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Posts posted by ICTJOCK

  1. Well I'm always attracted to men who are physically fit and dedicated  (no surprise).   However,  many of my clients who are average,  ordinary men with good communication skills,  positive and energetic  catch my eyes and ears!    Some of my best clients are men who may lack the "fitness",   but are really good men and I enjoy escorting for them.

    The old adage,  "don't judge a book by it's cover"  is very applicable here.

  2. The real issue is that compliance through FINRA and other regulatory agencies are tightening requirements for several reasons, but certainly money laundering  a big part of it.

    Sourcing of the money is part of the process.   While I haven't had any issues in the least,  but I have income from other areas as well.    I would also encourage you to check banks vs.  credit unions.   While requirements may have changed since I last reviewed them,   more people favored a stake in a credit union.   Some require a participant to be an employee of a certain  employer or group.   Many don't now.    I would review requirements.

  3. Well fortunately,  I like ham,  but don't have it much at Thanksgiving anyway.    I'm sure your plight is experienced by many out there.    Your sister sounds like a self centered individual who is more concerned about her intake than her guests.   

    I'd have Thanksgiving at your home,  or if not possible,  "conspire"  with another family member to put the "T" back in Thanksgiving and have people bring the dish of their choice.    If you want to be nice,  invite your sister,  but tell her to leave her hot mustard to the bedroom.....haha

    Sorry,  it was a late night with a client and still have a bit of an attitude.    Hope you have a great holiday and have some great food!

  4. Absolutely not!   Never mentally categorize yourself in that way.   There is always something to learn from others.   We hope it's largely positive,  but it isn't always.

    Glad to hear most of your experience sounds positive and healthy.   I'd use your experience to sharpen and hone  your approach to allow for more.   You know what is important to you.   Just be safe and explore,  but don't categorize yourself.   Nobody is "out of your league".

  5. On 8/19/2023 at 7:28 PM, Lazarus said:

    My 11 year old beagle died unexpectedly in 2022. It was the worst day of my life. I miss him every day. 

    Looks like I didn't see this earlier.    I totally understand where you are coming from.   I lost my first beagle in April, 2016 after a bout with an aggressive form of Cancer.   It was a difficult process of loss for me as I loved that dog dearly.   He will always hold a special place in my heart and he's with me every day.    I wouldn't have my 3 beagles now if it wasn't  for him.    I'm certainly very sorry for your loss!

  6. On 11/13/2023 at 3:46 AM, Pd1_jap said:

    Hello, Y'all.

    I'm a working professional in the corporate world but I've exhausted my budget for providers for the year. Would it be foolish to try out being a provider? 

    I'm relatively attractive, a Midwest 7 — an LA 5. I don't have a great body but I'm a tall guy with a 7" cock. Sucking dick is a passion of mine. There are many ads online for guys that look like me (harry bear with a shaved head). I also get a lot of attention on the hookup apps and turn many guys away. 

    To be clear, I'm not looking to get rich or start porn. I just want to make a little extra cash so I can hire the guys that really turn me on. Part of me is really turned on by the idea but I also know it's far from roses and sunshine.


    Well interesting conversation indeed!    And there are certainly others that precede you sir.

    In all seriousness here,   being a good escort is about more than a simple side gig.    You need to analyze the benefits and the challenges.   You need to get input from those  providers who may know you and can good you good advice based on your personality and goals.   It takes planning,   it takes marketing and a lot of diligence.    It isn't easy.     DON'T  just put yourself out there without prudent forethought.   You could put yourself in physical and legal danger.     Ask a lot of questions and a plan before doing anything.

  7. I would.  It's false advertising.   We all know if our appearance has changed  (weight,  looks,  just aging in general,  new photos are in order.    I would use recent photos in any kind of ad.   On RM,   I know I have traded older photos for new ones,   I like a fresh look anyway.

    If the client turns away a provider and the latter has used newer photos,  I would make sure there are an assortment,  so there isn't any sort of mishap along these lines.

    • 14 minutes ago, JEC said:

      This is really thoughtful feedback.  It reminds me to give a huge shoutout of THANKS to the team who keep this site up and running, and the community who keep it thriving! 

