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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. I don’t pay deposits either. I said somewhere in this thread (I think) I offered to help out. I guess I was wondering if I’m just soft because he’s made me feel comfortable from the interactions we have. And if I should just stick with the arrangements as is. He didn’t ask for a deposit per se. He mentioned financial stress. My analytical mind says, “Of course that’s a hint,” but it was an overt deposit demand. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    As with everything the price doesn’t necessarily equate to the quality. 

    Ain’t that true. I’ve paid top dollar for mediocre service more than once. I almost feel shameful what my best regular asks, but I tip.

    I would never haggle as you say. But if a provider asks me what I’m willing to pay, then it sometimes turns into a bit of a back and forth. I’ve decided what my limit is because as you say, price doesn’t necessarily equate to quality. I haven’t really noticed a difference in quality above $1800/night. But maybe I just haven’t met the right provider asking for more than that.

     I also don’t really “buy” into paying for a name either. I know some guys like that, but more me, looking for a BFE, it’s more important that the connection be there than for me to know I’ve fucked some porn star. There are different things that motivate different guys. I suppose if I wanted to start notching my bedframe with porn star conquests, I could hire for an hour instead of an overnight, but that’s just not really what I like. I like pretending for a weekend I have a partner…That’s what I hire for.


  3. 27 minutes ago, Kevin Slater said:

    And one wonders why they're not jumping through hoops for each text they get.  :)

    Kevin Slater

    I suppose if they don’t want the business, they won’t respond. If the pressure is high enough for business, they’ll respond. If they don’t need the work, they’ll be less motivated. Again…it’s just a matter of supply and demand.

    I suppose it’s different when a provider sends a message on RM or to my phone asking if I want to hire tonight. I’m willing to bet I’m not the one client who’s getting those desperate pleas for business.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Kevin Slater said:

    Huh?  If the OP is looking to hire one guy, but reaches out to four, at best the escort has a 25% shot if this panning out.  Obviously professional behavior is called for, but if three quarters of inbound texts are predestined to go nowhere regardless, one might temper his expectations of customer service from exploratory texting.

    Kevin Slater

    I see it differently. I would obviously only hire one guy. But I might send out four enquiries to see who’s potentially available, who’s got the best rate, who seems legit, who seems even genuinely interested. You may only get one response back from sending out RFPs…I don’t think it’s unreasonable to solicit multiple “bids.”

  5. 2 minutes ago, DanteV said:

    This is a question for clients, please direct it to the deli. Nobody here is going to say "yes, my new attitude is obscene rates and rudeness". And we're not going to bite on an argument starter by saying "obviously, no". 

    Maybe you have a thought on providers who do behave that way? I doubt you’re ignorant of providers who are rude and expect too much. I know I have opinions about my colleagues who have unreal expectations.

    That raises an interesting idea: do escorts see fellow escorts as “colleagues?”


  6. 44 minutes ago, DrownedBoy said:

    I guess I'd ask both providers and clients here if they've noticed this, but I've been getting some _really_ rude responses to my attempts to hire escorts I haven't met before (not to mention prices in excess of 400/500 an hours). Here's some incidents I had contacting several Chicagoland escorts yesterday (I texted them in the early evening, asked if they were available later that night, was completely open about my preferences (no anal), and offered to pay for Uber both ways on an outcall:

    - I texted 4 people, 3 of which quoted me at least 400 an hour + Uber (I asked for a 2 hour session, but they didn't adjust their rates accordingly).

    - One kid with only 2 RM reviews wanted 900 for 2 hours. He was located right next to me, and I would pay for the Uber. When I declined, he responded with a _completely unsolicited_ counteroffer that was still obscene. His text was worded like: "Oh man, I'll do it for X dollars; I DARE you!" Did he think I'd hire him when he spoke to me like that, even if it was a reasonable offer?

    - Then there's the openly blatant con artists. One guy, I was purely willing to hire, but I thought it reasonable to ask him why 3 of his 15 RM reviews were bad. He told me he was insulted by the question. Luckily, he was honest enough to cancel the session before I would have.


    Right now, I'm only hiring one of my 3 regulars, because when I reach out to "new blood," I get treated ilke this. I'd rather jack off than deal with such rude people.

