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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. I have at least 4 escorts with whom I have a friendly relationship. One left the business to become a lawyer and we still text regularly it has been about 8 years since I saw him professionally. Another is someone I actually knew casually through a mutual friend who I hired through an agency 15 or more years ago. I still hire him now and then but mostly we just go out to dinner and text or call. Another stopped the business years ago and he and I still have the occasional lunch. He broke his leg and was bed bound for a year. I called him regularly and visited him in the hospital and the rehab center. He will dog sit for me when I go away bringing his own dog to my home. Yet another calls to complain about his girlfriends and the troubles in his life. He does dog rescues and I have adopted three of his dogs along the way. We speak every two months or so. I have not hired him in 10 years though he was one of the first escorts I hired. His body is still amazing even in his 40s. There is an escort I speak or text with almost daily. I hire him several times a year but the relationship extends to personal matters and advice and general caring for one another. I have been asked to be the best man at a former escorts wedding (he and his GF broke up before the wedding) and I was also asked by his mother to speak at the funeral of an escort (same escort). Now some may look upon this as unusual, and it probably is. But all of these relationships have lasted many years, 8 to 15, and most have extended past the time of their escorting services for me and as a career for them. It seems to me it is easier to develop a friendship with an escort with whom you have had great, non loving sex than it would be to continue to have a friendship with an ex lover with the emotional baggage that goes with it.
  2. Love foreplay or sex in a shower but in a bath I would limit it to forepla. Bathtub foreplay, either soaping up or being soaped up, can be quite sexy. But sex in a tub seems a bit too dangerous. After all, the bath is the most dangerous room in the house.
  3. In reality PCP is way of naming a primary care provider not a medical doctor. This abbreviation, to my mind, has diminished doctor, as if they wanted to name a doctor they could have used the abbreviation PMD, Primary Medical Doctor. PCP suggests equivalency of a Medical Doctor, a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician Assistant and several other professions which have their own niche. If one chooses to use those non-physicians as a primary care provider that should be a conscious decision but by grouping all of these together it clouds the actual educational qualifications of the person you are selecting. Granted on most identifying data, a series of initials after the name will give the educational information to those in the know, However, there are certainly many who do not know the difference among MD FACP, DO, CNP, PA. Or between a resident and an intern and a fellow. Have you been to an emergency room and had the provider introduce themselves by their first name. Nowadays, it seems prudent to ask what level of practitioner you are encountering. I mean, even Dr. Pepper tries to pass himself off as a doctor saying he is a Fizz-ician,.
  4. STorm is approaching and a bit of thunder and lightning. I am now prepared to be crushed by the shared bed with the three ladies in my life. Less than optimal comfort for me but a calm reassurance for them.
  5. Since my wife's passing in 2000, I have had 16 dogs and 13 have passed on. Each passing was difficult but it only confirmed the wonderful relationship I had with the animal and I would not exchange that experience out of fear of sadness of their passing. I can find myself smiling many years later thinking or recalling what one of them did. Recalling how Bonehead got his name, or Holly humped my leg while my life and I tried to have some passionate time together. Deciding not to have a pet is a personal decision but I continue to adopt not because I am not afraid of the inevitable passing ( at this point it is 50 50 as to who is going first) but rather for all the joy that is added to my life. Without my dogs over these last 23 years, I do not know if I could have gotten through many of the personal difficulties and traumatic situations. They have added so much and I would have missed all that if I allowed fear of loss to be the prime mover in my relationship with pertanimals. Dogs can also be great due magnets in parks and elsewhere. So, if anyone out there is not adopting out of fear of loss, consider all there is to gain. On the other had, if you are not willing to give your whole heart and sacrifice some of your own creature comforts (just this week I lost two comforters and a two pair of socks and the rest of a well chewed slipper) then by all means, support the animals that you come across in your life from afar.
  6. Once the question is it a scam is asked, the answer is always yes it is.
  7. Thanks for nod Vin. For me, the Palm Springs event has become one of the highlights of my year. It is somewhere between a high school reunion and a summer camp with just enough lascivious activities to keep it rate R. Okay some of us may try for an X rating but most of that is done in privacy. So once the date is set, I encourage all of the past visitors and any new visitors who are interested to make your plans early. You will definitely not regret it. You may think this type of event is not for you, but once once you attend, I believe that you will find, as Mr. Marco did, that there is something for everyone. The eye candy alone is worth the price of admission.
  8. pina+colada+song - Google Search WWW.GOOGLE.COM
  9. If you do not immediately recognize the Pina Colada song, chances are you may not know that personal ads in legitimate magazines was once a thing. (Is it still?)I was driving home today and this song came on the radio. Yes very old school listening to a random radio station in my car. In one lyric it mentions the singer writing a personal ad. I had a personal ad written for me by a friend once but never actually wrote one for myself. It was in the New Yorker and I received about 250 replies. I am wonder how many here have written personal ads, not for business just a random ad that appeared in print not on line. Did you get many responses? Did you get laid?
