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Looking-back at your first-time hiring an escort, what'd you have done differently?

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Hello guys. I'm new to this forum, and I'm looking to hire an escort for the first-time. Looking-back at your first-time experience, what would you have done differently to make the experience more worthwhile? Also, what tips would you give a first-timer looking to hire for one?

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My first experience was a good one but it could have been better if I had been more confident going into the encounter. i also wish i set enjoying myself as thoroughly as I could as my priority. (Along with being safe physically and sexually) For me, I spent so much time questioning my motivations and planning and worrying that some of the enjoyment was lost.

As far as tips go, make sure that you hire a well reviewed escort and give yourself the appropriate amount of time, that way you are not playing beat the clock.

I wound up hiring the same escort the next day because I felt like I had unfinished business.

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I wound up hiring the same escort the next day because I felt like I had unfinished business.


Same here. I saw the same guy twice in a week, feeling much better the second time. He was was great. Then I made the mistake of talking my partner into an experimental three-way, didn't disclose the prior contacts, and got myself into quite a bit of trouble at home. The escort even warned me that I could be bringing myself grief.


I saw him one more time, because I heard he was moving away. Still totally hot.

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Nothing. He was the perfect person for me at the time.



Could you elaborate on that? What made it perfect? What was special about him that made him click with you? Also, what did you do correctly (e.g., anything specific about your screening process?) ?

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Could you elaborate on that? What made it perfect? What was special about him that made him click with you? Also, what did you do correctly (e.g., anything specific about your screening process?) ?


For me it was that I had had 3 previous different "massage" meetings in preparation for deciding on an escort. All were totally unsatisfactory and i didn't know yet about Daddy's. i waited awhile, then decided on an escort experience, discovered Daddy's and spent a lot of time screening - not just about sexual activities but overall experience. Also found unsatisfactory reviews of 2 of those earlier 3 as escorts. I decided on someone who has nothing but great reviews, and a lot of them, as an escort AND as a person. I was totally taken care of the way it should be. Several years later and I still see him regularly and am nothing but satisfied at the end of each visit. It never gets routine.

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Looking-back at your first-time experience, what would you have done differently to make the experience more worthwhile?


I shoulda sprung for knee pads. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif


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My first hire was sorta perfect for me.


A few things I now realize that I did right:

1/ I picked a guy (well-reviewed but not a forum or porn 'star') who had long been on the edge of my radar (mostly because of a surprising gut feeling that he was the one);

2/ I chose him, in part, because I could arrange for an in-call in a part of town I knew well;

3/ I set everything up via text but confirmed by phone the afternoon of;

4/ I kept reminding myself I could cancel the instant anything felt iffy; and

5/ I kept my expectations reasonable and just approached it as the experience/adventure of realizing a long-held fantasy.


I feel fortunate that the encounter was the stuff of fantasy, but I also know that this forum (& the Daddys reviews) were what really helped me keep my wits about me before, during and after. Best wishes as you take the plunge!

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Doing your homework on this review site gives you a big leg up that I didn't have the first time. If only…


I'd also add that while it's important to be clear about your expectations, it's also important to remember that your man's going to be a human being like you, and interactions between humans don't always unfold according to a script or plan. So jump in and be open to whatever unfolds in the moment. In my experience, a genuine, warm connection with another hot man trumps the playbook in my mind every time. For me, some of the most memorable encounters have been the result of something totally unexpected that happened in the moment. And if you choose well, based on reviews from this site, you can feel comfortable putting your trust in his hands because he will want you to have a fantastic, memorable experience. He will work hard (apologies for the pun) to make that happen.

Have a great time!

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1) Use this site/members! I did, and there was fantastic advice. Along with lots of humor.

2) Spend time doing your research. Sounds like your are doing that.

3) Call, and make a voice contact. I was reluctant, but took the advice of many members, two in particular, and did. Very good decision!

4) If you have the resources, I would spend more than an hour. I started out with an extended weekend, and it was outstanding!

5) One of the items that you will run into is, "let you escort what you would like." This is really relative. I think it revolves around you personal experiences.

This was not only my first escort experience, but my first man to man experience.

6) Everyone advised to "enjoy the ride." Well, because of my choice, I did. Only gets better!

Please PM me if would like.

