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Hiring straight guys

Playful boy
Message added by rvwnsd,

Moderator's Note:

Folks, it is time to take a deep breath and tone down the rhetoric.

Name-calling and attacks need to stop and so does the bickering. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

When I was in High School, ( 1980s) nobody talked about being gay. But everyone knew who was gay. It's not that difficult.

What you couldn't pick out were the bisexuals.

I wish I had gone to your high school in the 80's! At my high school in the 70's we only knew who was obviously effeminate and we assumed gay because they were scorned, bullied and didn't fight back. But nobody knew who the gay and masculine, playing sports and dating girls or nerds were! I was truly surprised to find out some of the studs I lusted after in high school were in fact gay, nobody could have guessed and those were just the few I found out about too! And some of the nerds I had assumed were or "might be" turned out to actually not be gay! I lived in a very conservative area, so men were very careful not to let on. Even I watched myself very carefully and dated girls and went as far with them as "good girls" would let me back then to protect my image and reputation and that of my family's. Things were very different in my part of the country and in my days. We had no way of even guessing that just a decade later things would begin to change and the public perception of homosexuality would eventually improve dramatically. My "gaydar" didn't even begin to kick in till the mid 80's in college and I had moved to a different place and a larger city. 

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25 minutes ago, Danny-Darko said:

I lived in a very conservative area, so men were very careful not to let on.

Same for me. Central PA. Lots of rednecks that would beat the shit out of you for being gay.

Nonetheless the musical theater crowd all turned out to be gay. ( No surprises ).

The only shockers were the number of bisexual guys. Most of us married and had kids, but like to fool around. The majority of these guys WERE the jocks, who you wouldn't normally think of as dick-suckers.

I am unaware of anyone in my high school, who is in a homosexual relationship today, who I was shocked to discover this. ( and yes I am very close to many of my childhood friends and we are in constant touch through social media....so I do know most people's business through the grapevine ).  We did have a surprisingly large gay population for such a conservative community. None of us really quite understand why that was. (Distant parents maybe.) But we did go way beyond the usual 10% model.

Anyway...as I stated before the ONLY guys who I found attractive were the sporty, masculine guys. Purportedly "straight". That's still what I like and fortunately I've now discovered that bisexuality makes some of those guys available. Something I was unaware of in High School. Foolishly I somehow believed I was "broken" and I was the only one.

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I have come to face facts there is heavy denialism in many factions of the LGBT community. Transgender women genuinely believe they are real women when they are not and will never be and gay men genuinely in their hearts of hearts believe there are nothing to those stereotypes. Now it doesnt mean every gay man fits the stereotype but I will say a good majority of out gay men are identifiable as gay men to onlookers even if not walking hand in hand with another man. Its like a gaslighting brand of denialism. In large metros where gays congregate they are every bit of the stereotype and then some. 

All those """yaaaas bitch" ,"you betta work bitch", "fierce honey",etc etc. Just jump on the subway in NY and you will see it all exhibited. I am sure going to a pride parade will confirm everything i say( someone tell me cuz ill never be there). The same ppl who think there are no differences are the same ppl who prob thought they were fooling ppl in the closet when like other posters said ppl know who most the gays are from school days even if they dont talk about it. How would they have known?

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31 minutes ago, studchaser said:

I have come to face facts there is heavy denialism in many factions of the LGBT community

Let's see how many immediately deny the science -

Although much research has commonly used heterosexual samples, both lab and field studies on romantic partner preferences amongst gay men, consistently highlight a commonplace desire for masculine over feminine traits in potential partners. (Bailey et al., 1997; Clarkson, 2006; Laner & Kamel, 1977; Sanchez & Vilain, 2012; Tayawaditep, 2002). Sanchez and Vilain (2012)

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1 hour ago, studchaser said:

I have cone to face facts there is heavy denialism in many factions of the LGBT community. Transgender women genuinely believe they are real wonen when they are not and will never be and gay men genuinely in their hearts of hearts believe there are nothing to those stereotypes. Now it doesnt mean every gay man fits the stereotype but I will say a good majority of out gay men are udentifiable as gay men to onlookers even if not walkibg hand in hand with another man. Its like a gaslighting brand of denialism. In large metros where gays congregate they are every bit of the stereotype and then some. 

All those """yaaaas bitch" ,"you betta work bitch", "fierce honey",etc etc. Just jump on the subway in NY and you will see it all exhibited. I am sure going to a pride parade will confirm everything i say( someone tell me cuz ill never be there). The same ppl who think there are no difference are the same ppl who prob thought they were fooling ppl in the closet when like other posters said ppl know who most the gays are from school days even if they dont talk about it. How would they have known?

