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Everything posted by jeezifonly

  1. Cocksucker can apply to male or female, right? It can apply regardless of proficiency, willingness, or level of enjoyment, right? Where’s the insult?
  2. Strictly speaking, the only person who needs to know how I identify my sexuality is attached to the dick that’s in my mouth… by then, it’s pretty clear.
  3. My favorite men’s legs are the ones that are at their best in motion. Gymnasts. Skaters. Dancers. (And oh the dancer legs I’ve seen…)
  4. Praise be, at last. This will make all the difference for the thousands left homeless by tornadoes and floods every year.
  5. The main reason it’s difficult to compare the Business of Pleasure to other business models, is that there’s only one thing about it that is subjective: there are 60 minutes in an hour.
  6. As a treatment protocol, counseling and/or psychotherapy can help some patients with specific short-term problems to address, while some patients need to have a treatment plan that can be preventive, or help mitigate life-long issues that recur. Like all other medical intervention, sometimes the patient has no idea of the seriousness of a problem until a course of action delivers results. And like all other medical practitioners, they range from scam artists to miracle workers. And yes… some people require miracles on a weekly basis. 😘
  7. With that amount of training and experience, a star in the making!
  8. Rufus Wainwright set the historic romance to music… Rufus Wainwright & Daniel MacIvor's HADRIAN | Trailer BIT.LY “A gay love story that speaks to our time” —New York Times"A truly grand...
  9. I read the news on Twitter - so sad. He was the vanguard for American Opera possibility in the 21st C. Not just for (us?) queens, but all sorts of fans and musicians - people who reject the dinosaur mode applied to the ancient art form. Wicked, passionate, knowledgeable, irreverent, gossipy, hilarious, opinionated and a fantastically readable writer. Miss him already. Pace, Cieca
  10. Will there be fines or fees if you weigh 145lb, but you book the SuperSized Suite, just because you like more room and closer access to vending machines?
  11. When a provider advertises with Teen in his handle, and you are drawn to the profile enough to inquire, then hire… Do you ask for proof of age when you meet?
  12. Find me one cruise line that has returned to port without an infectious disease on board over the past year. That’s the one.
  13. This news served to remind me of what a gorgeous-looking young man Tupac was. We may never know the full story, even if this indictment leads to conviction.
  14. Her comments serve as a signal to the hospitality industry. It’s an ever-growing demographic in America.
  15. Silly fun for grownups who enjoy acting like children.
  16. Did she stay, too long, at the fair? Probably. Did she live a life dedicated to Public Service? Absolutely. Farewell, Diane
  17. I would excuse myself to the bathroom to grab an imaginary towel. It’s like show biz and audiences. “If they want to not come, you can’t stop ‘em.”
  18. Branding is never at all misleading, that’s for sure
  19. If you’re resourceful enough to have found your way here, you’re also resourceful enough to find within your reach, the social connections you want . 💜
  20. Marie's Sculpture | Everybody Loves Raymond | TV Land BIT.LY Marie tries to donate a sculpture she made to the church auction, but the...
  21. The virus has only one genetic directive: find a host and replicate.
  22. All of the variations in Long Covid symptoms relative to the nervous system won’t be known for a while. I know people who’ve experienced hearing loss, tinnitus, changes in vision, smell and taste - well after they were tested, diagnosed, treated, and otherwise recovered. Others have neuropathy, brain fog, or trouble with sleep. Each issue gets addressed separately (like the opportunistic infections rampant in the gay community decades ago) as the direct cause cannot be eradicated. One can’t go back and UNHAVE the virus. Differing viral loads which peak on different timelines in patients (with their own underlying defense mechanisms) and make it impossible to predict how the damage will show up later. Ask for a home sleep study. You may have developed apnea, which is easily treatable.
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