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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. I'd say that Drag Race frequently shows the best of people but sometimes also shows less than admirable behavior. One might think the producers deliberately try to stir up s****, but the queens have to be willing to participate in that nastiness for it to make it to video. Some seasons are better than others in terms of group dynamics focusing on common interest and support. The current season seems to have at least a couple of people who simply like creating drama with other people.
  2. I guess I have different "red flags" than a lot of you. My red flags: 1. I search the phone number and find an escort/massage ad for a woman or preop MTF transgender woman. 2. The price is as high as an escort rate and the ad text is entirely vague as to what service is being offered. 3. Image search leads to some other person online who is highly unlikely to be in my area offering massage. 4. I have seen the photos for a long time and they never change.
  3. Women's marches predate Trump's election. So do student protests and consumer boycotts. Some of those actions/protests resulted in changes in businesses' practices, others not so much. It's the same today. I suppose if you want to be specific, the #MeToo phenomenon is new, but it isn't like no one had previously disclosed sexual harassment or assault. What I meant by fantasy land is that the author seems to think we have passed the tipping point where there are so many people who are saying "enough is enough" to issues like gun violence, sexual violence, and general prejudice that, from a business perspective, it's toxic to associate with people like Trump or Roseanne Barr. When I wrote I was sympathetic with that point of view, what I meant was that I wished I had the same pair of rose colored glasses. I simply do not think that the hearts and minds of that many people have changed over the past 18 months.
  4. I am sympathetic with this columnist's point of view, but I think Dean Obeidallah is living in fantasy land. There is no clear anti-Trump, anti-bigotry movement in this country that didn't already exist prior to Trump's election. Yes, some people will not watch Roseanne because of who she is, and maybe some of those people will entirely abandon ABC because they are airing the show. On the other hand, there very well may be an equivalent number of people who will turn in precisely because of Roseanne's views, and then a lot of people who will watch the show because they enjoy it and don't really care about Roseanne's political views.
  5. Many years ago I worked with a short, muscular Latino guy who used to like to punch my shoulder. It took me several requests to get him to stop. I'm not sure why he thought it was appropriate behavior with someone he ostensibly liked, but at the time I simply attributed it to him wanting to appear macho even though he was a short muscle queen.
  6. At least guys can still post photos wearing tank tops, which give a good idea of someone's physique. I have even noticed a few guys wearing casual shirts that are unbuttoned all the way, showing at least part of their chests and stomachs. But who knows, maybe MasseurFinder will soon start insisting that no flesh be shown other than face and hands.
  7. The "About Me" section of his ad doesn't even make sense. Beyond the fact that it reads like a client review and not the masseur describing himself, the actual words are confusing. Is he or is he not "real?" I am sure he is real, but he is not the guy in the pictures and he will likely take your iTunes gift card and provide you nothing in return.
  8. If it were true that Trump had taken actions that freed hundreds of children every month from being sexually exploited, I assume that would have received widespread media attention by now as it would be an accomplishment that even I would give him credit for, and I hate almost everything he does and says. Instead, what I found online was the usual: fake news from Trump supporters trying to pretend that he is responsible for a dramatic increase in arrests and prosecutions of sex traffickers with more informed websites actually breaking out the facts to reveal that, in fact, many of the arrests Trump has been given credit for are related to operations that began before he took office and the vast majority of the arrests counted were consensual contacts between adults, not examples of human trafficking. But Trump supporters never let facts get in their way.
  9. I only watched a minute. I didn't find his personality annoying, but the video wasn't interesting so far and the editing was horrible. Some people know when and how to make quick edits that add to the humor of their videos. For this guy, the abrupt edits only made him seem like more of a rambler. Did he actually say anything during the first minute other than that he was a Brit living in Los Angeles who was going to go to a gym? It just sounded like "blah blah blah" to me.
  10. Just substitute Donald's name for Hillary's and the argument is still valid. Sadly, that's what our country has devolved into. Not only real people attacking each other versus arguing about ideas, but made-up-people attacking others based on personality, not ideas. Back to Roseanne, I have recorded but not watched it yet. Since it seems like a lot of people found it funny and it at least takes jabs all across the board, I am looking forward to watching it.
  11. You can build it but we're not going to pay for it. If you want a wall, then you should pass your own laws that fine property owners when homeless people mix their trash, composting, and recyclables before the refuse collection company comes by, or when graffiti "artists" tag their buildings. Or maybe you can pass a tax on those evil "big soda" companies.
  12. Exactly my point. Low mileage in porn doesn't mean he doesn't look haggard for his age. Chronic drug and/or alcohol use has an impact on one's appearance, even those who start out with genes that lend themselves to someone being good looking.
