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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. Yes some things need appreciation not explanation.
  2. No but you did offer to show me a hot bone the last time I saw you. So there are still some nice surprises.
  3. While I totally agree that one should compliment people in front of others, I would not phrase the first part of the sentiment as Admonish thy friends in secret. That could be taken to mean that you should admonish your friends behind their back. It might be better stated, Admonish your friends not at all or perhaps. IF one is to admonish a friend, do so in the privacy of they company. A well considered admonishment in private said in a spirit of helpfulness can be a blessing. One should not be afraid of giving or receiving these in the name of friendship.
  4. Lots to choose but Jimmy G has my vote and anything he wants
  5. All this violence over money that is discretionary. How about taking some responsibility for not getting yourself into that situation in the first place. Meet outside the room and read the room there. Little chance of violence in a public arena. Hire well respected and well reviewed escorts. Ask for a 3 finger selfie or a FaceTime before having someone come to your home. Saying you would shoot someone in the back for a small amount of money it ridiculous. How much is too little for you to shoot? $100? $59? $12.74.? $4.53? Defending yourself from bodily harm certainly is understandable and in fact being able to do so is commendable. There is no good name for a man who shoots another in the back. Shakespeare. Good name in man and woman, Dear my lord is the immediate jewel of their souls. Who steals my purse steals trash; tis the something, nothing; twas mine, 'tis his and had been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name robs me of the which not enriches him. and makes me poor indeed. Your suggested crime, and you correctly point out it is a crime in most states, diminishes you forever. Might as well put a teardrop tattoo over you face.
  6. That is true, most of the escorts with whom I am friends are making more money than I am and generally hang out with a more interesting group of people. But they seem to put up with me anyway.
  7. She did not always have 3 billion dollars but I believe she always had the attitude, so maybe she is on to something.
  8. Are you Mrs Doubtfire? Or was this a drive by fruiting?
  9. The nature of one's relationship with each person is different. Inevitably if you invite your friend the escort to dinner with other friends, people are bound to ask questions which may have answers which are more revealing than you may be comfortable having answered. The same might be true of your best friend from high school that gave you a blow job every day after school until he married and you did the same. Discretion would probably lead to an answer to How did you guys meet? as We met in high school. Oh yeah we gave each other head every day for three years would probably be left out. So while the seas of friendship with an escort may be a bit more difficult to navigate especially if your friend is significantly younger, quite sexually appealing and likely to raise questions some may not choose to have answered with complete candor it comes down to what your priority is. That is part of the reason that friendships with escorts and clients are not common. However one can be honest without being indiscreet no matter what your friend does for a living or how you met. I have a friend who stopped escorting about 10 years ago. We hit it off very early on and I hired him several times to do his non escort job. He worked at my office and acted in professional manner at all times, I had some trepidation at first as I was widowed and I had been happily married and only started sleeping with men well after my wife's passing. I was concerned about being "outed" but more concerned about continuing my friendship. It can be done, priorities are your own.
  10. I agree that there is a difference between being friends and being friendly, but if you have a friendly and interested nature, then you may become friends with anyone. Considering that the number of escort client interactions with different pairings (or thruples or more..) which have occurred with forum members probably stretches to the millions, it would seem inevitable that some of those would wind up as friends. It seems most likely that those people who are open to the idea of such relationships would be the ones most likely to develop one. So, can a provider be a real friend for some people? IMO, the probabilities are so high as to make it almost a certainty, though a rarity. Is it probable given the circumstances of the relationship and human bandwidth? No not likely but inevitably yes. As a doctor I was not friends with the vast majority of my patients, but after years and more than ten thousand encounters with different patients, I am friends with a select few. Go to the house for holidays friends, get invited to the kid's wedding friends, attend the funeral of a parent or a spouse friend, have a drink out and watch a football game friend, borrow their tools and don't return them friends, and yes even get a call in the middle of the night to go bail their kid out of jail friend. This while living in a well populated state and meeting these people after I had a well establish coterie of other people in my life. Where does the new doctor in town in Alaska make his friends? Watch Northern Exposure Reruns to find out.
  11. Just another point, antibiotic development is not particularly profitable for drug companies. As opposed to daily medications such as statins or blood pressure medication, antibiotics are taken as needed and as such sales are many times higher in the daily drugs. In order for medicine to keep up with mutations which lead to drug resistance, companies are going to have to have a financial incentive to increase research in this field.
  12. While resistant gonorrhea is going to become a larger and larger problem, at this time, the routine treatment for gonorrhea is cheap and effective in most cases in most places. There are pockets of areas where there is a larger percentage of resistant strain gonorrhea and in those areas a drug which is effective against the resistant bacteria is beneficial. While the article states that eventually the treatment cost will be as inexpensive as treatment for GC is now, that will occur only after the developing company has lost its patent, at least that will be the case in the US. So given the likely high initial cost, the possibility of resistance to this drug developing from overuse and the relative effectiveness of the present treatment, this advance initially only will make a small difference in the manner in which GC will be treated, Prevention is still the best course of action. Public health efforts such as legalization of sex work and required testing for sex workers in order to locate and treat unsuspected cases of the disease would also slow the development of a more resistant GC dominant strain. But the bacteria always win these races. Encouragement of use of condoms,( I know I know I know no one wants to hear that) is another potential brake on the eventual collision of humans and super resistant GC.
