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Posts posted by ICTJOCK

  1. 3 hours ago, nycman said:

    The holidays can be rough. I would imagine many clients are single middle aged gay men. Certainly not all, or perhaps even most, but many. My professional life is always so chaotic and unpredictable that I’ve learned to treat every day of the year as just "another day”. Be it December 25th or July 16th. Nonetheless, when everyone else is with family and the world outside is empty, it can be rough. I can see why clients would want to spend some extra time just talking or being with someone.  

    Nonetheless, personally I tend to do the opposite of @Coolwave35. I tend to withdrawal. I love his approach (as usual) but it’s not for me. Do I show a "greater appreciation" during the holiday’s? Yes, but I tend to do that for everyone on my payroll. In general, I try to calculate what "2 weeks pay" is and give them that as a bonus. If anything, I hire less than normal. It’s not that I don’t "love" the regulars in my life. I just assume that they have lots of family duties around the holidays and I tend to leave them to it. 

    Funny enough, after "family time” some of them still find a way into my bed. Am I grateful, generous, and affectionate? Of course. 

    You sound like a great guy,  thanks for sharing!

  2. On 9/24/2023 at 5:41 PM, azdr0710 said:

    I slept on the sofa at a room at the Hacienda one night.......really nice place.......(my forum weekend roommate needed me out of our room for a night and another helpful forum member came to my rescue......just like back in college!)


    Looking forward to seeing you,  with or without socks,  Scott!   haha

  3. So the holidays are fastly approaching.   I've noticed that clients,   especially those who are regulars,  spend a greater amount of time than typical just chatting with me about

    their lives,  families,  friends and their state of affairs.    I always take the time to visit with them.   I ask questions that are appropriate for good conversation.   Some seen very appreciative of that time spent.   Just visiting,  generally after our regular activities.    I've found most are very generous with me and the time spent.     One had an incredible flower arrangement and gift sent to my home.   I didn't know for 3 months who had sent it.

    For the clients,   do you show a greater degree of appreciation during the holidays?   For the providers,  any difference with your clients over the rest of the year?

  4. I've done it once and it was a great experience.   One of the participants is a current client and the other is a provider I had not met previously.    The client (who initiated the idea)  talked to us individually and I actually met the other provider in advance.   I knew of the client's interest.    I would say good communication and chemistry really added to the experience.   I still see and talk to the other provider and anticipate some mutual work again.

  5. On 10/31/2023 at 5:09 PM, Jamie21 said:

    It’s very rare that I can see a client at short notice. I usually need at least a day’s notice because I’m busy with stuff (other work, clients, life admin, social etc). I’m sure that some clients think I’m sitting around all day waiting for someone to book me…and they seem surprised when they message to ask if I’m free later, or even now. 

    I have clients who book months in advance sometimes. These tend to be people visiting London so they book well ahead. Usually though most clients tend to book with a few days notice and that works fine. 

    I like the response.  Thank you.

  6. For me,  it really varies upon the day and the time of day.   Being a structured individual,   I like advance planning and notice,   sometimes it just isn't possible to address a client's requirements if the focus is on an "immediate booking".      

    I have made it during the middle of a business day.     Interesting to show up for a client in a shirt and tie. 

  7. 6 hours ago, soloyo215 said:

    Thanksgiving became a big even among my gay friends. I was unable to celebrate it until I was an adult, and I wanted to start my own tradition, so I came up with the idea of celebrating it (that was in 1993). I thought that my friends might not be interested in joining us because they had their own families. Turned out I was wrong. They saw it as the perfect excuse to leave their homophobic and unsupportive families early and join us. That was the first time I had a Thanksgiving dinner. It became a tradition and we did it for years. About a decade later or so it became geographically difficult, and some had now their own partners and in-laws who they wanted to celebrate with, so we ended the tradition. We have been friends since the early 90s, and Thanksgiving always gives me those fond memories.

    I was surprised to find out that both Christmas and Thanksgiving had so many people stressed over meeting with family when they didn't want to for many reasons. I've heard many of those stories. To me, celebrating them is a great thing.

    I think that's awesome!!   Congrats on a great tradition and really giving back at a tough time of year for many!

  8. I am of the approach that knowledge is power with decision making.    The problem in some of these jurisdictions is that nothing is clear.

    I would suggest caution and reason  when going forward ,  whether the law has changed or not.

  9. I've been asked several times by potential clients to meet me and chat about my escort services.   I generally don't charge so long as it is local and if the proposed client wants to buy a drink or lunch,  I'm totally open.    From those I have had,  almost all have been successful and all but one have booked me after.    The one that didn't was in town on business and hasn't been back as of yet.  We'll see.     


    The bottom line is,   the business is yours,   if you want to make the time or not,  it's a decision you make.    I don't htink there is a "right or wrong",  but what makes sense to you.

  10. Halloween is always a varied kind of event here in Kansas.   Sometimes warm and pleasant,  sometimes chilly  (as this year).    If  on a weekend,   maybe a party or a great social activity to attend.      Some years I dress up and have a little fun with trick or treaters.    This year will likely just be a "hand out the candy"  approach.

    My beagle,  "Gabe"  will be dressed as my "assistant"   to celebrate.   He always likes to greet visitors.    


    You come to my door,  be  prepared.   You might get get a treat  or a prank....


    Have a great Halloween,   what will you be doing tonight?



    Gave 2016.jpg

  11. 22 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    You're mixing up topics.

    MY sexual tastes are different than yours.

    So disagree away.

    But the fact-of-the-matter remains that "kissing" is not part & parcel of every sexual encounter with a provider.

    YOU may prefer it. But it's NOT guaranteed to be on the menu.

    This is like going to a five star restaurant and complaining there's no salt and pepper shakers on the table simply because you're accustomed to eating at the diner.

    I tend to like my example of a plaintiff at trail without a cause of action or evidence and the judge just throws it out of court....lol

  12. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I have to disagree.

    Being someone with a wide range of sexual interests and also a person who is NOT looking for anything resembling romance in a hire...I can very confidently report that "kissing" is NOT some sort of goes-with-the-territory component of every sex workers repertoire.

    If a pro advertised "BFE"and then told you "I don't kiss"...then yeah. That's false advertising. But a satisfying sexual encounter can most definitely exclude kissing. As a matter of fact I RARELY have EVER desired to KISS a provider.

    Totally NOT my thing with a hire.

    Everyone has their own views.   We just disagree on this one.

    2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:






  13. I think a consultation is appropriate,  even if it is something as simple as an exchange of messages.    I realize some clients may want to discuss by phone,  text or even in person.    I've had several face to face discussions with potential clients in person (one via zoom) about my work as a provider.   I should not have any objection and take the time to make sure the client is comfortable and all reasonable questions are addressed.

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