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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. 44 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    What I’m not happy to do (because it invariably goes nowhere) is to engage in sex chat.

    Understood. I see that as different from “discussing.” The clarification helps.

     I just received a text and email from my dentist about my appointment on Tuesday. If a client schedules ahead, do you (or others) text a day or two beforehand to say anything like looking forward to the meetup etc? Or is it radio silence until you show up or vice versa?

  2. 3 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    100% correct. Ask directly for what you want. Don’t chat about it. If clients want to chat about the session they never book. Waste of time. 

    How do you know beforehand if you’re able to provide what the client wants if you don’t discuss it? Assuming the client wants something other than a vanilla fuck session, in and out under an hour?

    I understand the dreaded “waste of time” argument. Believe me. But I’ve also wasted money because an escort either a) didn’t take the time to actually read what I was looking for, and/or b) care. Nobody who’s not mentally ill wants to waste anyone’s time. But I believe a degree of discussion can help in “special” circumstances.

    So am I understanding you right, Jamie, that you just stop communicating with a potential client if he wants to discuss things before the meetup?

  3. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    It's interesting that scientific study is still trying to defend the "born this way" narrative. If oldest males are less likely to be gay then it's pretty easily explained as a social phenomenon. Eldest males have tremendous pressure to carry on the family name ( and property in wealthy families). Yet...some "scientists" insist on reading this data as biology not sociology.

    I’m going to go with the scientists on it.

    Thank you, @Unicorn, for the reasoned explanation based in evidence.

  4. If a client approaches about meeting tonight for a session, I assume providers respond, set up the necessary details to carry out said meetup, and there’s little to really communicate. But say a potential client communicates about a longer session (multiple days). Or suppose he contacts for a BFE. Or role play. Or anything that’s not a “typical” hookup experience. Do you have a different way of handling such potential clients? Do you engage in more discussion before the meetup or do you go with the basics and let it at that? What if the potential client is scouting out providers before traveling into your area? What kind of communication do you consider normal, appropriate, and expected once whatever agreement to meet has been made before he comes to your location? I’m talking like saying, “Hey, I’ll be in Vegas next month for a conference and would like to hire you for a few days while I’m there.” Or something similar. What sort of approach do you use with one-offs versus someone who’s looking for a longer session or a special session or potentially a new regular?

  5. 59 minutes ago, acks01 said:

    Women have to deal with sexism on top of a lot of various dangers. It's just a sad fact that there are a number of men across the world who do not consider women as equals or anything more than sex objects.

    This. One thousand billion times over. 👏🏻 

    Say it again so the guys in the back can hear it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, OCClient said:

    Males vs. females may experience all kinds of different factors leading to how we self identify. 

    This would be interesting reading. Especially the “nurture” component in such a study.

    1 hour ago, OCClient said:

    The probability a man will identify as gay increases as the number of older brothers increases.

    I’ve heard that before. Many times. And it always makes me wonder what happened to me – the oldest. Of course there are other first-borns who are gay, but it strikes me as an interesting bucking the trend if it’s  in fact biologically true that more older brothers increases a boy’s likelihood of identifying as gay. Is it more a factor of biology or socialization? Maybe by the time more sons roll around, parents approach caregiving in a different way than they do their oldest son. Maybe that different approach is evolutionary? Questions…

  7. 22 minutes ago, acks01 said:

    My friend used to be a female escort, and one of the reasons they charge more is because most rent hotel rooms for sessions. It's just not safe for women to do out calls with strangers, and certainly not in calls. There are just a ton of horror stories when it comes to straight men being highly aggressive and having that be the norm that female escorts experience.

    You mean they can’t just say no and walk away?

    Obviously they can’t. It also makes sense they’d need to charge more to cover for safer accommodations. Sad but understandable…



  8. 50 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

    You may have an aversion to being "labeled" for whatever reason, but I generally find labels useful as it helps me anticipate certain likely behaviors, desires, and so on.

    This is what most people like too. When you ask people to change how they’ve thought about categories they thought they’ve understood, it’s often not so much they don’t like the new way of thinking as much as it’s they don’t like being challenged on what they thought they knew. People don’t like predictably and categories and labels help with that.

    Problems of course arise when labels are used to limit people, not just describe and distinguish them.

  9. I didn’t know you had to explicitly say something for me to make a comment as it related. I was extrapolating. As long as you post publicly, I’m allowed to respond – either directly or indirectly.

    See – conversation develops off one person saying one thing and someone else responding with something different but related.* I can’t help you don’t like how things I say are related to what you say. But just because you ask “nicely” – and I might add you’ve been anything but “nice” to me…words like “disrespectful” and “patronizing” come to mind instead of “nice” – doesn’t mean I have to do as you request. Just like I requested you and you ignored me. So I’ll ask nicely too…

    Please. Hide me. You’ll be happier. 👍🏻 

    Or another option…Don’t respond to me.

    I’m asking nicely 😊 

    *Your comment to @Tygerscentabout his upbringing had nothing to do explicitly with what he said, but you extrapolated from that some conclusions you wanted to confirm. By your logic, I shouldn’t do that because it wasn’t explicit. I almost think you just want me to shut up period. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I agree. Your responses are always off on a tangent....so it doesn't really contribute anything to what I said.

    Please just respond to other people if you can't actually respond to what I said.

    That would be nice. thanks

    Nice for you. Sure. I don’t rightly care. I enjoy it.

    Why don’t you hide me if I don’t contribute anything worthwhile in your opinion? Save yourself the bile. It’s as easy as checking out your settings. 👍🏻 😉 It’s not my responsibility to accommodate your wants or needs. Take your independence into your own hands and be responsible for your own self. It’s my freedom to respond to you; yours to ignore me.


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