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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. Columbo TV detective who always had one more question.
  2. Low rise with a well prepared package sounds about right.
  3. Her tour is likely to bring in over 1 billion dollars and generate billions in business along the way. Nevertheless, the bonuses were particularly generous and particularly well reported upon.
  4. I usually see escorts at home or at a hotel if I am away. I would love someone to show up in a shirt and tie and maybe even a jacket. In fact, I like the idea so much, that I way ask for that next time. It is a bit unusual, as most of the escorts usually show up dressed in something obviously sexy. And while I love that, that attire tends to come off rather fast. A suit and tie however, might lead to a very slow and more elegant disrobing and then of course, just as much hot fun. I considered the underwear in such an encounter and I am torn between basic blue boxers to go along with the business attire or some very sexy underwear which would confirm my opinion that this guy is ready to go.
  5. First, having sex when you want to have sex is the easy part. I would see the issue being having sex when you do not want to have sex, either desire, partner, general state of the spiritual, physical and mental. Bluntly, there will probably be a lot more snickers at your profile than takers, but there may be enough takers, if you are good at what you do in terms of technique, interaction, timeliness, availability and of course location. One plus for you is, that there are not a lot of candidates out there that have the appearance you describe, though there are some, so you may have a lane with little traffic. You may want to consider finding a working escort who has a similar physical appeal. Hire him. Then pick his brain after he fucks you ass.
  6. To me he looks very comfortable with that missile in his hand and if there were pictures that follow it, it looks to me that he would put it in his mouth. As far as his age goes, he looks way too old for a man of his years. Also. seems to have a very 80s gestalt both in decade of style and age.
  7. In a supermarket one could innocently say, Do you know where the mozzarella is? and before he answers continue with, I am so tired of take out I thought I would cook but the only thing I know how to cook is veal parmigiana and now Can't find the darn cheese. Stop and if you get a no or a brief it is in aisle two, then move on to the next guy. Let me ask my wife is a definite no. However, you may get an answer like, let me show you where it is, or I don't cook either and a conversation is to be had. Of course your course may differ. Steak sauce, tortillas, shrimp etc. Most important be smiling, be brief and know when to hold em and know when to fold em. The handsomest dealer does not always have the biggest deck.
  8. A much more innocent time. I found it melancholy. But there were some very handsome men and you could tell it was the 60s. Lots of those guys likely went to Viet Nam and were never the same again.
  9. Well either that was a compliment, and I thank you. Or it was a slap in which case I would suggest this is more a dysfunctional family and if we don't call people out on their stuff, who will?
  10. I thought you may be wrong about the menu and then I saw they had kale salad and I knew this place had it all.
  11. Frankly, I think my fellow forum members have been extremely delicate with you. You agreed to meet a guy with whom you have had previous issues. You buy him clothes because you think he is handsome. You believe that some new duds are just what he needs to make this a perfect evening for you. He spins and twirls in his new clothes and you break out the credit card. Now dressed appropriately to go to a "dive bar", you are surprised that he selects out the only black TV reality celebrity there to hook him up with cocaine. The reality star, then warns you against guys like this and their penchant to be users, and then suddenly Mr. Survivor has a sufficient supply of cocaine to satisfy your guests desire. A quick trip home leads to more shopping, this time for men for a party. Once you have selected out your guests, you add another less attractive guest so you will not feel out of place with all the pretty people. Problem is, your "normal" friend is a closeted party freak and gets all into the well of cocaine and associated alcohol and of course the pretty boys. The house starts to get a bit rambunctious. That comes as a surprise to you despite inviting a large number of men you do not know to your home at 11:45 PM to have a party. Your boorish friend/fb and your initial guest make the party a fiasco and people start to leave. One can only wonder what they had to do bad enough to frighten off people who had come out to party at a stranger's house and who had arrived and what sounds to be an opulent house filled with hot men and drugs. Even though your party is quickly failing, you, ever the good host, wish the guests well as they leave, presumably with a nice parting gift, or perhaps not. You then lock yourself in your bedroom breathing heavily as the remnants of the party slowly crumble until there is one, guest left, drunk drugged out and in a new set of clothing, who decides he wants to cuddle. Petulantly, you refuse and he begs. That I would guess is when you really start to get off on all of this. He heads to the guest bedroom and stays there. Surprisingly, you stay in your room rather than forgivingly cuddling him through his drug and alcohol fueled night sweats, and in the morning, you are surprised the hung over guest is sleeping late and confused about the events of the night before. Fortunately you are saved by an unexpected call from yet another acquaintance. Your question is then, how much did the first guest deserve to be paid for all of this. In a later post, you confess to realizing that you could have stopped this at any point but choose not to do so because, hey he looks so cute in those new clothes and you want him to like you as much as the Academy likes Sally Field. That would be "Really like,... Really really like". What strikes me as the most interesting touches to all this are the responses to your post. One response from someone who can only see potential in this man, suggests you mentor this young man. I am not sure what you would be mentoring him about but the preposterousness of that suggestion is surpassed by your response which states that you have no need to mentor this young man as you already have two other young men you are paying a total of $300000 a year to work on investments and real estate development. Perhaps these gentlemen are a wise investment but the way you phrased it, it left me wondering. In conclusion, you give him $300 and thank him for playing your game. He gets to keep the wardrobe and presumably the cocaine hook up with the realty star. After all this, frankly, to me you come off as foolish, insecure and surprisingly cheap. I would agree with you, it was not your finest moment. Learn something from this and be better. It seems you have the skills to make an opulent life, use them to make it one in which you are not lying face down on a bed wearing a poodle skirt and alternately beating your legs into the mattress like Gidget..