      ICTJOCK, it was just over 2 years ago that this site and this community almost perished after the loss of Daddy/Guy Fawkes (see In Memory Of... - The Company of Men).  When Daddy passed, he left no will, no succession plan, and only he had the "keys" to this site.   A committed and creative group of his (mostly straight) friends access his apartment and salvaged the code to this site, a volunteer (me) posted a gofundme to raise $11k to support transition costs, the moderators - our heroes - have given boatloads of their time to keep this community alive!  And @RadioRob is our technical ninja and genius!   It is a diverse, thoughtful and robust community.   Welcome to the community, and thanks for recognizing...and contributing to it!


      Of course,  I just felt the need to comment.    I had heard about some of the struggles.   So glad you were able to be successful and the site now lives on!

    • I look forward to contribute in a significant way and be helpful!

    14 minutes ago, JEC said:

    This is really thoughtful feedback.  It reminds me to give a huge shoutout of THANKS to the team who keep this site up and running, and the community who keep it thriving! 

    ICTJOCK, it was just over 2 years ago that this site and this community almost perished after the loss of Daddy/Guy Fawkes (see In Memory Of... - The Company of Men).  When Daddy passed, he left no will, no succession plan, and only he had the "keys" to this site.   A committed and creative group of his (mostly straight) friends access his apartment and salvaged the code to this site, a volunteer (me) posted a gofundme to raise $11k to support transition costs, the moderators - our heroes - have given boatloads of their time to keep this community alive!  And @RadioRob is our technical ninja and genius!   It is a diverse, thoughtful and robust community.   Welcome to the community, and thanks for recognizing...and contributing to it!



  8. I was talking in a different post about the holidays and as a provider to take a little time to communicate and act as a “sounding board” to those clients that feel inclined to talk about the season and some of their own challenges.                                                    


    I was absolutely inspired several years ago by a friend of mine who works for a local law firm.  He takes time to work in a homeless soup kitchen on Thanksgiving.  He preps food and serves on Thanksgiving morning and helps 2 or 3 other times per year in the similar way.  He has talked about the importance of giving, not just now, but throughout the year.    I don’t do that, but I do always lend a hand and an imitation for a friend or two for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.  They are alone and would probably sit at home on these holidays.  One of them doesn’t drive and either my boyfriend or I pick him up and take him home.   Our day is richer by spending time with them.   Last weekend (in the photo), We took a mutual friend out for her 69th birthday.  She’s like a mother to my bf and really had a great time with dinner and cake after.                    


     Even the small things can make a big difference during the holidays.  Hope you have a great season!


  9. 50 minutes ago, Vin_Marco said:

    Maybe 🤔 you can give me fitness advice in Palm Springs at the forum gathering. Maybe show me how to make muscle's hard like you describe. 

    I think I'll pass on this or any conversation.   

  10. Thanks for all the great photos!     A couple of comments.    I am a YMCA fitness member and we have some of the best in the country.    Great locker rooms,  but  it is made clear that there will be no photos taken   (nor anything else).   I always find that comment interesting.     I'm pretty serious about my exercise time and I don't make much for the sauna or whirlpool,  other than very quickly after my time allocated to swimming.

    The Wichita Downtown YMCA used to have kind of a reputation for some play in the locker rooms,  but with the new building,  most of that is over.   It is state of the art and most of those that used the old locker room for a little fun have had to go elsewhere.      

    I do like some of the photos for sure!

  11. I do,  twice a year for sure.   My schedule has to be lined up to make it work with all that I do.    I am into southwest travel and usually one per year is geared to the southwest part of the US in some manner,  hiking and exploring.   Also into shopping in Santa Fe.    Also a Civil War buff and spend time back east at some of the battlefields.    Travel in general.   I did a Spain & Portugal trip 2 years ago,  which was incredible.

  12. So I have been a member of this site for 3 months now.    I believe some thoughts,  ideas and feedback are in order.


    When I first arrived here,  I wasn't sure what the site really was.   When I discovered the forums,  it really is much like the fitness site  "Realjock", where I have been a member for years.

    I was intrigued and to be honest,  quite fascinated something like this even existed.    Very positive initial impression.    Now on my 3 month anniversary,  there are a few of my thoughts:


    1.  SITE AMONG THE BEST AND WELL RUN:    My initial impression was correct.   I like the site,  most of the discussions and dialogue.   I appreciate the moderators (and approach taken).  Never have seen moderators in action before.    Some of the extras,   the "points"  the categories are kind of interesting.     I'm still waiting for my Christmas gift for all the participation....jk.

