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Everything posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. I'm confused. Is this post about @BenjaminNicholas? Is there a long-running feud?
  2. I love how you're trying to be shady by suggesting that other clients on here aren't wealthy enough to "afford" $500/hour. It just makes you come across as either condescending or full of it. I'll let everyone make up their own minds about which it is. Either way, it's not a very appealing attribute.
  3. The median US income is $31,000; it's $34,000 in NYC. I assume most people here make more than that because they have disposable income to hire providers. And I assume most of us do not have the expense of children. Our income is MANY times that, but the juice still has to be worth the squeeze. Ultimately, for us hiring is a matter of convenience. We don't wish to waste our time on apps, and we don't hang out in bars or clubs much anymore. So the cost of hiring has to be worth saving that time. And for us that is generally going to fall in the $250-$400/hour range.
  4. What if it's $1,000? $3,000? $5,000?
  5. Yes, this is the point. Saying someone is cheap because they don't want to pay a 200% increase for a service in three years is just nonsense. If a plumber charged 200% more for fixing a pipe than they did in 2020, I think most people would think that was outrageous. Of course, the guys are dealing with inflation as are we all, so I understand a move from $200-$250 or $250-$300, but a base rate going from $300 to $500 in 18 months is a bit much. Of course, if they can get it, more power to them. But they are pricing a lot of guys out of the market, and - as I said - I have not the guys who want $500 to be better than those who want $300. YMMV, but I've had the opposite experience. The more they charge, the worse the service is.
  6. I'm in my 40s and, yes, lot of twinks approach me and my husband; want us to be their daddies. But we're not into that. I'm a bottom and generally go for guys who are anywhere from late 20s to early 60s. I expect as I age that will go late 30s to early 70s, etc. I'm not into young twinks but I like skinny lanky men. And there are many - though probably still a minority - of younger tops who are into bottoms older than them. We've met both professionals and just guys from apps. I also find that millenials and Gen Z tend to be vers regardless of if they're butch, femme or somewhere in between.
  7. Hmmm, we're still seeing a lot of $250 from guys we've been in the past (maybe we're grandfathered in) and $300. Honestly, we've gone hire a few times for guys who were ridiculously hot and the experiences were not worth the price. I find guys who are more "natural" in physique, handsome but not Godlike, etc, tend to be better escorts in terms of communication, playfulness and sexual skill. But this guy is super hot, so I might go $350 for him but generally that's our ceiling. It's not about being cheap; it's about prioritizing how we want to spend our money.
  8. I rarely tip for the reasons @robear pointed out. The provider has set the price, and I've agreed to it. With a massage or other service in a spa I always tip but I don't go to spas for erotic massages. I have at times tipped providers who took me last minute or otherwise went above and beyond. We also tend to be return clients.
  9. I texted him twice and he never responded. I suspect this is a side hustle to whatever he actually does for money.
  10. I'm not opposed to making a deposit when I see someone for the first time. I'm generally willing to do 25% of the overall fee. More than that seems excessive.
  11. I agree that being clear about what you want is key. Some providers are more or less willing to discuss extras over text. Based on your description, I think Nick Halden would be a good option. He does erotic massage and escorting so he's comfortable with extras. https://rentmasseur.com/Nickhalden
  12. He's really hot. Curious to hear how it goes.
  13. We went yesterday and our experience was very similar.
  14. There are very few masseurs that live in P Town. You generally get people who are there at the same time you are. Hard to plan in advance. The spas do not have any sensual twists.
  15. OMG. Did he watch Pretty Woman?
  16. Interesting. I texted him the other day and never got a response. I'm not into the upcharges and I don't like the space on 14 & 6th. I prefer a private location, so I'll pass.
  17. More than 1 million Americans are dead, the pandemic disrupted our economy and supply chains, most people received virtually no help, pushed us into rapid inflation as multinational corporations price gouge, and now we're dealing with Monkeypox. If you're not alarmed, you're in denial.
  18. It's not an "either extreme." There's science which shows that when worn properly KN95 and N95 masks reduced transmission, particularly indoors. When it comes to infection control for respiratory viruses best practice is layered protection (vaccine + air filtration + masking).
  19. This is based on blood samples, not actual infections, and we've had three new variants since this study was performed. Stop googling shit to try and make points based on science you do not understand.
  20. People aren't wearing masks because cynical politicians have dropped all the mandates and told them it's safe to do so. It's not. Even if you're vaccinated.
  21. I'm not watch an EMA press conference where they say getting a vaccine more frequently than recommended can impact your immune system, as that's not your original claim. As for Israel, yes, the fourth dose has waining efficacy because the virus is being allowed to run rampant across the globe. And now that we do have vaccines, it's mutating to evade them. This is infectious disease 101. Shockingly, you're not aware that actually having COVID damages your T Cells' ability to fight off future COVID infections, which is why even vaccinated people who've previously had COVID are getting it over and over again. There is no enduring natural immunity. In fact, it may be that each COVID infection makes you MORE vulnerable. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8366804/#:~:text=Numerous studies suggest that T,ill COVID patients (14).
  22. No, but he lives near me so I'm considering reaching out. His profile does say that including a pic gets his attention, which makes me wonder a bit.
  23. Weight is not a great indicator for health. Yes, obese people are at higher risk for a bad COVID outcome, but there are lots of other factors.
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