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Posts posted by nate_sf

  1. I just had a massage from Hugo. He's visiting San Francisco, staying in a respectable hotel downtown. I thought the massage was great! For me, just the right mix of everything I like.


    I found him to be friendly but shy. That might be mistaken for aloof bit I did not find him aloof, just quiet. English is not his first language but he's perfectly conversant.


    He's here in SF until Monday. At least from my experience, I'd recommend him and hope to see him again when he's back in town.

  2. I ride BART, MUNI, Caltrain, and Samtrans fairly regularly, and BART by far seems to be in the worst shape. One of my colleagues at work calls it "The Upside Down" which seems sadly appropriate. Maintenance seems to be a continual problem, so it feels run down and dirty, and has a disproportionate share of mentally ill. But I don't feel unsafe on the system, I just find it depressing.


    Caltrain is the opposite end of the spectrum... though the trains are old, they're clean and each train has two uniformed conductors who continually patrol the cars. The conductors are friendly, and some quite hunky :p The only time I've felt unsafe is when there are rowdy drunks, since drinking booze is allowed most of the time, but the drunks are more annoying than anything.

  3. So sucking cock is considered base level of service, but licking armpits is an extra-charge fetish? That's pretty funny.


    Asking an escort to abstain from wearing scents, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc. is not an unusual request so I don't think would ordinarily warrant an upcharge. On the other hand, if the request extended to wanting smelly pits (also not an unusual request), that would make more sense for an upcharge since it would require more preparation and could impact other scheduling.

  4. Being a shy kid, I remember the first day of high school gym class, the first time we changed for gym and showered after (elementary school, we wore our regular school clothes to gym). The teacher told us what clothes we'd need, including a jock, and the embarrassment of asking my mother to buy a jockstrap. I must've been 12 or so.


    This was my experience too. I remember the day in 6th grade when the coach told us we were at the age where we would need to start wearing jocks for P.E. class. I was terrible at sports and also shy and nerdy, and the idea of getting a jock strap (let alone wearing one) was terrifying. I think I told my mom what the coach said, but for whatever reason I did not get one. I think maybe I told her not to bother, I'd wait. Then in middle school the subject never came up again.


    Fast forward, as an adult I've bought tons of jocks, and like so many gay guys I love wearing them. But at the gym I prefer compression shorts.

  5. I just saw my hot eye-doctor. You know how close they have to get when they look in your eyes through the Slit Lamp, well....OMG!


    For my eye exams I go to the school of optometry at one of the big universities here. For each annual exam, you are randomly assigned to one of the students on the shift, who you will see that one time and then never again. It lends a bit of a perverse thrill to an otherwise routine chore of an exam, sort of like a game of Mystery Date. The students are without exception polite, professional, and earnest, and quite often attractive (both male and female). But of course everything is above board, and I would never think of crossing boundaries.


    One year, as my named was called I looked up to see a true adonis of a man. It took everything I had to concentrate on the exam! And yes as with all of these exams, he had to get very close at various parts of the exam to look into my eyes. Look up, look down...

  6. There is a late 70s Impala here in my neighborhood that I see every day when I walk my dog. I think it's a 1978 or 79, at the time promoted as "The New Chevrolet" (I can still hear the old TV jingle... Now that's more like it!). It doesn't have the gusto of the 60s models, but with its two-tone blue paint it is a cool car in its own right. I smile whenever I see it.

  7. People think of SF as a big city, but with 850K people, it's a fraction of the population of NYC, Chicago, and LA. That said, the spa scene is limited to certain days of the month. Banya has a men's night on the third Tuesday of the month. It's good naked fun!


    I really enjoy the Banya. It has a men's night one night per month, and a women's night one night per month. Otherwise it's co-ed. There is a rooftop deck with spectacular views where you can sunbathe naked, and they also have yoga classes on the roof. But it's not a sexual place, even on the single-sex nights, and I'm told staff frown on people if they cross the line. But certainly it can be cruisy, and it is sociable and fun. People will often come together in groups as a social event.


    I also really like the Immersion Spa in Palo Alto. It's a nice Korean spa with separate men's and women's areas. It can be very cruisy, and then some. The massages are quite good, and can be combined with a body scrub. My favorite is to book a combined 30-minute scrub and 30-minute massage (for a full hour), and that includes admission to the facility for as long as you want to stay. The massage is fully above-board; with the scrub it will make you feel like a million bucks.


