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  1. Applause
    CastaDiva reacted to Simon Suraci in Disabilities   
    That’s horrible providers respond to you this way. Pervasive ignorance around disabilities makes life much harder.
    I see clients with disabilities, both physical and neurodivergent. One of my regulars has cerebral palsy. Another is on the autism spectrum. One has parkinson’s disease. Some others use a wheelchair, cane, or other assistive devices for various conditions.
    My studio is not 100% accessible by California standards, but I chose it in part because it has accessibility features. Everyone benefits because it makes things easier to use, whether you have a disability or not. My architect background informs so much of what I do! I like my disabled clients and want them to feel comfortable and welcome. Any provider worth your time will do the same.
    Disabled clients want escort services and massages the same as everyone else. I see accommodating them no differently than accommodating other needs and preferences. I help them on and off the table, transferring to the shower, and getting dressed. Many times they don’t want help with things like getting dressed, as this is a way for them to maintain their autonomy. In that case I allow more time for them to do what they need to do, and remain patient while a client does tasks a little slower than others.
    Andrew Gurza puts out a lot of interesting content around being gay and disabled. He talks frankly about sexuality and openly about hiring. Anyone interested in these topics might check out his podcast Disability After Dark.
    Disabilities manifest in so many different ways. You don’t always know by looking at someone that they are disabled. My partner, for instance, suffers from many chronic conditions. I won’t get into it all of the medical specifics here, but basically he has physical limitations, like he can’t sit, stand, walk, or drive for long periods. No step ladders or anything requiring balance or significant coordination. No heavy lifting. He works half time from home because that’s the most he is able to do. He spends a lot of his time recovering from physical exertion, even from basic daily life activities when he pushes himself too hard. You would never tell by meeting him for a few minutes or passing by him in a grocery store. He started using a cane recently, so maybe you would see that, but he is embarrassed to use it outside our home. He’s only 43 years old.
    We need more compassion and understanding toward one another. This work requires empathy, respect, and adaptability. We serve everyone. Online we focus so much on how different we are on the surface. At the end of the day, we’re all just people. People with people needs. I may not be saving the world, but approaching this work the way I do gives me a strong sense of purpose.
    Good providers will not shun clients with disabilities. Try to shake off cruel commentary as best you can. Keep looking. We exist, and we care.
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    CastaDiva reacted to sydneyboy in Xabier Anduaga MET debut   
    On the subject of tenors I will be in Barcelona end May and have secured tickets for La Cenerentola with Javier Camarena. I have read great things about this singer in the Rossini repertory. I will report back.
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    CastaDiva reacted to sutherland in Xabier Anduaga MET debut   
    I heard Kraus sing in "The Daughter of the Regiment" with Miss Sutherland.  He was amazing - nailing all 9 high-C in the first act aria.  His voice also projected well up to the top balconies.
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    CastaDiva reacted to sydneyboy in Xabier Anduaga MET debut   
    He should take Alfredo Kraus as his role model.
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    CastaDiva reacted to musclestuduws in Buy Leontyne Price's former NYC Townhouse   
    Indeed. Now most people don’t even know what opera itself is or worse, would even care to learn anything about it, which is one more symptom of the irreparable damage that anti-intellectualism has done to this country and to the democratic system upon which it was founded. Ignorance and stupidity run rampant. 
  7. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Gymowner in Who WOULD you pay $1000 for one hour with?   
    My tongue just got a hard on!
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    CastaDiva reacted to soloyo215 in Are some potential clients sometimes too sensitive?   
    In my experience, that is just all across the entire gay universe, not just in this industry. Dismissive, undecided, full-of-it assholes are found everywhere in any industry that is service oriented. What I'd suggest is that is a person has wasted your time in the past, don't continue wasting your time entertaining him or trying to make a point. There's absolutely no gain on your part by doing that. Personally, I don't have to have the last word in every interaction. I can ghost, ignore and move on without having to explain things to people.
    That same thing happens in dating and trying to meet people online. For example, last year I met a person online who was going to coincide with me in Barcelona. I proposed to meet and share a drink at a bar. I thought it will be great to meet a friend in person during vacation. We agreed on a date/time/place to do that (he actually suggested the place). The time was 10pm. I showed up at 10, he was nowhere to be found. I still had a great time, I shared with other people I met right there. Left the place about an hour later. The next day (get this), he told me that he was there at 8pm and left at 9pm, and went back to the place at 11:30pm. I'm sure he's a grown up man, so I don't have to explain to him what 10pm means or how time works. I just moved on. When he saw no reply from me, a day or two later, he sent me another message wishing me a good trip. Who knows what was going through his mind that he decided to purposely stand me up like that. Don't know, don't care, the important part is not to waste time entertaining people's games.
    Another time was some guy I was dating way back when. I had something to do on a Saturday at 2pm. I told him that we can talk before 2pm or after 4pm, that I wasn't available between 2pm-4pm. That was before the popularity of mobile devices, so I had an answering maching at home. When I came back home at 4pm, there were about ten messages from him, getting nastier as they progressed, and they were all left between 2pm and 4pm. That last of those messages said things like "Why are you doing this to me?" Again, I didn't waste time entertainning nonsense. I was done with him right then and there.
    Our word and your time are valuable. I personally do not get involved in arguments over other people's nonsense. Not having the last word is not as important as my own wellbeing or my valuable time.
  9. Applause
    CastaDiva reacted to Trick in Thoughts on deposits   
    Let’s see who needs this more, Jarrod or Trick
    Jarrod:  Has been insisting on requiring deposits for sessions for years, but still always complains about flakes and time wasters.  Deposits haven’t solved his problem with flakes.  Always unhappy with his escorting experience.
    Trick:  Has NEVER sent a deposit for years; has met the likes of Tristan Baldwin, Mike Gaite, Cade Maddox, and lots of other well-reviewed providers who don’t require deposits. Very happy with his hiring experience.
    Who needs it more?
  10. Applause
    CastaDiva reacted to + FrankR in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    I am a fan of Russ. But I would not hire someone for 2 days unless Ive seen them for a shorter period (usually 2 hours) so we can figure out if we will get along. My 2c.
  11. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + DrownedBoy in Latino circumcised bottoms - the near impossible find   
    Well here's one guy who's definitely not Jewish.
  12. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to musclestuduws in Worth the Risk?   
    I bet Tucker Carlson has been posting on this thread. 
  13. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Worth the Risk?   
    *Fox News has now entered the chat*
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    CastaDiva reacted to + Coolwave35 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I disagree. Time is the most precious, limited, unrenewable resource we have. I think lateness shows the greatest disrespect of a person. Early on in my hiring career I sat in a hotel lobby for 45 minutes for a provider that didn’t show up, and said never again.  
    This past weekend in New York I had a 2pm in call with a provider that he picked the time for and insisted on hosting. I get a text at 1:57, after I’m finishing my hot chocolate across the street, can we push it back to 2:30.  My friend who is staying overnight is taking his time to get out. I said I’m already downstairs and if you can’t see me by 2:05 I’m going to go. At 2:20 I get a text that I can come up now but I had already left. 
    Punctuality is really important to me, and a lackadaisical disrespect of someone’s time is inexcusable to me in nearly all cases, especially when you’re paying for a service. 
  15. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to sydneyboy in Australia Day   
    Happy Australia Day to all members of this esteemed forum!
  16. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to CuriousByNature in Pornstar/Escort Dominic Pacifico has terminal disease & needs help   
    Oh wow - I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope things turn out well for you and that you receive a heart that is compatible.  
  17. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + Coolwave35 in Returning to the industry   
    I’m the same way except my opening questions are do you smoke cigarettes and are you going to vape at any point during our session?  
    That’s more important to me than any other question on a RM ad and I wish they’d add it. 
  18. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Returning to the industry   
    I'm sorry for your loss. 
    I agree with what others have said. If you don't post a face pic, people may insist on seeing one before they take the plunge. I've made one exception to that rule because that provider had stellar reviews on RM and here. I didn't regret it, and I see this provider regularly. But, I'm not comfortable inviting someone over if I don't know who to expect. 
  19. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to pubic_assistance in Providers and precum   
    Not me ..but I've been with lots of men who do.
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    CastaDiva reacted to DamizzonNYC in Providers and precum   
    I guess it's crazy to me that there's guys who find this to be an issue!  Though I guess it's also crazy to me that there are providers who don't perform oral. 
    I'm also a huge precummer.  In fact, it's my body's first reaction to arousal.  I'll get wet before I get hard.  As a provider, I've only ever had clients love it.  Though I guess it's a telltale sign of sincere interest.  (i.e. A pill can get you hard, but it can't make you leak.)  So it would lever occur to me to react negatively!
  21. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Winterangel in Providers and precum   
    Thanks for the replies. I’ve never thought about it before now but I guess I am rare in that I pre cum a lot.  A superpower perhaps, for a niche audience! I would never shoot a load without consent though (or accidentally)!  I get very turned on by precum in others and I love to eat cum.
  22. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to former lurker in Too picky to find a scort in NYC   
    Careless and thoughtless comments aren't "taken out of context". As the writer, it's up to you to supply the context and to be aware of how you come across. If your goal is to get others to help you out with their thoughts, coming off as judgemental and above other clients is counterproductive.
  23. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Peter Eater in Maxtheslut - Los Angeles   
    Excellent, distinctive ad.
  24. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Oliver Crew in OliverCrew Visiting DC: A Rare Gem & Superb Talent   
    @dctraveler @BeefyDude @Tay @Mike Zuma @Hhuu @Yoyohey Thank you for all the feedbacks. It will help to do my work better. I always trying to deliver best experience for every client.
    Furthermore, I believe massage therapy it’s about healing, lifting, shifting and energy exchange. My focus and goal is to provide  ultimate state of relaxation in addition to profound body work.
    Connection/chemistry is very personal, couldn’t guarantee but I always here to take care of you.
    I feel bad I didn’t meet your expectations/intentions with massage therapy in some way but I see it as a space to grow. 
    Thank you again!
  25. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is the escorting/massaging scene good in San Diego for providers?   
    Isn’t that the point ?

