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Posts posted by ICTJOCK

  1. 4 hours ago, GCMan said:

    I’m new to this - what are the best tangible and intangible ways for a client to show respect? Thanks!

    We can all appreciate a polite approach,  professionalism shown by the client,  appreciation after and a tip if warranted and the client wants to do so.

    To show flexibility and patience,  provided the provider does the same.    

  2. Interesting response from the above members.    The reality is,  there are a number of reasons for a recession.   A recession will arrive with certainty.    I don't think it will be in the short term,  however.     Soft landing?   At the moment things look pretty good.   I believe I heard the economy grew at 3.3% last quarter and the economists had expected about 2.0%.


  3. Well I'll be the first to say that I have a lot of underwear,   mostly C-in2 and Pump.    It came up with a client and he is now paying me for morning underwear photos.  Nice to employ the dozens and dozens.... and um,  dozens of underwear in a way that is productive and profitable.    He really enjoys them and has encouraged me to buy more underwear  (hmmm,  not sure that makes sense),   but sometimes a fetish does have rewrads!

  4. In southern Kansas here.    Generally I'm set at 62 overnight and while gone to work during the day.   I like it warmer while active,  like upper 60's.    

    My Dad made a big deal about cost savings during the time I was a teenager,  so I got used to 61 myself when I had my first home built.    These days I like it a little warmer and I use my space heater  (which is going on me as  write this)  and the 2 fireplaces in my new home.   It really helps.

  5. Well first,  welcome to the site and welcome back to the industry!    My only advice as a provider,  is that you do what you feel is appropriate for you.    We aren't in your shoes and we don't live where you do.    If the path you have articulated for us is the best one for you,  then certainly make it happen and  we wish you the best.   If you need to make adjustments,  be flexible enough to consider it.    Good luck and look forward to reading your thoughts on various topics!

  6. I like your response,  but is he wanting to evaluate you or just gain confidence as to who you are before a booking?

    Asking questions isn't a bad idea,  from either party.   The better each knows the other before meeting the better the result may be.

  7. Well what a refreshing conversation.   Sounds like a waste of time to some here,  I would guess.    The reality is,  it shows a degree of respect for the homeowner.

    I have been ask if someone "is allowed"  to walk across my lawn,  largely because I keep it looking really nice and a good neighborhood.     

    I do civic work and always make sure to walk up a driveway and not across a resident's lawn.   "Think before you walk"   can make sense at times!

  8. I have clients that fall into 2 categories,   one that book me and have the (correct)  approach that I'm providing a service and my personal views are not relevant  and 2)  they go overboard in providing information about their stats and background to make sure it works for me (including photos).     I never ask for photos and usually don't ask much about stats when the topic comes up.

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