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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. I was checking out an ad for a very handsome young man in LA who was 22 years old. He had a great physique and bilateral tattoo sleeves. I am not a big fan of tattoos though it really does depend on the level of the art work and theme. I am wondering at what age did the tattooed on this forum start getting them? How often do you add a new one? If you have stopped getting them, at what age did you stop? Have you had any tattoos removed. I have no tattoos and I am always surprised to see very young men, 18 or so, with them, though for some it is a rite of passage or an act of rebellion.
  2. I would have responded to your original posting adding Eric Hassan to the list, but I could not locate it. There are some photos of Eric in which he is definitely classically handsome and others in which he is devilishly handsome. I must say he is more handsome in person and thanks for bringing him up, it has been way too long since I called him last.
  3. So some people say though I believe the original expression was. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. Unless of course you are cheating on a high school math test by putting the answers in your dessert. In that case the proof would be in the pudding and the quadratic equation is in the ice cream.
  4. Too many to believe that you are any good at it. Each of these friends have had an emotional toll taken by the divorces and then they go and do it again and again and again. When they are dating people, they seem to suffer much less anguish when the natural ending for the relationship comes about.
  5. Sean Knight. He of the magic left nipple. He would practically come from playing with the left nipple. The right one not so much. He left the business and was traveling as an assistant and trainer to several different professional tennis players. Great guy and seemingly doing very well after a short but illustrious career in our favorite profession.
  6. I have two straight friends who are now working on marriage #4. Both, married early, college or right after, and divorced quickly, both under 2 years. They both then married for the long lasting duration, both around 11 years and both of them having their children doing these years. The third marriage came at a particularly stressful time in each of their lives and had some durability but both ended after 5 to 6 years. One of them, a woman, married again and seemed genuinely happy but her spouse is now developing dementia and I doubt, even if she is unhappy, that she will divorce him/. The other, a man, married the other day and notified the world on Facebook. The couple had been living together for about 2 years and though based on Facebook pictures they look happy, they have moved away and he has seemingly disappeared into a marriage in which he is her husband and not much else. So how many marriages are too many? Some here would probably say 1 is too many but I wonder if there are others that have a "if they want to get married let them get married" attiitude. It seems to me that both of the people have had a much harder time with divorce then they did with the end of a non marital irelationship. I have been married once. Widowed. Would never get married again, Does the sexual orientations of the couples matter?
  7. You have my number and an open invite. Just don't cock block me. lol
  8. MAL is an event which can only be understood in attending. No written word can quite describe the debauchery which one might encounter and or participate in doing. I attended about 5 of these Forum Mettups including the first one at Annies for Brunch. The weather was actually quite nice and the the fellowship was refreshing. The others I attended were always a fun weekend but the number of attendees waxed and waned. I was one that tried to Nate to get it off the ground again in 2022 without success. Some of us recall the most scandalous and controversial occurrence in all the forum meetings occurring during an early MAL meeting. Ah the drama. It had everything one could want in a scandal and there was a substantial hold over after the weekend was over. Do not contact me for details, because unlike other orifices of other people that weekend, my lips are sealed.
  9. You might consider adding a link to your advertisement if you have one. That may spark some interest in a more privat meeting during the time you are in PS, unless it is a non working trip.
  10. Ii no longer walk my dogs as I have my backyard fenced for them but when IO take thenm out for a stroll and they decide to pee, I try to have it be on pavement. I do not fuss with the dogs if they are walking on the lawn edge as the pavement may be too hot for their paws. I do not mind people walking on my lawn though I was taken aback when a parent with an ATV drove up to my door with his kids in a trailer in their Halloween custumes. I live on a corner and with no sidewalks so sometimes walking on the lawn edge is necessary to avoid car traffic. I would rather the footprints on the lawn rather than a blood trail.
  11. Most of my bills are utilities and other large companies. When I eat at a restaurant I usually pay cash for the tip and use the card for meal. Businesses that rely on credit cards up their price to cover the 2 to 4 % that the credit care charges so it is really the cash payers who are subsidizing my appliances and I thank them for it.
  12. This is generally an affluent group so it is not a surprise to have many people with no debt. I am also an Amex user with monthly full balance payments taken automatically. I use Amex to pay all my purchases and bills. I see no reason for automatic payments of utilities and the like when I can have them paid automatically through Amex and get the points. When I redid my kitchen, I got all of my appliance with points and racked up a bunch of new points with the purchase.