Did you consider that perhaps the issue is not that most gay men are feminine and fit a stereotype, but rather your own prejudices blind you from seeing masculine gay men? 

I do not know of any research about the manners among gay men. If there is one, please educate me. But I do not see how you know a masculine man is gay or straight. 

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1 hour ago, studchaser said:

I have cone to face facts there is heavy denialism in many factions of the LGBT community. Transgender women genuinely believe they are real wonen when they are not and will never be and gay men genuinely in their hearts of hearts believe there are nothing to those stereotypes. Now it doesnt mean every gay man fits the stereotype but I will say a good majority of out gay men are udentifiable as gay men to onlookers even if not walkibg hand in hand with another man. Its like a gaslighting brand of denialism. In large metros where gays congregate they are every bit of the stereotype and then some. 

All those """yaaaas bitch" ,"you betta work bitch", "fierce honey",etc etc. Just jump on the subway in NY and you will see it all exhibited. I am sure going to a pride parade will confirm everything i say( someone tell me cuz ill never be there). The same ppl who think there are no difference are the same ppl who prob thought they were fooling ppl in the closet when like other posters said ppl know who most the gays are from school days even if they dont talk about it. How would they have known?

Yes, there will ALWAYS be the the loud, in-your-face types who live up to the gay femme stereotype. When I was exploring and accepting my sexuality as a gay man, those loud, womanish types had NOTHING in common with me. Yet I never thought of them as "other" -- they were simply not me. "Straight-acting" was not part of my vocabulary or mindset, either, because I knew by my early 20s that I was anything but straight; and I had no interest in play-acting.

I find it sad that who's gay or straight is still a hotly debated topic among segments of the gay populace. 

For me, I agree with the line from "Victor/Victoria": I'm a man who doesn't have to prove it. To myself or to anyone.

The dig at transgender women is just hateful. They are women, perhaps not biologically but in their spirit, their mind, their self-perception, they are women. How dare you to deny anyone the right to define himself or herself? Did someone die and elect you as sole arbiter of what's what and who's who? Am I missing anything? Not being trans myself, I don't understand it, either.  But I wouldn't deny anyone their truth. And consider that the transgendered are most likely to be murdered (unsolved), most likely to be poor, discriminated against for employment. Being trans is not a walk in the park. Trans men and women have incredible courage to be themselves.

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1 hour ago, misterhumphries said:

But I wouldn't deny anyone their truth.

No one has their own truth.

Facts are facts.

You may be a dude who wants to live like a woman, and I have no problem with that fact.

I do have a problem with people creating a false reality and expecting me to play along.

Feeling like a woman doesn't make you a woman.

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11 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

No one has their own truth.

Facts are facts.

You may be a dude who wants to live like a woman, and I have no problem with that fact.

I do have a problem with people creating a false reality and expecting me to play along.

Feeling like a woman doesn't make you a woman.

JFC, you're a transphobe on top of all your other awful qualities. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 

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3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Let's see how many immediately deny the science -

Although much research has commonly used heterosexual samples, both lab and field studies on romantic partner preferences amongst gay men, consistently highlight a commonplace desire for masculine over feminine traits in potential partners. (Bailey et al., 1997; Clarkson, 2006; Laner & Kamel, 1977; Sanchez & Vilain, 2012; Tayawaditep, 2002). Sanchez and Vilain (2012)

I'm feminine and have never wanted for lovers, and I'm married to a "straight-acting" man. Bottoming is a feminine act no matter who is doing it. And what is considered masculine today is different from 50 years ago, let alone 500 years ago. Etc. Etc. 

You feel the need to endlessly share your shitty and antiquated opinions on subjects for which you have little to no knowledge. Maybe spend more time reading about history and less time judging people on the Internet. 

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3 hours ago, studchaser said:

I have cone to face facts there is heavy denialism in many factions of the LGBT community. Transgender women genuinely believe they are real wonen when they are not and will never be and gay men genuinely in their hearts of hearts believe there are nothing to those stereotypes. Now it doesnt mean every gay man fits the stereotype but I will say a good majority of out gay men are udentifiable as gay men to onlookers even if not walkibg hand in hand with another man. Its like a gaslighting brand of denialism. In large metros where gays congregate they are every bit of the stereotype and then some. 

All those """yaaaas bitch" ,"you betta work bitch", "fierce honey",etc etc. Just jump on the subway in NY and you will see it all exhibited. I am sure going to a pride parade will confirm everything i say( someone tell me cuz ill never be there). The same ppl who think there are no difference are the same ppl who prob thought they were fooling ppl in the closet when like other posters said ppl know who most the gays are from school days even if they dont talk about it. How would they have known?