  10. Looking amazing. I think that new protocol is really adding to an already massively sexy man.
  11. I love spanking a muscle ass barehanded. Draven Navarro does indeed enjoy a good spanking but you have to vary the tempo with him. Hard slaps with a loud sound by using a cupped hand and then when he feels comfortable, open the hand and slap so that the slap is just as hard but not as loud and because there is more area struck, it is a bit more painful. That is when you will get the best reaction, a yelp, a moan, even a sob. A kiss to the reddened area and a gentle massage will cool down the area and once he is comfortable again another extra hard slap. For me though, it is the sound of the slap that I find the most erotic, that and the sound of the moan. It is not so much a power dynamic. Also, I never do an over the lap spanking, standing bent over or lying face down are preferable for me. Allows more variation in the intensity the stroke. Spanking is never the main event, so five minutes would be a long session but there may be more than one session in an encounter. Also slapping an ass while giving oral usually leads to a jump and a particularly hard thrust which can be fun. Do not give up after one encounter, and spank when the fancy strikes you to strike him. A belt is also fun but I tend to leave that for one or two strikes as I am concerned I might really strike more than my partner enjoys. The redness after is a nice afterglow image.
  12. You could be a model for the muscular system at a medical school anatomy class. Or maybe we can do an updated male version of this ZZ Top classic.
  13. No the client is paying for them to hook up with him. Just because their clients fit a standard they have set does not change the fact that the client is making the initial contact.
  14. I have been following an account Dock Tok Two middle aged guys sitting on a dock drinking and telling back punny jokes. Worth a few minutes if you like puns. One example is If 666 is evil then 25.8069 is the root of all evil. My Viagra addiction was the hardest time of my life. My wife asked asked if the cat getting fat or is it just me? Apparently its just you was not the right answer. My boyfriend still thinks I am sexy. Every time I walk past him he saw what an ass.
  15. Tristan is unusual as far as his rates go. I give him money and then he gives me back money, then I say it is not enough and try to give him more money and he refuses. It adds about 15 minutes to every visit. It is all good natured and no matter what he is charging, he is worth it.
  16. I use closed captions when the exchanges seems particular fast or the background noise either on the TV or in my home is particularly loud. It takes a small annoyance away from the general annoyance of old age.
  17. Warfarin was one of the first anticoagulants and it was the standard of care for years. However, it was also the drug that caused the most side effects and the most medication related deaths, so despite its effectiveness it was always a difficult drug to monitor. Changes in diet, especially of Vitamin K containing foods would often require changes in dosing. Missing a dose or taking an extra dose could cause issues. Overall, it was effective and difficult to manage. That they have gone so far as to have a warfarin clinic speaks volumes of the risk of this beneficial drug.
  18. I had a job interview to be the director of a nursing facility. That day, I had an early morning veterinarian appointment for my three dogs. The vet ran late and the visit took longer than expected so I called the facility to see about pushing the appointment back or changing it to another day. They said that if I could get there on time with the dogs, that they would let the dogs come into the interview. I sat at a long conference table and all three dogs laid down around my chair under the table. The interview went on and they were perfect gentle dogs. As I went to leave, each of the dogs sought out residents, who greeted them as though they were long lost friends. The dogs loved the attention, and I spent quite a bit of time having the dogs visit. They were not certified therapy dogs so I could not make this a regular practice, but the dogs took to the residents immediately and the residents took to the dogs lovingly. BTW, I did not get the job. But subsequently, I was the director of a PACE facility for elderly and physically challenged adults. I would bring my yellow lab Bonehead into the office on occasion, and he took to the role of canine ambassador immediately. Dogs, children and the elderly, a triad of love for the most part.
  19. It is not a surprise to many on this forum that Vin Marco is my long standing favorite guy. But a continent divides though we speak often just not across the pillows as often as I would like. Seeing Apollo Phoenix's name here got me to text him and he responded right back. He is a great guy. Tristan Baldwin is sex personified as far as I am concerned. Also have nothing but good things to say about William Erickson in Chicago. Really enjoyed Bobby Biceps but he kind of fell off of my radar for unknown reasons. I guess I am just a horny devil who loves the one I'm with.
  20. I do prefer to see the escort in his underwear and then to slowly reveal the goods. I particularly like bright colored solid or striped bikini but but I like just about all kinds. It is the mystery, like the dance of the seven veils, with the unwrapping comes more and more desire. Of the photos here, another hard body's collection on the first page are my favorites. Great body. Tight underwear and a promise of a nice package within.
  21. So has his ad been updated or was that the old terrific body and the new one is even more terrifucker. lol
  22. Bob Barker dies at 99, said ‘Happy Gilmore’ scene was beloved GOLFWEEK.USATODAY.COM Barker said the thing most people wanted to talk about was his fight scene with Adam Sandler in ‘Happy... 30 years or more on TV game show with great audiences, strong advocate for spaying and neutering pets and of course, having the opportunity to do what many of us would like to do, beat the hell our of Adam Sandler.
  23. Hypercoaguable states are part and parcel of complications of Covid. If both of your neighbors had Covid, they were probably subject to that increased risk. It should be stated that anticoagulants are not fool proof. Anticoagulant failure is a significant problem and will often lead to change in medication.
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