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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. Bumping this thread up. I'm surprised no one has hired him yet -- or, at least, no one has hired him and posted about it here. I definitely like his photos.
  2. Now, I have met Chad and have posted about him before, as have others. I don't tend to repeat too many times with most guys so I don't have recent experience with him, but I've never read anything negative about him.
  3. Not sure where you searched for reviews, but Brody Stone has five reviews on Daddysreviews (you have to look under All, not just Active, since the last review was posted over three years ago. I know he's been discussed here as well. I'm not sure whether any of the others have been discussed anywhere. I looked at the ads and none of them look familiar. Since I regularly look at erotic massage and escort ads in the area, I suspect that all or at least some of them were under the "therapeutic" category until Masseurfinder decided to put all advertisers in the same group.
  4. I had a guy hit me up on OKCupid. Cute, and seemed eager to meet. I typically would rather meet for coffee first, but he wanted to meet for dinner. We set a time and place (somewhere close to where he lived that I had never heard of). Researching the restaurant, it seemed a bit high end for a first date meeting with a stranger. He sent me a message a few hours before we were to meet stating that he expected me to pay for dinner. Now, I have certainly paid for men's dinners before and have also paid for men's company, but I didn't like this guy's MO -- not to mention the fact that if I was going to hire someone that evening I could have hired someone more attractive than him. I basically replied by calling off the meeting and letting him know that if he was attempting to find a sugar daddy he should be more upfront about it. Guess I'm lucky that he at least told me prior to our actually meeting, but honestly if I were put in the position these women were I'd simply pay for my own portion of the check and tell the restaurant that they would have to pursue the deadbeat to get what was due from him. Why should anyone feel obligated to pay for a stranger's meal? I know it would be an uncomfortable scene, but what is the restaurant going to do? Call the cops on you after you've paid for your meal because you didn't pay for some dude you just met?
  5. Max has been discussed here quite a lot -- to my memory, always in positive terms. Since his name is so short, you cannot search effectively for previous threads using the forum software. You can do the following Google search to find the threads about him: max francisco site:m4m-forum.org I'm not sure any of the others have been discussed here previously. Hugo looks familiar and I thought he had been mentioned here, but I couldn't find a thread mentioning him.
  6. What's particularly annoying is people using leave blowers and not picking up the leaves. When I first moved to California, I stayed with friends and was awakened every morning by someone using a leaf blower in a parking lot. The person just blew the leaves to the small patch of ground surrounding the lot. Of course within a short time the wind had blown the leaves all over the place again. Seemed to stupid to me that a business would pay someone to do the same task every day who wasn't getting anything accomplished.
  7. When I click to get his phone number under Contact Me, I see "Phone is not available for this user." I also don't see it in the text of his ad. Where are you seeing the phone number? Maybe this is one of those things with Rentmen where you'll see one thing if you are logged in and another if you are browsing the site without being logged in?
  8. Maybe a fake ad? What makes me suspicious is that he indicates he prefers to be contacted by text yet there is no phone number listed in his ad. https://rentmen.eu/LeonCastle
  9. I'm not normally into fur, but DAMN -- that is one sexy man!
  10. I'm sure that the clients with whom you played talked with other clients and that's what caused your sudden surge of inquiries for more "extras." That's why I am always hesitant to provide too much information about what transpired between a particular masseur and me. I have no idea whether that masseur's behavior with me was his normal level of service or whether I got something extra due to chemistry or timing or some other reason. I think it's reasonable for prospective clients to want to have some idea of what they can expect when they hire a masseur that is charging way above the normal rate for a therapeutic only massage, but I think it's unwise for people to discuss masseurs in the same way they do escorts. If someone really wants "full service," he should be contacting an escort and not a masseur anyway even though I have had a few fortunate encounters were some masseurs and I hit it off and they ended up providing much more than sensual massages.
  11. I cannot give you feedback about any of those masseurs, but in terms of searching the forum software isn't great unless you are searching for something that's likely to have only a few search results (e.g., an unusual name). Also, if the name is only three letters you cannot search using the forum software at all since search terms have to be at least four characters. Use Google search instead. For example, for Cory you might do the following search in Google: "Cory site:m4m-forum.org" You'll still be stuck with search results that are for different Corys, but at least you will have better organized results. It's much easier when the name isn't so common.
  12. Yet another new ad in the area that seems very similar to the others. Oddly this guy uses the name Piplo in his title but the opening line of the text in his ad gives his name as David. https://rentmen.eu/PIPLO
  13. That seems odd that a masseur would change his practice with a client he's been seeing for that long. I understand being hesitant to offer anything beyond a therapeutic massage to a new client if the masseur is worried about entrapment, but an existing client?