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Hello guys. I'm new to this forum, and I'm looking to hire an escort for the first-time. Looking-back at your first-time experience, what would you have done differently to make the experience more worthwhile? Also, what tips would you give a first-timer looking to hire for one?


The only thing I would have done differently is that I would have hired him for longer. I hired for an hour and enjoyed it so much that the hour went by like an instant. Looking back at it now, I realize it could have been a big disappointment because I hired him from a classified ad in the back of the BAR w/ no pic - this was long before this site or RB existed. He turned out to to be a handsome, pleasant young guy with an enormous package. He also had a shaved hole, which I had never encountered and was completely fascinated with.

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My first escort hire was also my first gay experience. I was 25 years old and deep in the closet. On vacation in Pattaya, Thailand, I finally had the guts to walk into a gay bar. I remember how nervous I was, I paced up and down the street for 30 minutes before I walked in. I met this man who took me upstairs to a room. What would I have done differently? I would not have waited until I was 25 years old. It was a thoroughly liberating experience for me.

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My first escort hire was also my first gay experience. I was 25 years old and deep in the closet. On vacation in Pattaya, Thailand, I finally had the guts to walk into a gay bar. I remember how nervous I was, I paced up and down the street for 30 minutes before I walked in. I met this man who took me upstairs to a room. What would I have done differently? I would not have waited until I was 25 years old. It was a thoroughly liberating experience for me.


Similar to mine. My first hire and first (well, second, not counting an encounter in a gay bookstore) sexual experience with a guy was when I was 27, my roommate was out of town and I'd been checking out the agencies in the local gay bar rag. No internet yet, no reviews or even the concept of them, so I just hired a guy based on his description. he was gorgeous and very sweet when he learned it was my first time. I was a bit surprised and put off when he jumped up & ran to the bathroom right after, but it was just to clean up and he came back down and laid on top of me. We spent some time just naked cuddling and chatting with me.


The first time I bottomed was with an escort, a few years later, it was a guy I'd seen before and mentioned on the phone that I wanted to try it. He shut down the conversation pretty quickly, he either was with friends or just didn't want to discuss specifics over the phone, but once he got to my place, he was really gentle, he let me start on top and take things at my own pace, but it got hard & fast pretty quick. Funny, he was working for a different agency, and was annoyed that they had made him take a fake name.

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Left for the appointment earlier. I left home nearly two hours ahead of the appointment time and was still half an hour late due to traffic and weather. Everything else worked out great. I could tell from his website, his reviews, and other info available on the web -- all of which I found through this website -- that we were likely to be a good match.


The guy I've seen doesn't schedule appointments with new clients until he speaks to to them on the phone. It's better for both of you to have a phone conversation in advance of a first appointment anyway if that's possible. (It may not be as easy in the case of those who have day/other jobs.) Talking over the phone can give you a better sense of what someone is like and how they'll act when you meet them in person. Since an e-mail to confirm the details usually follows, you should also get a sense of how a potential hire communicates that way as well, which may give you some idea of how well-organized he is and hence how likely (or not) he is to flake out.

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Looking-back at your first-time experience, what would you have done differently to make the experience more worthwhile? Also, what tips would you give a first-timer looking to hire for one?


My first experience was excellent. I was pretty sure it would be, as the guy was a popular porn star at the time and I would have been happy just standing around looking at him. http://sjbbsitedown854274.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/8/8/4588568/719664203.png


So I went in with limited expectations and I continued to do that all through my hiring days. Out of dozens of hires, there were only two times when I was disappointed, so my hit rate is in the mid-nineties. And even the two disappointing times cost me just a few hundred bucks, which I was prepared to lose.


So the only suggestion I'd add to all the others in this fine thread would be to keep your expectations on the low end, so to speak, and prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Look at your first hire the same as you'd look at your first orgasm. It may be a little messy, but it will still be pretty good and bound to get better with practice. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

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Look at your first hire the same as you'd look at your first orgasm. It may be a little messy, but it will still be pretty good and bound to get better with practice. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif



I was asleep during my first orgasm!.....but lots of practice did happen later.....


my hints would include: 1. don't rush at the meeting - talk slowly, smile, look the guy in the eye, chat him up 2. tell him this is your first time with an escort 3. go with a well-reviewed guy 4. I was very nervous at my first meeting, thinking the local PD was going to bust down the door at any minute....probably no need to be nervous, but you may want to set the meeting up at a hotel room that YOU arrange for


check thru other threads here....lots of good hints and good guys and gals here to help you along.....

