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  1. Haha
    Storm4U got a reaction from DapperGent in Underreporting endowment   
    I always downplay my size. I like them to be pleasantly surprised 
  2. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from Shawn Monroe in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    I would challenge you to look at this differently as well. When I talk about my own experience & success doing massage in LA, I am not including my other sources of income in that at all. As you noted, many of us have posted that we are or were providers or masseurs on a part-time basis because… really that is the smartest way to do it given that it is such an unpredictable business. If recessions and Covid teach anybody anything it is that they should have multiple sources of income, ideally passive sources of income (I’m working on the passive part). I have a 9 to 5 job, a social media business, and stocks, in addition to when I was doing massage. Given the direction that our economy is going in, it may behoove you to consider diversifying and not having all of your eggs in one basket. Based on your posts it sounds like being a provider is your only source of income. Everyone can define success differently, BUT I don’t think that whether someone can be a provider as their only or main source of income is the metric for if they are successful  because many people and arguably the wisest ones don’t  and won’t  want it to be their only or main source of income. If they have a certain amount they want to make from it, and they hit that goal, then they are successful.
  3. Agree
    Storm4U got a reaction from Shawn Monroe in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Yikes…i’m not sure if you will receive this in the spirit im intending it, but I would challenge you to look at the problem you are having with time-wasters differently. First of all, I empathize with you & I feel I can speak on this because I have managed to do really well in one of the flakiest, most saturated cities in the US (LA). If you want to P.M.  me for advice, Im happy to give feedback when I can by the way. Im not on here as often these days but I do login. That being said, Im sure it depends on the demographics of the location, and I can only speak from my experience, but I think in most territories, most of the clients are white, so most of the flakes, and time wasters you experience are going to be….you guessed it….also white. But you’ll have flakes in every color. The first few Black clients I had flaked on me consecutively and I started thinking Black clients are flakey, and then I got some really great  Black clients and I learned that it wasn’t a color issue at all, it’s just that flakes are just a part of the business. And it was a coincidence that 3 in a row flaked. But many more didn’t.
    I also noticed you changed the title of this question from “white” to “all american” and I think you have to be very clear if you are suggesting that it may be a color thing you are experiencing since as you may have noticed from the responses, white and all American are not always synonymous. White is relegated to color, while All American lends itself to many characteristics that have nothing to do with color as others have described in their answers as well…and that could change the type of answers you get to your question. For example, if you’re in a city where the “all American” look is more popular, and you have that look, and there is a white guy  in the area that doesn’t have that look, (assuming your marketing and everything is good), then you are going to bring in more business than he will. With that being said, if you get too frustrated with the time-wasters and flakes, I think it is healthy to take a break from the business.
    Also, you have to remember that you are a product, so if your product is good and it’s being marketed the right way to the right demographic in the right territory, it will do well regardless of the number of flakes that you will inevitably encounter. If you have it all together and you feel like the flakes are outnumbering the bookings, then that is your sign to move as quickly as you can, and it sounds like you’ve already figured out your location is bad for your business.
  4. Applause
    Storm4U got a reaction from DapperGent in An Extra $1000.00   
    I would invest it, which is what I do with most of my massage money.
  5. Agree
    Storm4U got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Yikes…i’m not sure if you will receive this in the spirit im intending it, but I would challenge you to look at the problem you are having with time-wasters differently. First of all, I empathize with you & I feel I can speak on this because I have managed to do really well in one of the flakiest, most saturated cities in the US (LA). If you want to P.M.  me for advice, Im happy to give feedback when I can by the way. Im not on here as often these days but I do login. That being said, Im sure it depends on the demographics of the location, and I can only speak from my experience, but I think in most territories, most of the clients are white, so most of the flakes, and time wasters you experience are going to be….you guessed it….also white. But you’ll have flakes in every color. The first few Black clients I had flaked on me consecutively and I started thinking Black clients are flakey, and then I got some really great  Black clients and I learned that it wasn’t a color issue at all, it’s just that flakes are just a part of the business. And it was a coincidence that 3 in a row flaked. But many more didn’t.
