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Posts posted by maninsoma

  1. Maybe it's the early hour (damned insomnia!), but I am already confused by this thread.

    Is the question whether the guy pictured in the ad actually the person advertising escort services?  Or is the question whether those photos actually depict a real person?

    Is the response a confirmation that the photos are of a real person?  Or is there a suggestion that the guy pictured in the ad is the one actually advertising?

    I ask because I assume the issue at hand is whether this is a legit escort ad and not yet another one with stolen photos, but the conversation so far seems more about identifying that the photos belong to someone.

  2. I recently developed an interest in a show called "My 600 Lb Life."  I'll admit that it's mostly morbid curiosity that got me hooked, as I've never previously encountered people who weighed so much.

    I'm only mentioning the show here because a lot of these people have to travel many miles to a clinic in Houston, so they are driving for days and staying in hotels.  I've yet to see an episode where someone broke the bed, and given the show's obvious desire to exploit its subjects I'm sure they'd include that if it happened.  I've also never seen an episode where someone cannot get down a hallway in their wheelchair.  I have seen episodes where the person had to get a different room assignment because their wheelchair wouldn't fit in an elevator, which sort of surprised me.  I guess ADA excludes some smaller hotels from having to comply with certain things that would be extremely costly, like replacing an elevator?

    I think all larger hotels do have rooms specifically designed for people with medical needs, and I'm guessing that this woman simply believes that all rooms in all hotels should be designed to accommodate her extraordinary needs just as she thinks that she shouldn't have to pay for a second seat when flying coach and that instead everyone's fares should go up in order that airlines can change their seat configurations such that every seat will accommodate the morbidly obese.

  3. I checked out Hunqz last night.  I think there are fewer than 10 providers in the San Francisco area.  Most of them also advertise on Rentmen, and the one I'd never seen before didn't appeal to me.  If more providers move their ads to Hunqz and cancel their Rentmen ads, I'm sure the clients will follow.  I don't know anything about Hunqz, but Rentmen's demise (or, at least, the loss of their monopoly of the market in the US) wouldn't be a bad thing as far as I am concerned.

  4. 11 hours ago, socurious said:

    I've been in the market for like 2 months and I still don't have any despite directly asking my clients to post theirs. I think this is what making my actual new job slower than what I could have assummed. I was in thinking in creating a new profile to catch more attention. 

    I don't know why your clients haven't posted reviews for you, but I have never submitted a review on Rentmen because I don't have an account there.  I used to submit reviews on the previous incarnations of this site, though.

    One question for you: If you'd like you grow your business, why don't you include a link to your Rentmen ad in your profile here?

  5. 15 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    I'm just using this as an example not to drag Bozo per se, but I find it ironic that so many clients who regularly complain about providers on here - often going over the same topics (deposits, looks, flakiness, scheduling drama) again and again.

    Why do clients get to hem and haw over the same issues over and over again, but a provider who is dealing with a difficult environment gets blamed? 

    I've mentioned before how often I find comments about providers on here dehumanizing. This is another example. If you don't want to engage with Jarrod's posts, you can simply add him to your block list. Coming to his threads and telling him to quit or stop complaining is just nasty and unnecessary. 

    The majority of Americans are unhappy in their jobs. And even those who like or love what they do have bad times and need to vent. Why is Jarrod not afforded the same latitude? 


    Workers are unhappy and disengaged, to a staggering degree, according to Gallup, and it's a big issue for...


    Jarrod definitely has that right, but is exercising that right here, in a forum that's largely made up of clients who hire escorts, wise?

  6. The sad thing is that if the guy finds out that people know the fake photo he's using, it's easy enough for him to steal someone else's photo.  Similar with a phone number -- easy enough for a scammer to simply get a new phone number when he realizes the one he's currently using has been identified as belonging to a scammer.  That's why I hold these two things to be true:

    1. Caveat emptor.  Ultimately, we as clients are responsible for verifying the legitimacy of the providers we contact.  This is especially true since in most locations where clients live, sex work is not legal.  If you hire some other business professional and they cannot or do not perform the work paid for, at least you have some avenues of recourse.  With escorts you just have to chalk up your loss/bad experience as an unfortunate thing from which you hopefully learned something to avoid having it repeated.

