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Posts posted by BOZO T CLOWN

  1. 1 hour ago, SirBillybob said:

    Passed through a Sunday Monday and Tuesday recently, not a holiday weekend. Brought much cash that all stayed in my pockets. $5 cover Sunday. No attendant to whom a cover charge would be paid Mon or Tues, and bartender did not request it. I had other options, serendipitously, from OF subscription, that panned out well in person. I am given to understand a weekend visit to Cock may be more fruitful, as others have also suggested. 

    Bozo was in TO last week. Stopped by CockBar Wed- Saturday. 
    With a couple of notable exceptions, it was disappointing. Mostly skinny, tattooed Latin boys or older, out-of-shape white guys. 

    One exception was Liam, who was there on Wednesday night.  He is a handsome young, blonde with a lean, muscular build. But he was "taken" for the entire night by a gentleman who had one of the two tables in the main room reserved for himself. Liam didn't show up again the rest of the week. The other exception was Nick, a smooth, muscular Estonian. Nick was a lot of fun in the back, but sadly only there on Friday night.
    In the four nights I was there, Nick was my only backroom lap dance. I wish there would've been more. My wallet was stuffed with brown and red bills.

    It is really sad that in a city as big as Toronto, this is all there is.

    Still had plenty of fun in TO. Went to a couple of Jays games and did a side trip to Niagara Falls.



  2. If you want to see how much society has changed, watch old movies from the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Women were tougher back then and were not threatened by men. They could handle themselves if men got out of line.  Bozo is not advocating for sexual harassment, but I do think when things are innocent, they are innocent, and this clearly was. Kissing with a peck on the lips, grabbing the back of someone's head in celebration is cultural. It's not sexual. Women today are way too uptight, no wonder many are so unhappy. They are fed all this propaganda that in many ways is just dehumanizing people.



  3. 3 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    I think your opposition to tattoos is based on your faith, obviously not all of your personal choices are based on what's recommended in it. 


    Thank you for the psychoanalysis, Dr. Phil.

    Is that free or should Bozo expect a bill in the mail?


    23 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    What you do not have to do is post on here about how tattoos show that people are desecrating their bodies, showing they’re low class or any other moral or ethical judgment. 

    Why is it so hard for you to understand that many of us find the thought of permanently applying ink to human skin to be an abhorrent act?  You feel differently, and I respect that. I don't attempt to mock or denigrate your opinion.
    And to see an otherwise well-built, handsome young man ink up his body with multi-colored strange designs, I find to be distracting at best, destructive at worst.
    FOR ME body ink is a non-starter when I am hiring.

    Is Bozo being judgmental? Of course. The OP was asking our opinions about tattoos. 
    It is hard not to be judgmental when I am asked to make a judgment.



  4. This 2023 survey shows that many of the younger people who got inked regretted later in life when they were older and wiser.

    Unlike a pair of socks or an old sweater, you can't just toss a tattoo away when you get bored with it.





    Advanced Dermatology’s latest report explores Americans’ opinions on tattoos and tattoo regret and removal in 2023.

    Buyer's Remorse

    Tattoos are not always a lifelong love affair: 1 in 4 Americans admit to regretting at least one of their tattoos. The types of tattoos people regret most include lettering/script tattoos, symbol tattoos, names, animal designs, and tribal tattoos.

    Regret is a feeling that can settle in at various points in time after getting a tattoo. Interestingly, 51% of respondents reported their regret did not fully sink in until two or more years had passed since getting the tattoo. However, for others, regret was immediate, with 18% experiencing it just a few days after getting the tattoo, 16% felt regret within one week to three months, and 15% realized their regret within six months to one year. It may not come as a surprise that 48% say the tattoo they regret the most is one they got spontaneously.


    Tattoo Removal

    With tattoo removal becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking to get rid of their ink, nearly 1 in 4 (23%) Americans plan to have tattoos removed in the future. In fact, 51% plan to have one tattoo removed.



  5. 7 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    The vast majority of people like or are unfazed by tattoos, piercings and other body art. 

    It makes you sound completely out of touch with most human beings.

    Care to cite statistics or studies that show "the vast majority of people like or are unfazed by tattoos"?
    Based solely on the posts in this thread, your statement is patently false.

    And what you consider to be "body art", many, if not most, others consider to be body graffiti.

    7 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    Literally, no one cares what you think. I have beautiful tattoos that are meaningful to me. You sound like an entitled gaysic dude who thinks bourgeois values (which tend to be sociopathic) are better than millennial old traditions like body art. 