Trust me. No one is missing your self-hating ass at Pride, "studchaser." 🤣

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12 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

you're a transphobe on top of all your other awful qualities. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 

Being a realist doesn't make one a trans-phobe.

The Journal of Critical Realism would support my position.


An acrimonious debate has emerged about transgenderism. Trans-activists defending the full spectrum of the latter have advocated a form of identity politics based upon individual self-definition. However, gender-critical feminists (within another current of identity politics) have disputed the legitimacy of these bids for self-determination, especially when considering men who are claiming to be women. These contrasting positions are examined and their political implications explored. The focus of the paper is on the intransitive aspects of sex and the transitive aspects of gender. The former, with rare exceptions, is a binary whereas the latter is open to social negotiation and variation. The article argues that the gender-critical position is broadly aligned with critical realist philosophy, though the counter view is represented in order to clarify this point of reflection. It ends with a discussion of the ‘trans debate’ and the public policy development emerging in its wake.

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3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Let's see how many immediately deny the science -

Although much research has commonly used heterosexual samples, both lab and field studies on romantic partner preferences amongst gay men, consistently highlight a commonplace desire for masculine over feminine traits in potential partners. (Bailey et al., 1997; Clarkson, 2006; Laner & Kamel, 1977; Sanchez & Vilain, 2012; Tayawaditep, 2002). Sanchez and Vilain (2012)

Indeed, and it make sense because Gay4Pay and "Bi" men are the top sellers and headliners in gay male porn! I have known butch tops that only go for feminine guys, but I must say masculine and "manly" men tend to be the favorites of most gay men. Opposites attract and straight men are so desired and lusted after and there must be an obvious reason regardless of what some like.  There's a niche for everybody but beef is a bigger seller than fish regardless of what you might enjoy, ask anybody in the food industry. It's just how things are and what most like, like it or not! 

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i cant agree more that "feeling" like a woman does not make one a woman. it just makes one identify more with and emulate those qualities. nothing wrong with that but biology is biology. they dont open one up to remove an appendix and find a ham sandwich. they find an appendix. thats science. if you have reproductive organs of a male or female then biologically that is what you are. end stop. how you "feel" is up to you and your right.

the push in our screwed up society that "feeling" like a certain type makes ones that type is just an over reach to fit into main stream society as such instead of being the "non" accepted IN mainstream society. men accept women and there is no vilification as such.. one "feels" like a woman therefore if a=b and b=c then a=c. this logic states one will be accepted as a woman and not a vilified "non male". rubbish! thats non delusional.

i guess when the line at the bathroom is 10 long for the mens room and 0 at the womens room i will all of a sudden "feel" like a woman and get a good piss out!

i would love to get an addatwattome at this point in my life, i really would. ive used me dick long enough and would enjoy immensely to be the "bottom" in the relationship. most would say "you have a hole... use it." nope. its the best men can do with each other i agree. but a real twat is what is made for insertion. now if i had the addatwattome, would i be a female, considering everything else would stay as a male? i dont believe so. i still would be a male since my reproductive organs were a male in the first place but altered. i couldnt reproduce as a female but i had the ability at one point to reproduce as a male. an argument could be made that genital organs would be changed and hence become a female. i believe it has to do as i stated above as in the reproductive sense that biology makes us a male or female. i would still "feel" as a male so in all purposes i would be considered a male.

just my $.02

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8 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

Did you consider that perhaps the issue is not that most gay men are feminine and fit a stereotype, but rather your own prejudices blind you from seeing masculine gay men? 

I do not know of any research about the manners among gay men. If there is one, please educate me. But I do not see how you know a masculine man is gay or straight. 

I dont actually think most gay men are feminine . Its more nuanced than that. I just believe on avg gay men aren't as masculine as straight men. I live in NY and have worked events back in the day that are geared to gay men. When hundreds if not thousands of gay men show up on one day you can record your own anecdotal evidence. 

The issue is not that these men are bad ppl or unworthy. They have the right to be who they want. If on a scale of 1 to 10 for masculinity i want a 10 I can tell you you are going to need a straight guy for that. The truth is we all know this even the ones playing contrarian and devils advocate but like the govt appointed public defender I appreciate you for making the case 

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6 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

JFC, you're a transphobe on top of all your other awful qualities. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 

Where is the lie? If a trans is lost on a desert island away from their hormones they sre gonna grow a mean 5 ockock shadow. The bra they are wearing will fall off if they didnt get implants. I actually feel most trans who want to be women are inconsiderate of women. They want to compete against them in sports and rob them of glory. They want to force themself into womens spaces where they may not be welcomed. Like others have said you cant reduce women to sexy clothes ,makeup and hair styling. Trans are just super fem gay men for the most part who dont wanna take the heat 

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1 hour ago, studchaser said:

I dont actually think most gay men are feminine . Its more nuanced than that. I just believe on avg gay men aren't as masculine as straight men. I live in NY and have worked events back in the day that are geared to gay men. When hundreds if not thousands of gay men show up on one day you can record your own anecdotal evidence. 

