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Posts posted by BOZO T CLOWN

  1. 9 hours ago, samhexum said:

    Yeah, but he was a drunk, so under the right circumstances...

    William Frawley the actor may (or may not) have been a drunk; however, Fred Mertz the landlord was definitely not an alcoholic. And it is unfortunate that you chose to disparage the reputation of one of America's most beloved characters.
    Bozo doesn't recall ever seeing him drink anything stronger than coffee.



  2. 1 hour ago, WilliamM said:

    Fred was straight, my friend 

    Fred Mertz was obviously gay. Probably a voracious bottom.
    Sadly, the moral codes of that era prevented the character from being too open or flamboyant about his sexuality.
    Like James Dean and Tab Hunter, Fred Mertz was a gay icon to younger closeted gay men in the 50's.

    Ethel was his lesbian beard. Fred and Ethel slept in separate beds, had no kids, and probably never had sex.



    Fred Mertz was a "man's man"


  3. All other things being equal, the lap dance experience at Stock Bar is far more pleasurable and private than that at Campus.

    At Stock Bar, the lap dances are conducted in a separate room. Once inside the separate room, there are a group of cubicles. Each cubicle has a curtain which opens and closes side-to-side, and prevents any passersby from looking in. At Campus, lap dances are done in an area with much smaller booths than at Stock Bar, and which are totally wide open. No doors, no curtains, nothing. The separate lap dance area is separated from the main room only by some plexiglass. Anyone standing up in the main area can see everything that is going on with you and the dancer. There are a couple of open booths on either end which are partially blocked off from the voyeurs. Nevertheless, it still lacks the private experience one gets at Stock Bar.


  4. Bozo's first sexual fantasy was being a young clown totally naked, cavorting in a hot tub with an equally naked Fred Mertz......
    Fred was the teacher. Bozo was the eager student, seeking to learn how to properly please a lover from an older, attractive, experienced gentleman..

    As we were on the cusp of a mutual orgasm, Ethel walked in the bathroom... ruined everything.

    Poor Bozo...   Poor Fred....


  5. Thanks for the update.

    What is the situation on Rue Ste. Catherine regarding: drug users, drug dealers, aggressive homeless (unhoused) persons, and the unsupervised migrants?

    Also, recent reports were that the Hyatt Place was housing migrants on the lower floors. Is that still the case?

    Any snow on the ground yet? I ask because Bozo likes to make snow angels.... 


  6. 2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Another joke about rape... 

    A comment about what happens to guys like that in prison. It is unfortunate, but it is reality. And his smug attitude won't help him either.


    Capitol Hill police are still investigating circumstances around the filming of a sex tape in Hart Senate Office Building, a source confirmed to Fox News.


  7. The porn/Senate staffer with 3 names  is now claiming he is a victim of homophobia:


    This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda. While some of my actions in the past have shown… | 1,181...

    "I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda"

    Once again, the perpetrator plays the victim card.

    Someone needs to tell this porn star wannabe that It was his own extreme unprofessional behavior that got his butt fired. And not because he was gay. If A straight man did the same thing he would have gotten fired as well.

    In what alternate reality is it okay to film porn in the workplace? Especially when the workplace is an office of government. Being gay does not give one license to do what no straight person would ever get away with.

    Who was holding the camera in the Senate office filming his butt? He must also be a Senate staffer to have gained access.
    If Mr. 3-names got fired, the other person should be identified, and if he also works for the government, needs to be exposed, and fired as well.






  8. 15 hours ago, JEC said:

    Guarantee you she will be replaced by a MAN!


    16 minutes ago, Ali Gator said:

    I hope she's replaced by someone who is a little more competent in the role, male or female. I'm going to miss her giving a clue from a French category pronounced in her best high school French. 

    She is NOT being replaced. Ken Jennings will be doing the job of hosting the syndicated show full-time.


  9. On 11/26/2023 at 9:57 PM, Marc in Calif said:

    His name was Marty Kroftt. 

    His name was Marty Krofft

    TV Land had an amazing tribute (if you can get by the initial 3-minute promo for the Land of the Lost movie) to the Krofft Brothers, bringing back all of the great characters:

    A GREAT cast of the Krofft characters and Hollywood celebs paying tribute to the Sid and Marty including: Neil Patrick Harris, Will Ferrell, Cyndi Lauper, Clint Black, and Barry Williams (Greg Brady).

    Sid and Marty Krofft were true geniuses. Bozo's top three favourite Krofft programs were probably: HR Pufnstuf, D.C, Follies, and Lidsville - starring the uber-campy Charles Nelson Reilly;
    But even geniuses have failures. The three klunkers that stand out in Bozo's mind were Pink Lady and Jeff (lasted 3 episodes?), the Land of the Lost MOVIE (just awful), and the Brady Bunch Variety Hour.

    Bozo still has photos of himself as a young clown with his parents and sisters visiting the World of Sid and Marty Krofft - an indoor Krofft-themed amusement park in downtown Atlanta based on the Krofft Saturday morning TV shows and characters. It was really a lot of fun, and I will have memories that last a lifetime. Sadly, it closed only a few months after it opened.  It was a great idea, but an awful location. Building an amusement park in a drug-infested, high-crime downtown area alongside low income housing projects? An incredibly moronic idea.


