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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. If the Ukrainian decided not to shake hands against the usual protocol at these matches, she was probably expecting, at best, a mixed reaction. She took her stand and paid the very small price of being booed. She did bring much attention to the matter for avid tennis fans and others as well. Good for her for standing strong. No boos from me.
  2. Seems you have a proclivity for men who prefer selfies to having their photos taken. While not a deal breaker,, I prefer an escort who either spends the money to get some professional pictures taken, or has his pictures taken by a friend or client.
  3. Fout counties on Long Island proper. Brooklyn and Queens are part of NYC and few refer to them as the Island. Nassau and Suffolk are generally referred to as the Island or the Glsland if you so desire the g from Long holding on so long that it becomes part of Island. Long Island is the longest island in the 48 mainland states. That 110 or so miles can takes as long as 6 to 8 hours to traverse when the LIE is bumper to bumper. As to a gay friendly doctor there, you might PM NYCman on this forum as he is a doctor on LI and may have some primary care colleagues who are informed about gay health issues. Yes, it definitely makes a difference when it comes to the health of gay men.
  4. I recently was involved with a medical submission regarding Liver transplants in NM and how the policies we have in place now discriminate against being able to get a liver transplant in NM. There is no facility doing liver transplants in NM and there are no centers within 150 miles of the major cities there. Beyond that distance from a transplant center, you move down the list as a recipient. While this may not reflect on all aspects of medical care, in discussing life in NM with colleagues, one of who wrorked as a hospitalist there recently and another who was actively working with medical education there, both regarded the health care in NM and some of the worst they had encountered. Perhaps things are changing, but if you are not basically healthy, NM seems as though it is a good place to avoid.
  5. I am a reliable, no hassle client who takes them out to dinner or buys them a small token on many visits. I accept their cancellations or tardiness without complaint and, on occasion, will slip and extra $50 in the envelop. If they asked for a raise. I would consider it, but considering that I think I am an easy client who is great in bed, I think perhaps they ought to consider giving me a discount. 😃
  6. SWaw him years ago on his birthday. Brought him a small cake and then smeared it all over him. It was delicious and so was the cream. Nice body and generally a nice guy. As far as repurposing cock shots, it seems to me that there is not too much of a difference in the appearance of that angle over a few years. Eventually yes but a few years, no.
  7. I have been hiring for a long time and I pretty much hire men I have hired in the past. They may have changed their rates, but not for me. So, if you want a bargain, find a regular or 4 and keep them for years. If you want variety once and again, dig a little deeper or look a litter longer. If the rates are too high for your budget or your taste, a simple I can do 50 less or I can do 2 hours at a lesser per hour might change the tune. If not, move on or pay up.
  8. Not personal, but not surprising you would take joy in thinking that you are getting on another's nerve. That is the very definition of microaggression. But, I do not want to keep you from going out and tracking down other's ethnicity so I will leave you to that.
  9. Woke is meant to be demeaning and your disdain in this post alone makes my point. Thanks, though I am usually disappointed by most things you post, you manage here to disappoint and not disappoint at the same time.
  10. It seems to me you would qualify as woke then, because I have never seen you agree with anyone or consider anything other than you own agenda. Just an observation, feel free to disagree and further the evidence for the validity.
  11. Well I have about 4 regulars. One I see once every three to four months though it was once a month, the lustre came of the encounters and so I see him less often, mainly as his oral is spectacular. I have another regular who I see when I am in his city or he is on mine. We speak or text several time a day and I would never pass up a chance to see him though he is not in the top two of sexual experiences, he is very good in bed and very challenging intellectually. The third regular I see was often as he is will to come visit me. He sex is great and I enjoy some of the benefits of being a regular in that he spends more time and owe have a fun time out of bed as well as in it. The most recent guy to achieve regular status has been seen 5 times in three months. He is relatively new to escorting and he came with certain sexual boundaries, many of which I have crossed, ,much to his surprise. Having a younger, very muscular escort extending his boundaries at my request or due to my persuasion is very much a turn on and he will stay a regular for a while. The other three regulars have been men I have been seeing for 5 to 10 years. There is one other escort who I see semi regularly. He lives about four hours away and as a result, the number of times I see him has been limited. have sen him about 8 times in the last 2 years. He is the one most likely to fall off my hiring routine. One of the men I hire regularly is hired by men and women in about equal numbers. He always refers to the women as being in his rotation. He has never mentioned other men to me. so I have no idea as to whether on not I am in a "rotation."
