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Everything posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. I contacted Alex at the last minute because I had a meeting canceled. He was prompt in responding to me, and we were able to connect. In short, he was terrific. His apartment was very nice and clean. He was clean-shaven and blonder than his photos, which made him far more attractive. Alex was very welcoming and easy to speak with him. We had a nice chat before and at the start of the massage. Then, he asked if I wanted some quiet time, and we did. He uses medium pressure, which is perfect for relaxing. The extras were wonderful, and I'll be seeing him again.
  2. I consider obesity to be a public health issue resulting from a combination of agricultural policy, which has made inexpensive food extraordinarily calorie dense, and disordered (over) eating due to stress, lack of exercise, and chemicals put in food to make them addictive. Treating obesity as a personal failing is ahistorical, as we've seen rates skyrocket along with changes in work, food policy, closure of public space for exercise and recreation and - most importantly - Western governments disciplining labor so most people are doing far worse than their parents.
  3. While I'm conventionally attractive (not super-hot) for my age, the providers who I most enjoy bring the energy and generosity that @Jamie21 and @Jarrod_Uncut both espouse. I went for a massage yesterday, and the provider was much more attractive than his photos, which were just cute. The session went much further than a typical sensual massage because we had chemistry. Sexual chemistry is much more than appearance. It's pheromones, voice, personality, and countless other factors. We had a nice chat before and at the beginning of the massage. Afterward, we talked about how far it went, and he said he's attracted to older guys and what we liked about each other from our conversation and interaction. This was not romantic, but it was enjoyable for both of us. For me, if clients hire only "10s" who are likely obsessed with appearance and also go in thinking, "A guy that looks like this would never fuck me," then that will be your experience. If you hire attractive guys who also enjoy their work, love providing pleasure and find a variety of types attractive, your experience will be different.
  4. Well, I could claim that I'm a dead ringer for Jacob Elordi and all you have to go on is my word. "Conventional standards" for what passes as hot - particularly Insta models - are actually guys who are taking steroids, HGH, and have eating disorders. Over the past 20 years, men have begun to show disordered eating and body dysmorphia at rates comparable to women.
  5. I have to agree. No offense to the OP but perhaps you're coming off (especially in text where there's no voice or facial expression) as far less interested than you are. I'm not wealthy and have had the exact same exchange you describe but never been blacklisted. The distinction may be that I aim to be very warm if I remain interested and cannot hire due to economics or a conflict.
  6. This makes me wonder how attractive or pleasant you are IRL. You seem to think if you weren't paying, the providers you engage would cross the street to avoid you. But I think a lot of us have nice, collegial, and enjoyable conversations and time spent with providers. Do you assume everyone you hire is not attracted to you? In my experience, some guys seem genuinely attracted, and others seem to enjoy our company. We don't hire again if we don't get either of those vibes. But this is part and parcel of some clients' views that men are solely visually attracted and that attraction is only skin deep. Attraction is complex. In some cases, a guy who is interesting or can make me laugh becomes sexually desirable, and that's not accounting for pheromones, sexual chemistry, etc., all of which are not primarily based on appearance.
  7. Same. You can tell the guys who really love sex and love doing it with a variety of people and don't have a ton of hang-ups. Some of them are strikingly beautiful but most are more average good looking or a specific type. I also find there's more variety in body type and fitness regimes. They tend to be active in sports or exercise that's mostly outside of the gym.
  8. I'm sure they do see themselves as a luxury good. If they are traveling as a companion, they are also receiving a ton of free luxury goods and experiences. But I doubt many of the guys who live in Bushwick and do sex work to supplement their income as a dancer, artist, etc. see themselves that way. We often run into guys we hire at venues here in the city, and they're not living luxury lives.
  9. I'm seeing $300-$500 for the first hour, and the second hour is nearly always discounted. So $500-$900 for two hours. That said, I disagree with the OP's sentiment that hiring is a "luxury." The Median household income in NYC is $77,000, which works out to roughly $42/hour. So, an escort is already making 6-8 times the hourly wage of the average person. Now, if an escort averages two clients per day, even at the lower end of $300/hour, they'd be making over $150,000 a year—nearly double the median.