    It's fine that you can look at your body ink and claim it is "beautiful". You should be equally open to the opinions of others like Bozo and the majority of posters on this thread who have a different take on tattoos.
    Your lashing out with personal attacks doesn't make your opinion any more valid than mine or others'. 

    proudly un-inked

  6. 14 minutes ago, Hlparx said:

    Yeah. I think that’s the case in every city.

    Not true.

    As an example, here is another RM ad for a NYC provider whose MapMe shows a Brooklyn location.


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in New York City, NY - Hung_Spaniard: 9x6 top

    I am guessing the downtown City Hall area is a default location if the provider elects not to specify a location.
    However, i this case, TallLongwood made it a point to specify Brooklyn in his ad. So I find it strange that he would use the default City Hall location.


  7. He describes himself as living in Brooklyn, yet his MapMe shows the default City Hall location in downtown Manhattan.
    Is he purposely keeping his Brooklyn nabe a secret? Or he is in dire need of a NYC geography lesson?



  8. The term "attractive tattoo" is an oxymoron.

    Bozo would never hire an inked escort. Period.
    First, I find tattoos to be hideous, repulsive, and low-class. Putting ink on a well-built physique is like throwing red paint on the Mona Lisa. It's defiling a work-of-art.
    Second, Bozo would be embarrassed to have an escort with visible ink on his body come to his apartment or hotel room.

    Anyone who thinks it is cool to get a tattoo in their 20's, 30's or even 40's, just wait for Mother Nature and the laws of gravity to take hold. The skin will sag and the tattoos will fade.
    In a few years, it won't look cool. More like gross.

    Here is some free advice to anyone who feels the need to express themselves or memorialize an event in their life by desecrating their body with ink: Take a photo. It is much cheaper, it will last longer, and it can always be deleted.


  9. On 7/15/2023 at 6:06 PM, DMICS said:

    Doing an updated 411 on these close friends that often work together. 



    I've seen both but it's been a few years. Also the pics, while amazing professional shots, are from pre-pandemic. 

    Just wanted to know if anyone has seen them recently and if they're still in great shape. Maybe @TorontoDrew?

    I had the same issue with Bolton.
    I had many lap dances with him years ago when he did the strip club circuit in Toronto. Always had fun. He was blonde, well-built, and no stupid tattoos. A little on the short side, but tall enough. I spent a lot of $$ on those lap dances. 

    Since I hadn't seen Bolton since pre-COVID days, I sent him a PM thru Rentmen asking if he was working at Flash/Cockbar. He said he wasn't. I then asked him about posting updated photos. His RM photos are all 4 and 5 years old. His response was that I should read his RM reviews. I responded that RM reviews are useless since the "model" has the right to remove negative ones. Also, as a US resident, I don't have access to his reviews.
    He told me to get a VPN. Then, he blocked me.  
    Poor Bozo 😑.

    He could use a good publicity agent..


  10. 19 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    I still maintain that the homeless (sorry....'unhoused') sleeping on the heat grates directly outside the Gouverneur front door during my stay there added a bit of charm and culture to the city......oh, and the guy on St Catherine who tried to sell me some cocaine, cool!........poutine, bagels, smoked meat sandwiches - icing on the cake!!........

    And how about  the mentally ill (oops. sorry I meant to say cerebrally challenged), many of whom are homeless crack addicts (sorry, I meant to say unhoused illegal narcotic enthusiasts), who hang out in and around the Gouverneur ATM machines, who glare at you menacingly when you enter and exit to withdraw money. They simply add to the allure and appeal of the area. It gives the village a Bohemian character. I suppose it's just an unadvertised bonus of staying at the former Gouverneur Hotel. Perhaps the hotel should add a surcharge to their guests for the privilege.

  11. On 7/27/2023 at 7:20 PM, Luv2play said:


    The city still does a good job of keeping the streets clean but it is the panhandlers, homeless people and drug addicts that spoil the ambience somewhat. During the daytime its not too bad. 

    Agreed. Other than the panhandlers, homeless people and drug addicts (and now the migrants sheltered at the Hyatt Place) the Village is a wonderful area.

    And other than the shooting, Mrs. Lincoln really enjoyed the play 😗.




  12. 22 minutes ago, goosh69 said:

    Uhhhh considering that he uses an alias and hides his face in ads, why would you post those links above? 