  12. My experience is the duo charged more than a single but less than both together. Your mileage may differ. 250 each and 400 for two.
  13. purplekow


    Well, it seems that this is likely on target. But he should be willing to take the risk after all...nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  14. In the past, I was in this position with two guys who could be hired individually or together. I started hiring them together and then found it awkward to hire one without the other. So I attempted a solution wherein I would hire one to start the session, then have the other join us and then have the original guy leave and be alone with the second one. They did not buy into that, so I just stopped hiring them at all. The reason I wanted to hire them separately is that one was great at oral and the other was more of a general turn on and he had just started bottoming for bucks and I enjoyed the fresh, tight ass but when we were three, he would be more reluctant to bottom. So goal was, warm up with the oral master, then keep the fires going with both and then come with the newly professional bottom. As it turns out, hiring them that way for a three hour session would have only been $100 more than our usual two hour session. I think their refusal had to do with money more than anything else. May an hour with one and then an hour with both would work for you and perhaps they would be a bit more accommodating than my pair of guys.
  15. Too bad they do not have a cringe emoji here.
  16. I agree and gave your post an agree but really: The proof of the pudding is in the tasting is the more accurate quote though your statement certainly is a common form.
  17. "Are you gay?"" I love gay people."" My best friend is gay." "Went to a pride parade with him." Substitute any ethnic group for gay and pride and it comes off as equally patronizing. You can ask. You may get polite responses. It may even lead to a pleasant conversation. But do not be surprised if it does not.
  18. Death by a thousand cuts. Each, individual, inconsequential. Cumulatively destructive.
  19. Eye candy for AM TV. These days, the flavor of the candy is not as important as being able to wrap it up in a nice tasty package. By the way, he seems to have a nice tasty package.
  20. I have been asked directly about my ethnicity on many social occasions and even in professional settings. All four of my grandparents came from Scicily if anyone here is interested. I recall one woman in particular who called my office and inquired about my ethnicity before making an appointment. Turns out she was Jewish and wanted an Italian doctor. I have a strong Italo-American background but my ties to Italy end there. As for inquiring about the ethnicity of others, I find that there are many more interesting questions one can ask and that some of them will lead to that information. For example, while at a dinner, I might state, that my mother who was of Italian heritage was a good cook, but while she excelled at Italian dishes, her hold on other dishes was not nearly as strong. I do remember her lasagna fondly. Did you have any favorite childhood meals. Now that might lead to a variety of discussions, ethnicity is certainly one path it could take. So as someone mentioned, ethnicity might not be a conversation starter it should not be totally off limits.
  21. Very handsome man with a great body who is now decorating it with annoying inked pictures. His body his choice.
  22. Although I am not a public figure, I cannot imagine being followed for a prolonged period of time by a group of people trying to take my picture. It has to be disturbing and in this particular case, more traumatizing in view of his mother's death. I know I do not like standing for family pictures, but I give my consent to get them done. Surprise photos of me eating strawberry shortcake or riding in the back of a taxi would be a definite no if asked and the cause of a family dispute if done by a family member without my permission. I would not welcome a family member's suggestion that I move to Wyoming nor their questioning my parentage as a result of asking for a simple courtesy of accepting no for an answer.
  23. purplekow


    Never assume that something is nothing because quite often nothing is something that can become a big thing. So nothing should be thought of as nothing and something, daresay anything may be something else.
  24. It looks to me as though Mr. Hogan has taken a pose to cover his obvious excitement at seeing the queen. I believe one can catch a bit of a bulge there on the left. Pretty scrawny legs but the bulge appears ample.
  25. They do not call them sugar beets for no reason.
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