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Posts posted by Vegas_Millennial

  1. 3 hours ago, NYCguy123 said:

    Hi, I am going to be in Montreal in mid-April.  Wondering if Stock Bar and Campus are still a good place to go for male strippers and lap dances.  I was going to go to either place on a Friday or Saturday night.  Looking for more muscular jock type guys.  any insights are appreciated.  Also, curious if it is like Adonis or Monster in NYC in terms of protocol for lap dances, etc. 

    My most recent visits to Stock and Campus were in 2017, and Monster in New York City was in 2022.  They were very similar with the following noticeable differences:

    1. Full nudity is allowed on stage in Montreal.  About half of the dancers get naked on stage, although maybe not until the end of their set.

    2.  There wasn't an employee hosting the private lap dance area to explain the rules.  So ask the dancer in advance if you have questions.

    3. Unlike Monster, there's no digital clock in private booth to keep track of time.  Until you're used to determining when one song ends and another begins, tell the dancer up front "let me know when we've reached 2 songs...or 3, 4, etc."

    4.  Compared to my experiences in NYC, dancers at Campus and Stock tended to offer a little more in Montreal, especially after the 4th or 5th song.  I successfully brought several dancers (one at a time) back to my hotel room after asking around song #5.

    5.  Because Montreal's clubs are open for longer hours than the stripper events in New York, there may be a shift change.  Several posters have commented on a change in dancers around 8 or 9 pm.  Keep that in mind if you visit early in the evening and don't see your type, you should try again later in the evening.

    6.  About a third of the dancers spoke only French or otherwise very little English.  That's good enough for a dance, but makes it harder to discuss issues of the day.

  2. 8 hours ago, DavidShaw said:

    I'm going to spend a few months in Australia starting in Melbourne and traveling around a bit. What are the rules/laws around male massage.. etc.. in Australia? When I was in Germany you go for a massage and a happy ending is included in the price. I don't know what the rules, etc. around this are in Australia so would appreciate any guidance or referrals.


    When I visited Sydney and Melbourne in 2016, I had several successful hires from RentMen and massuer sites.  I found those private interactions not much different than in the United States.  The one difference:  every provider said "Cheers, Mate" as I left happy 😁

  3. 10 hours ago, newdad said:

    In America it's pretty much mandatory because of the culture...

    The culture is to tip employees for personalized service, not a business owner who sets his own prices.

    Many people will tip a masseur at a spa after paying the spa for the published rates.  Many people do not tip a massuer who owns and operates his own studio or makes house calls, as he selected his own price for the services rendered.  I use that same guideline in Europe.  I tip a sex worker at a brothel, because I paid the bothel a set rate before hand.  But I do not tip a sex worker I hire from an online ad or meet in a sauna, because the worker sets the price for what he is offering.

    But by all means, give money or gifts to your heart's content in any situation on any continent (except Asia) and no one will consider you rude.

  4. 23 minutes ago, acaressandakiss said:

    I’ll be traveling to NYC this weekend and I’m considering hiring a masseur. When a masseur says they offer erotic massage what exactly does that include? Does the erotic services vary individually by provider?

    There is a very simple and universally understood answer to that question.  It can be found here:


    And here:



  5. 3 hours ago, Axiom2001 said:

    I am in a slight quandary.  

    Some escorts of whom I am quite interested and desire to me have their ads at Rentmen.com; others only appear on Rentmen.eu.

    I prefer to see my men on the latter, for it provides their photographs in screen size therefore affording a lot of visuals and allowing me to be much more interested in making contact.

    Will someone please explain this if you can?


    Yesterday I made contract with JohnnyCastro whose ad is on the old site.  I chatted with him on the new site and plan to see him soon.  

    But again, if someone could clear up my confusion as to why ALL ESCORTS are NOT at the updated site,  I'd truly appreciate it; my perplexity would be solved.  

    Advance thanks, men-

    All advertisements should be able to be viewed via both RentMen.eu and rent.men.  It is the member who posts on Company of Men who chooses whether to post the link from one website or the other.  I, too, prefer to view in RentMen.eu.  Therefore, when I click on a link to rent.men, I am in the habit of manually removing the middle "." and adding the ".eu" every time.

  6. 2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Extra precaution! Vaccines are a good thing but they're not 100% effective!


    I guess I'm just a bigger risk taker than most men here.  I'll let someone blow me without asking for a certified copy of their vaccination records and same-day lab results.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    I got my 2 shots but will now start asking providers about their vax status once again, having stopped a year or so ago. 

    If you received your two smallpox vaccinations, won't the vaccines protect you? If so, then why ask others about their vaccinations?  It's like asking the bottom to wear a condom when the top is already wearing one.  It might make you feel safer, but it's irrelevant.

    And if you're not confident the smallpox vaccines will protect you from monkeypox, then why should those same vaccines taken by another person protect you any better?  It's a wonder gay men ever hooked up 20 years ago prior to the chickenpox vaccine... It was so risky!

  8. 23 hours ago, Owen FL said:

    I am just trying to understand why someone would not list they are on Prep if they are actually on it….

    Some people don't want to publicly disclose the medication they are taking, the vaccines they have taken, etc.  There are multiple reasons from discrimination to potential future lawsuits.  It's better to give as little personal information as possible.

  9. 13 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    Only you can protect you.


    Yes 💯

    If the client is not on PreP or doesn't use condoms during an encounter, then it's pretty irrelevant what the provider's status is.  Assume the other person is always positive and behave accordingly.  It seems half of men lie about their penis size... You don't think they'll lie about their status, too?  At least with penis size you can verify in person.

    If you need the paid provider to tell you he's negative and on PreP to feel safe before hiring, then this hobby isn't for you.

  10. On 3/14/2024 at 3:43 PM, glennnnn said:

    What is the status of circumcision amongst our Asian brothers?

    I've been with several men from the Orient and almost all were circumcised.  These men were from west Asia.

    On 3/14/2024 at 3:43 PM, glennnnn said:

    Are men in Japan cut? In China?

    My only experience thus far with men from the Far East region has been limited to descendants of immigrants to North America, so it is not representative of the cultural or medical practice of Far East countries.

    Edit: To better answer the poster's original question, I used terms inclusive of those outside the continent of Asia, including Japan, but also made distinctions between Asians that are commonly associated as Caucasian.

  11. Any info on the gay sauna "Alexander" in Athens?  Are there hustlers there, like Sauna Thermos in Barcelona or the sauna in Zurich?  I'll be in Athens early October.

  12. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    But what we are discussing here is F*A*T not "portly" "dad-bod" or "chunky".

    Actually, what we are discussing is provider discounts based on looks and age.  I contributed that I received discounted and free sessions after hiring several times, and disclosed that I am obese and not "young".  Let's please hear more from the fit men of their experiences with discounts, and stop making a big deal about my weight.

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