  13. I wonder what the US travel map would look like if they rated areas inside the US the same as foreign destinations. I happen to live in San Francisco. A quick Google search revealed to me that San Francisco is only safer than 3% of American cities. In other words, I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the US. Maybe that colors my perception of Puerto Vallarta, but every time I've been there I have felt much more safe walking around than I do at home. And, if anything, the picture where I live just keeps getting worse, with the number of desperate, drugged out zombies camping all around my neighborhood exploding. I have had several coworkers assaulted during the late afternoon or early evening hours as they left work. And while this isn't in one of the nicest areas of San Francisco, it's definitely not among those that have been perceived as the worst. And even in perhaps the most gay of all US cities, I still encounter homophobia here on occasion. I have had anti-gay insults shouted at me from cars several times over my three decades here, and that was just with me walking down the street alone being myself, not doing anything that would call attention to myself as being gay. I'm not trying to argue that all of Mexico is safe. It certainly isn't. But to ignore that many places in the US are also places that a tourist might want to avoid due to crime is disingenuous. Just because our government doesn't want to warn people about areas within our own borders doesn't mean that we are safer at all places inside our country than we are traveling abroad. I've never tried to find similar data/warnings issued by other governments, but I wouldn't be surprised to find San Francisco on a "do not travel" list issued by some other nations. A German woman visiting with her husband for their anniversary was killed not far from Union Square, receiving a bullet that was intended for a gang member nearby. A British man was stabbed to death during a robbery. An Australian man was beaten to death during a street brawl. These are just the recent deaths that immediately come to my mind. The kind of crime that I have been a victim of in PV that I have rarely encountered in the US is vendors attempting to rip me off (exploiting my lack of fluency in Spanish and confusion with currency when I'm drunk) -- not returning the correct change, overcharging for something by an order of 10, etc.
  14. Maybe not a lot of mileage in porn, but those mug shots reveal a man in his early 40s whose appearance suggests living a bit of a rough life. Hot body and the makings of a hot face for sure, but the mug shots reveal a personality I wouldn't want to encounter. Then again, I've never been turned on by the "bad boy" image.
  15. I'm not an escort, but the obvious first response is to ask why you don't have a link to your ads in your profile here? I would have at least checked out your ad had I known how to. My second response is that it's okay to suggest to a client to submit a review, but I would stop at one simple request.
  16. Such great advice. Why, that advice can be applied to all sorts of subject matter here. Count me among those who are baffled by all the negativity this guy has elicited. I know I cannot afford him, but I don't think poorly of him because of that. I think he's very cute, but I'm not entitled to be able to hire him.
  17. It's funny. Lots of escorts seem to want to keep their listed age in their 30s forever. Perhaps they hope that there will be enough clients who simply don't care about the obvious fudging on age or clients who don't know any better, but as I have posted on other threads one of my immediate disqualifiers, even if I like someone's photos, is someone who claims to never age (or maybe increments his age one year every four or five years). I guess I'm chiming in just to point out that CutlerX isn't the only one with this issue, and there are both escorts and clients here who defend such escorts with the disclaimer, "He still looks hot." Yes, but a hot guy in his 50s does not look like a hot guy in his 30s.
  18. That's supposed to be a male doll? From the waist up, it looks more like a young, relatively flat chested girl, not a male. Maybe that's the point if the doll is intended to appeal to guys who identify as straight. The doll has a penis but looks quite feminine.
  19. It would defeat the purpose of the dish to pick up the chicken to eat it. If you do that, then you are just eating fried chicken with waffles and whatever else as a side dish. The idea is to eat the ingredients together, so a fork and knife are necessary.
  20. I certainly haven't tried chicken and waffles everywhere they are available here, but I can attest to the deliciousness of them at Straw on Octavia in San Francisco. What sets them apart for me versus what I have had elsewhere: they are not just chicken, waffles, and syrup. They add some cheese, jam, and powdered sugar. It's over the top decadent but the flavors work so well together. Runner up for me is Miller's East Coast Deli simply because their fried chicken was better, but the rest of the dish wasn't up to Straw's standards.
  21. Someone started a thread about him more than a year ago that didn't result in anyone reporting that they had hired him, just some enthusiasm for the ad. Seems like someone needs to "take one for the team" and report back. [url=https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/muscle-massage-in-sf.120141/][/url] https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/muscle-massage-in-sf.120141/
  22. I hired him once about 5 years ago. The photos seemed dated, but probably his from many years ago. He definitely wasn't in the same physical shape and I was not attracted to him at all. I proceeded with the massage as a therapeutic massage, though, and it was okay but not exceptional.
  23. Would anyone not already involved in Scientology be interested in watching the Scientology television network? If the critical and public reaction to the film Battlefield Earth is any indication, there might not be much of an audience.
  24. 1. It's always funny. 2. Sometimes it's emotionally moving. 3. LSFYL (Lipe Sync For Your Life/Legacy) 4. Watching creative people at their game (make up, costume design) 5. Learning drag queen vernacular. 6. The Pit Crew. Be still my beating heart, Jason Carter. Not to dismiss the other members of the Pit Crew, but Jason just floats my boat in every way. 7. And, of course, Ru Paul Charles.
  25. Yes, everyone is entitled to his opinion. I just don't make it a habit to go into threads just to state I don't like something. But if that floats your boat, so be it.
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