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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. It would defeat the purpose of the dish to pick up the chicken to eat it. If you do that, then you are just eating fried chicken with waffles and whatever else as a side dish. The idea is to eat the ingredients together, so a fork and knife are necessary.
  2. I certainly haven't tried chicken and waffles everywhere they are available here, but I can attest to the deliciousness of them at Straw on Octavia in San Francisco. What sets them apart for me versus what I have had elsewhere: they are not just chicken, waffles, and syrup. They add some cheese, jam, and powdered sugar. It's over the top decadent but the flavors work so well together. Runner up for me is Miller's East Coast Deli simply because their fried chicken was better, but the rest of the dish wasn't up to Straw's standards.
  3. Someone started a thread about him more than a year ago that didn't result in anyone reporting that they had hired him, just some enthusiasm for the ad. Seems like someone needs to "take one for the team" and report back. [url=https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/muscle-massage-in-sf.120141/][/url] https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/muscle-massage-in-sf.120141/
  4. I hired him once about 5 years ago. The photos seemed dated, but probably his from many years ago. He definitely wasn't in the same physical shape and I was not attracted to him at all. I proceeded with the massage as a therapeutic massage, though, and it was okay but not exceptional.
  5. Would anyone not already involved in Scientology be interested in watching the Scientology television network? If the critical and public reaction to the film Battlefield Earth is any indication, there might not be much of an audience.
  6. 1. It's always funny. 2. Sometimes it's emotionally moving. 3. LSFYL (Lipe Sync For Your Life/Legacy) 4. Watching creative people at their game (make up, costume design) 5. Learning drag queen vernacular. 6. The Pit Crew. Be still my beating heart, Jason Carter. Not to dismiss the other members of the Pit Crew, but Jason just floats my boat in every way. 7. And, of course, Ru Paul Charles.
  7. Yes, everyone is entitled to his opinion. I just don't make it a habit to go into threads just to state I don't like something. But if that floats your boat, so be it.
  8. It's my favorite TV show. It doesn't make anyone a "bad gay" for not liking it, but I question why anyone would go into a thread about a specific show only to state they don't like it unless one just likes being a provocateur.
  9. Interesting story, but I don't know that I believe the guy who wrote it. Some of it sounds like quite a stretch, and it doesn't help that the uncensored version has photos of Ed Asner with his shirt off but then other similar looking men totally naked, perhaps in the hopes that people will assume those naked photos are of Ed Asner and taken by the guy who allegedly dated him.
  10. Yes, Karl Kang is highly regarded around here. The fourth guy linked has also been mentioned in at least somewhat positive terms around here. I really like Billyrican's photos. One plus is that he updates his photos often, so unless he has a lot of old photos from around the same time he will look like his photos. I'm pretty sure he is actually in San Jose, though, not San Francisco. When he was first escorting I think he used to come up to SF on occasion and I regret not hiring him one of those times. It is puzzling, however, for someone who has been escorting and/or providing massage for so long that he has so little mention on this website.
  11. Ricky Nelson remains one of the sexiest male pop singers ever. Dreamy eyes.
  12. I agree. I don't need a meet and greet to determine interest. Also, when meeting if the guy isn't who he purports to be in his ad, I don't feel wrong in turning around and walking away without paying anything. Why should I hand over money to someone who places an obviously false ad? I'm not talking about a subtle difference like maybe he's a bit less toned than the photos in his ad, but if the photos aren't even of the same person or if they are obviously from more than a decade ago, I don't feel obligated to pay the guy for his time in preparing for an appointment that didn't happen. If anything, he should pay me for wasting my time since he is the cause of the failure to complete the agreement.
  13. I'm sorry, but George Duroy's comments remind me of the bad "porn fantasy" background information that used to be published in magazines that flourished before home video took off. A despondent straight guy wanders into a gay porn company office because his girlfriend left him, surrenders his ass for all the other guys to plunder, and then realizes how much he loves taking it up the ass thus realizing he may not be 100% straight after all? I mean, come on.
  14. I think this is the same guy whose ad first appeared within the past month or so as "ItalianMasseuse" or something like that. Someone asked about him then, acknowledging the error in this guy referring to himself using a feminine title, but I don't think anyone reported any feedback. Maybe no one has hired him because he keeps changing the name on his ad.
  15. Seems like the gender change makes it more clearly straight, not gay. The singer says "all the boys dreamed they'd be your partner" because he's singing to someone he has been intimate with, so the lyric change suggests he's singing to a woman and not a man. Keeping "wife of a close friend" instead of singing "husband of a close friend" also makes sense since female-female sexual relations are okay with many straight dudes, but also because substituting a two syllable word for a one syllable word would sound clunky. I think I might like Chocolate Starfish's cover of "You're So Vain" if they had a different lead singer. The groove is nice, but I cannot say that this guy's voice is particularly pleasant or interesting.