The issue is not that these men are bad ppl or unworthy. They have the right to be who they want. If on a scale of 1 to 10 for masculinity i want a 10 I can tell you you are going to need a straight guy for that. The truth is we all know this even the ones playing contrarian and devils advocate but like the govt appointed public defender I appreciate you for making the case 

I like when you say "I believe". There is no argument against that. But I do have a problem when you say "the truth is we all know". We do not know.

I think I understand your point, but I do not think you understand mine. If you think that gay men are recognizable from their manners (whatever we call them), how can you know you are right? Your premise is self-corroborating. You do not know whether or not you are right when you determine what their preferences are.

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53 minutes ago, José Soplanucas said:

I like when you say "I believe". There is no argument against that. But I do have a problem when you say "the truth is we all know". We do not know.

I think I understand your point, but I do not think you understand mine. If you think that gay men are recognizable from their manners (whatever we call them), how can you know you are right? Your premise is self-corroborating. You do not know whether or not you are right when you determine what their preferences are.

You are a master sophist. We are blessed with our common sense as humans. We can fail to use it if we choose or we can utilize it. I am guilty of the latter.

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Back to the subject at hand ...I think @José Soplanucashas brought up an interesting point about desire.

He is insisting that if a trans has the desire to be a woman everyone should play along and pretend that dude is a woman. So likewise if a client wants to believe his provider is "straight" and the provider presents himself as masculine,,, then he's straight ! 

Doesn't matter that he's fucking dudes up the ass.

Just believe. 😉


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2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Back to the subject at hand ...I think @José Soplanucashas brought up an interesting point about desire.

He is insisting that if a trans has the desire to be a woman everyone should play along and pretend that dude is a woman. So likewise if a client wants to believe his provider is "straight" and the provider presents himself as masculine than he's straight. Doesn't matter that he's fucking dudes up the ass.

Just believe.


I did not mention trans.

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On 12/28/2022 at 5:23 PM, Monarchy79 said:

Great Points!!

I’m with you wholeheartedly.

I think the best way to explain why this topic is somewhat triggering to me (not really, but the topic does ignite deep thought), is for me to show you.


look at this rentmen ad:


I’m sure this dude is charging premium pay, for a potential client to lick his smelly feet and dirty ass. Oh, and he’s made it clear that there will be no sexual intercourse throughout the session. From his pics, he will make no efforts to present a hood presentation of hygiene, or a welcoming environment, and gets a “pass” for sup-par services because he’s fulfilling a “straight”  fetish. 

Although people will willingly open their pockets to be “entertained” by him (and have the right to) it’s the principle of the matter that makes me ask: “WHYYYYY!?!?” 


Straighthalfarab = CONMAN

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9 hours ago, studchaser said:

Where is the lie? If a trans is lost on a desert island away from their hormones they sre gonna grow a mean 5 ockock shadow. The bra they are wearing will fall off if they didnt get implants. I actually feel most trans who want to be women are inconsiderate of women. They want to compete against them in sports and rob them of glory. They want to force themself into womens spaces where they may not be welcomed. Like others have said you cant reduce women to sexy clothes ,makeup and hair styling. Trans are just super fem gay men for the most part who dont wanna take the heat 

bingo! this is the whole problem with society and we will have dire circumstances if not hammered out.

if trans people... they are people to me... not men... not women...want to compete in sports they have every right to as such. they can create their own league and compete against each other. why "jump the fence" so to speak and compete against women? anyone against this theory chime in but answer me one question. why arent their any trans ftm's competing against men in their categories? why dont you see a ftm compete in boxing against men, ( they feel and identify as such right? so they in their minds are men) swim against men and powerlift against men? why not? because they will have their newly acquired hairy asses handed to them thats why! people in mainstream society love competition. so if there were some awesome competitions in trans groups competing against each other there would be many many who would watch for the sake of good competition. most wont watch this "jimmied up" mtf crap against women competitions.

so yes it is cheating when a mtf competes against women and wins every category by a mile. why liberals wont accept this and rally for trans groups competing against each OTHER (thats equality folks) is to me only again the need for total acceptance be damned in mainstream society. guess what it aint gonna happen libs and you will set back trans rights accordingly.

china and russia are laughing at us all the way to the bank folks.

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