  10. The only thing I'm interested in "gatekeeping" is your nasty commentary about people's appearance or sexual proclivities. I have many bi and pan friends who are engaged in the larger queer community - attending events, going to shows, organizing and activism, and patronizing queer-owned businesses. From how you describe your life, you're not doing any of that. So, your experience and commentary reflect a narrow, jaundiced view of what is attractive and erotic for most queer men. It's really easy not to be cruel. About 80 percent of the guys lusted over on here hold virtually no appeal for me, so I do not comment on them, their appearance, or "yuck the yum" of people who hire them. I am not attracted to the guys you think are hot. But I don't belittle you about hiring significantly younger men who fit a very narrow Western ideal of beauty. I also don't drag the guys who are into bodybuilders or "straight" guys.
  11. I have not seen him for a massage but as an escort he's fantastic. He's very kind and present. Very sensual. I would imagine he's the same as a masseur.
  12. I wish I lived closer to @Jamie21 and @Simon Suraci. You both seem like gems.
  13. Yes. Conforming to a heteronormative relationship when you hit a certain age is the definition of conservative. You also have tons of right wing opinions about “crime”, the economy, and all kinds of other stuff. Artists- especially financially successfully ones - can also be conservative. I have no issue with bisexual men commenting on their experiences but that’s not the experience of most gay men. And you’re not interacting with gay men of a variety of ages and backgrounds like most of us are. So you’re not really in a position to speak for the community.
  14. "Relationships" include sexual relationships, not just people who've fallen in love. While some physical attributes that correlate with fertility IN WOMEN are often tied to heterosexual desire, that's completely irrelevant to why two men want to have sex. And what those attributes are, hip to waist to bust ratio, are also historically contingent and socially influenced. See Botticelli's paintings where overweight women were considered the most beautiful. But like most conservative people, you want to naturalize your own biases. But more than anything, since you are not a gay man, I think you should stop speaking for us. You may be part of a group that hires men, but you're part of the LGBTQ community, so keep your opinions to yourself.
  15. Finding people who are overweight, older, or anything beyond a smooth bubble butt twunk sexually desirable, while unimaginable to you, is actually like 85% of all relationships. 50% of all Americans are overweight, including queer people. and they’re all having sex all the time. And that’s not a fetish.
  16. Must you be fatphobic? By your admission, you only have sex with extremely fit, much younger men. Perhaps you have a biased sample on which you observe sociological phenomena? I know plenty of fit guys who are chasers, butch guys who love femmes, 20-somethings who love guys 20-30 years older than them, and everything in between. If those guys exist outside the escort scene, some are working as providers. I've gotten a lot of compliments from providers over the years. And I can smell bullshit a mile away, so I know who's gassing me up. That said, if a provider besmirched his other clients in front of me, I would not hire him again.
  17. You're a millenial and the last pop sensation you remember was Justin Beiber? And you think he's talented? Do you also not listen to the radio? Use the internet? 😉 It's just weird because Taylor Swift (whom I don't particularly care for) is one of the most famous women in the world and she started her career a few years before Beiber.
  18. I realize this is drifting off-topic, but I feel like you'd have to have spent the past 15 years on an isolated Island without electricity not to know who Taylor Swift is.
  19. Like other marginalized communities, many gay men have chosen to reclaim F*G as a term of empowerment. It may not be for you, but it's pretty common among people under 40.
  20. Yes, but I do think it's the same person. On instagram, he's connected to another Russian masseur that I've seen. This is probably his side hustle.
  21. This is so misogynistic; comparing someone who is fem to a crackhead. JFC
  22. You can just hand him a wet wipe. Lipstick comes off pretty easily.
  23. What a lovely point of view. I find men, in general, view people's physicality purely by whether or not it gets their dick hard. Honestly, it's childish and objectifying. I'm a Gen Xer and I admit I don't always resonate with what "the kids" are into. But I can look at someone like Timothee Chalamet, whom I feel zero sexual desire for, and know that he's aesthetically quite beautiful. I could say the same about tons of people of every gender who do not turn me on. I wonder how many of you here with these exacting standards are or have been in decades-long relationships. I suspect not many, as people age and our bodies change, and sometimes our tastes in clothing or how we wear our hair (or if we have hair) change. So, something as simple as nail polish being a deal breaker makes me think these guys don't have the (pardon the pun) versatility to be with another human being for 20 or 30 years.
  24. Okay, I went to school a while ago when it cost about 20 percent of what it does now. I worked the entire time, and at no point was I offered a lifestyle funded by the taxpayers, though I did receive grants because we were poor. I don't think anyone is actually living this way on the tax payer's dime. I know affluent and wealthy people who went to college this way, including my husband. I would also note that I was offered a job as an escort and also as a dancer but was too prudish at 19 to pursue them.
  25. I've been sober for 25 years, so a drunk person of any kind would be off putting. But I don't find having sex with overweight people to be a chore.
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