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Posts posted by nate_sf

  1. I'll agree with the others, it's just the usual hourly fee for each, plus whatever tip you may give under ordinary circumstances. If one of the guys has the room, you might want to give him a bit extra as he is shouldering an expense that the others aren't.


    As @Calix_V2 mentions, make sure you clarify whether this is a voyeur-centric session or a group scene. You don't want anyone to feel ignored or left out, whether it's a client or one of the escorts. Also if you're putting escorts together, don't assume they are familiar with each other or would want to play together. The best bet is to send everyone links to each other's listings or photos so they can let you know if they're comfortable with what's being proposed and who will be involved.

  2. Yes absolutely. But as @big-n-tall mentions, it's not for everyone so you'll need to look around a bit. I'd think an escort offering Boyfriend Experience (BFE) would be a good candidate.


    Intimacy is important to a lot of guys, and I think sometimes that's the attraction to overnights. People will ask why pay someone to sleep, but the point is you're sleeping with them in your bed and that's intimate and feels good. You don't need to book an overnight to have a cuddle session though, I'm just mentioning that as something to relate to. Find a guy you're interested in, and ask him!

  3. In some ways, gay porn chronicles the evolution of gay desire and sexual politics. Seems a shame to lose those cultural artifacts. Wish we had a gay porn archive that collected and curated this stuff.


    The AdonisMale website provides a pretty good archive, at least in terms of print media. It has a downloads section with lots of pictorial magazines (nearly 6,000 currently), lifestyle magazines, etc.



  4. What are the qualities of Hell's Kitchen that you're hoping to find in SF? That could help answer the question.


    The gay bars are centered in the Castro or South of Market (SOMA). However neither have the population density and intensity you find in NYC. But if you're looking for a place where you can stroll down the street for gay bars and restaurants, those would be the places. Other neighborhoods have urban intensity, but are less gay-centric. But as @Danny-Darko mentions, the city is pretty much gay-friendly all over.


    One word of caution is that in the pandemic, SF is a shell of itself, as are probably a lot of other cities. Bars are still closed unless they are outdoors and serving food, nightclubs are closed, and gyms are at limited capacity with some still closed. So if you do a scouting trip, just be aware that what you see today is not SF fully-functioning. The good news for newcomers is that rents have dropped, as have condo prices. I'm confident things will rebound after the pandemic, but it might take a while.

  5. I dipped my toe into the Daddy identity about eight years ago, when I was in my 40s. I didn't feel quite ready to be a daddy, so used the term "jrdaddy" in my Instagram profile ("jr" being "junior" of course, rather than JR Ewing or something like that).


    But now I'm over 50, I'm wondering if it's time to drop the "jr" and fully embrace Daddyness. I was talking about this with a masseur I see regularly and he thought I could squeeze a few more years out of "jr" but who knows. We both agreed it's great that daddies are being appreciated, given we're both in the demographic!

  6. Assuming you have an inspection condition in your offer and the timeline for that condition has not lapsed, this is negotiable. Based on what you've described, it sounds like an involved repair that could take several months if done properly and with permits. This is not to say it's not worth it, rather that it is probably not practical to expect the seller to make the repair within the timeframe of the escrow. I'd suggest you get an estimate from a qualified contractor to determine the expected cost of the repair, and use that to negotiate a credit before removing your inspection condition.


    This is assuming you are not in a competitive bidding situation. If it is competitive, it may not be worth it or able to be resolved.


    But replacing a retaining wall in a hillside area is not unusual. Over time as soils shift and moisture accumulates (or disappears), these structures fail. So it is not necessarily a cause for huge concern, but it is a significant construction project.


    In California most residential real estate transactions do not involve an attorney (unlike other states). However, your agent or broker should be able to help navigate this, including suggesting a contractor to get the estimate from, and devising a strategy for negotiating the removal of the inspection condition. That's what they get the big bucks for! But some agents are better with this kind of thing than others.

  7. Brussels Griffon’s


    Yes! We had a Brussels Griffon and we joked that she was half dog/half cat since she had a number of cat-like characteristics. People would stop and say "what is that thing" and I'd say she was a kitty dog. She was completely insane and I loved her. She also appeared to have nine lives, as she cheated death so many times, each time to be resurrected from near-death.

  8. I'm optimistic that something will rise from the ashes, but I'm not sure what. But being here in the Bay Area since the 80s, I've seen a few downturns where everything went to shit, but then came the slow recovery years and those were the most interesting. The 90s were great, but also those were also my prime young adult years so maybe I'm not entirely objective.


    Once commercial rents drop, people can experiment with new business concepts, and if rents are reasonable enough they have that flexibility at least for a while. Then the economy starts perking up again, rents rise, gentrification sets in and things get fancier but less funky. Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better as more and more businesses fail from the pandemic, but for better or for worse that will create opportunities for others down the road. Maybe not bars like we've know them, but hopefully something fun and interesting.

  9. When I was escorting regularly I had enough clients tell me I looked better in person than my photos that it made me think about getting better photos. Initially I thought they were just trying to be nice, but then I looked at my photos with a critical eye and realized they were really pretty lousy. This was a while back, when camera phones were not as good as they are now, so the difference between selfies and pro photos was probably more significant than they'd be now.


    But it can be hard to part with a good favorite photo, especially a favorite pro photo. I think 2-3 years is a reasonable timeframe, and/or does the photo still look fully representative in terms of face and body. I think the appearance of younger guys can change a lot between early 20s, late 20s, and 30s as they mature so there is probably shorter shelf life for photos. When guys get into their late 30s and 40s provided they stay in shape, their appearance may change less dramatically over the course of a few years. But a guy in his 40s using a photo from his 20s or early 30s seems like it would be a stretch.

  10. Another manager passed us in the parking lot and said "you gotta be careful with the conversations in the parking lot, before you know it an hour will pass..." and with that the conversation ended.


    I find this piece especially troubling. I don’t think it was an innocent exchange, it was a warning. You may already be on people’s radar and neither of you need that kind of gossip.


    Flirting is fun, exhilarating and gives you those butterflies but sometimes it’s best to leave it there. Enjoy the thrill but I agree with the others, don’t push it any further.

  11. This post made me miss my time at Equinox on Market St in the Four Seasons. It was 99% guaranteed cruising, especially in the mornings before work. Met so many guys in the steam room, dry sauna, and back shower (for wheelchairs) with the curtain vs. glass shower door—it’s a bit dizzying how much action goes on there. Anyone else experience that kind of action?


    Yes, that was my experience too. Fun times!

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