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Everything posted by Jamie21

  1. The only thing that I can’t accept is poor hygiene. If a client isn’t fresh and clean then they simply don’t get my full service. There’s no excuse for bad hygiene. Fortunately it’s rare, and I ask them to shower beforehand anyway. Aside from hygiene there’s nothing else that means a client is treated any differently. Of course being friendly and respectful are always good and help to make a meeting even more fun. I’m sorry you had some bad hire experiences. You shouldn’t blame yourself, it’s more likely you hired a bad escort. They should make you feel fantastic, if they didn’t achieve that then that’s their failure not yours.
  2. https://www.twinkvideos.com/videos/17744/two-white-guys-and-one-black-lad-are-having-a-3some/?utm_source=PBWeb&utm_medium=PBWeb&sub=100001 Here’s one I was in. It’s a 4 hands and includes me fucking the guy on the table. We’d planned that I shoot on his arse but as I was fucking him he asked me to shoot inside so I did, it’s just before the part where we kiss. The whole vibe on that filming was hot. After we’d finished the camera man was so excited he needed to fuck me so I got a load in me as well.
  3. Sucking is definitely a learned skill. Don’t go down completely at first, tease the head with some flicks of your tongue, lick down and up the underside of his shaft. I like to give my clients the choice about where to cum so I’ll ask if they want to cum in my mouth, or elsewhere. If they choose mouth then I take the mouthful to their lips for kissing but it’s surprising how many guys decline to kiss because they don’t like their own cum. I saw a client recently who shot in my mouth but when I signalled to him to kiss and share the cum he said “no way!”. Even later once he was showered and dressed and we kissed goodbye he said he could taste the cum on my lips so it was just a quick peck. I think it’s mainly a dislike of their own cum that puts guys off because if I cum in their mouth most guys are very happy to kiss me and share it back with me.
  4. It’s very difficult to say that though. Especially if you like the guy. They’d appreciate it in time yes, but in that moment when you tell them that you don’t feel the same way, you feel really shit. It’s happened to me once and I still hate myself for having to say it to him.
  5. My rules are: Set your rate with long term in mind, it’s very difficult to increase your rate so don’t start cheap. Set the rate to reflect the type of clients you want (top end) but be realistic in the market, and never discount.
  6. Plenty of guys make $300 an hour. Anyway, they’re not just working for the hour they’re with you. An hours booking (in call) for me takes at least two hours out of my time. The cost also represents the time a provider puts in to prepare for your meeting, the time and money he spends on personal care (gym, wax, cosmetics etc), time taking pics and promoting himself. Then there’s taxes. Take all that into consideration and the $300 you refer to ends up as $150. If a client tips me I feel that I went beyond their expectations and am certainly going to make sure they get great service next time. For example if they book a time and I’m busy I’ll move things around to fit their schedule. I wouldn’t necessarily do that for someone who didn’t tip.
  7. You have put that very well, I totally agree. I’d rather a client said sorry I have cold feet or I’m too nervous than give me some lame excuse. Maybe I can reassure them and help with their anxiety. I wish they’d say so.
  8. Well at the moment the bidding starts at a Gulfstream650 by @Oaktown. ?
  9. You should be clear with clients about your role though. I think they’ll be reluctant to book if you say you’re a bottom but will top. Be a clear bottom or clear top. If you’re uncertain about whether you can top in a professional capacity maybe try it with non client partners first. I’d say also that ideally you need to be above average size if you’re going to top. Most clients go for big boys lol.
  10. I never wear cockrings with clients. I wear one sometimes doing yoga but that’s a different story!! I don’t have a problem getting hard or staying hard but if I’m doing a filming session (I make massage porn) and I know I’ll need to be hard for 3 sessions (we tend to film a few massage videos in a day) then I’ll take half a viagra pill just to be sure. But generally I don’t like to use it. I think if you wear a cockring it can help to keep you hard but don’t wear it for too long. In my experience if you get anxious about staying hard then you’re likely to struggle to stay hard...it’s often all in the mind. I’d suggest having a dildo available. It will give you confidence that if you didn’t stay hard you can use the dildo on your client until you are hard again. Just by having the dildo there it will reduce your anxiety and therefore you’ll stay hard...see what I mean? Find ways to reduce the anxiety about going soft and you’ll discover that the problem goes away. It’s better than using viagra or cockrings.
  11. I think this is true. Many guys advertising as versatile are bottoms who only top on the third Wednesday in a month without an R in it. In my experience tops are rare, and hung tops especially rare. Which is good for me as a hung top lol.
