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Posts posted by ICTJOCK

  1. So had a client book me recently and while a very positive experience,   he asked a number of questions,  one was  if I was independent or "through an agent or "business manager".   At first I thought it was an odd question and I said I was an independent.    He responded that there are some great managers out there.    

    I assumed he was really asking me if I had a pimp.     I kind of chuckled.     I assumed that the "business manager"  or pimp mostly applied to women and not men.   The reality is,   I guess I have no idea what's up with this.    Anyone want to fill me in?

  2. Well I think when one talks  "red flags"  it is important to know that those flags can change over time.   I still remember when I first started escorting,   I didn't want a client that didn't come with a referral.  It was important for me to know who they were and it was legit.   It was all about my own comfort level as a newbie to the business.   Times change,  but some things don't.   I like client's who give a clear and concise message about what they want and what they are looking for.   If I'm booked at a hotel,  a location that is clear.   A ref flag for me is some indecision or a lack of clarity.    If I were a client,  I would think talking to an escort who is impersonal,  insensitive or unprofessional would be a red flag.

  3. Greetings all!    As a newbie here,  I wanted to say thanks for this site.    I had no idea this place existed until I fell on it this week.   Still learning,  but appreciating the topics,  the views  (whether I agree or not) and the ability to share with others.    Looking forward to learning more and offering input and ideas.     Thanks to those who created the site and for the current administration.    I'm sure I'll be a regular.   Thank you.

  4. Well I'm not much of a cook honestly.   Not because I don't have the talent,  but because I primarily choose to spend my time in other ways.   Not the best decision as I'm a fitness junkie and a proper diet is essential.    I do search for what I call "quick meals",  something like the "Healthy Choice",  "Lean Cuisine" and others that are easy to fix,  but sadly are very high in sodium.   I try and build a balanced meal from that.    I also like to use packets of tuna and other meats for sandwiches for lunch.     Really no complaints,  but  as far as prepping a large meal.  I can assist,  but doubt if I'd take the initiative.

  5. So I'm curious,   when I'm booked,  I generally show up at a client's hotel or destination in a nice shirt,  shorts or jeans.  

    Depending on the time of day,   it could be a shirt and tie and chinos along with dress shoes.    I'm always looking clean and fresh.

    I have friends that think that I should change clothes and never show up wiith a shirt and tie from other responsibilities during the day.


  6. Let me say,  I view myself as a professional in all aspects of my life.   There really isn't a "second choice".    If you had booked someone else and they backed out and I was approached after  really isn't relevant.    A client is a client.     You may not have even seen my profile or didn't have the information.  It wouldn't be important to me in any way.     That's what you should always expect..... and actually,  no reason the escort booked after wasn't the initial booking.

  7. All I can say is "wow".   You can put up with far more than I ever would or could.   I'm sure you'd think I'm a very conservative boring dude.   I avoid drugs at all costs and I pride myself on my situation.   I think at some point I would have ordered everybody out.      

    Please don't think I'm being overly critical.   I'm not in your situation and not fair to judge you.   You can certainly handle more than I!

  8. Well this is a take on your topic that might be a little different.   Yes,  I had a client get sick once.  I was booked at his hotel and he was in town on business.   He had eaten a lot of food and drink with his business firm and upchucked.    He was very apologetic  and all ended well.

    Now for me,  it was a little different.    I had a local client book me at his home and we were engaged (in June of 2021).   Because of the positioning that he wanted,  I ended up getting a knot in my hamstring and I was in total pain.    I did my best to hide it,   but finally had to stop as the pain was too much.    The client wasn't happy,  patient or understanding.    He was in his late 20's.   I left his house immediately,  but it took several hours to completely recover with my hamstring.   Probably one of the worst experiences I ever had with work.

  9. Well I generally get hit on,  not the other way around,  but maybe this perspective will be helpful.    For those that hit on me,  it is usually started with a conversation about something I'm interested in,  like fitness or other topic.   Maybe a photo (if online),  my car or even my lawn (which really did happen once).   The guy there wanted me to give him a tour of my house.   It was someone I want to college and he was married.    I never did give him the tour,  but we are still friended on FB.

  10. I had to laugh on some of the above comments.    I've been with the escort known as Kaden_Soloman,  he's from Kansas and I've been with him.   He's a professional guy and never travels to a city without appointments in advance.   He photos are accurate and when he's in a city,  he's busy.

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