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Posts posted by DynamicUno

  1. That's cool that you're able to explore an area of sexuality with your client and are willing to see how it goes.  Dom/sub roleplay can be more challenging for both sides than some people realize, and it helps to have a mindset open to the demands of each role.

    It really helps to have some experience with the other person beforehand, too.  At minimum a chance to meet and discuss expectations and boundaries.  

    I hope you continue to have some good sessions with this client, and pick up some skills you can use with other clients in the future.  I believe the best doms have experience on the sub side, so you may find that plays well with your Type A personality in the future.

  2. 2 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    Avoid Texas! It's so silly they list their professions. People who had access to "secure areas of an airport" come on now. We're not talking about people being arrested for terrorism.

    If they were arresting people actually engaged in or facilitating trafficking, it would make sense to highlight if one had access to "secure areas" at the airport, since they could theoretically help bypass TSA screening.  But that term includes just about everyone who can go airside or in the office areas. But they hiring guys responding to an ad or profile, so it's moot anyway.

  3. I think we had another thread about this when Texas passed the statute that treats solicitation at a felony.  While it seems the recent sting operations focused mostly on heterosexual male clients, there's nothing that prevents them from targeting gay clients in the future.  An ambitious DA or sheriff with plans to run for higher office would just see gay clients as yet another unsympathetic demographic they can use for easy convictions.

    If hiring in Texas, I'd stay with ads on RM for well established providers and avoid any ads that are very new with no reviews.   I'd definitely avoid A4A or Backpage type sites.


  4. There was an asian escort back in the 2000s who worked under the name Danny Cruz out of NYC. I had some great times with him when he'd visit my city. Sadly he retired and I lost contact with him.  There's another Latin guy who worked under the same name since then that I haven't met.


  5. "Presumption of innocence" is a legal principal that applies to the State when prosecuting criminal matters.  That has no bearing on private companies that decide whether or not to continue their association with him based on the accusations.

    I would prefer that there's accusations be followed with either criminal or civil cases to prove the allegations in court, rather than in the media.  If they are untrue, Brand can and should pursue defamation or slander cases against the accusers since he has material damages.

    Conversely, these cases should be handled as quickly as possible in the courts.  The recent conviction of Danny Masterson took far too long to conclude, for example.  

  6. Their ad has only been up a couple weeks, and they only have one public photo at this time which doesn't show their faces.  It's probably a long shot for someone here to have met them already unless they've been active before separately.

    Unfortunately the only public photo has them in squid game masks and costumes that don't show much.  I'd be reluctant to contact them with such a limited ad.


  7. I haven't heard of this guy in several years.  I never really cared for his act. The accusations are pretty bad, but there's no current criminal investigation at this point. If there's no ability or intent to prosecute him or pursue civil recourse, then it's just more news about a minor celebrity that will quickly pass.

    I'm kind of struggling to find a fuck to give about it honestly.  

  8. PDA should be negotiable, especially for longer engagements like overnights since public activities are usually involved.  The problem is it's not often discussed in advance and depends on each person's comfort level in the moment.  In this case, if the escort was uncomfortable holding hands in a theater, he is very discreet and should probably let clients know before an long engagement.

    It should always be OK for either party to say "let's keep it more discreet for now" if they're uncomfortable.

    For the escort's side, I'd say follow the client's lead and only initiate PDA consistent with what the client has done already.  I'm not as sure what is best in the client's case, however.

    The client's reaction, in this case, seems excessive. I wonder if there was more to this interaction that lead to the client dumping the escort (something that came across as disgust or rejection?), or a verbal argument?


  9. I don't mind self checkout for small orders, where you're using it like the old "10 items or less" express lanes.  I can usually zip through quickly and be on my way much faster than the old express lanes.

    Unfortunately, my Kroger started staffing fewer full service lanes.  Worse, they installed a couple larger self-service lanes with a belt to allow for self bagging at the end of the lane.  Now they've stopped having any staffed lanes after 730 PM, which means you must use the self checkout.

    The last time I went there were no open cashiers, and they had one staffer assisting both the bank of six small self checkout stations and the large belted checkout.  She looked so miserable and frazzled, running between each person needing help.

    Ironically, I can opt for pickup service for free, and have someone assemble my entire order and bring it out to my car when I'm ready. It's more labor intensive than staffing enough cashiers and cuts my impulse purchases to nearly zero.

  10. What's disappointing is the state of the physical plant in many of our school systems. They have AC in the buildings, but the age of the units or years of deferred maintenance means they don't work well or at all.  It's not a new issue, just more visible with the hotter weather we are now experiencing.

  11. Back when the US sites would allow providers including their rates in their ad, I would see one of my regulars bump up their rates occasionally.  Often if I asked them when scheduling the next time to confirm their rates, they'd tell me I could pay them old rate as an appreciated client. Not always, but it did feel nice when it happened.

    I don't get the idea that guys can't raise their rates, however.  They have to be able to earn enough to make the work worthwhile.  I can certainly ask why there was an increase, but the provider doesn't owe me an answer if they don't care to explain. Conversely, if I decide to move on and not hire them again, I don't be owe them an explanation either.

    I just don't get the drama about it.  Guys expecting to pay the same going rates from 10 years ago or more are living in a fantasy world.




  12. No, I don't see you doing anything wrong.  You don't mention if he was dining with companions or alone, but even if he's alone he is entitled to some discretion.

    His reaction was over the top. I can't see any reason he should expect a client to approach him socially outside, especially when you're with friends or coworkers.  Maybe there was something in your expression when you recognized him that showed you were embarrassed or uneasy, but that still doesn't justify his reaction.

    If he's in a place where he is likely to run into clients and burns them if they don't greet him like old college chums, he'll kill of his repeat business pretty quick.

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