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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    it would be nice if you first understood the point I made first before you respond to something I didn't say.

    You got to stick to a point for me to respond to it. You skirt about saying one thing then insisting I misunderstood what you said when you clearly said it. Furthermore, this was a conversation you started. The thread was started by @Unicorn. It appears others here have issue with the content of your posts too…particularly as it comes to bear on the statistical nature of bisexuality.

    Finally…Why don’t you hide me if you find my comments so annoying? 

  2. 43 minutes ago, DanteV said:

    If the vibe's gonna be, always message a bunch of people and take the best option

    See…I don’t know what you mean by “best.” What do you mean? Do you mean rate? Do you mean time? Do you willingness to certain things? All those things can and should be factors worth considering. No one needs to be a jerk about it. Business is business. But it’s really simple economics at the end of the day.

    I’ve never had an escort tell me he had a better offer. Normally it doesn’t get that far because I don’t agree to a rate unless I’m seriously booking. If I’m asking questions about what he’s willing to do and when he could meet, that may affect my willingness to pay a bit more. (Even though we *know* we’re paying for “time.”) If we discuss money – talk that really kills any vibe – then I’m committed and not making plans with another guy. But before finances are discussed, I don’t think it’s unfair to discuss potentialities with several providers.

     At the end of the day, it’s business. And even in business you shouldn’t be an asshole. When doing projects for work, we solicit RFPs and whoever is deemed the best for our needs gets the job. We still need to inform the other bidders, but we don’t tell them, “Sorry, fuckers! We aren’t using your expensive-ass operation!” We simply say that we decided to go with another service provider. Professional and polite, but definitive. I can’t understand why that doesn’t apply here.

    It’s almost like escorts want to run a business until they don’t. This business is a business like any other until the rules of business are disadvantageous to the escort. Then all of a sudden it’s a very different kind of business. When things actually happen, that’s different, but leading up to, there need to be some assumed norms. Approaching things from a normal supply-and-demand angle is fair to everyone.

    And for the love all things holy, please just everyone treat everyone with respect. That covers a host of problems…

  3. It really is acceptable for clients to approach multiple providers. It’s also reasonable for everyone to expect decent, polite interaction whether you’re dealing with multiple clients/providers. They’re not mutually exclusive.

    Why is it okay for a provider to ask me if I want to meet tonight because he’s trying to pin down timing with another guy if I can’t do the same with a provider from my perspective? What if I want to see two guys tonight? One right after the other…I may need to coordinate that scheduling. A provider shouldn’t feel that’s inappropriate. That’s my prerogative. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I was talking about bisexuality.

    Once again...you didn't read what I wrote before you responded.

    You fit the narrative to your own desiring to make sure you appear right. Reminds me of about 46.9% of the US population. Alternative facts…

    It’s so puzzling to me that after years of reading and speaking and writing in several languages with mutual intelligibility, I fail – in your opinion – to comprehend what you write. Could it be the source and not the target? I still think it’s just opportunism saying, “Oh, I was wrong, so you clearly misunderstood because I can’t possibly ge wrong!”

  5. 6 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    "May be" ?

    Um....bisexuality is more common than pure absolute homosexuality.

    I like to allow people to self-identify.

    Can I appreciate feminine beauty? Absolutely. Do I desire to fuck people with feminine beauty? No.

    Appreciating someone’s attractiveness doesn’t mean you are sexually allured by them. As difficult as it might be to accept, some people – the majority of people – fall into either of the binary sexualities, gay or straight. Bisexuality isn’t as common as so many think.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rod Hagen said:

    xyZ, let me flesh out Slater's argument after an analogy.  

    Imagine, on Craigslist, I see four separate, desirable, pairs of tickets to Sparks at Disney Hall.  I may justify messaging all 4 people simultaneously, with some questions, because there are flakes on Craigslist so I'm hedging my bet, one of the ticket sets may be bargained cheaper than the other three, and I'd like to finish this transaction as quickly as possible.

    I'm expanding Kevin's argument to state that messaging all four individuals simultaneously is selfish, and we expect/hope you will see why it is. 

    In case you don't, here's why.  If I purchase one ticket set, of the 4 available, I very well may hear back from some of the other individuals.  What do I say to that individual, "sorry, you were too slow, other people were able to accommodate my laundry list of wants before you did."  That person had a reasonable expectation that when I inquired about his tickets I was interested in his tickets, not other people's tickets too.  