  16. I've seen similar posts here before and feel compelled to respond. Since I'm a long time poster here, I obviously don't think that consensual sex between adults should bring about law enforcement action. Sex trafficking laws have come about, however, because it is a real problem. It isn't just about having puritanical values or about trying to extract money from people arrested in order to "boost pensions." I personally think it's appropriate for law enforcement to pursue those who go after run away kids and manipulate them into being sex workers. I also think it's appropriate for LE to become involved when an adult is being pimped by someone else. To quote Lady Reed aka the Queen Bee, "It's your pussy; sell it for yourself!"
  17. If you watched the show as it aired versus just this clip, you would have seen the background piece on him where he discusses being gay.
  18. 1. Even if someone deletes a recording in front of you, it is usually easy to recover a deleted file. Therefore if the recording is stored on a tape or some sort of digital media, the only way you can know the recorder isn't going to recover the file is to take the tape or other media with you. I imagine most people wouldn't easily give up their entire laptop if that's what was being used to record. And then there is the issue that the recording might automatically be stored "in the cloud" anyway. 2. If a recording is shared for even a short amount of time on a site like XTube, a lot of people might have already downloaded copies which can then subsequently be posted again. So unless you know you caught the video immediately after it was posted and it was removed immediately, for all intents and purposes that video is out there for the world to see.
  19. My point is that when all the reviews are positive because the masseur can have negative reviews removed, it's difficult to discern whether the positive reviews are all genuine and reflect the other portion of his client based that was satisfied or whether they were posted by the masseur and people who know him in an effort to get others to spend money on a sub-par experience. I do, in fact, read the reviews but unless I can verify in some manner that they are accurate (such as with Karl Kang, where he not only had positive reviews on his ad but people here were also giving him good marks) I am reluctant to fork over $120 or more for what might be a highly unsatisfactory massage with no "extras."
  20. That is true, but the ability of masseurs to have clients' reviews deleted versus keeping them posted and allowing the masseur to respond is the main reason why reviews on massage websites are worthless.
  21. I'm a bit creeped out by cloning, but I wasn't impressed by Beyonce's performance of The Way We Were, either. I'm sure I would have politely sat there had I been in attendance as well, but in the comfort of my home I stopped listening to Beyonce showboat during her performance, seemingly detached from the words she was singing, after two minutes. Beyonce is no Streisand.
  22. As has already been repeated, the OP cannot identify the guy anyway because he cannot find his A4A ad in his area and doesn't remember his screen name. Besides, my point wasn't to negate the value of identifying the offender but simply to reply to the suggestion that this thread is "worthless" unless it has the name of the perpetrator. I listed the reason why it isn't a useless thread. It might not be useful to you because you are already taking the same precautions I take, but we cannot assume that everyone is as protective of their wallets as we are.
  23. I think he's a hottie, too. If he had a nose job, the surgeon did a good job since his face looks natural to me.
  24. Part of the awkwardness of a client-escort interaction for clients who don't want to be reminded in the moment that the guy wouldn't be there with you were it not for the money is that any sort of focusing on money before or during the appointment is going to remind you of what you'd rather not acknowledge so you can just enjoy a hot hookup (or fantasy boyfriend playtime if that's your scene). I'm sure there are some clients who may even enjoy the mercenary aspect of the escort-client interaction -- particularly guys who equate their purchasing power with their self esteem -- but I'm sure I cannot be the only one who can really only enjoy himself with someone when the other guy is willing to participate in the illusion during the session that we are just two people enjoying each other's company (or, better yet, actually has the kind of personality that he actually enjoys being with me).
  25. Not really if you view it as a cautionary tale to everyone reading that even if you feel like you are "clicking" with someone it doesn't mean that that person is honest. It isn't like there is only one potential thief in the world to avoid or be cautious around. If the OP named someone here, that information would probably be removed with the admonishment to submit a review. Probably fair policy on the part of the website, even though it certainly frustrates some clients. My take away from this is something I've practiced for a long time anyway: Never get out your wallet in a situation like this. If I'm having someone to my place, I have the cash I need readily accessible and then additional cash somewhere else that's also readily accessible in case I want to tip or extend an appointment. If I'm going to someone else's place, I only bring with me the cash I will need -- the actual anticipated fee in one pocket and then any extra in another pocket.
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