much more fun. 

  8. Like
    CalTec reacted to GTMike in Contacting Client for Repeat   
    Interesting all around perspective. Based on what you've said ( as a client), i think it would really depend but for me generally i encourage gentlemen that it appears we mutually had a great time with to reach out to me whenever they want to. Interesting to hear providers perspective that they find it almost rude to.
    I actually feel good that they would feel comfortable to be able to ask whenever they wanted to as long as there'd be no offense taken when told that scheduling or budgeting couldn't work then and we could make a future booking. I especially hate to say (but it's a reality) how my decision could be influenced by what the % discount was or wasn't.
    Now with all that said I totally undersand it can get "iffy" as to what was considered genuine good mutual chemistry and what might be considered pushy, unprofessional behavior and/or inappropriately too salesy. So i get and respect the professional's experience and perspectives.
    To me I just think of it as that at the end of the day it always comes down to what two consenting adults mutually decide to do and if it can work out or not in whatever the particular situation may or may not be at the time. To me no harm no foul for asking me.
  9. Like
    CalTec reacted to misterhumphries in Guys giving false addresses   
    I always think twice of giving my address to some strange man when I request an in-call. You could take the initiative and offer to meet at a nearby coffee shop or some place public. Then be escorted to the client's house if you both get good vibes from each other. There's an equal risk that you also assume going to a stranger's house.
  10. Like
    CalTec got a reaction from VictorXX in Edibles   
    Who here makes their own?
  11. Like
    CalTec got a reaction from CastaDiva in Favorite Client?   
    For me it's personality. If we both hit it off, I dont even think about a tip. That always sorts itself out if we are both genuinely enjoying ourselves. And from a repeat business POV, it translates to that client becoming a regular.
  12. Applause
    CalTec got a reaction from + cougar in Key Lime Pie   
    Joe's! My fave. I miss that place. Went there religiously as a kid during winter break 🤤
  13. Like
    CalTec got a reaction from EZEtoGRU in Key Lime Pie   
    Joe's! My fave. I miss that place. Went there religiously as a kid during winter break 🤤
  14. Agree
    CalTec reacted to EZEtoGRU in Key Lime Pie   
    I've never had decent Key Lime Pie outside of South Florida.  I'm sure it exists somewhere but I've never found it.  You must have key limes to make it or it won't be as good as it should be.  I lived in Miami during most of the 1990's so I had ample opportunity to enjoy excellent Key Lime Pie.  Joe's Sone Crab was my favorite.  We still order the KLP from Joe's.  It ships overnight via Fedex and is packed in dry ice.  So good.  
  15. Surprised
    CalTec got a reaction from CheckCar in Dairy-free ice cream   
    You ever make homemade banana ice cream (non dairy) and mix it in with something like the So Delicious? Next level!
  16. Like
    CalTec reacted to CheckCar in Dairy-free ice cream   
    For my fellow lactose intolerants, this dairy-free ice cream brand is pretty good. 

    EDIT: I actually buy those ones made with cashew milk, so I can’t vouch for the coconut milk offerings.
  17. Like
    CalTec got a reaction from jeezifonly in Edibles   
    Cool, yeah I do tinctures with Spirytus 76 and made a kick ass Limoncello which was a party fave.  Never made anything with butter or sugar yet...only alcohol and MCT oil based. 
  18. Like
    CalTec reacted to jeezifonly in Edibles   
    Butter infusion most reliable for baking.
    I have successfully made tinctures, using Everclear high proof vodka. Many recipes online, all of which include a pre-infusion process, shown here
  19. Like
    CalTec reacted to keefer in Edibles   
    My baby sister has perfected chocolate chip cookie edibles... she swears by first infusing butter then reforming into sticks before improving an old family recipe...   I've never managed more than splitting the cookie into eighths...   it's guaranteed grandma's recipe will live on for another few generations and had added benefit of teaching my nephew to cook.
  20. Agree
    CalTec reacted to jtwalker in Anyone investing in this Crypto?   
    Given the state of the market and the world, I’ve pulled back to top 20 market cap coins and I’m looking at it as a long term investment.  Dollar cost averaging and patience are my play at the moment with about 80% split between BTC and ETH.
    The riskier side of my profile is in DOGE because Elon Musk always seems to get his way and some others.  This only makes up about 20% of my portfolio, and I’ve decided to give it up to 5 years; though, I don’t think it’ll take that long.
    No doubt some institutional players are trying to drive the market, but I believe they will eventually want to run it back up for the big wins.  Given that folks like Elon can drive a 20%+ swing with a tweet, I suspect their is some sexy power that the haves will continue to manipulate and I’m hoping to ride the coat tails.
  21. Applause
    CalTec reacted to jtwalker in Anyone investing in this Crypto?   
    I am currently investing in crypto.  It has been around since 2009, has a huge following, and has a very positive track record.  Bitcoin is up around 70% over the past 3 years even with the recent crash.  It swings wild, but if you don't panic there is real money to be made here.
    I got out after the last crash and noticed a trend.  When Bitcoin crashes, it tends to drop by 75-80%, then it tends to come back at 4x its previous high.  Right now, it has fallen approximately 72% from its last high.  I primarily invest in Bitcoin and Etherium and I use a hardware wallet to stay away from the exchange volatility.  I see it as a 2-5 year play and I'm investing slowly over time.
    Investing 101 is buy low and sell high.  Real Estate is high right now (it won't stay there), Stocks are just starting their downward trend IMHO, Crypto is much closer to a potential bottom and buy point.  Can't predict the exact bottom, but that is where dollar-cost averaging comes in, and when it peaks again it won't matter that much if I bought at the true bottom.
  22. Party
    CalTec got a reaction from BonVivant in Fire Island Pines   
    I've always wondered about this destination.  A while back I was invited by a regular to accompany him but had other commitments and it never worked out.  Is it still a hotspot destination in the summer months?
  23. Agree
    CalTec reacted to samhexum in Queer as Folk Reboot (Peacock)   
    Thanks for the warning... not that I planned to try it, but now I know to avoid it at any cost.
  24. Agree
    CalTec reacted to MscleLovr in The Summer I Turned Pretty   
    I searched but can find no mention of this new show on Prime. It is my new guilty pleasure.
    It is utterly lightweight froth, but it is beguilingly pleasant viewing. The girl in question is spending the Summer with the same family friends at the same beach, and she turns 16. It’s sort of like “Dawson’s Creek” but with more money and social gloss. 
    The family friends include 3 brothers. I’m not into twinks but Dear Lord the brothers are toothsome. They look attractive in, and very often out of, their clothes. I can only imagine what fun the casting director had in choosing them.
    My favourite is the puppyish Jeremiah (played by Gavin Casalegno) who, when accused of gay-baiting, says ‘I believe in equal opportunity’…before kissing the other young man. I also like Conrad (played by Chris Briney) who is brooding and appears romantically-hurt or love-sick.
  25. Like
    CalTec got a reaction from rvwnsd in Cost of hiring   
    I can't imagine being in a client's position, looking to jump in head first into an overnight situation with a provider who you've never met.  While spontaneity is great, it might bite you in the ass with a bad experience.  All my most memorable overnights started with a single appointment and grew out from there. My 0.2 satoshis would be not to rush an extended encounter before a first encounter.
    Playing devil's advocate, perhaps the provider had a previous experience that didn't work out and is pre-emptively looking to mitigate any future issues.  Who knows!  Best way to know is to meet him and get an irl vibe so you know if he's genuine or looking to play you.
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