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Posts posted by ICTJOCK

  1. So I had a client last week if I do "gift cards"?    The client was inquiring if he books an hour (or stated period)  of time for another person (as a Christmas gift),  if I will provideservice in that way.     I don't really have an issue,  provided I know a bit before doing something like that.     I just ask if I wear my Santa cap and red underwear.    He said that would be a nice bonus.

    Nothing more has been said.    We'll see.

  2. On 12/1/2023 at 11:43 AM, Ali Gator said:

    Can anyone tell me what is the proper gift-giving etiquette these days when celebrating someone's milestone birthday ? Here are recent experiences I have had this week..


    Well let me say,  if I had been invited to any birthday party and my food was paid,  I'd certainly come with at least a card and more likely some gift,  even if something as a small bouquet of flowers.     

    But,  if I were having a birthday of any kind,  I probably wouldn't expect a gift at all.  I might request  a "no gifts"  approach.    If someone showed with no gift,  I wouldn't be disappointed.    Their time and effort means something as well.    Now,  don't take this as criticism,   I get it.   Everyone has their own views and by  no means am I being critical of yours.    Happy birthday,   when I get to be 50 or 60,  I will certainly appreciate anyone who attends!

  3. 4 hours ago, MikeBiDude said:

    Has happened to me twice! Yes smiles and laughs all along. Two young guys in a 3 way one time panted "keep going!" Then after they both offered to stay and get fixed back up.


    4 hours ago, MikeBiDude said:

    Has happened to me twice! Yes smiles and laughs all along. Two young guys in a 3 way one time panted "keep going!" Then after they both offered to stay and get fixed back up.

    We went to a twin bed.   It is his house,   I'm the one getting paid,  so we do it his way.   LOL

  4. So it was a busy Saturday and time with clients during the holiday season a part of it!    


    An interesting little event during time with a client on Saturday,  was busy with him on his bed and the bed caved in.    My client apologized,  saying,  "it does do that at times".   The best thing to do is view this kind of event with humor.    We ended up in a different bedroom.    Not sure why we didn't go to that one in the first place,  but all good although it did interrupt the moment and that can be hard to "recapture"  after a hard interruption.    At the conclusion,  he gave me a tip and apologized again.   I gently suggested that I wouldn't want the time interrupted again and that his time is of utmost value.   


    I haven't had many issues like this,  other than a client with a leg issue that he didn't disclose when we started.      Any others here with similar experiences?    Hopefully it was handled in a positive way and the outcome a good one.

  5. Great discussion and appreciate it!    Yes,  I have had clients ask me if I am single.   It isn't asked often.   I usually tell them "I have a personal life and I am not single".

    What I try and be is come across as professional,  a little vague, deliberately  as my purpose in being there has nothing to do with my private life,  my other work activities or anything else for that matter other an to provide a service to the client.

    Congrats for the 10 years,   I hope many more for you and a fantastic holiday season.

  6. Well first,  when interested parties check my profile,  they might be interested or simply curious.   Some might be a little interested,  but need to consider.   Others may be using my profile and photos to jack off.   The point is that we all get viewed... client and provider,  for varying reasons.   I almost never reach out to anyone viewing my profile,  unless  he has viewed it many times on end and has never said a thing.    Secondly,   I'd never assume they "aren't interested"   if they don't initiate conversation.    I don't think anything other than this person viewed my profile.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    I put up my decorations at the start of December, and take them down 12 days after December 25 (January 6).  As a child we took them down on New Year's Day, but as an adult I enjoy celebrating the full 12 days of Christmas.

    As a child my mother talked about January 6th and the significance.    We generally took our decorations down on January 1 or 2 growing up,  but my mother left the decorations on the hutch until January 6.   I have the hutch now and the same major decorations and the tradition continues.   I take them down post January 6.    I remember my mother saying that she started that tradition in 1964 as a newlywed,  so it was long before I was born.   Quite the tradition.

  8. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I understand why retail stores put up their Christmas decorations weeks before the holiday but never understood why people started following the retail season instead of the actual Yuletide calendar.

    My family always decorated for Christmas  on the week of the Solstice and kept the decor until Three Kings Day which is 12 days after Christmas Eve.

    Now I see people decorating even before Thanksgiving and tossing their tree in the garbage the day after Christmas day.

    Basically decorating long before the holiday and then ONLY celebrating for ONE of the 12 days. This mimics the retailers and ignores the actual holiday !

    It's as if no one remembers how Christmas works any more.

    Strange, and sad.


    I generally start the process the day after Thanksgiving.   But I agree,  we had quite a number of houses decorated prior to Thanksgiving.




  9. 21 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    wow, @ICTJOCK , that first one looks like it could be on a Xmas card (except for the pesky car in the way!).......great shot with the snow falling and all......the practical picture evaluator in me wonders, though, what that one strip of no snow is from?!....did you scrape a path to take the picture?......or to get to the mailbox?....thanks for the pictures

    Hey Scott,  the "strip"  you referenced is the lower concrete area of the cul de sac  (in place of a curb).   It carries melting  water and it was melting.    My boyfriend is in Illinois and he left his Mustang in my drive.    Hope you had a great holiday weekend.

  10. 20 hours ago, poolboy48220 said:

     I just got back from Thanksgiving at friends. Not only did they send me home with a tons of leftovers including a full pumpkin pie, they included a full can of whipped cream. 🙂

    Interesting... multi use and helpful of them!     Leftovers are such a great part of the day!

  11. 21 minutes ago, Rudynate said:

    We had a great day. Tried something new this year. We were a smaller crowd than usual, so I decided to do a turkey breast rather than a full turkey.  I boned the turkey breast, applied a rub of kosher salt, rosemary and sage and roasted it at 400 for a little less than an hour - it was awesome!! I was concerned whether there would be enought drippings for gravy - but there was plenty for a nice rich full-flavored gravy.

    Sounds awesome indeed!    Hope you had a great time!


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