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  1. Like
    Saabster reacted to + Summerson in Nicest Escort in NYC   
    I'll spare Bode any further self-promotion and share that he is, in fact, exceptionally nice. If you get the chance to meet up with him, he's a whole lot of fun!  
  2. Like
    Saabster reacted to + DynamicUno in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    It would seem to be more useful to challenge posts you think are being unfair to providers directly in the thread where they were posted.  A vague post whinging about unspecific behavior is just an invitation to useless controversy.
  3. Like
    Saabster reacted to + DrownedBoy in No PreP status?   
    As always, assume the other guy is poz. You control your own prep status and nobody else's. 
  4. Like
    Saabster reacted to ketut in IamGuillermo NYC   
    New rent.men ad. https://rent.men/SLAVIERO
  5. Haha
    Saabster reacted to DunwoodyGuy in How do you feel about providers who use viagra to get hard?   
    How do I feel? Well, to quote Sondheim:
    He's a prince who prepares...
    And I thought: Well, he cares!
  6. Like
    Saabster reacted to pubic_assistance in Do any providers fib about unit size in the other direction?   
    I don't think I've ever met a gay man who was honest about his penis size. They all seem to measure from the tip to their taint instead of their shaft.
    So it would be surprising indeed to have someone lie in the opposite direction.
    When someone reports 8 inches I fully expect a dick of about 6.5".
    If you told me 8 and showed up with a 10 I wouldn't necessarily be delighted. I know lots of gay men seem to be impressed by size but not me. At a certain point i think it looks gross, like I'm sleeping with a wild animal. But that's just me. Throwing it out there as a counterpoint. Bigger isn't always better.
  7. Like
    Saabster reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Do any providers fib about unit size in the other direction?   
    That is a respectable penis size (statistically average for North American straight men) that I would be happy to play with when attached to a fit body.
    Just last week I enjoyed a man with a penis around 4 inches.  His penis may not have been the longest, but his tongue and enthusiasm made up for it! 🥳
  8. Like
    Saabster reacted to Pd1_jap in "massage only" ads on rent men   
    A lot of masseurs in LA have attitude and send mixed signals to purposely string the client along.
    One guy, who is actually pretty good at massage, kept telling me that he loved getting fucked and said that eventually he'd let me. After the third massage I asked when he was going to let me fuck him and he said it's off the table. 🤯🤷
    Another guy is consistently available from 12pm to 6am and on his profile he lists erotic. However, when he showed up, all of a sudden he only provides therapeutic massage. 🙄
    Many of these guys skate by in life on their good looks and expect everyone to be happy just for spending time with them. Reality checks are rarely gentle. All of them paint themselves as the victim in a world looking to take advantage of them. In reality they squander the good faith of those they engage with. 
    Not sure if it's just LA or a cultural shift towards scamming. 
  9. Like
    Saabster reacted to dbar123 in "massage only" ads on rent men   
    I’ve had a handful of massage guys who would do a little more sexually with each subsequent visit as they got more comfortable with me
  10. Like
    Saabster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I disagree. Time is the most precious, limited, unrenewable resource we have. I think lateness shows the greatest disrespect of a person. Early on in my hiring career I sat in a hotel lobby for 45 minutes for a provider that didn’t show up, and said never again.  
    This past weekend in New York I had a 2pm in call with a provider that he picked the time for and insisted on hosting. I get a text at 1:57, after I’m finishing my hot chocolate across the street, can we push it back to 2:30.  My friend who is staying overnight is taking his time to get out. I said I’m already downstairs and if you can’t see me by 2:05 I’m going to go. At 2:20 I get a text that I can come up now but I had already left. 
    Punctuality is really important to me, and a lackadaisical disrespect of someone’s time is inexcusable to me in nearly all cases, especially when you’re paying for a service. 
  11. Haha
    Saabster reacted to viewing ownly in The epitome of a 23 year old twink   
    I'm going to take a guess that calling him Jason wouldn't warrant the volume of kisses to my face back. For future reference in case he removes it, at one time he had a selfie taken with approximately nine lipstick kisses on his face. Prize redemption at Chuck E. Cheese never looked so flattering.
  12. Like
    Saabster got a reaction from + EVdude in 411 on Leaux_Angel in NYC   
    I saw he's in my area so I checked here. Appreciate the reviews and links to his RM page, which in turn led me to his Twitter. Just looking at his most recent tweets is enough to turn me off. This board is invaluable!
  13. Like
    Saabster reacted to AngusStevensxxx in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    As a provider I can say this - we receive MANY MANY MANY messages daily and very few from actual clients and there are a few ways for us to spot the time wasters and fakes - I have spent 8 hours in one day interacting with fakes. 
    1. they have not read the stats in our profile.  "How big are you? Where in the city are you? Do you host or do in calls? Do you top?" 
    All of this information is listed on my profile - by asking this it shows me you have not bothered to read it why means you are not serious. If I am spending this amounts of money I would read the profile.  its a HUGE red flag. you will get a short reply "Check the details on my profile!" 
    2. Asking what city am I in.  This drives me crazy - when traveling the RM site LISTS THE DATES. I like to advertise 2 weeks before I travel to a city - but people do not bother to even look at the travel dates when clicking the profile.  often I will put "DC - 3rd/4th/5th" and people will message and then we go to lock in address and it is in DC and it is the 1st and I am in NYC. 
    3. Messaging asking "What are you into?"   when you are contacting a provider and you are paying for a service - you should be telling us what YOU are into.  I enjoy a WIDE range of activities and am very sexual - that's why I do this job! I do not have the time to list *EVERY* thing that turns me on.  Tell us what you are looking for so we can save you time as well. 
    4. Rates?  the amount if times you get a one two word message is really shocking.  you will get a more attentive reply with "Hi there- saw you add on RM, was wondering about your rates? Im interested!" instead of 'Rates?" 
    The BEST first messages have a few things in them - 
     include your name. That you saw our add on rentmen. briefly say what you are looking for, and rough estimate of time you are looking for, where you are located if it is an incall you are wanting.  SIMPLE! 
    For eg. Hello Angus, I hope you are well. I saw your profile on Rentmen. I am in lower east side, and am looking for a bottom who likes to kiss. Is there a time you are available tonight, and what are your outcall rates?
    This shows me that you have seen are looking for something and it matches my profile. gives me a time, a place, and a name. It will grab my attention. 
  14. Like
    Saabster got a reaction from Your Man in Arlington in RykerR in DC?   
    I noticed he's listed in NYC. I searched on some of his porn and it's all straight porn. Pass
  15. Like
    Saabster got a reaction from thomas in Alfonsoo NYC   
    I'm guessing it's this guy. Did a search on AlfonsoXL on here but didn't find anything.
    AlfonsoXL - Male Escort, Gay massage - New York City | Rent.Men
    RENT.MEN AlfonsoXL Gay Escort in New York City, New York, available for Gay Escorting,Modeling,Erotic Massage. | Find all the best Male Escorts at Rent.Men  
  16. Like
    Saabster reacted to Marc in Calif in JapanEven on RM in NYC   
    Has everyone here forgotten about the Asian Syndicate? The photos are perfect examples of such profiles.
  17. Like
    Saabster reacted to dbar123 in Two escorts that "only" work together.....isnt that "dangerous"?   
    I’ve done a lot of 3-somes but ONLY if I’ve met one of the partners previously.
  18. Like
    Saabster reacted to Thelatin in Rates on the Rise??   
    True - but realistically most providers aren’t having multiple dates 7 days a week.  And why have 2-3 short dates with perhaps a no show, or a jerk, when I’m a repeat customer and easy to deal with?  1000 bucks is 1/2 the months rent or more if they have roommates.  Seems like good money.
    This site is littered with threads of people complaining about how difficult the process can be.  I booked a room and he didn’t show up.  I went to a city and got stood up x amount of times.  Provider got lost.  Client was with family.  Someone insisted on face pics.  Provider was in seedy hotel.  Dog ate my homework.
    So they can take a for sure thing.  Or spend the night sorting through all of the messages they complain about.  Maybe they can have lunch with someone for a predate interview.  
  19. Like
    Saabster reacted to + nycman in 411 on RyanCross   
    In all seriousness, the kids obviously got a brain. 
  20. Applause
    Saabster reacted to RyanCross in 411 on RyanCross   
    I don't do drugs and I don't have bi-polar. What I do have is freedom. To be able to discern who I meet and who I don't meet is one of the few benefits this job provides. I claim it as my continued right. Fortunately for providers, unfortunately for entitled clients, this is not a conventional business where the usual dynamics and mores of a service industry apply. It is a two-way two-sided contractual transaction where both parties have the freedom to decide on who they meet. I can see why some would take issue with this right of providers and the existing dynamic, but that would suggest maybe they're the one with a psychiatric problem or some stunted interpersonal skills not I. 

