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Any times where masseur went kinda nuts ?


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Had mostly good experiences, but two really unsettling ones. One was a well-known guy formerly on this site who just started screaming that he was a famous TV actor (he definitely wasn’t).  Seemed like he was going to get physical so I left.

Another was more recent, and I felt really bad for him, but he was clearly having some kind of nervous breakdown.  I didn’t know how to help him.  I tried to be nice but then he started yelling and was getting angry — I couldn’t follow what about.  I left. Really wish I had good ideas on how to help that guy.

Not sure what to think, but feel awful.

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Only once. Handsome guy - good massage. I felt we had a connection. Had great conversation, he had just moved to the area and we talked about various local topics. It was so nice that I returned the following week. He acted like he didn’t remember the first time. I thought maybe he had a lot of clients and it wasn’t as memorable for him as it was for me.  I brought up topics that we had discussed the prior week…he didn’t seem engaged. Then he started talking politics - let’s just say he and I think differently.  I didn’t care..just let him go but after a while of it I said something I thought was tame..like “well I’m not sure that’s 100% true.” He went off….started ranting, claimed I was sympathetic to Nazis, etc.  I ended the massage and he actually acted surprised, saying “are you sure?”  I paid him and he tried to hug me at the door but I turned and left.  Later that night he texted me and apologized….profusely.   Said he was listening to the news and it just built up and he exploded.  I was kind in my response but never saw him again —he left town and recently returned and is advertising.  If I saw him again I doubt he would remember me but I don’t want to go through all that again. I still think about that first time though…it was nice - no sexual stuff other than HE but just a good conversation and connection…or so I thought.


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1 hour ago, JSchorr said:

 It was no nice that I returned the following week. He acted like he didn’t remember the first time. I thought maybe he had a lot of clients and it wasn’t as memorable for him as it was for me. 


Ding! There is one like this in Bay Area. PM if ya wanna know, good looking and really not stable.


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I hired a guy over a decade ago with whom I had a nice-enough but not especially great appointment until he was getting dressed.  He started insulting me as he was getting ready to leave, and I was honestly left speechless because I had no idea where his vitriol was coming from.  I hadn't done anything to trigger it as far as I could tell, so I suspect that maybe he just had a lot of inner conflict about doing erotic massage work and was taking that out on me on his way out the door.  He has continuously advertised since then but there's no way I would hire him for a repeat, even if the appointment had been more to my liking, after having him disparage me just a few minutes after we both came.

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I had one who went off on crazy conspiracy theories (alien cats founded ancient Egypt, milk is made of human blood, stuff like that) and got pissed off when I talk him I didn’t want to talk during my session. I didn’t comment on his nuttiness at all, just said that I r preferred quiet during a session.  He freaked out and threw me out. He even refused my money. 

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7 minutes ago, Karch said:

I had one who went off on crazy conspiracy theories (alien cats founded ancient Egypt, milk is made of human blood, stuff like that) and got pissed off when I talk him I didn’t want to talk during my session. I didn’t comment on his nuttiness at all, just said that I r preferred quiet during a session.  He freaked out and threw me out. He even refused my money. 

King Tut Art GIF by Millions

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One guy told me he could never be friends with anyone who didn’t love his dog

his dog stayed in the. Room with us and licked my hand a few times

i love dogs but didn’t want him in 5he room but I was afraid to ask him to put the dog out



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4 hours ago, starman05 said:

One guy told me he could never be friends with anyone who didn’t love his dog

his dog stayed in the. Room with us and licked my hand a few times

i love dogs but didn’t want him in 5he room but I was afraid to ask him to put the dog out



I'm kind of of the same mind as that guy ... actually, more of the mind that I'm leery of someone my dog doesn't like. I do close the bedroom door when I'm hosting so my dog doesn't come in. She has come in after we're done and I haven't run into a provider who minds that yet.

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Funnily enough, this just happened, and with a masseur that I've been seeing for years. During the massage he started going on about being followed and tapped by the government because of his activism and asking me what I knew. Extremely unnerving. Needless to say, I won't be hiring him again. Not sure what's going on with the poor man but I am sure I don't want to be near it.

