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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + purplekow in SiblerianBoy. Boston/NYC/DC   
    Took down my post. Bad joke and should not make jokes when it may effect someone's livelihood. Glad you enjoyed him.
  2. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to Gymowner in Red flags and alarm bells galore   
    i cant believe how grown adult men get caught up constantly thinking (or hoping) that a very attractive male escort will become best of friends or better yet, having the notion that the said hooker will hopelessly fall in love with the old guzzard and live happily ever after. its unbelievable to me.
    this is a business transaction. not a bad thing at all. keep it that way and no one gets emotionally hurt.
    case in point. there is a newer dancer at one of the clubs where i live. big muscle guy. handsome but after chatting with him a few times can tell he is somewhat of a wild guy. not bad just young with that sort of energy that when not focused can be dangerous. i chat with him and give him a few bucks now and then yet he seems to always say or do something that is off putting to me. so i go a few weeks ignoring him and it drives him nuts. well last night he comes up to me and asks how i am. i told him i have been having some health issues lately. he looks at me and says "lets talk about it when i get done with my next set in 30 minutes". ok i thought. the nice side comes out. so i eventually go over to give him a few bucks while on the box dancing as a nice gesture to his kind words. first thing out of his mouth when he bends over is "yeah..i knew you couldnt stay away from all this hotness for long". he wasnt saying it with any kind of brevity. more like a "i got you you fag...no one can stay away from this hot straight guy" type of talk. fine in the bedroom but not at all appropriate where it was being said. i was putting my second dollar in his g string when he said this. right at that moment i not only stopped putting the second dollar in there, i took the first one out. i looked up at him and said " the smile is nice, work on the muscles getting harder and the big mouth has to go for sure".
    guys...you have to always remember... these guys have what you WANT but more importantly we have what they NEED. keep this in mind and you will have very little problems.
  3. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to + nycman in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    I find his threads to be mostly meaningless fluff, occasionally offensive, and once in a blue moon...enlightening.
    In other words....it’s the same way I feel about 99% of the posters here.
    He’s just more prolific than the rest of you.
    One of the things that I love about this message board is that it’s always had a bit of the Wild West feeling.
    We are, for the most part, left to our own devices. It’s rare and it’s something for which I am very thankful.
    I’m against censorship in any form. Don’t like the topic of the thread?....skip it.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + Truereview in Job Interview: How much is too much truth?   
    PK, I do know that you have an expertise - aside from providing excellent leche, I hear you are a pretty brainy cow. So I'm of two minds:
    My first opinion is that if you really need this job, you follow the common practice outlined by your friends and some of the posters here. Let the chips fall where they may, but at least you secure your chances for the job a bit more by not willingly introducing the possible derailing factor about your recovery.
    My second opinion is that in an era where knowledge workers of your caliber are scarce and if you are being wooed by an employer - and you have no urgent need to secure employment, I believe you do have the luxury to be who you are and share what you are facing. You are interviewing the employer as much as they are interviewing you. It is a matching process. If you feel like it and you can afford the luxury, be upfront. There is nothing more satisfying, to me, than being hired bc of ALL of who you are and what you are facing. I have a large team and I've hired amazingly talented people in all sorts of situations - visibly pregnant, not visibly pregnant but saying so in the interview, fighting cancer, in recovery, etc. I've hired bc of their skill, talent, potential. I trust the candidate is not out to "get us" and that our company is sufficiently strong to withstand any bad eggs out there who only want to collect disability benefits and milk the system. We are in search of folks like you: experts, forthright, and willing to see themselves as more than a worker bee. Too bad I'm not in the cattle business.
    Good luck in your search and your decisions! -TR
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    KinkyNEguy got a reaction from + bashful in Hairy Cracks and Daniel Sloss   
    Ewwww. Maybe merge this with the washcloth thread.....
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    KinkyNEguy got a reaction from + Avalon in Do You Have A Favorite Futuristic Novel?   
    It saddens me that there won't be anymore Culture novels. I really enjoyed them.
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    KinkyNEguy got a reaction from queensboroboy in 411 on French Porn Dom Edji Da Silva in NYC   
    Damn he is hot
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    KinkyNEguy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW   
    Why would he think that was ok?
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to Rudynate in Have You Turned The Heat On Yet?   
    Actually, I used to visit rural Mississippi regularly. My niece taught at the veterinary school at Mississippi State and my mother lived in Starkville. It was kind of a fun place to visit. I always stayed in this ancient hotel. I would get their best room, which cost next to nothing. They had a very good men's clothing store there. So I always went shopping there when I visited. The guy who took care of me was this studly, good-looking young blond. He would pull stuff off the racks that he thought I would like, I would try it on, and he would say, "I LIKE that on you," and he had made another sale. My mother didn't understand that the interaction was mostly a flirtation and thought I bought clothes like that all the time. I enjoyed the strangeness of it - heavy flirting with a studly blond southern boy.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to Wanderoz in 411 on Masculinboy. He’s back in DC   
    Smoking hott!
    Discussed before in link below, but has anybody actually been with him???