  12. We were all new posters at one time. Experienced posters will note if a reviewer it new to the site and most do not feel it necessary to point out that someone is new. Welcome to the forum. Glad you enjoy his massages. There is nothing wrong with marketing and that is one of the many uses for this site. One must always recall with this and any other review site, that "your mileage may vary". Please continue to contribute. Most contributions are welcome especially those which are courteous and ultimately reliable.
  13. Evolution would not favor the ones that are too small for obvious reasons. The ones that are too big, for less obvious reasons (difficulty in obtaining a fully hard erection and then entering with a larger than usual organ causing pains and females to balk, for example) If that is so, then evolution would favor those that are just right, in this case average size.
  14. wow a rolodex full that is nearly as much as a little black book full and also as old an expression As far as the Cade rate. I had never heard of him as I am not a porn aficionado. Checked him out. I can see the attraction, but my money is better spent on 3 to 4 hours with an equally hot guy rather than with a name for an hour.
  15. All this talk of Andrew Justice and not a mention of his Curvish Dervish. Very sweet guy. When I met him, I had no idea he worked in porn. Same with Parker Williams who was a great guy and I only found out he did porn when he offered to autograph a CD of his for me. That said, I have never hired a porn star because of their profession and as I watch very little in the way of porn, I would not be tempted to seek out one of the guys on the silver screen.
  16. Given the choice, I would almost always pick the Mom and Pop restaurant. The exception would relate to time of day, (late night in an unfamiliar neighborhood, I would opt for the drive through) or urgency (they call it fast food for a reason)
  17. I do not believe you could say that the guest wasted the wine after sampling it and being dissatisfied. If she then took another glass and did the same, that would be wasting it. As far as wine goes, if I want wine at a party, I bring 2 bottles, one for the host and one for me. Though is is perfectly fine if the host chooses not to serve his gift, or my bottle either, if there is a substitute. However, since etiquette does not demand serving a guest's gifted beverage, I would drink something else if he host chose to keep both. However, I might not go back if invited. If there is a sit down meal, then the expectation should be that the host has planned the meal and the accompanying beverages, wine or no wine there should be no whine.
  18. On the short drive home from work today, I had to stop three times for Pedestrians crossing. One was a Canadian Goose, one a American Turkey and the third was deer. Considering I live in a densely populated area near the beach with a lot of beach traffic on a Friday to start the weekend, that was definitely a bit more wild life than I would encounter in several months of travel back and forth to work. So is this related to the weather being so unpredictable or just a random act of traffic? Hard to say but it was a definitely unusual. In the past on the commute, I have had to stop for raccoons, weasels, cats, dogs, cows, ducks, turkey vultures (buzzards to some of you), fox, coyote. These are the ones that come to mind. I know that those of you that live in more rural areas have probably encountered more exotic animals in you routine travels. Any unusual animal encounters? Do not include bedroom encounters with bears, otters and the like.
  19. I believe I am quoting the original lyrics and you are quoting the updated lyrics. The "and the rest". changed to "the Professor and Maryanne" Phenomenon Webrock Lyrics - Magilla Gorilla Theme WWW.WEBROCKONLINE.COM The first Flintstones Homepage on the Internet! The Flintstones and Hanna-Barbera Page includes...
  20. I thought this was the best new show I had seen in a few years.
  21. Considering the heyday of Magilla Gorilla was in the 60s and 70s, his right rear light blue hankie with pink dots is interesting especially with him squeezing hard and getting ready to down that banana. . The light blue usually indicated interest in oral, on the right was one interested in doing the ducking and the color of the dots usually indicated a race preference, in this case pink would indicate that he prefers to suck gay men. He does look as though he is about to deep throat that banana. Cartoonists were well known to slip in X rated material surreptitiously into kiddy cartoons. Could this be that? Theme song states. We have a gorilla for sale. A yellow gorilla for sale. Won't you buy him? Take him home and try him? Gorilla for sale. Hmmm.
  22. When my wife died, I have the obituary placed in two newspapers. The cost was incorporated into the cost of the funeral. Considering the cost of the funeral, for a pretty basic funeral with a nice but not extremely expensive casket, was more than $15000 a few hundred more or less for the obituaries seemed unimportant. I believe the average funeral in NJ is in the 10000 range. According to a quick search, the average funeral in the US is nearly $8000. The cost probably varies greatly by the neighborhood and the extravagance of the ceremony.
  23. It had the feel of a Sunday afternoon beer softball league game. Uniforms almost universally hid any sign of an athletic body underneath and all the glad-handing and frivolity of the players made it clear that this was an exhibition game that had out lived its usefulness. It was once a rare opportunity to see Mickey Mantle and Sandy Koufax face one another. Now with interleague play more common than ever, the sense of excitement over league loyalty no longer exists. The least they could do is have the players wearing tight shorts.
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