    I also noticed you changed the title of this question from “white” to “all american” and I think you have to be very clear if you are suggesting that it may be a color thing you are experiencing since as you may have noticed from the responses, white and all American are not always synonymous. White is relegated to color, while All American lends itself to many characteristics that have nothing to do with color as others have described in their answers as well…and that could change the type of answers you get to your question. For example, if you’re in a city where the “all American” look is more popular, and you have that look, and there is a white guy  in the area that doesn’t have that look, (assuming your marketing and everything is good), then you are going to bring in more business than he will. With that being said, if you get too frustrated with the time-wasters and flakes, I think it is healthy to take a break from the business.
    Also, you have to remember that you are a product, so if your product is good and it’s being marketed the right way to the right demographic in the right territory, it will do well regardless of the number of flakes that you will inevitably encounter. If you have it all together and you feel like the flakes are outnumbering the bookings, then that is your sign to move as quickly as you can, and it sounds like you’ve already figured out your location is bad for your business.
  6. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from Rocca in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Yikes…i’m not sure if you will receive this in the spirit im intending it, but I would challenge you to look at the problem you are having with time-wasters differently. First of all, I empathize with you & I feel I can speak on this because I have managed to do really well in one of the flakiest, most saturated cities in the US (LA). If you want to P.M.  me for advice, Im happy to give feedback when I can by the way. Im not on here as often these days but I do login. That being said, Im sure it depends on the demographics of the location, and I can only speak from my experience, but I think in most territories, most of the clients are white, so most of the flakes, and time wasters you experience are going to be….you guessed it….also white. But you’ll have flakes in every color. The first few Black clients I had flaked on me consecutively and I started thinking Black clients are flakey, and then I got some really great  Black clients and I learned that it wasn’t a color issue at all, it’s just that flakes are just a part of the business. And it was a coincidence that 3 in a row flaked. But many more didn’t.
    I also noticed you changed the title of this question from “white” to “all american” and I think you have to be very clear if you are suggesting that it may be a color thing you are experiencing since as you may have noticed from the responses, white and all American are not always synonymous. White is relegated to color, while All American lends itself to many characteristics that have nothing to do with color as others have described in their answers as well…and that could change the type of answers you get to your question. For example, if you’re in a city where the “all American” look is more popular, and you have that look, and there is a white guy  in the area that doesn’t have that look, (assuming your marketing and everything is good), then you are going to bring in more business than he will. With that being said, if you get too frustrated with the time-wasters and flakes, I think it is healthy to take a break from the business.
    Also, you have to remember that you are a product, so if your product is good and it’s being marketed the right way to the right demographic in the right territory, it will do well regardless of the number of flakes that you will inevitably encounter. If you have it all together and you feel like the flakes are outnumbering the bookings, then that is your sign to move as quickly as you can, and it sounds like you’ve already figured out your location is bad for your business.
  7. Applause
    Storm4U got a reaction from Coconut in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Yikes…i’m not sure if you will receive this in the spirit im intending it, but I would challenge you to look at the problem you are having with time-wasters differently. First of all, I empathize with you & I feel I can speak on this because I have managed to do really well in one of the flakiest, most saturated cities in the US (LA). If you want to P.M.  me for advice, Im happy to give feedback when I can by the way. Im not on here as often these days but I do login. That being said, Im sure it depends on the demographics of the location, and I can only speak from my experience, but I think in most territories, most of the clients are white, so most of the flakes, and time wasters you experience are going to be….you guessed it….also white. But you’ll have flakes in every color. The first few Black clients I had flaked on me consecutively and I started thinking Black clients are flakey, and then I got some really great  Black clients and I learned that it wasn’t a color issue at all, it’s just that flakes are just a part of the business. And it was a coincidence that 3 in a row flaked. But many more didn’t.
