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Posts posted by MscleLovr

  1. 5 hours ago, tennisjock said:

    take the conversation away from SA a burner phone or specific email as soon as possible

    @Jnich this is really good advice from @tennisjock If you’re using Seeking as your primary route to find guys, you don’t want to risk being barred from the site.

    Just tell guys who interest you that you prefer to chat on your phone/email before meeting IRL. Be prepared to exchange clear pics early - headless or torso pics are fine. This is so you weed out no-hopers, such as guys who say they’re athletes but have recently stopped training and added 20lbs.

    I guess from your posts here that you’re really keen to meet some guys, so spend time honing your profile/advert so that it sparks interest from fit, athletic guys. Think about what matters to you and your possible guys. Examples are “I’m versatile, and want you to be too” or “I’m happy to be discreet if that matters to you” or “I like to travel and I want a travel-buddy” or “I’m happy to pick up all the bills”.

    Please ensure you arrange first dates as a low-key meeting in a public place in daylight - most guys are fine but there are homophobes etc out there and you have to think about your own safety. 

    Report back on how it goes for you. I hope that soon you’ll be so busy with Seeking that you wonder where your free time went!


  2. 1 hour ago, Jnich said:

    might resort to SA to really find that missing piece. Would you guys recommend pursuing

    Seeking requires time and patience. I don’t know how busy your daily life is, but the initial contacts, filtering and one-off dates may consume a lot of your time. 


    1 hour ago, Jnich said:

    is it unheard of for guys in their 20s to be ‘Sugar Daddies?’

    Not unheard of, but certainly unusual. 


    1 hour ago, Jnich said:

    guys who fit my criteria (my age (early 20s), athletic, fitness model, frat bro, etc).

    These guys are the ideal for many men. If the guys are well-balanced but inexperienced, they may not realise how desirable they are. 

    My guess @Jnich is that many young guys may want to meet you - note they may be flaky - but they may be unsure how to behave around you if you’re both the same age but you have all the resources.

    Bear in mind that the older/younger dynamic has various aspects: it’s definitely not just ‘monied/fit-bodied’. Quite a few young men want an older man in their life. They like the maturity of an older man, as well as enjoying the attention and being taken care of. And of course, not having to worry about money (as you put it earlier) makes life much easier. 

  3. On 7/26/2020 at 10:04 PM, Gar1eth said:

    His ad says he is a top, but that he gets along well with other tops. Is this code for "I bottom"???



    His ad now says “certainly vers”

    On 8/16/2021 at 1:40 AM, Tay said:

    Seems like a nice guy but He is not responsive to messages. Will pass 

    I agree. When guys have an advert but cannot be bothered to respond, I feel it’s like Instagram: a pleasant way to pass the time, but I’d never pay for it.

  4. 5 hours ago, Jomo said:

    I’d pay 10k for an overnight with Pavel novotny

    In his prime, he was a magnificent specimen. Nowadays I doubt he’d command more than $50

    5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I 'd definitely pay $1,000 to have Chris Evans cum in my mouth

    I’d pay that for me to cum all over his face…but I’d certainly pay that to cum in Chris Pine’s mouth

  5. He has a superb body.

    But I noticed he says this in his profile: “My sexual services are strictly limited,”

    Does anyone know what his limits are? How interactive is he? The statement makes me wonder if he just likes to stand and pose while paying customers gaze in awe.…

  6. Sad news @Oliver. My heart goes out to you. 

    The death of old friends is one of the tough aspects of ageing. At the moment, I’m dealing with the sudden deaths of 2 of my oldest friends. I had known each of them for more than 50 years. FWIW I find that it helps to remember the many good times, happy events and vacations we shared. 

  7. Vacation bliss does not an ideal live-in companion make.

    If you’re set on doing this @glutes, advice here won’t matter…but please do a Search as this topic has come up before (and I’ve responded before).

    My advice is for you to be very clear and explicit about what you expect (including sexual favours), what you will pay for in running the house and what behavior you expect from your new companion.

  8. No experience of him @MikeBiDude but surely a nice-looking boy that can spread his legs wide open deserves $350 an hour?

    8 hours ago, MikeBiDude said:

    $500 overnight, seems like odd math?

    Maybe he expects you to take him to dinner - and why wouldn’t you?
    Maybe his place is temporary and not so nice? Perhaps he would enjoy staying overnight in a nice place - and he may service you in the morning before you give him breakfast? 

    I’d simply outline what you expect on an overnight, or ask him what he prefers to do. If your desires mesh, including the requisite hours of sleep, you may have a great time together.