  10. 1 hour ago, JM416 said:

    If you are looking for an experience like Stock Bar or Campus you'll be disappointed.

    Different provinces have different legislations and ways to get around those legislations. The dancers at Cock Bar aren't employees of the club and are all freelance. So it's a crap shoot as to what you get each night.

    You have to go in with an open mind and remember that the "glory days" of Remingtons and most of Church Street are gone.

    That being said we had fun when we were there. 


    I am not aware of any male strip club where the dancers are "employees" of the club.

    If there is a club in Canada or the USA where the dancers are employees, i.e. paid a salary, subject to minimum wage, overtime rules, etc. and have federal and state (provincial) taxes withheld from their salary, I'd like to know which club that is.



  11. 6 hours ago, domdom81 said:

    Good on this thread for answering a bunch of questions I had about Matty after seeing him in one of Tim’s emails a few weeks ago. He’s certainly one of the freshest face hotties I’ve seen in the Adonis lineup in some time. Reminds me of another young guy I met at an Adonis nude party a few years ago, name escapes me but he was model good looking, incredible face and lean athletic body. He had very similar sounding limits to Matty and didn’t last long at Adonis. We had a good talk and he told me he was A genuine virgin, from a strict fundamentalist family. I’ve followed him on Insta since then and these days he’s a professional model and very much a Jesus freak.

    re. Matty, I would imagine that, given the poster above saying he’s been around for a while and traveled to LA a number of times, that he’s probably had some high rollers there get further than muscle worship. But who knows. My personal experience has always been that almost all guys who dance at places like Adonis are open to more depending on how comfortable they feel with the client and how much they’re offered.

    In addition to the Adonis Nude party, Matty from Canada was also scheduled to be at the Spunk event at the Monster last night:



    Any reports on which event (if either), the Golden Boy attended?


  12. Bozo went to the FairyTail Lounge last night. Arrived around 10:45. Stayed till about 11:20. No Matty :classic_sad:. When I left there were only 4 dancers and about 9 or 10 customers.
    I don't know if/when Matty ever showed up. Maybe he got a better offer......

    On another note, Bozo hadn't been to FairyTail in about 5 years. I had forgotten what a dump it is. And a small dump at that.
    More than 10 people (dancers, customers, and staff) constitute a crowd at that place.

    Evolve, Atlas Social Club, and The Pyramid Bar were all much nicer, more spacious, and were in a better location.


  13. 2 hours ago, keroscenefire said:

    I think this is actually US Customs and Border Protection denying entry to Canadian sex workers entering the US.  There would be no point in Canadians contacting their MPs about US laws. 


    Either way, Immigration officers on both sides of the border have a job to do. Part of their mission is to prevent people they suspect may be trying to work illegally from crossing over.
    They have a tough job. We should support law enforcement.


  14. 16 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    This law is idiotic- like the one article said, there's been only 1 conviction for sex trafficking,  while the supposedly trafficked are being punished.

    Why don't they find out how many congressmen paid for sex? I remember what Larry Flint did during Clinton's impeachment,  and I loved watching a hypocritical conservative get booted from the speakership.

    Whether the law is "idiotic" or not, is still THE LAW. And if you are a Canadian citizen, I suggest you contact your MP to change the law. Probably sooner rather than later because if the polls are accurate, Trudeau's government will get shellacked at the next election.

    And what exactly do Larry Flint and Congressmen paying for sex have to do with Canadian immigration officers enforcing their border laws? 
    Do you object to Canadian border patrol doing their job by preventing non-citizens they suspect may be trying to cross their border to work illegally? 


  15. The NY TImes is a shell of what it once was. 

    I would never pay for the digital version, and the paper version is good only to shred and use to line the bottom of my parakeet's birdcage. The Sunday Times is good for about 10-12 months worth of birdcage lining :).

    It is hard to forget how the always justice-seeking New York Times allowed one of its stringers to tweet a bogus claim that ESPN tennis analyst Doug Adler racially slurred Venus Williams as “a gorilla” when he actually was praising her “guerrilla” tactic of “charging the net”.  The Times then fell silent when ESPN, his career and reputation wrecked by a self-evident lie, fired him as a racist based on The Times’ stringer’s preposterous lie.

    The unwarranted firing of Adler with false racism claims cost ESPN big time in an out-of-court settlement, but the NY Times hasn't moved off its cowardly cruel, let-him-rot silence.   


    The preposterous case of Doug Adler being dismissed by ESPN as a clear-and-present racist based on a reckless, inaccurate tweet from a New York Times freelance tennis...

    And so, there they were in Tuesday’s Times, two headlines about a “guerrilla-style” bicycling event.


    For the last two decades, cyclists have been riding the course in the magic time after the roads are closed and before the thousands of racers begin.
    Before Sunrise, Before the Runners, a Guerrilla Bike Marathon


    But for the past six years they’ve allowed an innocent man to suffer humiliation, degradation, defamation, and unemployment. And to this day the Times and ESPN continue to allow this man to suffer from an obvious and demonstrable lie.
    The NY Times is complicit and gutless.



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