  13. More interesting would be to do it during sex. This question has been asked a lot and discussed forever. There is really one simple answer. Friendly people make friends wherever they go. So yes one can, as to whether most can is another question and a third question is whether most escorts want clients as friends.
  14. Be prepared for the chills if it is your first time to the Viet Nam Memorial or even if it is you 100th. Those chills are there whether it is December or the dog days of August.
  15. Probably because as with most out of state drivers, they cannot figure out the jug handle turn. A simple improvement on the left turn that many people from out of the Garden State cannot master. There is a rumor from the Revolutionary War that even George Washington when returning from crossing the Delaware, could not figure out the jug handle turn and so he built a bridge to New York where the less talented drivers find sitting for hours in traffic preferable.
  16. Vin is right about the men in Jersey. There is a lot of beefy muscle and quite a bit of sexual energy among the dad bod set. Unfortunately, I have the grandad bod and while the engine is running and it can still get me where I need to go, there is a lot more milage on it.
  17. I grew up in NYC and I live in NJ. NYC definitely has its obvious charms while NJ is a more subtle beauty but one has to leave the Parkways and the Turnpike to see it. Many people from NYC are just a bit close minded on the subject, except of course in the summer when they leave the swelter of the city to come the the Jersey beaches or the autumn when they come to he Delaware Water Gap to view the foliage or in the spring when the warm weather offers great open spaces or the winter for the convenient skiing/. Or any times of the year when the NYC folk are looking for affordable housing near their jobs. New Jersey is actually a well kept secret for those in the know however, it is a great place to visit or live. For those who wish to pass, the bad jokes are a small price to pay for not having to deal with their bad driving. Just wondering which Airport you prefer Newark International here in Jersey or LaGuardia or Kennedy convenient located just a few miles from Manhattan, an easy 2 to 4 hour drive. .
  18. Well at least they had a non stop flight. Yes they took the Panda Express. But I believe it is best that they are returned, we do not want to pander to the Chinese for a few bears. Certainly for some who thought they were a gift, they were bamboo zled. Any suggestions for the in flight Movie? Kung Fu Panda seems too obvious. Peter Panda. the story of a a bear that just didn't want to grow up. The Un Bear able Lightness of Being The story of 1982 Czechoslovakia and of two men, two women and a Panda who survive the Czech Spring Panda's Labyrinth. Story of a young Panda who finds its way to a strange and magical land Panda or a Box. Movie about a game show where you can either win a bear or unleash all the troubles of the world from a locked vessel Or maybe just a concert from someone playing the Panda's Flute
  19. I saw an interview with her on Oprah where she first spoke about this ability. Subsequently about 10 more people came forward to say that they too had total recall. Subsequently I saw her with that group on Sixty Minutes discussing the pros and cons of such an ability. She said that when she was remembering these things along with the memory, the emotions of the moment also came back. So when she thought of her mother's death, the pain of the memory was just as intense as if it were just happening. They also asked her to state her memories of a particular date, which turned out to be the day she lost her virginity and she thought that was very funny. Also, though many of us would not recall the date, the memory of our first time is probably deeply embedded in the memory of each of us. The fact that I remember this with this detail makes me realize what a horror it must be to remember all of the less than memorable details of one's life.
  20. On you, spandex in any color is back. Baby's Got Back.
  21. There is no specific contraindication to statins. There are several drugs which should be avoided such as blood thinners and other erectile medications. Marijuana may also cause difficulties. Certain medication conditions also should limit the use of Trimix including multiple myeloma, uncontrolled hypertension and a history of bleeding disorders and a history of priapism. Best to speak with your doctor before using it. If not, at least do the research of checking the package insert and insuring that you do not have any of the listed contraindications.
  22. When I first opened my office, I was going to be working at two different sites for aa total of about 14 hours a day for 7 days a week. As a result, I indulged in a nice jaguar convertible lease as I felt I wanted a little compensation that was tangible to remind me why I was working that hard to start. I enjoyed the ride, putting down the roof, especially in the winter and turning on the heat to keep the car warm and the sunshine coming in. I enjoyed looking back from a start off a red light and not seeing any cars near me. Little pleasures which were a treat I felt I deserved. At the time the lease was about 1200 per month. I have subsequently figured out better ways to spend my money and better ways to validate my choice toward that hard work. Now I drive a Chevy Cruze which I bought new for 17000 and not surprisingly, I still get where I am going.
  23. I agree with your not attending when the wishes of the deceased about a personal choice is disregarded. In Mr Perry's case, he was saying how he would like to be remembered but none of us has the ability to control our legacy, try as we might, others will determine that. His philanthropic work and his attempts to aid in recovery for those addicted is being highlighted now, but his notoriety will always be related to the project that brought him to public consciousness and which allowed him to do good works. It may have not been what he would have wanted, but that those works are being mentioned as frequently as they are now is still a major accomplishment.
  24. I am not a big fan of the holidays and it seems to me that escorts also have additional family obligations and friends to visit so their schedules tend to be a little tight. So while I might enjoy some time with them, they have a personal life to which they need to attend. As far as generosity at the holidays, I do try to be generous with those providers I encounter. BuffaloKyle, I lived in Buffalo for 4 years in my younger days. It seems to me those cold days are a perfect time to in a warm bed with a hot man. Don't let your libido go on vacation, enjoy it while you have it. Getting an escort to come to Buffalo in the winter may be a different issue.
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