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Rates on the Rise??

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On 1/7/2024 at 3:54 PM, Thelatin said:

I’ve never hired for an hour or two, so perhaps my experience is different?  I routinely hire an overnight for 1000.  They refer to it as a break from the BS.  Nice hotel, food, decent company etc. 

I’ve got 4 full days coming up for 3000.  Nice Airbnb, pool, hot tub, dinners etc.


On 1/13/2024 at 9:39 AM, Rod Hagen said:

That's 1999 rates you're paying, what's your secret? 🙂

hmm, idk about that @Rod Hagen. I currently ask between 1,100-1,200 for overnights and it’s only occasionally that I book them. The average gay dude looking to get fucked isn’t trying to drop $1,000-$2,000. Just like I said about Indian hotel owners: cheap would describe a good amount of gay dudes too. It’s not racism or homophobia, it’s facts. Hell, I’m cheap myself sometimes because it’s what I have to do to survive out here, in an economy that wants more more more from me, yet gay guys lately wanting to pay less less less. Like that song: nothing + nothing = 🤷🏾‍♂️ 

Even clients who live in million dollar homes, still seem to only want to pay $200 half the time. @Thelatin I would be thrilled to do a 4 day session for $3,000: long as it doesn’t require being hard the entire time 😂 But I’ve been trying to come up with $3,000 all year but most of my bookings have mainly only been up to  $500. Even last week I had an overnight: I was able to do a handful of things. Even at $1,100 ($1,200 for out of state travel) I can still do a lot, and ideally I rely on overnights at least 2-3 times a year. 

Past year I hardly had any, and that affected my finances greatly.

I can’t speak for everyone but not everyone can keep up with the joneses and charge female rates. And even for them, I often read on other forums how things are slow because they deal with like 3x the competition that we do.

And it gets worse. Even though I’ma loyal RentMasseur member: many of the clients seem to be Craigslist refugees seeking very low prices. I have to tell people all the time, I can’t do stuff for $60/$80. It doesn’t even pay a bill. I’ll spend 2 hours preparing for that, and if I have to book a room: I’m essentially getting nothing. For example:




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10 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:


hmm, idk about that @Rod Hagen. I currently ask between 1,100-1,200 for overnights and it’s only occasionally that I book them. The average gay dude looking to get fucked isn’t trying to drop $1,000-$2,000. Just like I said about Indian hotel owners: cheap would describe a good amount of gay dudes too. It’s not racism or homophobia, it’s facts. Hell, I’m cheap myself sometimes because it’s what I have to do to survive out here, in an economy that wants more more more from me, yet gay guys lately wanting to pay less less less. Like that song: nothing + nothing = 🤷🏾‍♂️ 

Even clients who live in million dollar homes, still seem to only want to pay $200 half the time. @Thelatin I would be thrilled to do a 4 day session for $3,000: long as it doesn’t require being hard the entire time 😂 But I’ve been trying to come up with $3,000 all year but most of my bookings have mainly only been up to  $500. Even last week I had an overnight: I was able to do a handful of things. Even at $1,100 ($1,200 for out of state travel) I can still do a lot, and ideally I rely on overnights at least 2-3 times a year. 

Past year I hardly had any, and that affected my finances greatly.

I can’t speak for everyone but not everyone can keep up with the joneses and charge female rates. And even for them, I often read on other forums how things are slow because they deal with like 3x the competition that we do.

And it gets worse. Even though I’ma loyal RentMasseur member: many of the clients seem to be Craigslist refugees seeking very low prices. I have to tell people all the time, I can’t do stuff for $60/$80. It doesn’t even pay a bill. I’ll spend 2 hours preparing for that, and if I have to book a room: I’m essentially getting nothing. For example:




if he can get someone for that amount... he should stick to those guys and stop shopping around. 

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I think seeking arrangement is fucking up a lot of this market. I’m going to Toronto next weekend to spend time with three regulars that I’ve met before. The first guy is $400 for the overnight, tickets to a raptors game (that we’ll attend together)  and a couples massage in the morning. 

The second guy is $750 for the overnight, he chose the hotel and dinner restaurant. He does this for the instagram pics and flex of saying “look where I get to stay”. 

The third guy, and one of my most favorites, is $1,200 for the overnight. He wants a new coat that I’ll probably drop a grand on for him. I upped his fee over time but he started at $500 to spend the night and a $1,000 shopping spree the next day.