    Is this the new post-pandemic attitude? Obscene rates combined with rudeness? I've been hiring for 8 years, have always been nice to my hires, and have always contacted providers in good faith.

    I find a lot of inexperienced guys have a bit of a delusional idea of what they should expect as far as compensation. A bit of experience will probably help them. But therein lies the Cath 22. They need to get the experience but guys don’t like getting shit on either, so they aren’t hiring these guys to give them experience. It’s better if people are just decent in general. I suspect the guys who are simply good guys will end up doing better than the guys who see horny guys willing to buy sex as nothing more than ATMs.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Kevin Slater said:

    When you say you texted four people, did you wait for each thread to play out before texting the next?  If not, this may partially explain this environment...

    Kevin Slater

    Do escorts only work with one client at a time?

    I find the idea or suggestion that clients should contact one provider at a time hypocritical if escorts aren’t limiting themselves to one client at a time. It’s part of the economics of it, for both supply side and demand side. Just because there’s a market doesn’t justify bad behavior.

  8. That would be more of an issue if he weren’t US-American. I’m more concerned about smuggling too much scotch back into the US in my checked luggage 😆 And even that I’m not too worried about. Over 10 years ago I smuggled fresh bratwurst back from Germany despite not being allowed to legally…It never was detected. I doubt the sniffer dogs are trained to ferret out McCallan! 😂 

  9. 7 minutes ago, samhexum said:

    She must win the three-legged race at the family picnic every year!

    You’re a regular comedian ;)

    What happened was that she was in the backyard one afternoon and our dog knocked her over. As it turned out a few weeks later she was having extreme pain in her replaced knee. When she fell, it had snapped her knee, and inside the cup of the replacement joint, the bone had broken off and started to break down. So they had to remove the replacement and put a new one in. It always makes for a good story though to explain why she has three replaced knees. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    Of course I know that email is for old-timers, but I use texting only for very short messages.

    My hierarchy of communication urgency: 

    1. Email 

    2. Text

    3. Phone

    If I need immediate answers, I call. If I want a response soon (within hours/the day), I send a text. If it can wait a day or two, I send an email. Generally speaking. There are exceptions. 

  11. My grandma has battled arthritis 30+ years – two replaced hips, two replaced shoulders, and three replaced knees. She’s never sent a text in her life.

     I snapped my knee about five years ago getting up from a kneeling position. It snapped so hard I thought everyone in the room could hear the crack. Apparently not. That said, when it’s damp out or cold, it gives me trouble. I had it checked My doctor told me I have arthritis! Apparently I should have had it looked at when it happened instead of waiting for trouble to develop. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 

  12. Thanks, guys. All helpful info…

    I will talk with AT&T. I like having an idea what I should talk about with the folks there. So you’ve provided that.

    I don’t expect to be on the phone a lot while abroad. Part of the point is to get away. But if we’re out and I need to make a call to the site about a reservation for a tour or want to call a restaurant or whatnot, I want to know I can. I definitely planned on uaing wifi at the resort. As far as communicating with folks at home, that should be more than sufficient.

    On a related, but not directly related note – how easy it is to change the SIM card in an iPhone 11? On my previous phone, there was a slot in the side for the SIM card, but that’s not on my current phone. 

  13. 9 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

    Regarding a premium membership, the price affords benefits other than the ability to post reviews. It allows the member to see "semi-private" pictures without requesting the advertiser's permission and all videos. Frankly, I think the ability to see the additional photos is worth the price of a membership.

    Sure. But I was speaking specifically about what happens to reviews posted by clients. I simply feel if reviews are now part of premium membership, then they should have some increased level of dependability. I don’t think it’s fair a provider can have negative reviews removed as it is already, but if I’m paying for membership, and one of the perks (among others) is leaving reviews, I expect that the reviews stand. I’m not just a pot of gold for RM. I have expectations in return for payment…

  14. I do not get notifications about all the topics I follow when a new post happens. I also just feel like by default if I comment, I should get a notification. Is there a setting I’m missing? I definitely have slid the switch on some topics to follow and have to still to go looking to find out someone has commented and I didn’t get the notification.

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