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Everything posted by Storm4U

  1. For any Black American masseurs or providers reading this, take it from me: do not charge less than white providers are charging. If you are in a territory where most of the hiring demographics are racists, (which if they would try to pay you less because you are melanated, then they very much are) you aren’t going to book much in that location to make it worthwhile anyway no matter how much you lower your rates, so it’s a bad business decision to lower your rates. You are better off moving to a territory where men hire hot men regardless of race. ALSO, there is an abundance of men who will pay you top dollar BECAUSE you are hot AND Black! Those are the clients you want! Work smarter not harder! I have never accepted less than I deserved, and neither should you. Do not sell yourself short (pun intended) This is my last contribution to this forum but I wanted to leave this behind.
  2. I am Black/mixed. Im only speaking for myself, but I have never charged below market rates, and I have not, nor would I negotiate my rates. My philosophy is always if someone want to pay a lower rate, they should go for the guy with the lower rate. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  3. I don’t tour at all anymore, but if I did, I would avoid a city with a big sports event. I can’t imagine that it’d be worthwhile.
  4. I have no age limits. When I decline to take a client, it’s never due to age.
  5. I have not hired any, but there are a couple of providers who have hired me, so it definitely happens
  6. Im flying from Los Angeles to see a client in Ohio soon for a weekend. The last time I traveled by plane a few months ago, all of the flights were delayed by several hours on every airline to the point that I almost got stuck in Chicago on my way back to LA. If you have traveled by plane recently, are there still extreme delays?
  7. “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”
  8. For me, the most challenging part was filtering through the time wasters and flakes. Some cities have a higher concentration of that than other cities. I don’t have an active advertisement up anymore specifically because I did not want to deal with that part of the business anymore. When you don’t advertise and only see regulars, you know the regulars are reliable and you know they aren’t interested in wasting your time.
  9. It is not rude at all. Go for it!
  10. The cops (John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish) eventually did get fired for negligence, but they appealed their firing, and then Judge Robert Parins reinstated the 2 cops in 1994 because he felt that firing them was “too harsh” of a punishment, so they were rehired AND given a year’s salary in back pay. $55,000 each. Balcerzak eventually became president of the Milwaukee Police Association and eventually retired in 2017….…sooo…no…there were no real consequences for them at all. At a minimum, they should never have been able to be police officers ever again. That boy (Konerak) would still be alive if they hadn’t returned him to Dahmer.
  11. Not only that, but the boy was bleeding, drugged, and obviously underage according to the neighbors who called the police, and the police escorted the boy back to Dahmer where Dahmer went on to kill him shortly after. And those cops were never held accountable. Absolutely Infuriating!
  12. Not amazing, but it was okay. I think it’s still worth a watch if for no other reason than to show why he was able to get away with it for so long, and it tells the stories of his victims and the witnesses.
  13. Yes! It’s happening on pretty much every airline. I was supposed to be home by 6:00 pm but didn’t get home until midnight. At one point I thought I might get stuck in Chicago because the first flight was so delayed I thought I might miss the connecting flight, but the connecting flight was significantly delayed as well.
  14. Just a heads up to other masseurs and providers who are traveling by plane right now. If a client is flying you in, I highly recommend that you ask your client to book direct flights as opposed to connecting flights. I just got back from a weekend trip and almost every flight is delayed by several hours right now.
  15. What’s done in the dark always comes to light, so don’t lie about it because the truth will it reveal itself whether you want it to or not. Always be honest, and if someone is not comfortable with what you do, then they are not the right person for you at this time in your life.
  16. Someone who snores doesn’t bother me. I’m a deep sleeper usually, so I just keep sleeping.
  17. The truth is that they do it because they don’t respect you, your time, or what you do, and they get off on interacting with you. They take advantage of any time and attention you’ll give away to them because they have no intention of booking you, and they will not be able to interact with you outside of any time and attention you’ll give to them for free. It’s the reality and one of the worst, if not the worst parts of this business. What you’ll learn though is that there are patterns, and it is pretty easy to identify people who are serious about booking and people who are not serious. Learn how to Identify those people who are clearly going to try and waste your time, and stop engaging with them. They can only waste a lot of your time if you let them.
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