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Everything posted by ICTJOCK

  1. I would have answered in the negative, but the reality is, long hair can be intriguing, like anything else. I think it all depends on teh man and how it looks, uniquely, on him. I do have one client with long hair and hie looks great with it.
  2. Every person is different. My suggestion is that you have a consultation with him. If you can't determine by a general conversation, be direct. You won't get anywhere by guessing. My preferences are likely very different than his.
  3. Had taken a partial break from Escort duties and my RM ad (and new clients) over the last 2 months to get moved into my new home and do some major landscaping work, which is a big interest of mine. Took a week off from my office as well. Several members ask if I would post a photo. Back to regular work next week.
  4. Apology accepted. Use of constructive words would have been better. And I expect I will last on this board. Thanks.
  5. The fact he has been in this business for some time isn't relevant to me with regard to his ridiculous comment. Neither of you know me, know how I relate to my clients (of various kinds, I don't just escort). To make a comment about "people (plural) "walking all over me" is an over the top comment and without basis. This conversation between you and I is over.
  6. I like much of what I have heard here. I will certainly consider the "incall" at home. If I have worked with the client over a period of time and have a positive synergy, I can see where this can be a very valid answer.
  7. I do know a financial advisor who has clients in California and is happy to work with additional new ones.
  8. I think New Mex is like most states, its "retirement value" is predicated on what one values in terms of climate, cost of living and things to do.
  9. My colleagues haven't "spoken" as you claim. Most gave constructive criticism and from a very small cross section of escorts on this site.. I seem to have received very positive reaction with the first post on this thread. I appreciate reasonable commentary from objective people. And those that can't be positive or constructive, aren't worth reading.
  10. Lets not be ridiculous and the above comment is way over the top. Nobody walks "all over me".
  11. We are paid for time, but it isn't a blanket slate. Differing requirements requires different compensation amounts.
  12. I do of course. However, we had discussed this in the past as a possibility. Discussion for this booking would have been what I would have expected based on my own work as a professional, but I didn't mind . It added an element of surprise. I grew from the experience as did the boyfriend who had never had a threesome prior. I did make it clear this was an exception to the norm.
  13. Thanks for the input. It was his boyfriend, we talked about it more after. Seemed like a very nice guy. If he boyfriend was an average looking man (as most of my clients are) I would have been thrilled and my reaction wouldn't have been any different.
  14. Thanks very much. I might mention that he had talked about his boyfriend joining, but not recently. It took me a minute to realize what was going.
  15. Well I wanted to relay an interesting client experience last night. Correlates with a couple of recent threads, plus it was hella fun! Had my regular client who is a Dom kinda guy. He scheduled at the last minute, so it was gym time, then off to the booking at 8:00 p.m. Regular kind of start, was kneeling on the bed, head down and I look up and here was an attractive man I had never met or seen standing in front of me, naked with hard on. I'm sure the look on my face was priceless. The client had brought his boyfriend along. The bf had seen my photos and wanted to meet me. It was after the first round, he actually spoke and introduced himself. Nothing like being involved with someone you'd never met or had uttered words, except hearing "pants and moans". It was a very good experience for me, it added to the evening and I received a big bonus at the end. He and I never talked about my rate for 2 versus one and the bonus really made the difference very minor. We had talked here about "discounts" and finding other ways to reward regular clients. This was one! I think we'd have to talk about it if Bruce (the boyfriend) joined regularly, but both client and boyfriend were thrilled and I continue to learn the art of "flexibility". I am not generally much of a spontaneous person (very structured), but .. I'm learning!
  16. Sounds awesome, Scott. I should just be asking you travel input directly! LOL
  17. I will do that, any recommendations on gay areas of Honolulu to visit or is that really a not?
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