    2.   MEMBERS LARGELY FRIENDLY,  OUTGOING AND ACCEPTING:    There are really good men here.   Sure,   I heard initially there would be a few exceptions  (and I've now seen that in action).   A number have reached out to me,  welcomed me and have been very supportive and friendly.    Those very few that are petty,  are largely ignored and ultimately blocked if warranted.     I'm someone who wants to learn from those you respect and appreciate.   That is by far the majority here.

    3.  DIVERSE FORUM DISCUSSION:   I'm an educated professional person.   I really like being able to discuss  "shop talk"  conversation,  but also engage those who talk about legal issues,  finance and a whole host of other things,  including various parks and museums.     There are things discussed that are new to me as well.    You never know what you'll find.

    This was indeed the "gem"  here.    I never would have guessed.

    4:  TO THOSE WHO RUN AND MODERATE THE SITE:   Just know the larger picture.   You have provided a place for men to come and share,  to feel involved and learn.   Those who have been members for years  clearly show they have a stake in the site,  the quality of association and participation.    Friendships,  mentoring,  so many things happen here every day.   Just know I'm pleased to be associated and I look forward to gaining more insight as time goes on.   I'm an optimist by nature and generally run my life in a positive way.   This site seems to follow the same basic principles.


    Thank you for all your work,  time and effort.   You definitely get an "A".   

  13. 16 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Putting the.pro in professional.

    This demonstrates an excellent command of the role that a professional escort plays in the life of men who's homosexuality has somehow separated them from family.

    I think that's a dwindling community but certainly my older gay friends still suffer.


    Thanks very much for your comments.   Some of my clients are in fact lonely people,  but I do think that the holidays are a time of "reflection"  and I happen to be one some feel comfortable in sharing.    I like to listen and give positive input based on what I'm hearing.    I don't ask intrusive questions,  but enough to carry the conversation.   I hope at the conclusion they feel the time spent was more valuable and helpful to them.

  14. On 11/1/2023 at 5:01 PM, big-n-tall said:

    First and foremost as useful as this forum is it's a small fish in a big pond. Not every provider masseur or client knows it exists. Of those that do, it's probably a relative small number of those that hire. So just because someone has a lot of reviews on RM doesn't mean anyone here has met the guy.

    Secondly, there are a lot of lurkers on this forum who don't post for whatever reason. They just don't feel comfortable possibly speaking up about someone being asked about on the forum. Also some of the members can get overzealous in the defense of an escort and may make potential commentators fearful of, well... commenting.

    Thirdly, some escorts actively try to keep from getting reviews. They'll ask clients to not make comments or reviews for any number of reasons.

    There is no prohibited list or at least not one I'm aware of on this forum.

    Ultimately some guys will just fall through the cracks even if they seem popular on RM.

    I appreciate the point of view and comments.

  15. 3 hours ago, nycman said:

    The holidays can be rough. I would imagine many clients are single middle aged gay men. Certainly not all, or perhaps even most, but many. My professional life is always so chaotic and unpredictable that I’ve learned to treat every day of the year as just "another day”. Be it December 25th or July 16th. Nonetheless, when everyone else is with family and the world outside is empty, it can be rough. I can see why clients would want to spend some extra time just talking or being with someone.  

    Nonetheless, personally I tend to do the opposite of @Coolwave35. I tend to withdrawal. I love his approach (as usual) but it’s not for me. Do I show a "greater appreciation" during the holiday’s? Yes, but I tend to do that for everyone on my payroll. In general, I try to calculate what "2 weeks pay" is and give them that as a bonus. If anything, I hire less than normal. It’s not that I don’t "love" the regulars in my life. I just assume that they have lots of family duties around the holidays and I tend to leave them to it. 

    Funny enough, after "family time” some of them still find a way into my bed. Am I grateful, generous, and affectionate? Of course. 

    You sound like a great guy,  thanks for sharing!

  16. On 9/24/2023 at 5:41 PM, azdr0710 said:

    I slept on the sofa at a room at the Hacienda one night.......really nice place.......(my forum weekend roommate needed me out of our room for a night and another helpful forum member came to my rescue......just like back in college!)


    Looking forward to seeing you,  with or without socks,  Scott!   haha

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