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Third massage with one guy and he had just had a fight with his girlfriend.  He was a great massage, but a talker which I don't care for... anyway, he rambled on for his girlfriend for a bit and then started going off about his clients.  Too bad, really, it was a fantastic, therapeutic massage... perhaps the best I've ever had.

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4 hours ago, poolboy48220 said:

I'm kind of of the same mind as that guy ... actually, more of the mind that I'm leery of someone my dog doesn't like. I do close the bedroom door when I'm hosting so my dog doesn't come in. She has come in after we're done and I haven't run into a provider who minds that yet.

I love dogs too but it was the way he said it. Kind of like this will be a dealbreaker. I was there for an hour for a massage. It wasn’t a friendship

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4 hours ago, poolboy48220 said:

I'm kind of of the same mind as that guy ... actually, more of the mind that I'm leery of someone my dog doesn't like. I do close the bedroom door when I'm hosting so my dog doesn't come in. She has come in after we're done and I haven't run into a provider who minds that yet.

And yes, If a dog I loved didn’t like someone I’d take notice 

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9 hours ago, Lohengrin1979 said:

Funnily enough, this just happened, and with a masseur that I've been seeing for years. During the massage he started going on about being followed and tapped by the government because of his activism and asking me what I knew. Extremely unnerving. Needless to say, I won't be hiring him again. Not sure what's going on with the poor man but I am sure I don't want to be near it.

Similar experience here.  Masseur said the government and others were following him, hacking his phone, etc.  And then he said he didn’t know if I was “real.”  It was bad.  I really hope that guy is ok.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/24/2023 at 1:23 PM, Karch said:

I had one who went off on crazy conspiracy theories (alien cats founded ancient Egypt, milk is made of human blood, stuff like that) and got pissed off when I talk him I didn’t want to talk during my session. I didn’t comment on his nuttiness at all, just said that I r preferred quiet during a session.  He freaked out and threw me out. He even refused my money. 

Amen! I am not hiring a provider for their intellect or social theories. Not that I snap at someone for a little basic idle chit chat, but I look forward to the silence or background music.

I spend a lot of my day thinking and responding to people. It's NOT relaxing. On the contrary, it's work and that why they have to pay me to do it! Hell, if it was FUN, I would spend my day doing it for free!

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On 2/25/2023 at 2:14 PM, poolboy48220 said:

I'm kind of of the same mind as that guy ... actually, more of the mind that I'm leery of someone my dog doesn't like. I do close the bedroom door when I'm hosting so my dog doesn't come in. She has come in after we're done and I haven't run into a provider who minds that yet.

Ha ha! You should read my blog about the time I saw a client at his place and the dog was on the bed with us. Wasn’t a small dog either. 😳

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Many of these examples sound like symptoms of extreme drug use (eg paranoia, unstable moods, erratic communication etc). I’ve had several experiences leaving me scared for my own safety beyond simple awkwardness (eg provider suddenly accusing me of being a plant from the government and starting to go through my clothes trying to find ID, or spraying me with a sanitizing aerosol can because he was worried about COVID) and usually these came out of nowhere after perfectly normal starts.

On the issue of overly talkative providers I’ve often wondered if the profession makes one more prone to loneliness, through being solitary and stigmatized,  without industry cameraderie or being able to talk about such a huge part of one’s life socially. 

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Oh yes! This sexy Cuban guy in Tampa whom I had amazing sex with since the first time I went to him in 2018 for a massage (a total of 4 veeeery hot fucks), and with whom I interchanged often hot text messages and pics/videos until in early 2021 he sent me a message with a link about Conspiracy theories and QAnon "facts", I  asked him if he was f@cking joking and he totally ignored me since...🙄

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After reading through, I guess I’ve been fairly lucky in my hires! Haven’t experienced the particular craziness shown above, but I did have my own moment of “uh oh” with a provider.

First red flag was that his photos were clearly 15+ years out of date.  Over looked that issue, as the provider still looked decent and hit it off with easy conversation.  The uh oh came about mid way through, as he was massaging my quads and getting in to the hip flexors, he made a comment that “if I apply enough pressure right here, I could kill you and no one would know how you died.”  We both chuckled, and I chimed in that people don’t realize the power a massage therapist has over their client…thankfully it was only a 60 minute massage and we wrapped up quickly after that.

Needless to say, I never went back.  He pulled his ad a few days later and I’ve never seen it again.

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