    He is a competitive bodybuilder whose name is well known in the bodybuilding industry.
    In addition, he is all over social media with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.



  13. 1 hour ago, Unicorn said:

    Well, "public space"??? That's stretching it. Since this was an X-rated theater, one can absolutely conclude that: (1) none of the people inside were children, and, further, (2) none of the people inside were people who'd be offended by the viewing of erect genitalia and/or cumming. Although I'm personally not into X-rated movies, I suspect that just about every person who views adult porn does so for the purposes of self-gratification. It's definitely not to enjoy the complex plot twists. I find arresting people for this kind of behavior at those venues preposterous, outrageous, and offensive. Cops who arrest people under such circumstances, and, worse yet, DA's who prosecute this BS, should be ashamed of themselves (and fired). 

    Those weren't Bozo's words, those words were in the original charge. And yes, it was a public movie theatre - open to anyone paying the entry fee at least 18 years old.

    Public masturbation is a crime in Florida. Here is the law:

    Under Florida Statute § 800.04, it is illegal to intentionally expose one's sexual organs in a lewd or lascivious manner, intentionally masturbate, or knowingly commit other sexual acts that don't involve making physical contact with a victim.

    Law Offices Of Robert David Malove

    Pee Wee should not have assumed that he wouldn't be charged. As the saying goes, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time".
    From a practical matter, I don't understand why Pee Wee would risk his fame and popularity, much less risk staining his signature grey plaid suit and red bow tie, for just a few seconds of temporary gratification. Not a smart move Pee Wee.




  14. 3 hours ago, maninsoma said:


    The arrest itself was nonsense.  Why go into a theater showing XXX movies looking for men masturbating so you can arrest them for indecent exposure?  

    Bozo is a big Pee Wee Herman fan. Nevertheless, let's not lose sight of the truth.

    The arresting charge was for public masturbation. Pee Wee's lawyer's plea bargained that down to indecent exposure.


    While Pee-wee brought joy to millions of households during the '80s - the man behind the character has a dark history plagued with allegations of child pornography...

    Should someone be arrested for masturbating in a public space? Even if the space is a movie theatre showing porn? Not so simple.




  15. 13 hours ago, Xavitv said:

    Adonis was there for a few years pre-COVID and it’s never changed. I thought Phoenix was a great venue but there were no customers unfortunately. 

    Bozo also liked the Phoenix Bar. Great location. Fun vibe. I don't know why things didn't work out there.

    What a shame that in a city as big and gay-friendly as the Big Apple, the best location that an ambitious, sincere businessman like Tim can find is Fairy Tale.

    Bozo noticed that @Buff Daddy will start to have strip shows on a regular basis (every other Sunday?) in NYC. In the past, BD has always managed to find pretty good venues. And his line-up of boys is usually more than adequate. Bozo hopes to attend one of his shows this month.



  16. Bozo's homage to Pee-Wee:

    The "Large Marge" scene from the first movie is still one of THE classic moments of cinema history. And people are still quoting the Alamo/Basement lines to this day.

    Name 3 famous Americans who were shot in the back of the head. Answer: Abe Lincoln, JFK and the guy sitting in front of Pee Wee Herman at the movie theater!

    When Pee-Wee gets to the Big Playhouse in the sky, the angel at the gate will tell him, "You're dead." and Pee Wee will just say, "I know you are, but what am I?"

    What a great TV show.
    Every Monday morning we'd talk about his show at circus rehearsals (that and Married With Children). Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne), The Countess, Captain Carl, Miss Yvonne, Chairy the Chair, Globey the Globe, the King of Cartoons . . . There were so many excellent characters.

    Pee Wee Herman was an immensely talented man who made millions laugh. We need more people that can do this in our world.


  17. One of the all-time great performers, Pee Wee Herman aka Paul Reubens has gone on to the big playhouse in heaven.

    Bozo was a huuuuuuuuuuuge fan of Pee Wee's.  As a young clown, "Pee Wee's Playhouse" was a must watch on Saturday mornings.

    Pee Wee Herman was multi-talented and multi-faceted.
    He could play the romantic lead in addition to comedy roles. He was a hero to children as well as a gay icon. 

    One of the greatest injustices in the history of the Academy Awards was Pee Wee not winning the Oscar for "Pee Wee's Big Adventure."

    Paul Reubens Dead Dies Obituary



    Paul Reubens, the actor best known for portraying Pee-wee Herman, died Sunday night after a private bout of cancer. He was 70.



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