  14. The first few have a similar hunky look. I know I'm skeptical by nature, but when multiple new ads appear at the same time with similar characteristics I become suspicious. Already the photos of Kevinkeywes seem to have been removed. I'd love to be proven wrong -- particularly with respect to Rolamdo, who is simply over-the-top yummy -- so if anyone here meets one or more of these gentlemen I'd love to hear back that he was everything you expected.
  15. He also advertises on massage websites, but I agree with your point since the link provided was to his escort ad.
  16. I am not saying that I don't ask for details. What I am saying is that not being able to say much or show much about the services being offered has surely reduced traffic to guys' ads.
  17. I cannot share feedback from masseurs because I haven't hired anyone within the past month, but here is my issue: In the past, it was already somewhat risky to have to read in between the lines about how erotic a massage might be. Just because a guy had half naked photos didn't mean the massage would be particularly erotic. Just because a guy had higher than therapeutic massage rates didn't mean the massage would be erotic. Just because a guy chose to put an ad in the "sensual" category on MF didn't mean the massage would be anything more than therapeutic. With the changes to MF (mixing therapeutic and sensual, censoring ads, and not displaying phone numbers between midnight and 6am) I wouldn't be inclined to hire anyone off that site. At least Rentmasseur still has useful ads, but I get the impression that far fewer clients know about that website.
  18. Actually, one of the drawbacks of reviews of scammers is that unless the scammer actually uses his own photos and/or continues to use the same escort name and contact information, a review or even a warning will only help others for a very short period of time. Already someone has mentioned that the Rent.men profile is gone. I didn't see this thread or the RM ad until now, so I have no idea whom this warning is about other than that there was some guy using the name Rochardxx. I'm not intending the discourage others from trying to be helpful; I'm just pointing out the facts. The same thing even happens with positive discussions in the message center. I cannot tell you how many times I have hoped to find feedback on an escort or masseur who is using a fairly standard and common name (e.g., Richard) and I cannot tell from the threads I find whether the discussion pertains to the person whose ad I am currently seeing since the discussions link to ads that no longer exist. What this does underscore is what we all already know -- it's definitely safest to hire guys with an established reputation.
  19. I am more cautious than that. I will wait outside of my residence so I can make sure the guy who arrives is the person I am expecting.
  20. If a guy's look has changed significantly, then I would prefer to just see what he looks like now. Some guys have photos when they are younger and clean cut and then photos obviously taken later, after many tattoos and, in some cases, years of hard living based on the changes in facial appearance. It's somewhat disturbing to click on an ad based on a main photo that shows an image that appeals to me only to discover newer photos attached to the ad that depict an image of someone I wouldn't want to even meet, much less hire. I've never met Colin but I just scrolled though his photos on Rentmen. He looks basically the same throughout though he is obviously older in some photos. The only big difference is that his hair changed significantly in one photo (I assume the blond hair was a result of bleaching since he looks more natural with darker hair). If I were to contact him and that was important to me, I would ask before booking what his hair is like today. So, to answer your question, I don't mind this kind of collection of photos because all of them seem representative of what he likely looks like today. It's only when someone morphs into an entirely different look that I am bothered by someone including old photos in his ad.
  21. The third episode was the worst so far. I didn't even feel like the lines that were written were zingers. It was just a whiny dramedy where it was obvious the setup was going to be to make the teen character so despicable that the audience will actually support Roseanne's physical abuse towards her. Not funny but definitely offensive to me. I actually have liked the other episodes so far even though it's obvious that the reboot is trying way too hard to tackle "issues."
  22. If I could like your post multiple times, I would. Even though I'm someone who has been comfortable hiring guys for a long time, I still take offense when someone hits me up, has a conversation with me as if he is interested, and then waits until very late in the game to let me know he expects to be paid. If someone is looking for compensation, that better be clear within the first message or two or there is no way I'd hire the guy simply because I don't like being manipulated and having someone waste my time.
  23. He's sexy. I don't know anything about him. Perhaps you can edit the thread title to include his home base? Maybe that would catch the eye of someone who knows him.
  24. I think one's Facebook experience has a lot to do with what one makes of it. Just like every other website I visit regularly, I am highly selective about what and whom I engage with. I have a few "friends" who occasionally post stuff that seems like propaganda, but for the most part what I see on Facebook are posts from friends and acquaintances about what is going on in their lives. People's vacation experiences. People's social outings. And because of my personal interests, I will see posts of hot men, drag queens, and delicious food. I think this website is similar. One can limit one's participation here to specific topics and areas of interest, or one can give it more importance than that. I'm not suggesting that Facebook and the Message Forum are equivalent in terms of social impact. I don't think Russian bots are among us trying to sway members' political opinions because we are very small fish in a very large pond. I have some understanding of Facebook's failings and agree that it deserves scrutiny at the national level. I am merely suggesting that, like any other online resource, Facebook can be used in different ways.
  25. Of course you could take your own advice since I assume that you, too, have an anus. You don't have to be a total top either. Try bottoming again. You might find out that you like it.
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