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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. Meta cares about nothing other than generating revenue. My feeds on both Instagram and Facebook have been littered the past few weeks with ads offering postage for less than half cost. I'm not sure what the scam is -- they don't fulfill orders, they send stuff that's counterfeit -- but there's no way that a company outside the USPS is getting postage in bulk for a discount so they can sell first class stamps for pennies on the dollar. I've used the reporting mechanism to flag these ads as misleading/scam, but they keep coming.
  2. I'm struggling this morning with this reality: A woman's body was found in a duffel bag near a big music festival this past weekend. Clearly not an accidental death unless you believe she crawled into a duffel bag herself. From what I've read (quotes from the deceased's mother), the woman suffered from severe mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder), refused treatment, had significant substance abuse issues, was aggressive towards her mother and mother's property which is why her mother forced her to move out four years ago, had multiple legal issues so she preferred to sleep on the street near the courthouse, and supposedly loved San Francisco (she was raised in the East Bay). Beyond the tragedy of someone being murdered, I was left thinking that if this woman's mental illness and drug abuse were treated she might still be alive. Because this woman has a right to refuse treatment, though, she was basically a psychotic, drug addled woman on the street whose behavior likely created enemies. And just this morning I read about another judge issuing an injunction against the city for removing anyone from the street unless they had shelter for them, even though a recent study has found that around half of people sleeping on the street have refused shelter. We're basically in a no-win situation since the reality is bad for the people who have significant problems but either don't want to accept help because they are choosing drugs over assistance or they lack insight to comprehend the extent of their problems, it's bad for the residents and businesses in the neighborhoods impacted by this, and overall it's bad for San Francisco since, whether it's entirely fair or not, the image of the City now is not very attractive to a lot of people.
  3. I'm not a fan of tattoos but can accept them as long as they aren't on the face, neck or hands or they aren't hideous. I'm also not a fan of facial hair, though that's so common now that I have come to appreciate nicely trimmed facial hair (and it even looks great on some men, particularly those with darker complexions). I still find too much facial hair (i.e., a bushy beard) a huge turn-off.
  4. This is probably the same documentary I saw many years ago at a film festival. It was quite eye opening for me.
  5. I obviously cannot speak for any specific provider, but when I see an escort with both Rentmen and Rentmasseur ads and there is a rate on Rentmasseur that's clearly lower than he's likely to charge as an escort, he's probably: 1. Not fully booked as an escort, so he's willing to add some clients who won't pay escort rates and actually are satisfied with a massage and happy ending. 2. Hoping to upgrade the appointment from massage to escort, with a bump in rate, once the client meets him in person.
  6. There is a fine line between wearing clothes that reveal an athletic physique and wearing clothing that clings to the body such that it's obvious what kind of shape one is in. In a lot of work environments, the former is fine but the latter is a no-no. Of course, if you are referring to dressing for work as an escort I don't think the clothing one wears can be too provocative unless you are going to be seen in public with a client in an environment where more modest attire is the norm.
  7. Bad breath due to recently consumed food can mostly be cured with tooth brushing, flossing and, if necessary, using mouthwash. There is no curing bad breath due to a serious dental problem, though, apart from getting the tooth taken care of by a dentist. Mouthwash will mask the offensive odor momentarily, but not for long if someone has serious decay in their mouth.
  8. That's one of the reasons I prefer to actually have direct communication with the provider. I have no qualms about someone deciding to do sex work, but once there is someone else making a profit for arranging that work for another person I become concerned about the potential for exploitation. If I knew the handler/agent was just following the provider's instructions for screening and scheduling, I'd have no concerns. Since I cannot know that with certainty, it leaves me concerned that the guy could be working under conditions with which he is not entirely comfortable.
  9. The only time I'm aware of having arranged a meeting through an agent/handler involved a man whose English language skills were minimal. I didn't know that prior to meeting him because someone else was obviously texting for him. The appointment went well enough, but I much prefer making arrangements directly with the provider I'm planning to hire.
  10. Here's a thread about mspa that has recent posts:
  11. Some addresses really are difficult to find, even when using mapping software on a cell phone. I've definitely gone to places and parked but then had difficulty figuring out which of the many buildings I was supposed to go to. I have also followed directions given by Google Maps and occasionally made choices that in retrospect were nonsensical. One of them that stands out in my mind to this day is exiting a Los Angeles area freeway onto to wait at a red light and then reenter the freeway on the other side of the overpass. There was definitely no reason to exit the freeway, but for whatever reason Google told me to exit and since I was unfamiliar with the area I just followed the directions given. Another involved walking and not driving. Despite me reading directions provided by actual people online, when I visited Las Vegas I believed Google's instruction to park at a parking garage much closer as the crow flies to my destination. The only problem was that there was no way for most people to walk from that garage to my destination since it was for employees only (with locked doors). I ended up having a nearly 30 minute walk from the garage to my destination versus the 7 minute walk it would have been had I parked where people online suggested. I submitted a correction to Google in the hopes to prevent other tourists from making the same mistake. I will also admit that I am directionally challenged, so it's relatively easy for me to get lost if I am in an unfamiliar area.
  12. He was so funny in the Pee-wee character along with many of the other roles I saw him perform (special shout-out to his stint on Murphy Brown). The whole brouhaha surrounding his arrest was nonsense. The arrest itself was nonsense. Why go into a theater showing XXX movies looking for men masturbating so you can arrest them for indecent exposure? The movie screen shows naked people having sex and yet it's indecent for an audience member to expose himself? I'm glad he was able to resume his career after a while.
