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Posts posted by BOZO T CLOWN

  1. Joey was always a favourite of Bozo's. He was a must-see whenever Toronto was on the circus travel schedule.

    I agree that Joey was in his prime in the late 90's. Likely in his 50's now.

    He was great in the sack, and knew exactly how to push all of Bozo's (polka dot) buttons. 

    Wish him well in his retirement.


  2. Bozo had a few sessions with him...  all pre-COVID. At the time, he was in incredible shape. Looked exactly like his photos. Lean, smooth, muscular body. Not an ounce of fat. He was quiet, but pleasant. His English was good. Not great.
    All of our sessions were erotic massages w/he. I think that is probably his limit. At least it was 4 years ago. He always left me very satisfied. 

    My guess is that he's a bit past 30 years old, since four years ago he was 29 yo.


    Bozo The Capitol Clown Approved on Discogs



  3. 5 hours ago, diehard_002 said:

    I went Friday (yesterday) and almost all the guys were there. Sometimes it is more fun to wonder what is inside those tight briefs and find out in the back rather than the nudity being on full display.  The Tampa guys - Dallas and Andrew(i think) - were total fun and absolutely nice with me.  I may go back on Sunday if they are still around.

    I've ben to FairyTale once. I've never been back.
    For those who don't know, FairyTale is a small neighborhood bar in Hell's Kitchen. Any more than 10 or 12 people (dancers and customers combined) would be a crowd, especially since they have to cordon off part of the bar to transform it into a lap dance area.. Tim's e-mail indicated 30 dancers were  working Friday night. Although many of them looked very hot, Bozo passed. I couldn't deal with the swarms of people in that tiny location. Was afraid someone might accidentally elbow my nose and crush it,,,,,


  4. 20 hours ago, marylander1940 said:


    I hope most of us emailed RM to complain about this new policy or plain money grab. I know several escorts who claim they have been financially hurt by this new rule!

    Bozo e-mailed Rentmen.com.

    I thanked them for their new rules. If these changes will ensure their continued financial viability so they can remain in business, they should be congratulated for implementing them. If necessary, they should make further changes.
    Rentmen.com should continue to focus on serving the needs of those who support them, namely the escorts and paying members. Despite what some here may think, Rentmen is a business, not a charity.



  5. Co-Star of the hit series, "Three's Company", star of "She's the Sheriff", co-host of "Candid Camera", co-star of  "Step by Step", Playboy Magazine cover model, successful Las Vegas nightclub performer, Broadway actress, movie star, TV talk-show host, author, businesswoman, health spokesperson, and Queen of the Thigh Master, (also the "Best Man" at Barry Manilow's wedding), Suzanne Somers passed away due to breast cancer at age 76.

    In addition to being one of the all-time greatest comedic talents, Somers (no relation to Bret Somers) was a fine singer, dancer, and dramatic performer. Arguably one of the most multi-faceted performers in the history of the entertainment business.
    She leaves behind decades of fine memories of entertaining millions of fans of all ages..

    A rare talent in the mold of Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, and Lucille Ball, it is almost inexplicable that Somers never won an Emmy or an Academy Award.

    Suzanne Somers RIP


  6. 2 hours ago, KeepItReal said:

    Good looking today, but it will fade fast - check back in 5 years when he is married and sporting a beer belly.  As I always say: Have a dick, don't be a dick.  

    Hate to burst your bubble....  Well, not really. lol.
    But 5 years from now, the Bodega Bro will be only 27 or 28 years old. Still young. 
    He'll still be a blonde muscle-stud with gorgeous green eyes, pouty lips, and bursting with personality and charisma.

    And likely, the Bodega Legend will have a successful OnlyFans going generating tons of $$$.


  7. 6 hours ago, Rgsnva said:

    "...the gist is I hired him a few times, wasn't a great experience, so I left him alone but he kept texting/messaging me...."

    Something is amiss.

