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How Important is his face?

Guest Matt Smith

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57 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

I'm a fitness freak. I can't stand a pound of fat on a man or a woman. So the body is always my first attraction.

Face....as long as they're not a major*ugggo* ..I'm fine.

Even my first fuck was with a girl who had a rockin-hot bod, but was a plain-Jane in the face. ( of course she also had a convertible, to fuck in..so that scored points too ).

Dim the lights and pour some extra wine.


Not a pound of fat?! You must spend a lot of time alone or you date skin and bones. A percentage of body fat is healthy. 

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On 2/7/2023 at 9:01 PM, Matt Smith said:

Well, I posted this in the fetish forum thinking that was the right place and someone corrected me and suggested here, so I'm just copying and pasting what I posted there.

How important is a guy's face compared to his body for you? Can a "butters" (everything's hot but his face) guy turn you on or no?

Butters guys don't do it for me. I don't care how muscled he is or how great his underwear looks on him (a major fetish for me) if his face doesn't look good too - in porn pics especially.  It is VERY rare a faceless pic can turn me on.

Mind you, as I write this, I realize that personality greatly affects how much a guy turns me on too.  In porn pics, the face is where the personality is revealed. But, in real life, I've seen hot guys whose appearance caused a stir in my crotch until their personality was revealed and my dick shriveled right up.  I've also seen guys who weren't necessarily the cutest until their personality was revealed and I'd go from six to midnight in a heartbeat.

So maybe it's more of a personality thing for me and in porn I use the face to extrapolate a personality that suits my fantasy.

What about you?

I certainly appreciate a handsome face, but I'm really into muscle - hairy muscle especially

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1 hour ago, n2guysnatl said:

The face is very important to me.  I scroll on by the faceless profiles on Rentmen or Grinder.

Of course you do in this setting. It's like catalog shopping. You have nothing else to go on but what appears online. I like to think that the criteria would be different when confronted with a living, breathing man standing right before you.

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You know, this topic has made me think. There was one man who was blah in face and body but he had a BIG DICK and gave me free access any time I craved it! Once we got sex out of the way, I found him charming, intelligent, and a good conversationalist. We began dating at his suggestion. I recall our being very happy until the relationship ran its course.  In contrast, I've had many gay men who find me physically attractive who assume that I'm stupid. It's the old prejudice that a man perceived as good looking cannot also have intelligence and character. Needless to say, those connections with lower expectations of me went nowhere.

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48 minutes ago, Jaroslav said:

Some very attractive men (boyfriends and escorts) have gotten very ugly after they’re personality came out.

Living in NYC you encounter a lot of very attractive people who always get invited to the various social occasions around town.

I would say the majority of pretty faces, who I chat with lose their looks within 15 minutes of discovering what a narcissistic asshole they actually are inside. The younger ones, are becoming even more so than you'd find years ago. ( Not to mention the lack of classical educations standards which make them incapable of intelligent conversation on any subject except Political Lesbianism and Global water rights ).

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2 hours ago, alrajee said:

Quite important. I scroll past Rentmen and Grindr/Tinder profiles that don't show their face. They don't have to be Ryan Gosling levels of handsome (because that's unreasonable); a pleasant face with a nice smile are all you need to get my attention.

Ironically I don’t find Ryan Gosling’s face to be that attractive at all. Or Ryan Reynolds. Just proves beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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6 hours ago, alrajee said:

I scroll past Rentmen and Grindr/Tinder profiles that don't show their face.

I figure if you’re going to sell me something and part of your product is your body, then I should see your face. Likewise, if you’re serious about actually meeting up with clients, then you should show clients your face. I see it like basic escort etiquette. If an escort has out-the-gate expectations for every potential client, clients can have the same. For me, it’s considering hiring you only if you post your face. No face. No hire from Jaroslav!

 I also appreciate more than simply 20 pictures of your dick and 20 of your ass. A nice few pictures of everything from intimate to day-to-day gives a much better idea of who you are than six of your dick, even if one is beside a Suave shampoo bottle. Maybe one of you with your dog? 

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16 hours ago, Jaroslav said:

I also appreciate more than simply 20 pictures of your dick and 20 of your ass

I personally agree with you ....

But that doesn't seem to be the case with some members here who go crazy over a huge penis even though it's attached to a headless torso.

I've also seen threads about more complete photos where multiple members recommend a provider who couldn't be more plain of face and mediocre in his physical presence but gifted with an abnormally large cock.

"Bigger is better" seems to be a common viewpoint that gets you a pass for your otherwise ordinary appearance.

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On 2/7/2023 at 11:16 PM, CuriousByNature said:

 I would be more interested in a genuinely kind woman or man who may not have amazing physical attributes, compared with someone with a supermodel's face and body that happens to lack empathy and grace.

How do you figure kindness out? It's kind of weird asking if guy has volunteered recently for a nonprofit organization.

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48 minutes ago, newdad said:

How do you figure kindness out? It's kind of weird asking if guy has volunteered recently for a nonprofit organization.

I've always heard and believed that a person shows his true character based on how he treats waiters, call center workers, or anyone in the service industry. If you dine with someone who is complaining, persnickety, and ready to stiff a waiter on a tip for no reason at all, you can rest assured you've met an unkind person.

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Face is probably 95% of the attraction for me.  I'm submissive and for me it's all about having a sexy, cute, handsome, or gorgeous face to look up at while I'm on my knees.  I can't worship a fugly dude no matter how nice his body is.  

Body, shoulders, arms, abs, thighs, cock, ass, feet... I like all of those things, but not on a man with an unattractive face.  Nope.

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