  13. I receive phone calls all the time as part of my job. What is annoying to me is that people call and then do not leave a message. They are usually calling from a number which is an extension and as a result the number reported on the phone is a main number. As a result, there is no way for me to return the call and I need to wait around for them to call again. I do not understand why leaving a brief message is such a chore. This is particularly annoying when the call has wakened me from sleep and now, in 5 to 10 minutes I will be awakened again.
  14. So he has blocked you on all social media. Might I suggest from a mental health point of view to get some closure. Write him an old fashioned letter. You have been to his home and so ou probably know the address. Write out whatever it is you want to say. After it is done. Rip that first one up and write the second one with all the initial hurt and anger diffused. Mail it out and forget about it and him. He may try to contract you and at that point you can make a decision of finality but I would say don't return to the scene of this crime after the closing letter.
  15. Lie, kind of. Say, something to the effect that I was really looking forward to meeting you but something urgent came up and I really needed to take care of it. Is it alright to contact when I have a bit more time. Thanks for answering so quickly.
  16. Watched some of the Harry Potter movies on tv and then went to bed. I took the dogs in and closed the door so that they would not go barking into the backyard through the doggie door which is what would have happened due to the fireworks. Keep a radio on to drown out the fireworks and feel asleep. AT 2AM, I woke up and said happy new year to my prostate as I tried to coax a reasonable flow. It seemed to work.
  17. Will she be thought of as ground breaking because by that time she will have had so much surgery she will look as though she rose up from a grave?
  18. Many people who have cosmetic surgery see the "imperfections" that others don't see even if they are pointed out. They start with small procedures and the small change eliminates one imperfection but highlights another and then so it goes. Smaller procedures become larger and more surgery ensues. There is a place for plastic surgery certainly. Defects are corrected, lives can be changed, function can be restored but cosmetic surgery to me is a hope for something beyond the physical. It is an attempt to turn back the clock which is an illusion even when cosmetically successful.
  19. Chances are that the provider does not care what your life away from him entails as far as your orientation, or at the least, he does not care about knowing as much as you care about telling. So when you are ready, tell him what you want him to know. He has heard it all and it likely does not rub him the wrong the way. As far as being out, I was happy in a monogamous heterosexual relationship and as a result, I did not start seeing men until I was almost 50, It seems that at that age no one really cares with whom you have sex and it may be that some do not believe that sex happens for people over 50. Being widowed, did occasionally raise the question as to whether I would date again or marry again. I did ty dating again and did not care for it with either sex. In any case, my situation now is Don't Ask, Don't Tell. They don't ask and I feel no responsibility to discuss my sex likes with them. I also do not ask them about their sex life. To me, it is rude to ask and it is really none of my business if my friends or relatives are having sex, how often, with whom, in what position. On the rare occasion that sex comes up in conversation with my friends, it is usually relating funny experiences and long past stories, which have been told numerous times in the past. In my office, I do have a gay pride flag that was given out by the hospital years ago and which sits wordlessly on top of a cabinet. If people notice, they do not ask. A few months ago, while taking photos for a graduation of medical residents, there was a different group taking photos for Gay Pride month and they asked for Gay and Gay Allied persons to join their photo. I did so. Again without comment from me or to me. So really, at this point, my sex life to others is more. Don't Care and Please Keep it to Yourself.
  20. They do know each other, at least many of them do. Three of the m Xavier Frankie and Nicole all played in season 16 I believe. Savier and Taylor also know each other. Danielle was the first black contestant to do well though I believe Taylor was the first black female to win. So they may have relationships outside of BB, so there may be more to the Danielle story than they are saying as to why they felt so bad about her leaving.
  21. Feliz Navidad Prospero Ano Nuevo
  22. Party drugs for a party boy. To maintain that kind of body, his methamphetamine use must not be overwhelming but one would have to be careful about mood and behavior. As Robberbaron4u states, one should be careful.
  23. Republican from Illinois. He was quite the statesman as Sensate Minority leader and had a distinctive rasp to his voice. I believe there is a memorialized building to him in congress.
  24. AF he has been as single As Fuck. Amusingly, in this sentence, as fuck means without fuck.
  25. Some sexy underwear would work if you know his size or his brand. Add a small gift card to that if you want to do more. a
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