    Escorts, whether they know it or not, are creating a brand identify from the moment they enter the scene, usually by a listing on RM or similar site.  From that moment going forward, the public brand or image is shaped by site reviews, Twitter, OnlyFans, personal appearances, forums word-of-mouth & self-participation in forums like this. All of that goes to image and reputation.
    I’m not sure that an escort complaining about all the typical escort issues in an online forum (that is populated by people who hire escorts) where the escorts identity is known and affects his brand or image is helpful.  Some people might think the escort is too negative and others might think too uptight/rigid. Others might just be turned off by the complaining. I don’t think it has any upside for the escort, other than if it makes them feel better by venting.  

    When I hire, I’m looking for a bit of an escape, adventure, fantasy & sex all rolled into one hour.  And I want it to be easy.  If there was an escort that I wanted to hire & was very public about all his complaints, troubles, frustrations, etc - i wouldn’t hire that person because maybe that negativity could show up in my appointment ?  I’d choose to hire the person who presents publicly as happy, successful, fun & sexy.  I want to maximize my chances of having a good experience and not get caught up in any provider negativity, however than manifests. 

    Of course everyone has struggles & challenges - it’s how a person deals with them that makes the difference. A positive mindset is everything and if that can be created, then eventually positive things start to happen. And the reverse is also true.  

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