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Can we throw the prince in jail already?


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13 minutes ago, mike carey said:

... for once literally so as well as figuratively.

I'm surmising that's another Aussieism meaning what Americans call "Out to Pasture." 


Definition of put out to sea in the Idioms Dictionary by The Free Dictionary


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Has anyone given any thought that the "chase" was a "orchestrated" event, a "pity ploy" staged by two people who felt that they had been denied their share of the limelight in past weeks? The whole scenario just seems too "pat" to be creditable as a spontaneous event.

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3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I find it bizarre that the second son of the King of England jumped into a yellow taxi in New York City, as much as I find it impossible to believe that the son of a women killed in a car chase, decided to participate in a car chase.

The man can follow a script. . .as stated, the scenario as played is too "pat" to be credible;  the "theatre" that is the Royal Family has become tedious and its actors tiresome.  Bring on the Chorus Boys. . .

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4 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

Has anyone given any thought that the "chase" was a "orchestrated" event, a "pity ploy" staged by two people who felt that they had been denied their share of the limelight in past weeks? The whole scenario just seems to "pat" to be creditable as a spontaneous event.

The Whinger & the Ginger's sole source of income is their celebrity.  Yes, Harry did inherit a good amount from his mother, but money goes awfully quick when living the glamorous life.  So what choice do they have but to tirelessly prime the pump?

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30 minutes ago, dbar123 said:

Maybe I’m missing something, but if someone wants to take your picture…so what? Not sure why this is such a big deal for these spoiled royals.  They make the problem worse by turning these things into such a manufactured crisis.

Yeah, I don't get it either.  If you're with your mistress or drug dealer, OK, but other than that, no big whoop.

That's just it, the "manufactured crisis" is exactly what Whinge & Ginge want.  If their precious celebrity ever fades, lucrative offers will dry up.  Without $multimillion Netflix and book deals, they might have to suffer unspeakable hardship, like flying commercial instead of private (eek!).

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52 minutes ago, BSR said:

the "manufactured crisis" is exactly what Whinge & Ginge want.  If their precious celebrity ever fades, lucrative offers will dry up.

I agree entirely. I’ve never understood why King Charles hasn’t stripped them of their titles and royal status. As ordinary folk, there’d be little or no interest in them; they could lead their daily lives without Press attention.

They seek, however, to monetise their status but their behaviour is distasteful. “Leopards do not change their spots” was a saying my mother used about people behaving badly.

Equally I don’t understand why they are accorded status, and their titles used, while living in a republic. It may be a courtesy but they are undeserving of such consideration. 

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My favorite part of this caper is when the mayor announced how terrible this situation was. I guess he was the one precipitating, as @mike carey would say. 😄


Harry Windsor and Jussie Smollett should become best of friends and trade stories about their hoaxes and plans for more. 

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They decided to stay at a friend's place because the Carlyle hotel wouldn't give them a discount? I'm sure "the wife" (as she's called on South Park) wanted the presidential suite!



The Presidential Suite at The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel New York, Central Park features three bedrooms, a living room, a full kitchen and media area.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry NYC Car Chase Occurred Because Couple Were 'Too Cheap' to Get Hotel Room: Source


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As Magritte would say, "Ceci n'est pas le pont de London" (this is a picture of Tower, not London Bridge) 😉

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There are so many problems with the H&M saga.  I believe they likely do wish to use their time and fame to make a positive difference for others, but they are not altruistic nor wanting to be away from the limelight.  She is an actress who is used to being in the public eye.  He is a member of the most well-known family in the world, and the cameras have been on him since he left the hospital as a newborn.  

To me the issue is one of wanting your cake and eating it too.  I have never believed that M was as ignorant as she says about what royal life would require, but as an American, it was probably impossible for her to give up any measure of her personal freedom which needed to happen to serve the Crown.  And H knew he was only going to be further removed from the centre of attention as his nephews and nieces got older.  Yes, his mother's death was traumatizing - but she also benefitted from the paparazzi much of the time.  Like her, he wants the paparazzi on his own terms - and it doesn't happen that way.

If H&M really wanted to make a difference, they could have done so as members of the family - just like Princess Anne has been able to do.  And Sophie as well.  But I think the real reason they left is that they did not see any value or personal gain in remaining part of the Firm, and it is the self-serving aspect of their lives that probably motivated them to make that break.  They may not have fully thought out what that break would cost, but rather focused on the benefits alone - freedom to speak out freely about their grievances, and seek sympathy wherever it might be found.  Entitlement through and through.

These are two very wealthy individuals who are so out of touch with reality that their antics are almost comical.  If they really wanted to make a difference without blowing up the Firm, they could have stayed in Canada or any other Commonwealth country, enjoying physical separation from their royal woes and have the freedom to pursue their ventures.  But they knew that if they stayed in Canada they would eventually become irrelevant - and that was probably scarier to them than staying part of the Firm.   They needed to be in the USA, where stardom is a career in itself - where you are famous for being famous, and where you can run in circles with super-rich power magnates who are excited by the novelty of royalty.  In Canada or Australia they would have been famous, but not put up on the unwarranted pedestal they enjoy in LA.  Outside of the USA they would not have gained the misplaced sympathy they have been seeking all along and they could have lived relatively 'normal' lives -  but that is not something that either of them ever wanted. 

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As my prior posts on H&M will attest, I am no fan of either, and am earnestly and hopelessly await the day they will both just shut up. But further information on the "night in question," without the hysteria and hyperbole, has given me some pause in the intensity of my criticism.

The royal couple was staying at a private residence on the Upper East Side. They were being followed by a number of photographers and press people, but perhaps not as doggedly or dangerously as described by some. They did not want the press to follow them to where they were staying because they did not want to compromise the location for the property owners, subjecting them to unwanted attention, nor subject themselves to a waiting press gallery outside their door watching for every coming and going. This seems reasonable and plausible.

The taxi ride was at the suggestion of the NYPD at the 19th Precinct, to throw the press of their trail. It didn't work, but maybe a nice try.

And whatever the attitude of the larger Royal Family was toward Meghan when she lived in the UK, the British press -entirely in keeping with their already horrendous record regarding celebrity coverage- was at least as horrible in their coverage of Meghan, if not more so. No, she didn't much help her situation, but she did deserve a fairer chance than she got from them.

Since stepping down from royal duties to engage in their Worldwide Privacy Tour (an absolutely hilarious and well-deserved parody piece), they have, of course been a train wreck of self-indulgence and coarse vulgarity.

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7 hours ago, wsc said:

... They did not want the press to follow them to where they were staying because they did not want to compromise the location for the property owners...

That part is certainly reasonable. That being said: (1) No way should it have been a surprise that the press might (or, more probably, would) try to follow then, and, especially (2) No way, no how should they have continued a chase if this involved putting others at risk. That location became all the more publicized by this fake story of the dangerous 2-hour chase. Or was that the plan all along? A publicity stunt?

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seems to be a clear pattern here - OP posts something that he positions as current topic, but with intent to create a sideways & predictable discussion.

Since the politics section is no more, this is how they do it.  So boring, so predictable, so pedestrian.

if you can’t get your political fix here - go to GayGuides.com which has no moderation policy & welcomes the loony passive/aggressive types..  

btw - there is zero logic in a thread by those wishing for Harry & Meghan to “just go away” - and then devoting so much additional time & effort to analyze their latest adventure ad nauseum , thus ensuring the continued relevance of the couple you want to see no more ?   Makes no sense & ass backwards.  


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