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    raife reacted to CuriousByNature in Kindness can never be overrated - who is the kindest?   
    Hi everyone,
    There seems to be an understandable focus on which providers are the handsomest, sexiest, have the biggest endowment, are the best kissers, etc., but I am wondering who you would list as having the kindest character?   I don't mean just politeness and professionalism, but true kindness - a warm and giving heart and a genuine interest in those around them.  Maybe even self-effacing and unaware of how incredible they may happen to be?   
    Perhaps it is too difficult to accurately gauge true kindness given the transactional nature of provider/client interactions, but if there are providers who stand out for you as being particularly kind, which ones are they?  I have never met with anyone, but I know that nothing is more attractive to me than someone who puts others first and and does not consider themselves better than anyone else - regardless of how hot they may be.
  2. Like
    raife reacted to dbar123 in $300 versus $150/$200…   
    I have a firm upper spending limit of $500/2 hr. The recent hikes in prices have given me reasonable incentive to find less expensive FWB alternatives. Sorry, but that’s just the reality of it. I used to hire several times a month but now I am hiring about once a quarter
  3. Like
    raife reacted to LookingAround in Russian chaturbators   
    What do you mean who cares. I care for one. 
  4. Like
    raife reacted to Karl-G in William Higgins Has Died   
    There are two recent rather long interviews with him, which are quite good.
  5. Like
    raife reacted to RadioRob in Working on a new review site   
    I’m working on a new review site given the level of complexity and manual effort required to support Daddy’s prior site. 
    In order to make this work, I have to make a few decisions that will have a key impact on how the reviews work. 
    The most fundamental one is around the structure. To maximize what we can do, here are my plans:
    At the end of the day, this is a site to review escorts. So there needs to be a database that is built around the person. It would collect data such as their profile address, name, age, weight, height, picture etc. All of the personal stuff basically. 
    Additionally there are the reviews themselves. The review database would contain info about specific encounters such as date, rate, if the person matched description, etc. 
    These are fundamentally two different things. In the past, Daddy manually merged all this into one item. My plan is to create the escort database and below each escort description would be the individual reviews linked as a joined record. 
    What this will mean going forward is that there would be a database of escorts.  You would find your escort, and when you click on it, you would see their bio info, and then all of the reviews associated with them.  When you would want to submit a review, you would find the escort's page and use it to add a review.  If the escort does not exist, you would be able to submit an entry for the escort, and THEN add a review to it.  
    So going forward, once an escort is in the database, you would no longer have to enter all of the basic info about the person in EVERY review.  (We already have that info!)  Instead you're only entering the info specific to the encounter.  
    With all of this being said...  there are a few notes I'm going to point out:
    Initially all reviews submitted will be hidden until approved by a moderator.  (Eventually we may have review editors who can approve/edit submissions.) The review site will be rolled out in phases.  I'm literally starting from the ground up, so it's going to take time to build everything.  Some things will happen sooner than others. Release of the escort database itself.  Ability to view records in the database Ability to create new records in the databse Release of the review database Ability to create new reviews Automate linking the submitted review into the correct escort profile Create various views to support looking at reviews based on date submitted, by escort name, or by location.  (AGAIN THIS WILL HAPPEN LATE IN THE PROCESS!  I have to get the fundamentals down of getting data into the system before I focus on creating different views of that same data.) The site WILL be different than Daddy's.   I'm not Daddy and don't program the same way he does.  Some things he did I may not be able to easily do.  There will be other things I can do that were not possible with his site.   If you have questions, feel free to ask.  I'll be as open as I can...  just realize I may not know some things YET as this is still in development.  I'm doing this in between my day job, keeping the site running, etc. 
  6. Like
    raife reacted to MscleLovr in What is the definition of “boyfriend experience”?   
    For me, @Boy4 the BFE is lots of physical attention, touching, kissing, extended foreplay leading up to passionate love-making.
    So it is very much the romanticized ideal rather than the reality related by @lonely_john
  7. Like
    raife reacted to + purplekow in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    For the last several weeks I have come to this site expecting this news and was then relieved when it was not here. I was just heading to bed and decided I would check again, just to be sure. Unfortunately, this time, my expectation was met
    I hope that in his life, he had a sense of the important role he played in the life of many of the men of this site.
    I had the opportunity to meet him at the Palm Springs Party and found him to be a caring man but to me, he was more than a bit sad. It my sincere hope that he found joy in his life, satisfaction in his work and companionship in times of need. I also hope that in his passing he will be remembered as a hard working and dedicated individual who held this site together and who, as a result of that, held us together.
    It seems that we will all soon need to move on with our lives without the comfort and joy this site brings. When we miss this site, we should also take time to consider and thank the man who worked so diligently to bring it to us.
  8. Like
    raife reacted to Lazarus in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    Next several years? That’s debatable & unrealistic!
  9. Like
    raife reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
    Looks fade if you let them. Most guys have little clue on how to truly take care of themselves.
    A smart twink will figure out if he wants longevity in this business and change his image (and body) accordingly.
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    raife reacted to maninsoma in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
    There's obviously not a single answer to this question, and I'm a bit surprised to find so many here who think that somehow once someone is too old to be a twink then he must be less desirable. Not everyone favors the twink look.
    Some twinks become twunks and then graduate into hot men in their late 20s and beyond.
    Some twinks look older than their years relatively quickly, presumably due to hard living/unhealthy habits.
    I'm sure that for some, their looks do fade. It is interesting that some men who are really cute when they are younger aren't so attractive as they age while other men preserve their good looks for decades.
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    raife reacted to + FrankR in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
    They graduate to twunk...