    I also noticed you changed the title of this question from “white” to “all american” and I think you have to be very clear if you are suggesting that it may be a color thing you are experiencing since as you may have noticed from the responses, white and all American are not always synonymous. White is relegated to color, while All American lends itself to many characteristics that have nothing to do with color as others have described in their answers as well…and that could change the type of answers you get to your question. For example, if you’re in a city where the “all American” look is more popular, and you have that look, and there is a white guy  in the area that doesn’t have that look, (assuming your marketing and everything is good), then you are going to bring in more business than he will. With that being said, if you get too frustrated with the time-wasters and flakes, I think it is healthy to take a break from the business.
    Also, you have to remember that you are a product, so if your product is good and it’s being marketed the right way to the right demographic in the right territory, it will do well regardless of the number of flakes that you will inevitably encounter. If you have it all together and you feel like the flakes are outnumbering the bookings, then that is your sign to move as quickly as you can, and it sounds like you’ve already figured out your location is bad for your business.
  8. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from + Pensant in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Yikes…i’m not sure if you will receive this in the spirit im intending it, but I would challenge you to look at the problem you are having with time-wasters differently. First of all, I empathize with you & I feel I can speak on this because I have managed to do really well in one of the flakiest, most saturated cities in the US (LA). If you want to P.M.  me for advice, Im happy to give feedback when I can by the way. Im not on here as often these days but I do login. That being said, Im sure it depends on the demographics of the location, and I can only speak from my experience, but I think in most territories, most of the clients are white, so most of the flakes, and time wasters you experience are going to be….you guessed it….also white. But you’ll have flakes in every color. The first few Black clients I had flaked on me consecutively and I started thinking Black clients are flakey, and then I got some really great  Black clients and I learned that it wasn’t a color issue at all, it’s just that flakes are just a part of the business. And it was a coincidence that 3 in a row flaked. But many more didn’t.
    I also noticed you changed the title of this question from “white” to “all american” and I think you have to be very clear if you are suggesting that it may be a color thing you are experiencing since as you may have noticed from the responses, white and all American are not always synonymous. White is relegated to color, while All American lends itself to many characteristics that have nothing to do with color as others have described in their answers as well…and that could change the type of answers you get to your question. For example, if you’re in a city where the “all American” look is more popular, and you have that look, and there is a white guy  in the area that doesn’t have that look, (assuming your marketing and everything is good), then you are going to bring in more business than he will. With that being said, if you get too frustrated with the time-wasters and flakes, I think it is healthy to take a break from the business.
    Also, you have to remember that you are a product, so if your product is good and it’s being marketed the right way to the right demographic in the right territory, it will do well regardless of the number of flakes that you will inevitably encounter. If you have it all together and you feel like the flakes are outnumbering the bookings, then that is your sign to move as quickly as you can, and it sounds like you’ve already figured out your location is bad for your business.
  9. Haha
    Storm4U got a reaction from thomas in Underreporting endowment   
    I always downplay my size. I like them to be pleasantly surprised 
  10. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from + Pensant in Underreporting endowment   
    I always downplay my size. I like them to be pleasantly surprised 
  11. Applause
    Storm4U got a reaction from McWilson in Underreporting endowment   
    I always downplay my size. I like them to be pleasantly surprised 
  12. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from chevrox in Underreporting endowment   
    I always downplay my size. I like them to be pleasantly surprised 
  13. Like
    Storm4U reacted to MscleLovr in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    It’s a look that certainly appeals hugely to me. For me, it’s not necessarily about ethnicity: it can be white, black, mixed-race or Asian.
    For me, it’s definitely about the young men being well groomed, clean-shaven, with preppy good looks and having an engaging and outgoing nature. As part of the look, I expect the men to have fit, muscled bodies that are smooth or lightly hairy as well as having an attractive hair-style and good teeth. 