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I would change nothing. I did hours of research, much of it on this site, and found the escort who I felt would best meet my needs. He lived in San Francisco, at that time, while I lived in Southern California. I made reservations at the Stanford Court Hotel, a hotel I had always wanted to visit, and flew to San Francisco for my first gay experience. To say I was nervous is a gross understatement but when he arrived he was exactly what I hoped for and needed; in fact we have become good friends and I’m still seeing his twelve years later both on and off the clock.

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I seem to be among a small minority who did not have a fantastic first hiring experience. I initially started considering hiring an escort when I saw news articles about "prostitution" on Craigslist. I knew that I was bi and had always wondered what it would be like to have sex with another man. I had no interest in trying to find a man to hookup with and decided that if I was going to try it out, I was going to do it with a really hot guy (i.e., someone I had to pay because he wouldn't be interested in me otherwise). I used to check ads on Craigslist all the time trying to work up the courage to contact someone. A while later I somehow stumbled across M4RN, but I can't remember how I discovered that site. Since it seemed more reputable than CL, I decided to find my first hire on M4RN.


I did not do a lot of research before hiring and did not even know that real review sites existed. I was even naive enough to think that the star reviews on M4RN actually meant something, so I made sure to hire a guy who had 4 stars. Because I'm married, I also decided to hire while I was out of town. However, I was traveling with others and my schedule was up in the air. As a result, I wasn't able to plan ahead.


After dinner on the night I decided it was going to happen (come hell or high water, damn it!), I returned to my hotel room and emailed my first choice. He didn't respond. After about 30 minutes, I emailed my 2nd choice. He also failed to quickly respond to my inquiry, and half an hour later I was onto my 3rd choice. As I recall, that guy actually responded but wasn't available until like 2:00 a.m. By then, I was getting impatient. Intent as I was on losing my m4m virginity, I had no choice but to move on to my 4th choice. Then my 5th.


After finally making arrangements with my 5th or 6th choice guy, I was extremely nervous because I was worried that he was either going to give me an STD that I'd pass along to my wife (a well known exception to the what-happens-in-Vegas-stays-in-Vegas rule) or else be a cop who would arrest me for solicitation (another well known exception). After an interminable wait (with me checking the peep hole every 30 seconds to try and spot him coming down the hall), I finally heard a knock on my door.


I was all the way on the other side of my hotel room sitting in a chair trying to calm myself when he knocked. I rushed to the door and opened it without checking the peephole, eager to see the 6th choice hottie I'd been dreaming about for at least the last hour! Instead, I met a guy who looked totally different from the pictures in his ad (not in a good way) and at least 10 years older than his advertised age. However, I was determined to press on no matter how many red flags popped up . . . after all, I had ordained that this would be the night!


I invited the moderately attractive man in his upper 30s to enter my room. He could tell I was nervous and asked me what I wanted to do. Still afraid of being arrested, I asked if he'd give me a massage (it's okay to pay for a massage!). He agreed . . . a gave me a rather poor, not even slightly erotic rub down. After about 15 minutes, he took off my underwear (I was too scared of being arrested to remove them myself when he first came in, and he didn't take off his clothes at first either). He laid on my back (now with both of us nude) and did this weird jackrabbit-like humping motion, which he repeated several times in an apparent attempt to be erotic. I remember thinking to myself, "Frottage isn't as hot as I thought it would be."


In spite of everything, I was turned on enough just by having a decent looking naked man in bed with me that I was able to get hard quickly after he told me to roll over. He proceeded to give me the best hand job I had ever received from a man (he lost that # 1 ranking several months later when I finally recovered enough from this traumatic experience to hire my second male escort).


My 5th or 6th choice guy then used the towel he'd grabbed from the bathroom at the beginning of the appointment to clean us both up and quickly got dressed. I'd left $200 sitting out on the hotel room desk (I remember reading a blog somewhere about escort etiquette and that was one of the tips). The guy grabbed his hard-earned cash and left my room about 25 minutes after entering it.


What would I have done differently? Nothing. After several years, I find this comedy of errors hilarious and am thankful I made just about every mistake imaginable on that first hire.

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