    This really is the difference between how we should interact with individuals in business vs. companies that prioritize, or at least feign to prioritize, our convenience and wants and take the hits when they come.  Respectful business between individuals is a business of mutual consideration.


    You’re joking, right? You seriously think clients should only message one provider at a time - especially if time is a factor?

    I message the four guys providing tickets on Craigslist and one of them gets back to me, I buy the tickets. End of transaction. If the other individual does get back to me, I can politely say that I already purchased tickets from someone else. I don’t see why that’s a problem.

    Why this idea of messaging only one provider at a time, especially if time is a factor, breaks down is pretty easy to explain. And with real life examples. I’ve messaged providers who don’t respond for hours, maybe even the next day.

    Providers will talk about how many guys they get messages from every day. They presumably deal with those messages while also still doing appointments and booking other appointments. They have multiple clients. Clients also have a host of providers to choose from. When ready to hire, especially if it’s for tonight or sometime when time is an important factor, finding a provider who can see you at that time is important. So messaging multiple providers for a particular timeframe, at the minimum, is fair.

  7. 3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I don't think anyone over 40 grew up understanding those concepts.

    You’d be wrong.

    Sexuality as a social and biological phenomenon was well explored already then. You realize that 50 years ago was 1972? There were kids around in 1970s who most definitely knew what “gay” meant. Those are my parents’ formative years and they definitely knew what “gay” was. My mother especially because my great uncle was gay…and the whole family knew. It was a scandal, but they knew.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Rudynate said:

    All over the developed world, fertility rates are dropping.  The global fertility rate is 50% of what it was 50 years ago.  In the US, it isn't high enough even to maintain the population.

    I don’t see that as a problem on a planet that has over 7 billion people. I forget specifically but I think I read somewhere that for all 7 billion people to live lives like average US-Americans, we’d need five earths. Declining population rates, especially in the US, seems like a fine thing to me.

  9. 1 hour ago, RJD said:

    Same here.  If there was a TV show for e-mail hoarding, I’d be on it.  The only e-mails I delete at work are out of office notifications and the few spam items which get through our firewall/. Everything else gets archived.  At my previous job, I was able to produce an e-mail string from five years earlier when someone accused us of mishandling their issue.  It’s called CYA.  

    I still have emails archived in my account from my previous place of employment. Not only do you not know when that might be needed, but sometimes you have something that might be useful in an old email too. 

  10. 37 minutes ago, Teig512 said:

    Sometimes, I like to watch two hot guys getting it on. For those times I feel like being a voyeur. I have had good success finding escorts who are OK with that. I often have someone set this up for me. Sometimes he brings another working escort and sometimes he brings a fuck buddy.  And be prepared to pay well above the standard rate. 

    For something like that, you can watch it for free at gaymaletube.com

  11. 44 minutes ago, shadowcatzxxx said:


    Well, he just blocked me from viewing his profile on RM, so it looks like you may be right! Damn. Those photos are HOT!!!

    I had a similar thing happen to me once. There’re plenty of fish in the sea. And plenty of guys who’ll be happy to take your money. I’m sorry that happened to you…

  12. 17 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    That, my friend, may be YOUR opinion.

    But the rest of us aren't so gullible.

    Nobody had these women chained in a basement. The fact that some of them regret their decisions is on them. Plenty of other women enjoyed the mansion and the people they met ( fucked ) there.

    That’s your opinion. Preformed independent of particular facts, I might add. 

  13. 48 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:


    Amazing the number of women at the mansion who were shackled in the dungeon and "forced" to perform sex acts and nobody seems to have spoken up until Hef was long dead.

    What I find amazing is your unwillingness to understand the dynamics at work here. Everything you seem to believe paints the girls as calculating schemers and Hefner as innocent benefactor. There’s no room for any bad behavior by Hefner in your mind. And for all your talk about presumed innocence until proven guilt, you don’t afford the same leniency to the girls. You’ve already made up your mind they’re guilty of lying to get 15 minutes of fame. It’s simply hypocritical to not even consider the possibility, with an open mind free of charged language, that they’re telling the truth.

     I think @Benjamin_Nicholassaid in another thread: some people don’t like the truth but it’s still the truth. Well, here we have some things that may well be coming into the light of truth. You may not like it, but hammering on it that it’s not true doesn’t make it less so. 

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