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Cody Converse

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    Cody Converse reacted to MikeyGMin in BB now ok on forum   
    Or gonorrhea or syphilis or Giardia or crabs or a host of other STIs. Having sex with another gay man (who is unlikely to be pure and virginal) is a risk-reward calculation. However, the calculation has changed significantly over the last few years for a LOT of people. For others it has not and that is fine. Why do something that is over you're comfortable risk level if it's going to take the enjoyment out of the whole thing? At the same time, the finger-wagging at those who HAVE changed is worthless noise.
  2. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + José Soplanucas in BB now ok on forum   
    I think OP resentment makes him forget the progress in STD transmission. BBking until about one year ago was just irresponsible
  3. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + OliverSaks in BB now ok on forum   
    Too stupid of a post to respond to legitimately.
    Glad you have survived bb’ing for 30 years. You’re a real fucking pioneer.
    Thank your fucking stars for somehow staying alive through the epidemic.
  4. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Tarte Gogo in BB now ok on forum   
    Indeed, completely ignoring the many, many HIV deaths, the new treatments which can keep us alive with HIV until old age, the reliable testing methods, PrEP etc.
    Sure @muscmtl you discovered that people are changing their behavior, because reality is changing.
    Most people make rational decisions based on the real world. Big news.
  5. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Moondance in BB now ok on forum   
    I enjoyed the unique logic in the very first paragraph where the OP suggests that our great grandmothers' willingness to reproduce should have motivated men to bareback with one another ever since.
    And then that bit about him being "pissed off" because he and his fellow bbkers "did all the ground work" that now benefits us all.
    And then the indignation that an escort who does porn has different rules with clients than with his partners in films.
    What deep thinking! What an insightful post! How enlightening for us all! Thank you.
  6. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + nycman in BB now ok on forum   
    Ummm.....you left out the part where young men were dying.
    It’s kind of an important part of the narrative.
  7. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Kevin Slater in How should I address the concept of time with a client?   
    You're the pro in the room, he's just there to relax and have fun. If you notice the first hour has ended and it looks like things aren't wrapping up, it's the pro's job to say something like "would you like to go for a second hour?".
    Kevin Slater
  8. Like
    Cody Converse got a reaction from + freecahill1965 in RM Removal of Prices in Ads   
    I'd like to remind everyone that the bill passed 98-2 in the Senate and 388-25 in the House. Even if Trump refuses to sign it, that's a veto-proof majority.
    What's done is done.
  9. Like
    Cody Converse got a reaction from + jc808 in RM Removal of Prices in Ads   
    I'd like to remind everyone that the bill passed 98-2 in the Senate and 388-25 in the House. Even if Trump refuses to sign it, that's a veto-proof majority.
    What's done is done.
  10. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + freecahill1965 in Kurtis Wolfe   
    I am still thinking about how hot a threesome with @Kurtis Wolfe and @Cody Converse would be. LIKE WOW!
  11. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to rossthebosssf in Thoughts on Meet and Greets before hiring?   
    And if a client is actually serious about booking you for a weekend or extended vacation, booking you for a paid hour should be of no financial concern. If it is, I would say that's a huge red flag and I would suggest not taking the meeting at all.
  12. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Pensant in Thoughts on Meet and Greets before hiring?   
    I always text first and then, if it looks promising, follow up with a phone call. I’ve never asked for a pre-meet, which I agree is a waste of the provider’s time. Since I prefer longer engagements, I consider the initial two hour session to be the compensated “interview”.
  13. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + tassojunior in Canadian Drugs   
    People do realize that "Canada" in a name means nothing. They're in India.
  14. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Gar1eth in Canadian Drugs   
    Thank you all. Using the Canadian sites if her doctor will write the prescription will save my Mom over $200 a month.
  15. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Tarte Gogo in Escorts reaching out after the appt. and reviews   
    Because, it is in their interest, but that doesn’t mean that the review should be for them.
    If I have a HomePod and I like it, and say so here, do you think it is for the benefit of Apple?
    No, if I said it for the benefit of Apple, I am a sell-out. If I said it for the benefits of other buyers in doubt, I am helping my fellow consumer.
    I am confused about what confuses you here.
  16. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Deadlift1 in Cardio and fat burning.   
    Thanks for the input guys! and yes NYC man im aware of calories in spiel as i have been working out for the last 25 yrs. Big break through for me was carb cycling and was thinking about going the empty stomach cardio route as well.
  17. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to GasparJohnson in Cardio and fat burning.   
    As @Rudynate said, opinion is varied. Personally, I do not think that it is necessarily bad...but it is not better than post-prandial (fed) cardio:
    The theory makes sense: if your body doesn't have fuel in the form of recently-consumed food, you will tap into your body's fat stores for fuel. However, the scientific literature indicates that:
    1. There seems to be some sort of "metabolic adaptation" if you eat and then exercise, your metabolism staying elevated after exercise if you eat before doing cardio.
    2. Doing cardio on an empty stomach is likely to increase cortisol levels, a hormone which can make fat loss difficult if levels are too high.
    3. Eating before exercising will give you more energy, thus enabling you to burn more calories. They may not all be from fat since you are in a fed state, but trying to target a certain fuel source is very difficult given the complexity of human physiology.
    Furthermore, a 2014 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition divided women into two groups: empty stomach cardio and fed cardio. At the end of the study, women in both groups had lost weight, but there was no difference between the two groups.
    Link: https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-014-0054-7
    Once again, I'm not saying that cardio on an empty stomach is "bad." A LOT of people have lost weight by doing it--it was especially popular during the "Golden Era" of bodybuilding. However, the research seems to show that it doesn't really matter when you do it--and that trying to theorize how hormone levels at different times of the day are going to affect fat oxidation is extremely difficult given the amazing complexity of the human body.
    As long as you do your cardio consistently and eat to be in a caloric deficit, it doesn't really matter.
  18. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + freecahill1965 in I want to move to New York and commit to escorting   
    @Benjamin_Nicholas Wow, if I had that kind of disposable income, I would be hiring escorts each morning and they would have Folgers in my cup.
  19. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Eric Hassan in Best way to wake up ...   
    I think the second time you had to wake him up and he didn't acknowledge anything would have been a good time to stop and check in with him. It's possible he is narcoleptic and doesn't know it, or didn't share it with you because he's usually fine with his meds but right now he's not. It sounds like there may have been some health issues going on here, aside from the customer service/performance issues. You're paying for an experience that you weren't getting, and it was possibly because this guy was in some sort of crisis - how to deal with this is to stop what you're doing and TALK.
    This is for everyone - if you're with someone and they seem like they might be sick or in danger, TALK to them. Please don't carry on and hope things will be OK.
  20. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Nvr2Thick in The Sanchez escorts   
    Each of those ads shows a compelling assortment of pics from a compelling assortment of men.
  21. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + PapaTony in 411: Twink_tommy   
    ^ this boy!!!!!
    Back off gentlemen.... I’m having adoption papers drawn up...
  22. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to MikeBiDude in I want to move to New York and commit to escorting   
    Native born SoCal guy here and love it, would not leave
  23. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Jostar in 411: Twink_tommy   
    That guy is weird I ask him for his rates and he said I'll have to wait the moment I see him. That just stupid. Who knows how much he'll ask. Definitely not worth it.
  24. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + oldNbusted in Weight loss   
    I've always had a problem with portion control.
  25. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to JayCeeKy in Weight loss   
    If you become concerned that your nutritional needs are suffering during weight loss just remember that semen has over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc . I suggest one dose per day.
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