    Another option is to book a massage at one of the Equinox facilities. You do not need to be a member to book a spa appointment, and booking will allow you access to the full facility (including steam and sauna). Being gyms in SF, the steam and saunas can be pretty cruisy. The massages are always good quality, and I've never had a bad one.

  8. Just a theory, but I think people have become accustomed to having their car windows up all the time, since pretty much every car now has filtered a/c. When I was younger I used to drive around with windows rolled down on a nice day, but now like everyone else I keep them rolled up with a/c on all the time. The thought of rolling down windows to sit in a parked car maybe just doesn’t come to mind.


    But I think the explanations offered by @sniper and @craigville beach are probably the more likely explanations. Or if there is a pet in the car.

  9. Thanks for providing the link to the whole book. It's very entertaining, particularly the quotes of the various individuals. "Why should I work for a pittance and be the mug for a fool of a boss when I can earn as much in an evening, meet interesting and facinating people and go to parties where everyone wants to dance with me?" Quite!

  10. Hey @Sammmmm anything to report since you first posted this?


    I'd suggest asking the guy out to lunch, then at lunch tell him you're trying to figure out how/whether to come out at work. Which from as far as I can tell, is the truth of your situation. Then from there things will go whichever way they go, but at the very least you might have an ally during this next phase of your life.


    But I would definitely not mention you'd seen him on Grindr, particularly if he shows his face in his profile but you don't. For some people the hookup sites are no big deal, but for others it's more personal and he might feel you're being intrusive.

  11. I prefer the Beyond Meat burger to the Impossible burger, but like @FreshFluff I am also a fan of the original veggie variety (especially black bean burgers). With Impossible burgers, I think you're right the benefit is not health or nutrition, it's being able to have something that is not meat for either environmental or animal welfare reasons. I had initially thought the cholesterol comes from the coconut and sunflower oil, but that’s not correct.


    Impossible burgers are available at Burger King and other restaurants, but not the grocery store yet. I'm guessing the price differential is from the smaller scale of production compared to the larger scale of beef production, since they're still trying to scale up to meet demand. Maybe the cost of the ingredients is more too, but that's just a guess.


    Beyond Meat burgers are in the grocery store and at Carl's Jrs. Unlike the Impossible burger, the Beyond Meat burger does not have soy; the protein is from pea protein, canola oil, and coconut oil.


    I find both the Impossible and Beyond burgers to be really convincing, almost creepily so. So for someone wanting to reduce or eliminate meat from their diet they're compelling.

  12. Still there. In a harsher time, bars catering to an older crowd were known as "wrinkle bars." SF once had its share of wrinkle bars-the Twin Peaks, the New Bell Saloon, the PS, the Rocking Horse, the Lion Pub.


    I always wondered how one knew that it was time for him to start frequenting the Twin Peaks. I'm certainly of that age but I've never been in the place. If I were ever going to go in a bar it would probably be the Eagle.


    A while back a friend was in town and suggested we have a drink at the Twin Peaks. And at that point I acknowledged I'm in the demographic for that bar! We had a great time, and I really liked the bar. Very comfortable seating, great view and friendly crowd.


    And Lion Pub, that brings back memories... very first gay bar I ever went to. Very much of another era!

  13. I have a travel french press. In generaly, one pours boiling water over coffee grounds, lets it steep, then lowers the plunger. I suppose I could try boiling water then adding grounds... not sure if pouring boiling water onto grounds releases that flavor/crema.


    Still need a way to boil water


    I travel with a mini french press made of metal so it doesn't break in the luggage. If there's a microwave water can be heated up in a coffee cup and poured in. Otherwise running the tap water hot can work, though not ideal. But for that first infusion of caffeine in the morning I'll take a lukewarm cup of good coffee rather than a hot cup of lousy coffee, given the choice.

  14. When I was growing up we had a Hornet Sportabout wagon, which was a close relation to the Gremlin. It was the first new car my parents ever bought, and the choice came down to either the Hornet or a Gran Torino wagon. My mom thought the Gran Torino was too big, so they chose the more compact Hornet, which I suppose was a kind of counter-culture move for the time. Light blue with a brown striped vinyl interior. I drove it a few times once I got my drivers license and was surprised how fast it was, and that it was pretty fun to drive.

  15. Just confirmed my reservations at Rouge and my train gets in at 4:15 Does that give me enough time to get from Union Station to Rouge to check in and then to the host hotel to have a few drinks with the fellows? Remember I am old and tend to get lost. LOL


    My flight gets in at about the same time, so you're in good company. We're thinking the happy hour will start around 6:00 thereabouts. I recall from last year it extended into the early evening, so no hurry... we'll be there !

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