    You hired him a few times and wasn't a great experience?
    So after your first not-great experience why did you have a second?  After your second not-great experience why did you have a third? So on and so forth.
    How many is a few? Five? Ten?

    Do you live in an area where this guy is your only option?
    There has to be more here that you aren't telling us. This story just doesn't pass the smell test.




  8. I can't comment on any of the guys you asked about.....

    .....But your best bet may be to go to one of the strip clubs on your first night - Campus and Stock would be your best choices. They are a block apart from each other on Rue Ste. Catherine.
    Many, if not most, of them would be willing to go back to your hotel room with you.

    Find someone you like, chat with him, take him for a lap dance (that will give you a sense of how interactive he is), and then explain what you are looking for, and negotiate a price.
    Hopefully you will find a boy that you can click with.



  9. 8 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    This post is directed to those who expressed fatigue at reading about the issue of what rentmen has done to their advertisers (providers) and to the rentmen clients who are referred to by rentmen as "premium clients" (who are charged $240.00 annually to hold the category of "premium client"), to view graphic photos and write reviews about their experience with any provider they hire via rentment.  

    Here are my final comments about the matter.  

    If rentmen were based in the U.S. (which it is not) it would be illegal (without an agreement authoring it) to misuse the graphic photos entrusted to them to post to an advertisement of a provider of gain additional funds.  

    As we know, rentmen is charging providers to advertise on their site but are not compensating the provider for use of the graphic photos that rentmen is using as a basis to charge rentmen "premium clients" $240.00 anually. 

    In the United States, where I practice, what rentmen is doing is referred to, among other things as "unjust enrichment".  

    Rentmen is making money on graphic photos that were entrusted to them to include in a provider's advertising account on rentmen.  additionally, rentmen is using the graphic photos to justify an annual fee to "premium clients".

    In fairness, the extra money rentmen is making from the "premium" members (for seeing the graphic photos) should be shared with the providers who furnished graphic photos for rentment to use to earn the additional revenue.   There is no sharing taking place according to my sources.  

    What rentmen has done and plans to continue to do would be a violation of a variety of laws in most states in the United States.  I think the subject matter (graphic photos) has a lot to do with little to no protest of misuse of the photos.  

    I do not know the equivalent or similar laws in Germany or Holland regarding this violation or even if there is a similar law in those countries, although I suspect there is.  I do not pracatice law in Germany or Holland and do not know their laws.   Forum members who are based in Europe or specifically Germany or Holland might want to consult an attorney there for guidance about their possible recourse. 

    In most states in the U.S., using photos (without permission of the party in the photo) to create a separate income source for the company (premium clients) without compensating the people in the graphic photos or having an agreement to compensate the person likely would be subject to civil litigation in the U.S.

    The use of those same photos as a basis to charge "premium members" a $240 annual fee, without compensating the provider of the photos, would be a basis for litigation in the U.S. without question. 

    If the providers of the photos were paid a fee and/or had an agreement for the use of their photos that generate a $240 unrelated fee to rentmen from an unknown number of clients, it could be subject of litigation if Germany and/or Holland have such laws.   Despite prostitution being legal in Germany and Holland, I believe there likely are laws that would force rentmen to share the income from the "premium clients".

    Providers furnish rentmen with graphic photos for the purposes of advertising for clients.  There is nothing wrong with that under German law or in Holland and in many other places, including the U.S.

    Where the unjust enrichment falls into place is that rentmen uses the same graphic photos used in an advertisement paid for by the provider but later used by rentmen to generate $240 annually from clients to have access to those graphic photos.    

    Based on my talking with providers who advertise on rentmen, none have given rentmen permission to use their graphic photos to make money from "selling access" to the graphic photos via the "premium client" category.  

    At a minimum, rentmen should pay the provider for use of the graphic photos or reduce their monthly charge for advertising by the provider.  

