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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. Thought…

    Will all reviews stand now in RM? Or will providers still be able to have “negative” reviews removed? I feel like the ability to remove negative reviews, especially after a “firewall” of premium membership requirement for me to post a review, is a huge disincentive for me to pay to submit a review if I were so inclined. I’m not paying to just be a cheerleader. I’ll be a cheerleader if it was good, but if it was bad, I’m going to say so. And if I’m paying to say so, I expect it to stand. 

  2. In a few months, I’m taking a provider on vacation with me. We’re looking forward to it. He’s someone I vibe with and it’ll be fun. Sex and sites. All around.

     I want to take my own phone along. Who’s done that? What’s entailed in getting an international “plan?” We’re travelling over April into May. Will it require two months of an upgraded plan? It seems like a lot to pay for a week…How has that worked for any of you who’ve travelled abroad. The last time I was abroad, I lived in Germany for months so I just got a phone plan. This will just be a week…I’ll need a phone, but can’t fathom getting a local “plan” for a week.


  3. I’ll reiterate – it doesn’t matter if it’s snark or sarcasm. It’s inappropriate. Sometimes certain things are simply inappropriate. Talking about importing people is inappropriate – especially into the United States given our past (and present, for that matter). Disagree with all the vulgarity all you want. It’s wrong. Some people don’t like the truth. But it’s still the truth. I think @Benjamin_Nicholassaid that as much in another thread. Holds true here.

  4. I only answer the phone if it’s a contact saved. An unlisted number I will not answer. And if the voicemail that is left behind doesn’t explain the purpose for the car, I don’t return it.

    I get daily calls from a debt collector. They simply tell me who they are and that I should call them back and ask for one of their associates. They don’t tell me that they’re a debt collector, but I’ve looked them up on Google by their telephone number. If they can’t be bothered to tell me why they’re calling, I sure as hell I’m not going to call them back. I’ll take care of the debt in my own time. At this point there isn’t any way to really deal with the issue in a positive way, so there’s no expedient rush. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, studchaser said:

    Make sure that it is clear what the money is intended for and ask beforehand what the providers intends to do with deposit should trip be cancelled or postponed.

    This is good. I’ve had guys refund money. Which made me think highly if them. 

    18 minutes ago, studchaser said:

    The client should however be prepared to not see that money again.

    Yes. Sadly. There are cons. I know some here may not believe it, but I do like to believe the best of people. Same with escorts.

    It really comes down to the gut. In cases like this. And experience. There would be less hesitation on my part if he was someone I’ve hired before, multiple times. I do think it’s worth pointing out again that he didn’t directly ask for money til we meet, at least not for his current situation. He mentioned it, which was likely a hint, but I’ve had guys who brashly just ask when they’re “dealing with issues.” One guy asked because he needed to post bail for his dad. Pass and block. Scam.

  6. I’ve only ever been with one escort who was honest about his dick size. And he was actually 9”.

    I think that statistic is a lot like age on their ads. Only it’s inversely related. The lower the age, the better; the higher the dick size; the better.

    I generally think guys are being “close” to honest if they put 6 to 7”.

  7. 1 hour ago, Todd Jenkins said:

    This is such a great indicator that we are ALL different – see, to me, this is a LOT. I mean, my best FRIENDS don't text me 5-6 X a day unless we are getting plans together. 

    You and I wouldn’t be *best* friends then. Personality. To me, friends, especially best friends, communicate. A lot. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, Rick M said:

    You'd think in this age of quick and easy communication that there would be no problem, but fluid communication just means noise propagates more freely

    Yep. 99% of my job is dealing with miscommunication caused by communication that is quick and easy. In a sentence: it sucks. 

  9. Update…

    I requested another meeting with the president of the board. This went much better. In large part, I believe, because she aired her grievances before and now was able to listen and actually have a conversation. That said, no truly satisfactory conclusion was reached as far as I’m concerned. After the initial meeting I considered all that had been said and determined it was not worth the social capital to insist on a compromise. Backchanneling is a thing and it’s nasty. So she terms off the board June 30, and that will be the end of her leadership. She has stated she will continue on as president as long as her own project for mission statement visioning is ongoing. I have devised a plan to basically allow that to languish in committee through June, and then I don’t have to deal with a temporary president until new elections are held. As the CEO, I have means at my disposal to keep the committees working on the mission statement work indefinitely (I don’t like it, but I’d prefer not to on board a new president for 2-3 months…) So if she wants to waste her time (and mine and the board’s) with her pet project, we’ll do it. Because come July 1, we’ll have a new president, and likely someone I’ve “selected.” I’ve learned my lesson by thinking “I’ll let the board have full autonomy on electing their leader.” No – I need to coronate someone behind the scenes.


  10. 5 minutes ago, cany10011 said:

    A few brazilian strippers/ escorts I've seen in new york come in as "students"... They have hot bodies but have been perpetually students for the past 10 years. They cycle through new york  then to spain then brazil to avoid overstaying. 

    With no real intention of being permanently here? Don’t student visas require you stay in the home country for a duration after return before your eligible to come again as a student? It’s been over a decade since I was a study abroad student so I don’t actually remember…

  11. I know I said I don’t pay deposits. I like to buy other things that show good faith, but I got burnt badly with deposit once (long story) so I don’t do it anymore.

    That said, a new guy I’m looking to see in three weeks mentioned in texting tonight he’s stressed about cash for upcoming travel. I will be in a better position to help him come March 1. I suggested possibly giving him some money before we meet if he took it off my “bill.” But I wonder if I’m falling for a trick that will burn me.

    We’ve chatted on the phone and he sounds genuine. We text, not a lot but maybe once a day 5-6 texts. He seems busy/distracted but that’s potentially his age and other factors. I don’t expect him to dedicate his day to texting me. I feel comfortable by the interaction I’ve had with him, but when I step back, I’m like…Are you falling victim again?

    I generally like to be good to providers. I've found it pays in the end, and it’s also just the decent thing to do. But I also have to look out for me…

    Comments, thoughts, opinions. Maybe some advice…I’m asking for it this time 😉 But please be reasonable and polite…

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