  12. Like
    raife reacted to Luv2play in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    Actually I sympathize with this former escort. In many ways deep kissing is more intimate that getting fucked. Kissing actually takes more talent than spreading ones legs. LOL
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    raife reacted to + peterhung85 in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    ABSOLUTELY!!! Deep french kissing just makes everything SO MUCH BETTER, doesn't it?!
  14. Like
    raife reacted to Wolfer in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    Well if he wouldn't answer the question, I wouldn't book a session so either way he'd lose me as a client.
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    raife reacted to liubit in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    Long, wet, deep, passionate kissing is all it takes to drive me wild. ??
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    raife reacted to marylander1940 in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    Most do, some don't, just ask them upfront if they're into it.
    If you tell us your location we might recommend you some great kissers!
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    raife reacted to big-n-tall in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    All the time. Do your research and communicate to the provider that kissing for you is a must in the encounter. However, forewarning, during the pandemic you may find some escorts less inclined to kiss.
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    raife reacted to Imathrill in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    I like passion when I’m engaging in activity and I’m curious if escorts ever kiss their clients?
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    raife reacted to harlow in Profile of a Timewaster   
    As a client moment you ask me my age and ethnicity is when I know I’m wasting my time with that provider...just saying
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    raife reacted to + FrankR in I should be working, but I'm here.   
    I’ve had too many days like this in 2020 as well - hang in there!

  21. Like
    raife reacted to Guy Fawkes in Talking 'Bout My Generation   
    I'm a Baby Boomer but because I was raised by my Grandparents I act more like the Silent Generation. I remember Black & White TV, Rotary dial phones and rarely locking the doors (or needing to,) The day JFK died, The Moon landing, The Vietnam war, The Aids pandemic, Platform shoes, and now the Trump Era.
    I identify with so little of what is currently America, that I sit in the corner, beat my little drum and remember where we used to be and look forward to what we can still become.

  22. Like
    raife reacted to + azdr0710 in Talking 'Bout My Generation   
    late boomer here....
    anybody remember, while a kid in the early-mid 70s.......
    Pop Rocks, Wacky Packages, POW bracelets, Vampire blood, long lines at gas stations, bean bag chairs, heels on guys' dress shoes, OP corduroy shorts, AM radio, 8-track tapes, everybody watching Roots.......gotta be more - that's it for now
    my parents finally broke down and got a color TV one day about 1968 because there was a Jacques Cousteau special on that night......big ol' Zenith console thing with four legs....took about two minutes for the picture to finally appear

  23. Like
    raife reacted to + RJD in Talking 'Bout My Generation   
    Very late Boomer here. I remember b&w television, having only 3 TV stations to watch, my father asking for $1.00 worth of gas and getting three gallons, the car windows washed, and fluids checked at a full serve station, and rotary phones.
  24. Like
    raife reacted to + GregM in Nathan Chen   
    Nathan is super hot. Way better than Adam.
  25. Like
    raife reacted to EZEtoGRU in Article about unique challenges LGBTQ seniors have as they face retirement   
    A very relevant article for many of us as we age into our senior years. I thought about posting this in the thread about turning 50 and deciding where to retire but, in the end, I decided this probably needed it's own thread. Key takeaways for me were:
    * Access to competent, knowledgeable, and accepting health care professionals needs to be a priority. Don't assume it's available everywhere.
    * LGBTQ seniors sometimes find themselves having unique challenges finding employment.
    * Some LGBTQ seniors find themselves having to go back into the closet as they seek retirement homes/assisted living housing.
    * Acceptance by society challenges seem more exacerbated if one lives in/chooses to live in rural or small town America.
    Have a read and share any relevant experiences you have had or have heard about.
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