All in all I get a variety of super hot company for the weekend, a lot of sex and physical pleasure, and a weekend away from the NYC cold to a different, worse cold. 

I’ve routinely handed escorts between $3,500 to $10k for a week’s worth of traveling.  I’ve done $6k weekends with a single porn star. I gotta say, these seeking weekends hold up really well at a fraction of the cost and I get variety and the guys are really appreciative.  On top of that, they like to stay in touch between visits so it isn’t like escorts, when rightfully so, when the clock stops the interaction stops. 

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12 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

An escort who negotiates his rate down just to do a little shopping with a client has questionable business sense.

Hopefully these guys figure out how to micromanage profitability, but for most of them, they never do.

One of the problems is that their mindset is different. They’re not businessmen. They don’t even see themselves as escorts. None of them think that this is long term, and they’re always waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under the arrangement. It’s hard to describe but fascinating too because the impact on the market is palpable. 

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3 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

An escort who negotiates his rate down just to do a little shopping with a client has questionable business sense.

Not sure I agree, to me it’s part of the package.  If the provider has to eat anyways, they need clothing anyways.  The client enjoys providing these things as part of the experience.  Seems reasonable.  I’ve certainly had more than a few providers drag me to the shoe store.  Shoes aren’t cheap…

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3 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

One of the problems is that their mindset is different. They’re not businessmen. They don’t even see themselves as escorts. None of them think that this is long term, and they’re always waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under the arrangement. It’s hard to describe but fascinating too because the impact on the market is palpable. 

yet, they're doing it for the money, they're businessmen, they're escorts! 

Whether they have sex with guys they would never date to just pay rent, they don't want too much exposure or simply don't know/want to make a living and a career they're escorts if they have sex for money.

Many times, has been proclaimed in this forum the demise of the escort business because of "seeking arrangement success" yet guys who have accounts there still hire from RM anyways.

I guess searching for hours, exchanging emails, sending pics so the guy can screen you before, meeting for a drink, etc. is a way to spend time instead of going to RM and simply spend money and in most cases getting what you want whenever you want.  

one more thing, in Canada is legal, therefore is cheaper than here just like in the UK and other countries where prostitution is legal. 

Besides, picture dealing with a millennial or a Gen Z with the attention span of a goldfish/microwave and trying to convince him to go on a date when he's not on it (allegedly) for the money to make a career, travel, buy a car, a house, etc.

I'm aware younger escorts could be a handful... Now picture a 24 y/o who thinks he's NOT an escort, because he's just doing it to get $450 a month to pay for his room, and after that has all his needs are covered till next month and there's no need to see anyone he doesn't like till next month. Now go spend time emailing him, sharing pics, etc. Isn't just hiring easier? 

3 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

An escort who negotiates his rate down just to do a little shopping with a client has questionable business sense.

Hopefully these guys figure out how to micromanage profitability, but for most of them, they never do.

Yes, and it's like presenting a coupon while ordering. 

I do understand a lower rate for a repeat client an escort sees weekly or for a trip based on location, compatibility with the client, and other reasons but let's do not ask for a discount on a first meeting, let's behave like gentlemen. 

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2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

yet, they're doing it for the money, they're businessmen, they're escorts! 

Whether they have sex with guys they would never date to just pay rent, they don't want too much exposure or simply don't know/want to make a living and a career they're escorts if they have sex for money.

I know that. And you know that. They don’t know that. 

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7 hours ago, Thelatin said:

Not sure I agree, to me it’s part of the package.  If the provider has to eat anyways, they need clothing anyways.  The client enjoys providing these things as part of the experience.  Seems reasonable.  I’ve certainly had more than a few providers drag me to the shoe store.  Shoes aren’t cheap…

No, it's not.  Not unless the client makes it a part of the equation.

A smart escort doesn't negotiate shopping into his rate.  His rate should simply be his rate.  Anything more is icing on the cake.  Anything less is compromising his good business sense.

If a client wants to allow shopping, sure, that's fine:  Don't be excessive.  Don't be nouveau riche and go for the most expensive thing on the menu just because you can.  Respect your client.

Luxury goods aren't cheap by design.  The whole 'aspirational lifestyle' bullshit seems to draw some people in.  I still don't understand a lot of it.  It's smoke & mirrors.