    Current link to him:
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + poolboy48220 in Keep from falling. Escorts please help   
    Every time I open this thread, I think it's about a client with balance problems.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + freecahill1965 in Markxabier in NYC   
    I have seen a few times. He was one of my very first hires. I was happy with his services BUT he ghosted me on my last appointment so I never called him again. He text me 35 min later to say he was in the shower and did not hear phone ringing. I think he is worth a try. I would not disrecommemed him based on that one experience. I just feel if I give you multiple appointments some order of respect should be granted. lol
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to bigvalboy in It May Not Bother The Escort...   
    My mother was a teacher. There was rarely a time that I would open my mouth that she did not correct my grammar. I understood why, and I accepted it, however this concern and sometimes insistence for good grammar from strangers, on the Internet and elsewhere, from people we've never met, nor likely will, seems odd to me. I don't think I have ever corrected someone's grammar, whether it was in business or socially among friends, and certainly not when communicating by way of email. I think the fact that Gman had good intentions, and yes, was respectful, is not the point. Correcting the escort was simply not his place, especially since he most likely wasn't going to even hire him. It all seems very presumptuous to me to correct a perfect stranger.
    I hire a lot of boys that have not been in this country a long time, perhaps do not have a lot of education, or where English is not their first language. It just seems a bit elitist to expect more from them than I know they are capable of giving. As I've grown older, more mellow, I have become more concerned about the experience with an escort, rather than how they have chosen to live their life, or how they speak or their ability to construct a sentence. So when I hear someone say, "him and me are going somewhere" I think of my mother, and move on...
  14. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to + Charlie in Open relationships...   
    My partner and I recently celebrated our 50th anniversary living together. After the first three honeymoon weeks together, we both admitted that we were attracted to other men as well, and the only way our relationship was likely to survive was if we were honest about it. Therefore, we accepted the fact that sex with others was going to happen, maybe even affairs--they did--and we shared the necessary information about who we were sleeping with. We also had an understanding that, because we loved each other, we would let one another go if one of those other relationships reached that level of importance that one of us wanted to leave. It got close a couple of times, but we always decided that our relationship was too important to us, and we split with the potential new partner. I started hiring escorts partly because it eliminated the potential for emotional involvement. In 2013, we got married, and we have been monogamous ever since. (OK, OK! I'll admit it has been easy, since we don't get any other offers nowadays.)
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to Rudynate in Open relationships...   
    My partner and I have an open relationship, but it's very one-sided. He's uncomfortable having sex with guys he doesn't know, so he rarely has sex outside of our relationship. I find it a big hassle to do so, so I do it less and less. I have a few FBS of fairly long standing and a few favored escorts, but I don't get around much.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + honcho in Best Playlist During Time Only   
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to Gymowner in His ad is down, but does anyone know if Derek Atlas is still available?   
    unfortunately for many with addiction problems (i have seen derek out many times high as a kite) everything in their lives combines into the users problem. his porn, escorting and many people in his life may all contribute to his dilemma. many try to keep parts of their lives intact only to find out they slip right back into their old habits and ways. the most successful people that i have known that really try to beat these demons get up, move away and start a whole new life for themselves. lets wish everyone in this situation luck and god bless!
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + TylerandAce in What’s up with the hate?   
    Our communication with clients and other pros is overwhelmingly positive. We stay nicely booked and have hundreds of fans page subscribers. However, we do have some hate mail every once in a while. We’ve had the predictable ones in the past ranging from disgust that we “flaunt” our relationship to criticism for being gay stereotypes. This one today, though, surprised me as I made initial contact to give a compliment to another escort and maybe some encouragement. His response was to ask if we wanted to book him. When I answered “no, just giving a compliment to another pro”, his response was “I just threw up in my mouth a little, but thanks for a compliment.”.
    It’s always disappointing since we are just having fun and know we aren’t for everybody any more than everybody is for us. However, I don’t think I’ll ever understand it. I’m of the persuasion that nothing-nice needs nothin said. Why do some feel the need to lash out? Thoughts? Maybe some here feel disgusted by us, too? I have thick skin, so I’d be interested in your take.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to Chad Constantine in Wickedboy in DC NOW   
    Yes it sounds so simple but it is actually an extremely admirable quality that I happen to envy.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + bashful in Wickedboy in DC NOW   
    Saw the updated ad. Sounds very responsive. I like that.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + azdr0710 in What should RENT.MEN remove?   
    many of us meet with felons, knowingly or otherwise, and have fantastic times......there are a lot of them!
    please don't remove the felons!
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to bnm73 in Where Do You Carry Your Wallet?   
    (Not trying to sound harsh, here....)
    You also don't leave your apartment. Where you carry your wallet is kind of academic since you're not really at risk for pickpocketing, etc.,
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to bnm73 in Where Do You Carry Your Wallet?   
    Cards are in the smartphone (apple pay and such) for most people....you don't need the actual cards anymore, really, since you can just tap your phone to the cc reader. ID is rarely needed and can slip in the phone case easily enough. Actual cash is becoming antiquated, it seems, but there's always a money clip (I gave one as a gift last year, actually), if you need one.
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to bnm73 in Where Do You Carry Your Wallet?   
    People still carry wallets?
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    KinkyNEguy reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Why are so many Young Men so shy about Nudity?   
    Notice the carefully placed for the most part in my post.
    In my personal experience, this has been the case. It might have been a generalization, but it's certainly not a sweeping one.
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