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Posts posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. 27 minutes ago, OneTaoBoy said:

    My take now is that this guy is a swell guy with a lot invested emotionally and physically in being a top, with some gay porn-inflected moves that are considered pleasing for bottoms. I am most certainly bi, and not a gay bottom.

    Some bi guys enjoy being sub-bottoms. Some fully gay guys like to bottom but not feel used or like an object (me, for instance). I do think that porn has led lots of poeple to think they know what tops or bottoms (or heteros) want. 

    But, particularly when having a first-time sexual encounter, communication before and during is key. You mention a language barrier, which probably made things trickier but if you're not enjoying yourself during an encounter you need to speak up then. It's easier said than done but it's important. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Trick said:

    My regular masseur conducts his business at his house.  I call him in the morning or early afternoon and if he’s available I book for later that day. No drama!

    I only see Masseurs who can host in their home or who will come to mine. And, occasionally. I do get same day, but it’s with guys I see regularly and I also preface the request by saying “I know it’s short notice and if you’re not free no worries…” 

  3. I think the only concern is for poor and marginalized sex workers. 

    But I don’t think Trump’s verdict will have an impact. The case has nothing to do with an escort. Daniels was not paid for the encounter.

    i think it anything is under threat its OnlyFans and similar services by someone wanting to expand SESTA/FOSTA. Or additional efforts by conservatives and liberals to control online outlets like TikTok. 

  4. On 5/27/2024 at 4:37 AM, Jamie21 said:

    What’s annoying as @Jarrod_Uncutsays is the clients who prevaricate about booking. If you’re thinking of booking but your plans aren’t firm then don’t bother asking. Only ask if you’re certain you want to book because the worst thing is holding a time for someone who might book or who is trying to arrange his schedule.

    Lengthy discussions about scheduling are usually fruitless. I now don’t bother with the “I might book for x time I’ll let you know” guys. If by the time you make your mind up I’m still free then fine but I’m not going to turn down other things just because you can’t organise your plans. 

    This reality is why I don't mind making a nominal deposit. And I always try to have a day and time in mind before I initiate; negotiation only happens if the provider can't make that time work. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, JamesB said:

    Of course, it only benefits the provider. There's no difference between an appointment made with a provider who requires a deposit and one with a provider who doesn't. Unless you truly believe that a provider who might flake on you will change their behavior just because you paid a deposit.

    Honestly, you sound flakey. I have never had a provider to whom I made a deposit flake on me. I haven't been flaked on more than a handful of times. 

  6. Hey Thomas, 

    I'm sorry you're having this experience. I don't know where you're located but I do know some providers in NYC who are happy to see disabled clients. Perhaps if you share the city you're in, members can help identify some good providers. 

  7. 1 hour ago, JamesB said:

    My issue with deposits is that they only benefit the provider, offering no protection to the client. Deposits place all the risk on the client, creating an undesirable unilateral condition.

    That's not true. We all engage with other professionals who require a deposit to book an appointment or a credit card to charge you a cancellation fee. Sure, the illicit nature of the enterprise doesn't provide recourse that others would, but if we're talking about a small deposit of $25, that is reasonable. Also, in my experience, that deposit is only required for the first appointment. Once a provider realizes you're legit, they don't ask again. 

  8. 13 hours ago, Muscleking said:

    I’ve been to several masseurs whom asked for a deposit and for the ones I have sent deposit I’ve never had a last minute cancellation thankfully.. I did however book with a guy once who didn’t ask for deposit and he hours before the appt he cancelled I was pissed because I planned my hole day around meeting him in between work meetings so needless to say I was left without massage and extremely horny. I now mostly stick to the same guy(s) cause I know they will respect my time just as I respect theirs 

    This is why I'm not put off by reasonable deposits (let's say $25-$50). Yes, it's a commitment to the provider but it's also them committing to the appointment. And I've never had one of them cancel. 

  9. 1 hour ago, DrownedBoy said:

    You say it as if it's no longer like that...



    That’s true but I feel like they need to at least keep it to themselves mostly. 

  10. On 5/20/2024 at 1:32 AM, blck37 said:

    Wonder how or why would the race of the client is somewhat important to the provider.....i just cant fathom it. I can see arguement for weight, physical appearance, age or hygine. Just not for race, religion or political belief.

    If you can see an argument for weight, age, or physical appearance (I get hygiene), then why not race? Once we accept that some people deserve professional treatment more than others based on immutable characteristics, then it's fair game on everything. I'm seasoned enough to remember when "no fats, no femmes and no <insert race here>" was constant on gay social networks. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Danny-Darko said:

    He's said nothing hateful. The problem with these WOKE Cancel Culture and Social Justice Warriors is everything THEY don't agree with or like is "HATE" to them and needs to be silenced.

    You sound like a Trump supporter. 

    I don't care about "moral superiority." I care that people on here feel comfortable participating without providers or clients being constantly berated for their appearance, age or taste. That Pubic has the most basic desires is great. Happy for him. I encourage you to search and see if I've ever shamed him for who he hires. 

    I'm not going to waste my time cataloging the constant nasty stuff he posts. 