    2. Rentmen really should at least verify that the photos used in ads match the identify of the person paying for the ad.  At least that would cut down on some of the thievery.  But, again, it's clear that Rentmen will only act after someone else brings to their attention that the ad is fraudulent.  By that point it's too late for the clients who have already been scammed or, worse, assaulted.

  7. I don't see how using CashApp can cause someone to be able to drain your linked bank account, unless you are very sloppy with your account credentials.  I'm not saying this because I'm fond of payment apps (I prefer to pay in cash for escorts or masseurs), but based on what I've read it doesn't sound like someone receiving money from you on an app automatically has the ability to take other money.

  8. Someone saying they are available the rest of the day doesn't mean you shouldn't try to set a specific time (more or less) with them.  It sounds like you were driving some distance to get to the guy, so I get that it might have been difficult to give a precise time.  Based on the screen shots, though, it sounds like the client anticipated you being there much earlier and your interpretation was that it didn't matter if you arrive within an hour or several hours later.  Maybe some clients would be okay with that, but I expect that a lot of guys would be irritated sitting around waiting.  The wording of "I have a couple of things to do first" doesn't even say much.  Does that mean I have to wash my dishes and take my dog out to pee, or I am in the middle of painting my house and then have to do my grocery shopping for the week?  Again, I expect that a lot of guys would assume that someone who has "a couple of things to do first" means a few easily accomplished tasks, not something that's going to take a long time.  All of this could be avoided by you actually scheduling an appointment.

    Sorry if the above has already been addressed by someone else.  I haven't read all of the back-and-forth in this thread yet.

  9. Sean Ford has gone from twink to twunk.  Still looking very sexy.

    I'm puzzled why this is in the Deli.  So far I haven't seen any indication that he escorts, so wouldn't it make more sense to discuss Sean's attractiveness in the area devoted to porn?

  10. Yes, the links provided above do not work.  But the guy is probably already back on Rentmen under another name using fake pictures.  It really is too bad that Rentmen dominates the market since they seem to care only about money, with no concern about how frequently their site is used by scammers.

  11. And yet here we are in a thread that was started precisely because Homeland Security and Dallas/Ft Worth police set up a sting to trap straight men who attempted to hire escorts. 

    Am I saying it's likely that the same thing will happen in either Dallas or elsewhere regarding gay men?  No.  But I don't think it's beyond reason to think that it could.  Rentmen being based in the Netherlands has nothing to do with it.  All that means is that the Feds cannot attempt to take down Rentmen because they have no jurisdiction.  It doesn't mean that they cannot use Rentmen to try to arrest citizens of the US who are using that website.

    While I'm not suggesting that everyone should just stop using Rentmen out of fear that they could be trapped by law enforcement, I do like someone's earlier post about sticking to providers with a good reputation. 

  12. 11 hours ago, caramelsub said:

    I meant it would be difficult to setup a fake sting ad on rentmen, not other sites. Of course if an adult knowingly chats with an underage person looking for sex, paid or unpaid will be prosecuted. I never mentioned minors in my post.

    I still don't understand why you think it would be difficult to put up a fake sting ad on Rentmen.  Pre-internet the police used actual human beings (i.e., female cops posting as sex workers) as lures to arrest johns.  You don't think there would be cops willing to have their face posted in an ad for a short time as part of a sex sting?  Or, for that matter, the police couldn't just get some stock photos?  The rest of the process is easy because, as I wrote earlier, despite Rentmen acting like they verify ads they really don't verify that the person running an ad is the person whose photo is displayed in the ad.

  13. 12 hours ago, GTMike said:

    I had one this summer that I'm praying to any deity or spiritual entity listening, that it won't be just that one time!!   (Admittedly the initial intro/connection was through SA) yet all we did was chit-chat about generic stuff without any specifics related to SA type situations. So not sure if this counts as a hook-up?

    He's finishing College far away this year but grew up ~hour away and we randomly discovered we were close by each other one random evening.

    He was out with a "girlfriend"( legit long-legged hot model beach blonde) though insisted I meet them out with the flimsyiest of cover stories i'd ever heard of.

    He's literally the prototypical great looking 21/22 year old uber athlete hot jock college frat bro.  Early on after meeting, when we had a brief private moment he tells me he want's to fool around.