    I have a very strong financial incentive to meet you. Others are correct that I stand to financially benefit with ensuring an appointment follows through with you or if you cancelled, we meet another time. That is in my economic and financial interest. As indicated on here and my reviews, I've also met with countless others with no problems. So, if your personality or sense of entitlement is that much of a disincentive for me to meet, perhaps that calls for some introspection on your part? Essentially what it means is that I came to the conclusion that your negative attributes outweigh the very real financial incentive for me to meet with you as I have met with many others over the course of many years. However, I realize that it is easier and more effortless for some who lack this capability of introspection to instead convince themselves that the other person is crazy or on drugs. That delusion requires less work rather than confronting the reality that maybe you need some improvement in how you communicate and relate to others. If you can't even pay me hundreds of dollars to meet with you as I've done with countless others in this work (and in my personal hook up life I might add), then I sincerely don't know how such an individual can flourish interpersonally in this society. 
    If this particular individual is who I think it is, then they have over eight complaints on MyNumber from eight different providers than myself. This leads me to caution others on here to not take everything that is claimed on here at face value. There are always two sides to an event or interaction. 
    The website has a very judiciously sound, fair, reasonable and timeless rule when it comes to leaving reviews. If I did not meet you, then you don't get to leave a review. Isn't that great? According to the website:

    If you did not meet the Escort no matter the circumstance the Review will not be approved. Since the Reviews are subject of approval, RentMen webadmin has the right to reject a review"

    If someone attempts to leave a review without me agreeing to meet you or without us ever meeting, I simply message the admin with the receipts and documentation. To reference Tony Kushner's play, I am not Roy Cohn. I do not have clout. I am a homosexual.
    If one is to do this, please do compare it with the correlations that may or may not exist with the IQ, level of agreeableness or social skills of the clients who like me versus the clients who dislike me. I'm more curious if correlational patterns exist there versus which phases of the moon, we're in.  That may better help in making sense of this great unsolvable mystery. Of course, that is if we are to think no correlation exists between those who actually met me versus those who I didn't even end up meeting.

    As stated elsewhere, I've been doing this for a very long time. Some may even say too long. I've learned to watch carefully to subtle words and tone. My ability to detect whether it is going to work with a client is usually pretty immediate. A sense of entitlement can't hide itself very long. My senses end up being vindicated quite regularly because the reaction of a client to my rejection of them usually reveals further what kind of person they are. I also sometimes play a game where I'll say to myself after the first or second message "I bet this client has had complaints on Mr.Number". And time and time again, I'll be right when I look up their number. Sure enough, a handful of providers have complained about their time being wasted or a persistent pernicious arrogance that occurs in the appointment. 

    Over the decade, there has been a very noticeable decline in client etiquette. The regression of society and our culture has been widespread and encompassing. Client and provider etiquette in this industry has not been immune to this bigger societal shift. It is an end of an era. When I started in this work, people didn't waste time. Date, time, location, and preferences were communicated clearly, timely and effortlessly. That was the norm back then, today it is the exception. Then people didn't act like I was their waiter or cashier. There was less ghosting, less last-minute abrupt cancellations, less flakiness, less of an attitude of "I'm the one paying". There was a sense of class and courtesy with clientele in these arrangements. A drink at a nice hotel bar before going up. An appointment that was scheduled days in advance. A nice meal before or after. Less unpaid labor and time wasting before meeting. Prompt and to the point on arranging, and more class/personality when time was spent together. Things have changed. I've heard others on the client-side label this development "the grindrification of escorting" when complaining of providers. In my experience, the regression has been on both sides of the deal. It's becoming something different than what it used to be. It's something else. I'm just glad that I got to experience its previous form while it lasted. I have a deep lasting gratitude that I got to live its final days before it dived into a lot of the current crap and nonsense. I'm glad my early days did not start in today's era. The time of decency is gone. 
  21. Like
    Saabster reacted to rvwnsd in Rent.men search issue   
    I experienced this behavior last weekend and early this week but, as @Bokomaru mentioned, the issue seems to have been resolved.
  22. Like
    Saabster reacted to Lazarus in Newest NYC Fake or Simply Newbie: Fabioaurelio   
    He will be back with a new name. 
  23. Like
    Saabster reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Tips for Providers   
    the concept of tipping is wildly out-of-control in the US.  
    for professional services, tipping was always a discretionary add-on for someone that did not get compensated for the full fee paid.  example - I go to a barber who doesn’t own the shop.  The shop takes a cut of the service fee paid & my tip brings the compensation in line within the total fee paid.  It was not customary to tip the owner of the shop because they get the full fee paid.  Servers in restaurants is something different altogether because they typically make hourly wages far below minimum wage and it is customary to always tip 15-20% for satisfactory service in the US - more than 20% if the service is outstanding.
    for US based providers where they are running their own business and realize all of the fee in cash and charge $250-$350 per hour, I’m not sure where the expectation of tips comes in.  I frequently tip providers if the service is outstanding, or they come short-notice or they stay beyond the booked time.  I don’t normally tip if the time is one-hour and the service is basic or average.  If a provider needs more money to make the transaction worthwhile, then just charge a higher hourly rate.  Much better to be straightforward and transparent vs some unwritten vague rule/expectation that may lead to disappointment. 
    Europe & Japan are much more civilized where tipping is not a thing and the prices are based upon wages that fairly compensate the workers. Tipping there is the exception rather than the rule.
  24. Like
    Saabster reacted to ShortCutie7 in Tips for Providers   
    Reason number billion I’m glad this forum exists: I would have never even considered that I might be expected to tip someone I’m paying directly for a service.
  25. Like
    Saabster reacted to pubic_assistance in Safety & Validity of https://rent.men/   
    Which is why I always recommend hiring someone for an erotic massage. That's not illegal. If sex is available then that might be discussed IN PRIVATE between two consenting adults. Which is also not illegal.
    Plus ..in my opinion I don't know IF I WANT to have sex with someone until I've met them first. So booking a massage first is a great introduction to possibilities.
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