For me, it was a marked point in life when I could afford nice things on my own.

That's when I knew I had handled my business properly.  It was validation.

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8 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

If a client wants to allow shopping, sure, that's fine:  Don't be excessive.  Don't be nouveau riche and go for the most expensive thing on the menu just because you can.  Respect your client.

Luxury goods aren't cheap by design.  The whole 'aspirational lifestyle' bullshit seems to draw some people in.  I still don't understand a lot of it.  It's smoke & mirrors.

For me, it was a marked point in life when I could afford nice things on my own.

That's when I knew I had handled my business properly.  It was validation.

Bravo 🙌🏾 

And this is part of the reason I really just prefer to buy my own stuff. Everything in my closet I brought it, my car and hopefully soon enough, my place. I have “too” many clothes as it is, if a client is going to gift me something: it’s given not asked or “coddled” for. 

I understand the whole “he doesn’t consider himself an escort” cliche but: guys like that I don’t necessarily “hate” but, if they come at me on some “I don’t whore I just have guys buy me stuff” nonsense, then that’s where I’m going to be like 🤨 

I personally don’t vibe guys like that because, they’re opportunists. I’ve come across a few every now and then: always good looking, sexy, can come in any race: but they go on dates making the other person pay for everything, while they sit back and contribute little to nothing until you can “prove” yourself to them.

I remember couple or so years ago: I went on a date with a guy to Landrys Seafood. It’s like our second meet, and this was his way of me needing to “prove” myself to him. I ordered fish, he ordered fish: then sent it back and got lobster. Fair enough. But a $140 bill was not something I was expecting 😂 eventually he got the point down the line: What he looking to get, he’s not going to find in someone who’s trying to get it themselves. We ended up being friends but…over time I started to feel the one sidedness was too much to deal with. It was mostly all about him.

I may be hired fun but, I’m never in the Mind-frame to take advantage of someone. Some of these “non escorts” are professional scam artists in the long run. They know how to get what they want out of dudes…and more power to them. But he who giveth, taketh away. I’ve seen it more than enough. 

That said I don’t mean to imply this to anyone’s here particular situation. And if it’s fun and mutually consenting, by all means. It’s nothing wrong with doing nice things for others.


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22 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

Is the impact that people are charging more? There was such variety in what you're paying, I can't tell. 

The impact, in my opinion, is that seeking guys ask for so little in relation to escorts. I’m getting an overnight for under $500, plus perks I’d have probably paid for anyway with an overnight RM provider. A $6k weekend with one lousy attitude porn star is more than I’ll spend with 3 overnights with 3 different guys, and a jam packed weekend of activities with eager, conscientious, almost equally as attractive guys.  I’m looking less at RM these days and more at seeking. 

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13 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

A smart escort doesn't negotiate shopping into his rate.  His rate should simply be his rate.

Luxury goods aren't cheap by design.  The whole 'aspirational lifestyle' bullshit seems to draw some people in.  I still don't understand a lot of it.  It's smoke & mirrors.

My point is that a smart escort is not your average seeking guy. Your average seeking guy almost cares more about the shopping, first class flights, luxury hotels etc than the cash. At least from my experiences.  They instagram EVERYTHING, which I don’t entirely get either.  You’re so right about smoke and mirrors.

I’ve only ever had to say no to one request. A tacky Louis Vuitton gold bracelet from Harrods. I find that nearly every other request for clothes, wallets, underwear (my fave) has been reasonable.  How do you say no to this? 



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2 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

 How do you say no to this? 

For me, it would be very easy considering he's built like a 15yo teenager and not a man.

As soon as he's got the ass and legs to fill out those Versace briefs, I'm game.

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3 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

15 year olds don’t have 8” dicks, at least none of the ones I played with freshman year. 

Thinking back to 10th grade, I had a buddy in JROTC who sported a thick, heavy 8 incher.  Ah, the memories of him, my parents’ liquor cabinet and a hottub.  

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3 minutes ago, Hot4latin said:

Thinking back to 10th grade, I had a buddy in JROTC who sported a thick, heavy 8 incher.  Ah, the memories of him, my parents’ liquor cabinet and a hottub.  

I did ROTC too!  That’s where all this happened on those overnight trips! 


26 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

Britney Spears Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Easy killer, I was 15 too. 

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