    In short, the type of situation described above, if committed in certain states in the U.S. would be a basis for litigation.  Like I previously wrote, it could also be a basis for litigation in Germany or Holland and I suspect that it is.  

    Forum members located or based in Europe might want to consult an attorney about this matter.  

    Thanks to all who participated with information relative to their experiences with rentmen.     




    A short and simple response to the above Provider Entitlement rant:

    There is no unjust enrichment. There is no money grab.
    Rentmen sets the rules. If you or any other provider doesn't like the rules, then LEAVE. Find another venue to advertise.
    Your continual whining and complaining is not changing any minds.



  10. On 9/28/2023 at 6:17 PM, DrownedBoy said:

    That's why I deleted the post....

    This is not to say I don't expect stings for male prostitution to increase. Those sheriffs running for office in MAGAland need to show off.

    I wasn't aware that Cape Cod, Massachusetts is considered "MAGAland".
    Good to know that Trump's popularity has extended that far.

    Thank you for enlightening me.



  11. 6 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    You are a bright guy and usually see all facts fairly. 

    However, I think you may have missed something in the below quote by you. 

    (QUOTED FROM BOZO)  "Rentmen.com is a private company. It is in business to make $$$. It is not a charity. Rentmen can charge whatever it wants, and the consumer has the option to pay or not."

    What you are ignoring (in your above quoted analysis) is the fact that paying providers to rentmen are furnishing rentmen with graphic photos that are intended by providers as advertisement photos.   

    Some of those photos are professional photos that cost the provider money.

     Rentmen is not buying the photos from the provider nor paying for the photos.   

    The provider photos are for advertising by the provider.  The provider pays rentment to place an ad that includes those photos.    

    The photos that rentmen receives from paying providers for advertisements, are now used as a tool for rentment to charge rentmen clients $240 annually without compensating or getting permission from the providers.   

    In other words, rentmen is using the providers' advertisement photos without permission to make extra money from rentmen clients ($240 annually).  

    Although prostitution is legal in Germany and Holland, I am not sure charging clients for access to those photos is legal without an agreement from the provider and/or a payment to the provider.  Providers should find out if the maneuver of charging a third party for their photos and not getting compensated is legal.  

    Rentmen appears to be using a gimmic (getting free photos from clients then selling access to those photos only to clients willing to pay $240. annually to see those photos.

    A good German lawyer might find that business transaction unfair or not legal.  



    The first sentence of your post is quite perceptive of you. Though Bozo prefers "always" to "usually"

    However, the rest of your post is simply an escort's entitlement rant.

    Rentmen operates a business. They can change the rules under which they operate at any time for any reason. No explanation needs to be provided. Much like any hotel chain or airline changes its rules for its members.
    If an escort/masseur doesn't like the rules, that's too bad. Bozo doesn't like having to pay for high speed WiFi in my hotel room or pay to check my luggage at an airport (all previously free benefits). If you don't like Rentmen's rules, find a different sandbox to play in. Or build your own sandbox.  Just stop the whining. 

    Rentmen has legitimate reasons to limit X-rated photos (dick pics) to Premium members only. The escort has the option to remove the x-rated photos if he wants. If not, it will only be available to Premium members. It is no "gimmic" (sic). It is no money grab. It is how Rentmen chooses to operate its business.

    As for whether or not Rentmen is in compliance with German/Dutch law, Bozo is a circus performer, not a legal expert. However, it is hard to believe that a business charging customers $$ to view x-rated pics is illegal.  It's time to man-up. if you don't like these rules, then build a better mousetrap.


  12. What a shame.

    In 2015, he wrote about being a victim of rape and sexual abuse. Very impressive, even more so considering most of us don't think of porn performers as being so eloquent.


    My name is Eric Anthony Crew, I am using my real name in this instead of using the infamous "Shane Erickson" of the porn fame that the countless "fans" around...