  12. Ah well then if you’re from Brazil then you know. My club is QPR...who are not in the Champions League!!!
  13. Yes but it’s called football.....just sayin’ :-)
  14. Maybe, it’s under the blog. Click on blog, and then Z to A of sensual massage. Here https://sensualtouchco.com/?p=433 cheers Jamie
  15. Checks passport...starts packing.
  16. Thank you! Please send first class tickets on BA (I only fly BA) and I’ll make a visit to the US. It is one of my top favourite places to visit. I’ve been many times. There’s more stories about sensual massage on my blog on my website sensualtouchco.com All of them from my experience working as a masseur and in the sex industry. I hope you like them.
  17. I can’t remember!! I think the worry of his daughter walking in just made me forget his cock.
  18. That reminds of a time I visited a client on an outcall. He’d told me he had mild Parkinson’s and a massage helped him with the condition. He seemed a really nice guy. I made sure he knew what style of massage I did (sensual/erotic) and he confirmed that this is what he wanted. So I arrive at his place and he shows me to the room. As I went into the room a small girl, about age 10 was in there doing what looked like her homework. My client was Russian I think and he spoke to her in Russian, I assume to ask her to leave because she packed up and left the room. This was a little disconcerting for me but I started to set up my table. I asked him if he’d had a sensual massage before because I wanted to make absolutely sure he knew it was a naked massage and included happy ending etc. He confirmed he knew and was happy. I assumed the girl was his daughter and that maybe he couldn’t sort out childcare. So as I set up and stripped down to my pants I asked him if we’d be disturbed atall (I really didn’t want any kids coming in) because he hadn’t locked the door. He said no it’s fine. So we started. He’d booked 90 minutes and for the first half hour I kept my pants on just in case someone came in. I could hear talking and walking around coming from upstairs. After half hour I took off my pants because he was starting to touch my cock. So the massage progresses and he seems to enjoy me paying attention to his hole etc. He turns over and I see he’s hard. He asks me to cum on his chest so I shoot and then suck him off to finish. Fortunately without any interruptions. He then pays, puts his clothes back on (I didn’t even clean off the cum) and I start to pack up. He tells me it was great and he really enjoyed it. As I’m leaving via the hallway a woman comes down the stairs with the daughter, who says “mummy what is that?” as she points at the massage table I’m carrying out. The woman says “it’s a massage table, the man has been massaging daddy”. I just couldn’t get away fast enough...I’ve never been back.
  19. Yes they are. What I mean is, not attracted to a client because they’re not the type of guy you’d hookup with in a non work situation but you find something you really like about the client (there’s always something, his cock, smile, nipples, voice etc) and give him a great time as if he’s your most attractive date. They’d not know that in a non work situation you probably wouldn’t have hooked up. It’s a good thing to do generally actually because it opens your mind (in a non escort situation) to the innate sexuality and attraction of all sorts of different guys. I’ve had clients who if I saw them in a bar I wouldn’t be attracted but then during the client’s session it turned out they were fantastic and the session was explosive.
  20. Dame Vigorous Fluffing, mistress of the bell end.
  21. Yes, a lot of restaurants automatically include a service charge as part of the bill, which is usually 10% so you don’t need to add a tip as well unless you’re being extra generous. If you’re in London in summer and you happen to visit a certain masseur...ahem...then the tip can be considerably more than 10% though. Just saying
  22. Any amount is welcome and there’s no expectation. But even more welcome is booking again, recommendations and gifts. A client once sent me a couple of pairs of expensive sexy pants (underwear for Americans here) because he knew I liked them. That was fantastic. Another client invited me to his club which was interesting. In the UK tipping is much less prevalent than the US and is usually around 10%.
  23. I think I’ll be strict now: If they flake on me once, I give them a second chance. If they flake twice then it’s either no more bookings or they pay full price up front. And flaking is cancelling on the day or just no showing. Cancelling the day before is ok, things happen.
  24. You’re so right, it’s always worth reminding myself that visiting me or any other provider must be pretty daunting for someone who’s never done anything like it before. For me seeing clients is fairly routine but I guess from their perspective it’s a big thing and takes a lot of courage. It’s good to be reminded of their perspective - thanks!!
  25. I’m a masseur. I ask my clients if they want music. It can help drown out any street noises and add to the ambience. I sometimes pace my routine by the music. When I do outcalls I take a Bluetooth speaker and have a playlist but the client can play his list if he wants. I agree with Wanderoz about no sound allowing you to synchronise breathing. I try to get my clients breathing synchronised with mine and obviously can watch their diaphragm raise and fall so silence isn’t needed. But it’s really important for connection to synchronise a slow deep breathing pattern especially at the start. Great observation by Wanderoz. I remember a lovely US client saw me at his hotel when he was visiting London. He always liked to leave the TV on with news playing. It didn’t distract me but was unusual. That’s an issue with hotel visits; noise from the corridor or other rooms. When I see female clients in hotels though it can be the opposite problem. Females can get very noisy when close to orgasm. I’ve had some knowing looks from hotel staff in the corridor when leaving my clients room because of the noise that was being made during the session. Often the client is unaware she was making loud noises. So now I try to play louder music for these sessions.
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