  14. Love
    Storm4U reacted to Coconut in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    1) I consider “All American” to be White or Black. To me at has to be a boy next door look. Wholesome looking, clean cut, boyish looking, which is not limited to white guys. Ive had many Black guys fit that bill.
    2) @storm4u and others mentioned being successful in many different markets and they are Black. Maybe the challenges you are having, have to do with the city you’re in, your marketing, you, or your luck.
  15. Agree
    Storm4U reacted to + sniper in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    From what you've posted, I do think that it appears you are more bothered by the downsides of the profession than most.
    I'm not saying these "clients" aren't flakes; I'm saying it's something that's not likely to change and you probably need to find a strategy to slough it off because always being pissed off, regardless of justification, is likely to have negative spillover effects on both the business you do get and your everyday life.
  16. Agree
    Storm4U got a reaction from Redwine56 in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    Masseur here, I think we likely do way more laundry than escorts. The linens, towels, and covers are never ending.🤦🏽‍♂️
  17. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from + glycine in Overnighters... What do you do?   
    Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 
  18. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from PetetKsfo in Overnighters... What do you do?   
    Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 
  19. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from Luv2play in To Escorts: What's the Best Overnight Venue?   
    Hotel or the client's home, wherever he is most comfortable. 
  20. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from rn901 in Overnighters... What do you do?   
    Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 
  21. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from + bashful in Overnighters... What do you do?   
    Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 
  22. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from CastaDiva in Overnighters... What do you do?   
    Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 
  23. Like
    Storm4U got a reaction from Luv2play in Does the “All American” look appeal to more inquiries?   
    Now see, Im very lucky, because aside from one client who asked if I would do race play, and the occasional client with a specific fetish for “bbc” I haven’t experienced any of the other things you mentioned here. I think that how you market yourself will impact who approaches you and how.
  24. Love
    Storm4U got a reaction from Luvfurrytops in How do you pull off a BFE with someone my age?   
    I agree with  IronMaus. I’m able to do a boyfriend experience  with someone in their 70s and 80s, the same way that I’m able to with someone in their 20s, 30s, 40s,and 50s. The number of years that you’ve been on earth makes no difference.
  25. Agree
    Storm4U got a reaction from + Tygerscent in Providers - problems with racism?   
    I don't mean to be indelicate,I identify as Black, not a person of color  and I do not know what everyday activities are more uniquely hazardous today for Black people specifically (I cant speak on any other demographics).  I know there is a narrative out there but it isn’t supported by statistics. Regardless, as a masseur, you have to take precaution no matter what, regardless of your color. Bad things happen to providers and masseurs all the time, from the mundane, to sexual assault, and even murder. Stephen Port, a white man   murdered  at least 4 gay white escorts between to 2014 and 2015, and his victims being caucasian did not protect them from getting murdered. And that's just one example of countless of these things happening that are underreported, frankly. So, I never  suggested  anyone should not be cautious. Everyone has to be, because bad things can happen to all of us, but there is absolutely nothing to support the idea that a Black escort would be exposed to anymore danger than a white one.
    Im speaking from my own experience that I have not had  problems with racism when 'Ive traveled. I still have to fly out of  state for some overnight clients, and I will continue to  do that, and I’m not going to employ a “unique” or special caution specifically for racism, as if the prospect of racism is worse than any of the many other bad things that could happen to a massuer. Im judicious and cautions, but I don't live in fear or make decisions rooted in it. The minute you do, is the minute you give your power away. Hell,  If I let the concern for racism deter me,  I would probably never leave the house, since you  could encounter that at your local grocery store. If I’m asked to travel somewhere and it makes sense business wise and I want to go, then I go. Rest assured, I am more than prepared for anyone who would be trouble for me regardless of the motives and I would encourage others to take their own precautions and use discernment  as they ALL should with ANY client.
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