    For those who aren't familiar with Shane:

    Rip Sad Vector Emoticon Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and Stock  Illustration. Image 73972537.





  13. 8 minutes ago, DynamicUno said:

    As a non-paying member (I cancelled my subscription when they tried to raise the rate to $19.95/mo), I don't care if I'm able to see the dick pics or not.  A lot of members apparently have made the same decision. 

    If I were an escort paying to advertise on the site, the number of potential clients able to see my assets is key to the value of that ad to my business.  I would be pissed if RM made an arbitrary change sharply reducing the number people who can see the photos most likely to result in a lead. 

    They already reduced number of client subscribers by trying to double the rates. It's also now harder to start a new subscription because they only take MC or Bitcoin for payment methods so the number of paid subscriptions should be slow to recover.

    The problem is that they devalued the ads for the escorts without any notice, so they are paying the same rate for an ad that will likely generate fewer leads.  There doesn't seem to be any regulatory reason for this change, except for maybe using the ability to pay as a proxy for age gating member accounts. I don't see RM getting into Apple/Google app store ecosystems either.  


    As @caramelsub stated in an earlier post, it is possible, or even probable, that the switch to having X-rated material visible to only Premium members was as a result of legal action, or threat of legal action being taken against them. Or it could be to increase their profits. Either way, both reasons are legitimate. 

    And anyone who calls this business decision a "money grab" has absolutely no concept of what a money grab is. For example, I am a member of numerous hotel, airline, and rental car elite membership groups. These companies are constantly changing their rules regarding freebies, upgrades, points, etc.  Rarely, if ever, are these changes made to the benefit of the member. It happens everywhere all the time. It is not a money grab. It is a business decision. Get over it already!



  14. 10 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    we should all contact RM and complain!

    Just to be clear, a non-paying member like yourself, who still has ability to browse escorts personal profiles for FREE, unlimited ability to send and receive DM's from escorts for FREE, and can get a FREE Rentmen.com Personal Page, is going to call up Rentmen and complain that in addition to all of those free benefits, you also want to be able to view X-rated for free?  lmfao.
    When they stop laughing, and put your profile into the "Entitled Freeloaders" folder, please report back to us.



  15. 21 minutes ago, DrownedBoy said:

    Google is your friend. All this information is available if you know where to look for it.

    Now please excuse me as I add you to my blocked list. I put up with enough lazy dimwits at work, and don't need to waste my free time doing so here.

    To be clear, you post a bunch allegations, all either baseless or patently false.....

    When Bozo called you out on it, using both facts and asking for substantiation of your unsupported claims......

    Your response was to call me a lazy dimwit, and block me.....

    Poor Bozo :classic_sad:


  16. 5 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    Their annual revenue is 15 million. Not exactly a FAANG. And they're not publicly traded.

    Really? And since they are a private company that is not required to release its financials, what is your source for this?
    And even if it is true (which I don't accept without proof), its revenue is meaningless without knowing expenses. Rentmen.com has all kinds of expenses including staff, staff benefits, insurance, taxes, legal, rent, advertising, etc.

    Unfortunately, the only way competition is possible is if some court ruling legalized U.S. prostitution.  There's 0% chance SCOTUS will do that.

    Rentmen.com is a Dutch based company. Anyone with the desire, the vision, and a few bucks in his pocket can do a start-up. Just move offshore (the Cayman Islands for instance).

    It's already been pointed out that the U.S. is using RM to crack down on visiting providers. They're already getting a fire lit under their ass. Making a competing platform would be too financially risky.

    I haven't seen any evidence that the US is using RM to crack down on visiting providers. Can you provide some that is NOT anecdotal?
    And even if that was true (which I don't accept without proof), the percentage of US providers that are international visitors is tiny. Keeping them off the site would have a minimal effect on the company's P & L.