  9. After reading the arguments in this thread, I understand completely why nowadays no intelligent and caring person would ever comfort a crying, or slightly hurt, child by putting his/her arm around them. 

    Too often, the mere accusation of abuse is treated as proof. And I strongly reject the idea that multiple accusers make a strong case; to me, that’s the mentality of a lynch-mob.

    In the UK in recent years, the Police spent a huge amount of money and resources investigating detailed claims of a pedophile sex-ring involving various famous figures. The media were complicit in building the allegations into a frenzy of accusations. The main complainant was termed a “fantasist” by the judge and he is now serving a prison term for his false allegations. Various other people came forward to support the allegations and said they were abused - none of their claims were upheld - and some claimed significant financial compensation from their alleged attackers.

    One such man (a famous singer, widely thought to be gay) had his home ransacked by the Police and the raid was covered and televised by the BBC. The Police found that on the dates of the sex attacks in the UK alleged by the complainant, the singer was actually overseas performing on tour. The Police had to apologise (and it’s believed, pay compensation with a NDA) to the singer. At first, the BBC denied any wrong-doing but the singer sued at great expense and won in Court. The compensation he was awarded, along with his legal expenses, cost the BBC millions. 

  10. 4 hours ago, wsc said:

    it almost seemed like a case of body dysmorphia, where their perception of their physical appearance was a distortion of reality, like a woman weighing 80 pounds but who compulsively diets.

    Beautifully put @wsc.

    I recall that there was a study done in the UK (in the years 1998-2000) which found that young gay men suffered from body dysmorphia at the same rate as young women with eating disorders.

    FWIW I had a passionate relationship with a young Brazilian model in Europe for 3 years. We went to Madrid in 2005 to join the celebration of gay marriage equality being introduced. The model had introduced me about 6 months earlier to a muscled friend of his (also Brazilian) who was a popular escort in London. We stayed in a very good Madrid hotel where one morning we saw the escort (and a 2nd escort) accompanying a squat businessman to breakfast. The escort had mushroomed in size. The model told me his friend was unhappy about his earlier shape and, feeling escorting was very competitive, had decided to get bigger and was taking steroids. Alas he bought cheap Chinese oral steroids; he developed throat cancer and he returned home to his family in Brazil where he died a few months later. 

  11. 15 hours ago, WilliamM said:

    I saw Angela Lansbury in a revival of Somdeim's A Little Night Music.

    Me too.


    12 hours ago, bashful said:

    I liked her in the movie "Gaslight".  She was in her late teens then

    I didn’t know that but the BBC TV News has shown a clip from Gaslight (with her speaking to Ingrid Bergman). It reported that it was AL’s first role at the age of 17 and she earned an Oscar nomination. 

    BBC TV News also reported the great fundraising and support Angela Lansbury gave in the early years of the AIDS epidemic

    And tonight in London’s West End, all the theatres went dark, turning off all their lights at 7pm for two minutes, in tribute to the passing of AL.

  12. On 9/28/2022 at 8:13 PM, Unicorn said:

    Is there anyone else on this forum who doesn't care much about the penis?

    Yes. Being a top only, I don’t really care about another guy’s penis.

    I’m relaxed about sucking cock from time to time, but if his penis is deformed or ugly, I find it a turn-off. I dated a beautiful muscleboy for a while. He had a superb physique but his cock was off-putting. When he became aroused, it was hook-shaped (I believe it’s called Peyronie’s curve)

    And to answer the question at the top of this thread: I find a ripped upper body (especially symmetrical pecs) and a bubble-butt to be major turn-ons. 

  13. 16 hours ago, friendofsheila said:

    ever need a wallet, keys or identification, even when visiting a foreign city.


    A speedo and a smile are enough.


    Pietro Boselli doesn’t go anywhere without his personal photographer.

    And I thank the Lord that PB doesn’t concern himself with clothes. 

  14. IIRC over the years, I’ve played with 4 guys who worked for BelAmi. This Miguel is not one of them, but my suggestions/experience may help.

    1. Ask to see clear, current photos. (The pics in his ad are from his BelAmi days which may be 7-10 years ago). He may look very different…and of course, he may look better as he’s older now. 

    2. Describe yourself accurately and check explicitly what he will do (and not do) with you. On film, he may bottom readily and greedily swallow the loads of other fit young men…but in real life, he may hate the taste of cum and want older men to fellate him.

    3. Agree everything in advance - date, time, session duration and rate - and check that he knows in detail where/how to meet you. Confirm in the morning (or at least 4 hours ahead) in case he takes “a better offer” 

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