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Everything posted by ICTJOCK

  1. I think a consultation is appropriate, even if it is something as simple as an exchange of messages. I realize some clients may want to discuss by phone, text or even in person. I've had several face to face discussions with potential clients in person (one via zoom) about my work as a provider. I should not have any objection and take the time to make sure the client is comfortable and all reasonable questions are addressed.
  2. I can understand your approach with regard to health issues and you are certainly prudent to take care of yourself first. I believe for my own peace of mind, I need to start with a "healthy slate" and know I'm doing the best for all concerned. As far as meeting with the proposed client, no I didn't charge. I never charge when meeting with a client about proposed services. I've had them buy me a drink or lunch or even dinner, but I have never charged a client for a consultation.
  3. I would discourage this kind of contact. It would be easy to view it an intrusive. A critic might observe that you are placing your desire to contact him above his need for privacy. I'm not concurring with that sentiment, but understand, it isn't the normal approach to contact a provider and I certainly would encourage the "normal path". If he doesn't respond, I'd find someone who will.
  4. Clarity and professionalism are always expected. Mistakes can happen. Sometimes it communicates more to a client on how (in this case the provider) operates. This can happen in business on all levels. I think you made the right decision.
  5. So I had a client referral and he had asked to meet with me before booking. It does happen occasionally and think it's a great idea to meet in advance and make sure each are comfortable. I personally view one on one communication in person to be helpful in learning what the client views as important with the session and address any questions they may have for me. The new client asked me, "so I hear you are dedicated to fitness and health issues and if you are, why do you escort"? We had a serious conversation about that and discussed my views as to regular testing (and not just HIV, the complete review). We talked about risks inherent in the job and the value I place on my work and the client. He seemed satisfied with my answers and he booked me. Now most clients don't ask me how often I test or if I'm negative. I'm asked if I'm on Prep (which I am). For providers, I'm curious as to the number of your own clients that discuss this topic and the approach you take. For clients, what stance do you take (or do you) with those you hire?
  6. Let's hope it warms back up for you. Seems very early for that.
  7. Incredible weekend last week. This one is a little different with the 80's disappearing, replaced by chilly temps and less than advantageous weather outside. Normally very active outside, but spending a few minutes with the beagles and some great gym time. Will be working too. How is your weekend looking?
  8. I have had several strongly encourage my attendance. Looking forward to seeing friends and new friends. Should be a great spring getway!
  9. I would think I should be surprised when hearing something like this, but not at all!
  10. Not at all. I hand out candy to trick or treaters each year. First Halloween in the new house, so will have to kind of guess as to numbers, but shouldn't be overwhelming. Wishes to all for a great spooky time!
  11. Well first, as a provider, I appreciate your approach. I would concur with some of what has been said above. If an hour isn't sufficient for you (and most are not), then 2 hours might be the real answer based on what you listed. Communication, discussion and a little extra time for the provider. He should appreciate your extra effort. I would.
  12. I doubt if I would accept a "burger" from McDonalds in any case. haha I remember watching the "Dahmer" movies as a kid and it scared the shit out of me. As an adult and doing this kind of work requires a real awareness of the possibilities and act with prudence. My main point.
  13. I need to put out my bait trays in my garage.......LOL
  14. All professional escorts should be aware and take appropriate steps. I think to get too comfortable is a mistake. Precautions are always important. As far as the Dahmer program, I don't feel the need to do it, so long as I don't forget there are potential men like him out there.
  15. I've been concerned that the Fed continues to pose a "hawkish" stance at this moment based on the behavior of job creation and several other points. We'll see if they raise interest rates another 25 basis points or leave it alone. I think holding off has been a good thing to properly evaluate.
  16. Sounds like a great list. Thanks for your recommendations!
  17. I haven't been on nearly as much over the last week with requirements. Missed this recommendation. Thank you. I have several to check out and really appreciate some of the input I have received. Thanks very much!
  18. I think being late shows more about the provider than lack of timeliness. I learned how important it is to be on time with whatever kind of client one has, escort client or a professional client that you see in the office. I don't like being 5 minutes late. I feel the communication is, "I don't value your time". It is rare I'm late, but I call if I have a problem with being more than 10 minutes. When shown a lack of the same respect, I tend to see the client a little differently. Part of the basics of doing the job correctly.
  19. I would concur with this assessment. I've seen it before. Not sure what there is to gain if fabricated, but I just go with the flow.
  20. Well with being a provider, I always try and be candid, honest and straightforward with any assertions made in an ad. However, I think every person needs to approach an ad on Rentmen with some degree of suspicion. Of course, reviews help to negate some of the doubts, but I would think it better to go into an escort booking process with the reality that all may not be as it seems. Then you get to write a review!
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