    The shutdown of RB mainly backfired on the Feds. The judge herself said it was unwarranted , the NYT accused Homeland Security of homophobia, and the agent who leveled the case is now in private practice. However, the political climate has changed, and that creates a chilling affect. Everyone knows that they're going after transsexuals only as a door into returning to the legal gay bashing of the past."

    "The shutdown of RB mainly backfired on the Feds"
    Au Contraire. It succeeded in everything the administration at that time sought to accomplish. It shut down Rentboy. That was their goal. It also negotiated a guilty plea and jail time for Rentboy founder, Jeffrey Hurant.
    Mission Accomplished!

    "Everyone knows that they are going after transsexuals only as a door into returning to the legal gay bashing of the past"
    "Everyone knows"? Really?
    Is limiting female intramural sports competition to ONLY biological females considered "Going after transsexuals"?
    Is asking people to pay for their own puberty blockers and gender transitioning surgery rather than the taxpayers footing the bill for it considered "going after transsexuals"?

    Is asking that parents be notified in advance before their children are sent to "Drag Queen Story Hour" considered "going after transsexuals"?
    Considering the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of these rules, and these are Americans from all demographics and walks-of-life, I find no basis for your conclusion.

    I'd start looking for an alternative just to be safe. If MAGAites started attacking RM publicly in this political climate,  the company might end up shutting down.

    "MAGAites"? Really? It's the MAGAites? 
    You stated that "the US is using RM to crack down on visiting providers". Last time that I checked, Joe Biden was living in the White House. He is in charge and he appoints all US attorneys. Is Joe Biden a MAGAite?
    You brought up the issue of the government shutdown of Rentboy. That shutdown occurred in 2015, during the administration of Barack Obama. Is Barack Obama a MAGAite?
    The criminal case against Jeffrey Hurant, Rentboy founder, was carried out by an Obama-appointed federal attorney in New York's Eastern District.. Was he also a MAGAite?
    The 6-month jail plea to the charge of promoting prostitution by Jeffrey Hurant was approved by Judge Margo Brodie. An Obama-appointed Judge. Is she also a MAGAite?



  17. Sorry to be the ant at the picnic, but Rentmen.com raising its membership price is neither greed nor a cash grab. It is called free enterprise. This is how capitalism works. Rentmen.com is a private company. It is in business to make $$$. It is not a charity. Rentmen can charge whatever it wants, and the consumer has the option to pay or not.  If you are so outraged at the membership price, open up your own rival company offering the same services with a lower monthly membership. See how that works out. Good luck!

    Paying $19.95 per month to have access to Premium photos, unlimited videos, etc. in addition to Rentmen.com's basic services doesn't seem to be an inordinate amount, especially when one considers the the price for the services of an escort these days is $300+ per hour. So to those who are in the "hiring business", who are offended at the idea of having to pay $240 for a year's subscription to Rentmen.com, should do without it. Or, in the alternative, have one less escort session next year. That will pay for 12 months of Rentmen.com, and you will have $$ left over for a nice dinner and cotton candy for dessert.

    And for those escorts clutching their pearls at Rentmen.com's policies, here's a thought: A few years ago, Bozo was paying $150 - $200 for your services. Your prices have since doubled. Where is the real greed and cash grab? And please don't whine and kvetch about your expenses going up. Do you think Rentmen.com's expenses have remained the same all this time?



  18. On 9/22/2023 at 9:07 AM, Vin_Marco said:

    It will be just interesting to see her perspective on her life period , won't rely upon it to be an honest portrait. She's too cautious, protective and controlling.

    You can add arrogant, pompous, and conceited to that list.

    On 9/21/2023 at 9:29 PM, pubic_assistance said:


    Why do we care ?


    Actually I care. I have been looking to line the bottom of my pet parakeet's cage with something different other than the usual shredded newspapers. 
    Next month will be Nancy's 5th birthday.  I can't think of a more appropriate gift than a 1,000+ page Barbara Stresiand memoir for Nancy to use as her personal toilet.



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