  13. With respect to fainting: I'd be curious if this client has discussed this with his doctor (if he's had other fainting spells) and what the doctor had to say. I don't think I've ever fully fainted, but I have felt extremely light headed in the past and concerned I was going to faint. There were likely three different causes for me: 1. Medication induced light-headedness. This was the scariest one for me. I had just switched medications to treat a chronic neurological condition and the new medication caused me to worry I was going to pass out on my walk home from work. The urge to collapse was so strong that I honestly was picturing myself falling down in a crosswalk and then getting run over by cars. It took all of my mental energy just to tell myself to not succumb to the urge to lose consciousness and just keep walking until I got home. 2. Electrolyte imbalance. During a period where I did a lot of intense exercise but didn't rehydrate sensibly all the time, I was once at work convinced I was going to faint. A nurse there told me to eat some salt. I just put a little on my hand and licked it off. So, depending on what's going on, consuming plain water might actually be bad for someone who is light headed since that would just bring electrolyte levels down even more. 3. Blood sugar out of whack. If your client is prediabetic or diabetic, the lightheadness might be a response to a sharp rise and then fall in blood sugar. If the client consumed something sweet before meeting you, his crash might be happening during your hour together. I'm not a doctor so I'm not attempting to give medical advice, thus my suggestion that if this client has had other "dizzy spells" that it's important for him to discuss this with his doctor and, if you have a significant enough relationship with him, he should share with you how you should respond if he faints in your presence apart from trying to prevent him from hurting himself as he falls.
  14. I also think it's likely that someone posted this ad as revenge. The fact that Rentmen accepted this ad and it's been up on their site for three days shows how little screening they actually do. There's no way any escort is actually going to market himself using an STD as part of his name.
  15. I didn't say it would be easy, but at least it's possible. Trying to get everyone who does sex work to go "on strike" isn't possible.
  16. Why not move to a country where sex work is legal, and then start such a website yourself? (I'm only suggesting leaving the US because of past actions against sites like Rentboy.) If the things you desire are desired by enough providers, with the right marketing/word of mouth you will surely gain market share and will likely make more as the owner of the website than as a provider.
  17. For some, just being gay carries a stigma. Look at the far right in this country that's attacking all things LGBTQIA+ to acknowledge that. Yes, some people who look down on sex work might generally support the gay community. That isn't my argument. My argument is that just as some gay people come out and live their lives authentically despite cultural disapproval (and given a lot of forum members are older men, many of us remember a time where our legal and social status was even worse), I'm sure some sex workers choose to simply ignore the holier-than-thou attitudes of others who look down on them. One can acknowledge that there's stigma without succumbing to it personally, so I think that any attempt to lump future regret regarding sex work with societal norms doesn't make sense. I'm also not saying that no one changes his mind and comes to regret what he did in his past -- and that's not limited to sex work -- but it doesn't seem like some of our forum members who have done sex work for decades now regret their careers. At least, that's the impression I get when I read posts from long-standing escorts.
  18. I watched this documentary a week ago. Like the stage show about her, this documentary portrays Donna as an unhappy victim whose only joy in life came after she became a born again Christian. I still like a lot of the music, particularly the stuff she did in the 1970s with Giorgio Moroder, but feel even more ambivalence towards her after watching these shows. The take away I got was that she was raised in a very religiously rigid family and never was able to reconcile those views with the music she made that was overtly sexual.
  19. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. If child abuse is your thing, maybe you'd feel differently. I found it terribly disturbing and without any redeeming qualities. Just depraved. The Wiz -- though decades later I sat through the entire film at home and thought it had some things to like about it. As a teen, however, I just didn't like it and left right after Michael Jackson made his first appearance. Some gay film whose name I don't recall. It was at a film festival. I'm not exaggerating this (I remember checking my watch): The film opens with a static shot of some landscape and that image doesn't change for several minutes.
  20. That not everyone refuses to pay just because it's easy to view porn for free? There's actually quite a lot more shoplifting now where I live than there used to be, but I don't walk into the grocery store and walk out with my groceries without paying. That's just not who I am. I'm not saying I don't watch any porn on sites where I'm not paying, but I have subscribed to various men's sites. I'm obviously not alone if you look at how much the top performers on Only Fans supposedly make.
  21. Maybe the ad is a joke since you cannot tell what he looks like in any of the photos. Then again, there was a gay guy in my area who tried running his massage business out of his van. I suspect he didn't have permanent housing. I don't know how successful he was, but the thought of it wasn't appealing to me.
  22. airnow.gov is definitely not sketchy. Nor is purpleair.com, though the problem with the latter is that there are usually some people whose devices are clearly not working properly. For example, there might be a stray reading that indicates there air quality is good when all of the surrounding devices are accurately showing poor air quality. When you limit the results to outdoor only readers and look at a reasonably sized area, though, it's easy to ignore those outliers.
  23. He lists his location as San Francisco currently, but Rentmasseur indicates he's about 11 1/2 miles away and the Map feature shows downtown Millbrae. Has anyone contacted him to get more information or, better yet, has anyone hired him? I am surprised he states he's 33 years old. He looks younger than that.
  24. A thread about him with recent activity, including someone who recently hired him and enjoyed their experience. Just know that if you decide to meet him that there is no way a 39-year-old will show up. Unless he lied about his age two decades ago to make himself older, he's got to be in his sixties by now.
  25. Found this article. Guess my hunch was right, at least about newspapers that served less populated areas. They likely were free decades ago, at least basic ones. American Journalism Review - Archives AJRARCHIVE.ORG
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