    I'm so skeptical to the point that i literally laughed out loud.

    We all legit have a blast time out at dinner and bar hopping but the entire time I'm thinking i get it, they'll just fleece me for dinner and drinks and ditch me later. That's the hustle. So I'm going with the flow but totally resigned to that fate.

    We do all end up organically splitting up in the mayhem of bar hopping.

    As Bar's are closing I run into him. Says he's annoyed that hours earlier I didn't take him seriously about hooking up.

    I'm literall confused af.

    Then i think oh i get it, i busted him as he thought i had already left and he needs to update his "ditching" excuse.

    Turns out after more drunken clumsy misunderstandings we end up in my bed blissfully fooling around the rest of the night way past sunrise. In fact he introduced me to awesome things I've never done prior or after.

    Next morning as he's leaving I awkwardly have to brooch the subject that since we met over SA yet never discussed anything specific what were his expectations?

    He looks at me and says, "what are you talking about?" 

    I'm like wtf!!

    Given being on summer break from school and college student I did feel completely obligated yet happy to donate for his books. He never looks at what i gave him and asks me repeatedly am I sure and he didn't expect anything and am i ok with it.

    He never once looks at what i gave him and as he's leaving he never looks back but says "That was great, i had a blast, text me sometime" and 2 weeks later goes back to school for Senior year.

    I'm way more excited for him to graduate college than i was for myself 3 to 4 decades ago! 

    I'm way more confused by your reactions in this story.  From your account, this mega hottie keeps giving you evidence that he's into you but instead you doubt him at first, then give him money as he's leaving even though he says he isn't expecting it, and then let two weeks go by before he leaves town without texting him even though he said "that was great, I had a blast, text me sometime."  I understand the initial skepticism on your part, but I 100% don't understand why you wouldn't have gotten together with him over the next two weeks.  Or did you reach out to him to ask to get together again and that didn't happen, but you just didn't include that detail in your story?

  14. I don't understand why anyone would think it would be too costly or difficult for a sting to happen via Rentmen.  We all know Rentmen doesn't really verify ads; just look at the number of posts made here where people point out that the guy pictured in the ad is not the person providing the service or, even worse, just easily obtainable photos of a good looking guy used to take money from men with no intention of providing any service at all.  I certainly believe that Homeland Security could run fake Rentmen ads to ensnare gay male clients if they decided to do so.

  15. Airbnb in good in theory, but there were a lot of abuses:

    1. People removing long-term rental housing from the market by converting apartments into makeshift hotel rooms.

    2. Increased traffic in apartment buildings with no doorman or other security other than locks on the doors results in increased threats to residents. 

    3. Depending on the sensibleness of the "host," they may create a nuisance such that the other neighbors in the building no longer have "quiet enjoyment" of their residents.  That's what happened to me.  My upstairs neighbors turned their small 1-bedroom apartment into a flop house where 4-6 people stayed at a time, mostly younger people visiting the city to "party."  This meant that in the early evening it was always incredibly noisy in my apartment, and then around the time the bars closed I would be awakened and there would be noise for a couple of additional hours.  I kid you not that I probably only got 3 hours of sleep per night during that period until they were evicted (which happened because I did some investigative work and outed them to the landlord).

    Speaking of which -- it takes some nerve to take someone else's investment property and turn it into your own without consent of the property owner.  They were basically greedy in the extreme and did not care that their actions were causing problems for anyone else because they were probably making $2,000 per month over their rent by renting it out on a nightly basis.

    I have stayed in some Airbnbs, but I am not an unreasonable guest like the ones I had most of the time in the unit above mine.  I don't have people over who aren't on the rental agreement.  I abide by the host's rules (don't exceed the maximum number of guests).  I don't make a lot of noise at any time of day, but particularly early morning or in the middle of the night.

  16. While it never felt great to show up at a provider's place and find someone else there (roommate/boyfriend or, in a couple of cases, the client before me on the way out!), that was never a big concern of mine as long as the room we were in was private. 

    I think if someone has to stop the session at mid-point due to some physical issue he should discount the session.  I wouldn't be inclined to give the guy a second chance if he didn't realize that his inability to complete the booking as scheduled warranted some reduction of fee.

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