  12. 2 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

    I could not agree more with your statements about @pubic_assistance. And yet, I could not disagree more with your call to the moderators to silence him. 

    We are what we are, and we all have the right to express ourselves, even when others may find our views offensive. 

    To be clear, I’m not saying he should be banned. I’m saying he should be made to follow the forum rules, specifically 1, 4 and 5.. And if he posts hateful stuff it should be removed. 

    I’ve been called on the carpet by moderators before, and I’m not as prolific or regularly hateful as him. 

  13. 6 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    The narrative here is that some people like @KensingtonHomo claim that they will sleep with anything that moves and others are far more discerning because they are literally revolted by the thought of sleeping with anything but their type. In the case of this conversation, that's older men. 

    I think when you are talking to a group of men who are tossing down hard-earned cash for the opportunity of a sexual encounter, the majority are seeking the companionship of the sort of young, fit, handsome men, they may not be able to attract on their own without the offer of payment. I'm sure plenty of these same men could attract men their own age if they tried. 

    So the comparison of events is, do you PAY for the young, hot guy for an hour, or save your money and go with the old daddy, or is that completely unappealing ? MY guess is that if you're into old daddies, you aren't really driven to HIRE for company unless you're so unappealing yourself that you can't attract ANYONE without cash.

    The reality is that some people suffer from rampant internalized ageism and homophobia. @pubic_assistance relentlessly makes disparaging and even hateful statements not only about providers who fall outside of his incredibly narrow view of whom we should all "naturally" be attracted to, but he also - as he does here - treats those of us who hire escorts who are over 25 with more than 5% body fat as if we're insane. He does not recognize that sexual attraction is highly variable and subjective. And, of course, if someone hires an older escort or a bear type of guy, then it can only be because you are so grotesquely ugly that you can't even get undesirables to fuck you for free. 

    I do not understand why @CoM Moderators continue to allow him to spew anti-fat, anti-femme, agist, and ableist crap on here. I can't imagine that the providers enjoy his constant yapping about how hideous they are. 

    Worse, though he has zero relationship with the queer community, he opines on how we should live and who we should want to fuck. Maybe if he went to P-town or Fire Island or got on Scruff with his actual age, he'd see how easy it is for a conventionally attractive middle-aged man to attract younger ones. My husband and I have to bat twinks off like flies when we're out. 

  14. 55 minutes ago, nycman said:


    There are plenty of studies showing the health benefits of circumcision.  I’m not for it or against it, but I am in favor of facts. Do I it think it’s genital mutilation? Yes. Do I believe there are health benefits? Yes. Both of those statements can be true, no matter how much people on both sides of the argument wish they weren’t. 

    On the "universal beauty" front, there are in fact attributes that humans find universally attractive in other humans. Again, I’m not advocating one way or the other. It’s not so much about "white western standards", hair color, or ethnicity, as it is about symmetry and perceived power. I love the rainbow and all its colors/flavors, but denying facts doesn’t make them untrue. 

    If you have studies about the health benefits of circumcision, post them. My understanding is that circumcision may marginally reduce STI transmission but not to the extent of condom use. 


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced a set of provisional guidelines concerning male...

    Symmetry is attractive in general. But “perceived power” is neither universally attractive nor abstract from capitalism.

  15. I do think you can share nearly anything with a provider so long as you ask. I would suggest that you express to the provider what you did here. That the session was great and you’re shy and not great at expressing yourself, so can you share some scenes you find hot? If he says “yes”, go for it. 

  16. 35 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    There are plenty of people who are universally accepted as being attractive.

    The majority of humans agree that certain characteristics are attractive.


    Neither of these statements is remotely true. The "universal standards" are Western attributes sold to most of us and, increasingly, the rest of the world through the power of advertising. As a minor example, most Americans consider circumcised penises to be more appealing than uncircumcised. That has been "naturalized" to the point where people with no religious reason to have their male children circumcised do so. Multiple studies have proven there is no hygienic benefit. 

    Outside of the US and Jewish communities, circumcision is rare so for 80% of the world, most American penises are weird. 

    By Western standards, most people of color were not historically considered attractive. This led to Asian people having their eyes surgically altered, African Americans lightening their skin, and straightening their hair. The current UNIVERSAL standard is the Godforsaken Kardashians, who have been relentlessly cosmetically and surgically altered so they look like the product of AI. 

    Lastly, suppose I assume that everyone finds what I do attractive. In that case, I'd be excluding everyone with brown eyes, everyone under 6'0", everyone with a bushy beard, every muscle boy with a shaved body, etc., etc., etc., yet many, many, many people find those attributes incredibly attractive. 

    So, yes, it is narcissistic to assume that everyone finds that incredibly narrow and - for God's sake - so damn basic - things you find attractive. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    I know this is switching it around (as in this is the client’s requirement of the provider) but I have a client who doesn’t want me hygienic; he specifically wants me to not shower beforehand, not wear deodorant and be a bit sweaty (maybe after a gym session) when I meet him. He likes that musty sweaty smell. 

    I feel like this isn’t something one should spring on a provider. And for me I’m very sensitive to scent in general so even a provider wearing a lot of cologne is off putting. 

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