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Posts posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. 10 minutes ago, Pensant said:

    True, though I planned to host as I always do.

    Sure, but would you enter a home of someone you don’t know? Especially another man? Again, I’m not saying some providers aren’t screening and I do respect people’s desire for discretion. But if I put myself in a provider’s position, I’m confident I’d want to know who is coming over or who I am visiting. Plus, unless the client is using a burner phone, a provider can easily find out your name, address, etc. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Rod Hagen said:

    Rather than just coast along like Gen X, they ask for more. 

    Most millennials I know can't afford an apartment with those amenities. Several are in their 30s and still living with roommates. I cannot imagine them paying $350 for an escort while struggling to pay rent. 

  3. As a client, I sometimes feel like other clients minimize an escort's concern for safety. Sure, a texted face pic could be BS and doesn't guarantee safety. But, how many of us we welcome a stranger into our home or hotel room sight unseen? Of course, we don't want to feel like a provider is screening us out (though I often think that's for the best), but I'm sure providers also get cat fished and deal with nutty clients. So perhaps we can all be a bit more empathic? 

  4. It seems to me that @Jamie21 is on the right track. Would a provider I hire necessarily pick me up at a bar? Probably not. One, because I’m not single and approaching a couple can be intimidating. Two, our gay culture prizes youth, unrealistic bodies and toxic masculinity. Since I don’t fit most of those - though I look significantly younger than my age - hiring is much more convenient than wasting time on the apps. 

    I’m either far more desirable than the average client or I’ve gotten Oscar-worthy actors as providers. Because most of the providers I’ve encountered do make me feel desired. I’m pretty selective but I’m also nice looking, funny and charismatic. I bring all that and a genuine desire to connect with a provider to our encounters.  

    For the most part, if I see a provider more than once, the relationship grows and a desire - if not for my specific ass - but for me as someone they enjoy working with often arises. 

  5. I'm sorry for your loss. 

    I agree with what others have said. If you don't post a face pic, people may insist on seeing one before they take the plunge. I've made one exception to that rule because that provider had stellar reviews on RM and here. I didn't regret it, and I see this provider regularly. But, I'm not comfortable inviting someone over if I don't know who to expect. 

  6. 20 hours ago, The Dude said:

    What if someone takes that G-rated picture, but adds a caption like "This guy hired me as a gay escort" for your family and friends to see?  Get the drift... ?

    Why would he do that? Why do your friends and family believe him? Why not think he just grabbed your pic of LinkedIn?

  7. 2 hours ago, la_connor said:

    He's one of those kids who put their whole life on social media. Start with the twitter account he lists in his ad. From there you can find his (free) onlyfans, instagram, facebook, etc. and sufficient identifying information to fill out a job application.  He's a hot mess. No hire.

    I don’t see why you have to be so judgmental. Some people live out loud and don’t care what people know about them. 

  8. 3 hours ago, fs12395 said:

    I am one of those who avoids social media altogether.

    It seems like most people are debating just the effect of sending a pic, but to me, the demand itself is not reasonable. It's one thing to ask for a pic, another to require it. "hey, would you be willing..." is not the same as "I require a face pic".  

    I think requiring a face pic to meet is silly for a masseur. It probably leads to them having fewer clients overall. 

    And if people are anti-social media or keeping their lives very discrete, I think we should all be supportive of that. 

    My issue is with guys who are all over Instagram and everywhere else but scoff at sending one to a provider, particularly one who has lots of pictures on their profile. 

  9. I don't understand the caution here. If you send a pic, what's going to happen? If it's a G-rated pic, there are likely several of you on social media that anyone could download or screen grab. A naughty masseur having one doesn't mean anything. Do you think they can prove you sent it? If so, who would care? 

    If you're someone who avoids social media altogether, then I can understand it. But there are so many pictures of me on the Internet, I would say, "I guess they downloaded that from my Facebook profile," and move on... 

    If I'm going to a provider's home (or hotel), I generally offer to send a face pic so they know who is showing up. 

  10. 1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    If you feel you have a calling for politics or public service, try not to let your past choices determine your future possibilities.  While I imagine the road could be very difficult, if you have the inner strength to navigate the public criticisms and judgements, then I would encourage you to follow your dreams.  And if holding public office does not become a reality, your lived experiences could probably help you become very successful in advocacy work.

    I agree. I think we need sex workers to run for office and win. There are a few who have run. So I wouldn't assume that will prohibit you. It may also depend on where you're planning to run. In NYC it probably won't stop you but in Texas, it would. 

  11. We've had a couple of second times that were not as good as the first, but none were terrible. Generally, the more comfortable we become with a provider, the better the encounters are. 

    I suspect, as others have mentioned, that the excitement of a first encounter may hide a lack of genuine chemistry. 

    We do have some regulars but we usually see them a few times a year. I think if we saw a provider once or twice a month, it might lose the thrill. 

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