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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. I have two regular guys who drive almost 4 hours each way for a 2 hour appointment. Sometimes I will extend to an overnight. Most of the time, I believe they are driving to my area for another appointment and my two hour date makes the trip worthwhile. I always offer a meal. I am grateful that these guys are willing to drive this far. I am also cognizant of the inconvenience of traffic and weather considerations and I have continued to hire these two men even though they each have cancelled at the last moment many times due to those issues. In fact, one of them cancelled 10 appointments in a row. However, when I hire these guys, I take the attitude that if they show great, if they do not, it is understandable. I had two other semi regulars who would drive about 2 hours but each of those two eventually found the drive too taxing and have bowed out. So in the case of how far to too far, literally you mileage may differ.
  2. 25 mcg as an ongoing dose is next to useless. If you needed supplementation of your thyroid hormone, a second level should have been obtained within a few weeks of the first starting of the Synthroid. At that point, an increase to 50 mcg would be reasonable. If you are younger than 50, starting at 50 mcg or even 75 mcg, which is the does most of my patient's wind up needing if not more, would be reasonable. As far as free testosterone, that total testosterone is low enough that I doubt the free testosterone will be anything but low, but that would have been the test to order. I did not know that labs were now doing lab tests on demand for patients. I assume they do not try to charge the insurance company for such tests.
  3. This thread got me to thinking about Oklihomo and his predilection for hiring numerous escorts, flying then to Oklahoma and then filming them. I do not believe he was a regular participant in the filmed action, but on occasion he did partake and film and rumor has it that he did partake quite a bit off camera. Anyone know WEHT Oklihomo?
  4. Bobby biceps. Not sure if he is still working but he fits the bill if he is.
  5. I have found it confusing at times in both written and verbal communication. In addition, I would try to respect an individual's desire to be addressed in a certain manner, with a certain pronoun, but the optimal word is try. I would expect they or he or she or it, to realize that this is not the standard construction of the language and to accept that errors will be made. In my professional life, I interact with many people to whom English is a second language. I do not correct each false step but I do ask for clarification when confused. I have found that, for example, those native Tagalog speakers have difficulty with standard American he and she and often will switch pronouns, sometimes in the same sentence. So if there is one Dr. Brown, I will assume in conversation that the pronoun used may not reflect the current standard use of that pronoun. However, if there are two Drs. Brown, each a different sex, I would ask for clarification to insure I am understanding what is being said. Fortunately, I have not run into a situation where here are two Drs. Brown being mentioned by a person with English as a second language, , each of the Drs. Brown who identify with a pronoun different form than what might expected. Wherein, Dr. chromosomal male Dr Brown prefers she and chromosomal female Dr. Brown prefers They. Which, it seems to me would lead to significant confusion. Who's on First style. "He did?." "Yes she did," "Oh so she did too." "No she did but they did not." "Yes she did, but they did not." "So he did and she did not". "That is not right, they did not but she did". "But he did too?". "Well not he, she did". "Oh so she did, and he did not." "Well, She did. They did not. There was no He." "Ah, so when you said She did, I did not know you meant he did and when you said they did not I though you meant that he and she did not but you meant she did not and he did but by she did you mean he did". "Yes." " "Well that is clear now."
  6. I would be disappointed as well. I might have suggested Viagra or some such which I always carry with me to these dates, usually for me but on occasion for my partner. If he did not want to go there, I would have offered the full amount, as you did. When rejected, I would have offered half and a new appointment at the discounted rate. If that appointment went well, you could always pay his usual fee if you so desire and if it did not, it would already be decided what the "failure fee" would be. As opposed to lawyers who may work on a contingency fee, escorts are on the clock and they should get something for showing up, even if up is not the operative word.
  7. Yeah not so much for the red hair. Blonde was much more flattering but you knew your clientele and what the market wanted.
  8. So is this confirmation that there will be a Palm Springs weekend in 2024. Now all we need is the date and I will be making my reservations. And of course Xander would be a welcome addition as client, provider or just attendee I assume.
  9. It seems that he may want to suck my blood, but he appears to have a very suckable appendage as well. Or could that be a stake in his hard?
  10. Going way back. Lil Abner has a prolonged scene in which the men of DogPAtch are turned into perfect physical specimens with no interest in women. The Ladies of the town sing Put Them Back the Way They Were and dance around the men who are in bathing suits and doing muscular posing. Among the women there is one who would later gain quite a bit of fame from a TV role. Can you spot her?
  11. Hey Handsome. I know you have an aging painting in the attic because you are looking good. Happy Birthday and I hope to see you in Palm Springs in April. Stay well and do not dare mention not coming.
  12. Many men spend a lot of time on the upper body, especially here in NJ. Great thighs are harder to develop and calves are ridiculously difficult. So it is always great to see a great pair of legs, for me they are a rare avis.
  13. Inflation is not 40% which is about the increase from 350 to 500 And cost of living in NYC is tied to inflation so you are conflating that. He is not asking for a discount, he merely is inquiring as to why the increase. Supply and demand is not likely the case as there are just as many escorts in NYC as there were three years ago, perhaps more. So the reason that the price has gone up is because some people are willing to pay that much. He is not one of them for fuck's sake. Perhaps you are and if so, bless your heart.
  14. Parker Williams. Not his best foto. 6 2. 200 lbs. and packing I hope hhe is doing well
  15. Well in some positions you need to look back to see who is fucking you. I rarely bottom but the first time I tried I hired a very experienced porn top though he also bottomed to my great pleasure. Parker Williams for those who recall his handsome face and hairy muscular body. I was over 50. He was very patient and content to move slowly but I got impatient and demanded: "Just shove it in already." My advice, don't do that. In all the years that have intervened, I still have difficulty relaxing and accepting and as a result I rarely go there.
  16. As I read it, he was in Vermont, a car making a turn did not see him on the motorcycle and crashed into him. He was the only one hurt. He was airlifted to a N"Y"C hospital and did not survive his injuries. He had a smoldering sexuality about him, even when I saw him recently in an episode of Blue Bloods, in which as an ex-cop and a friend of Tom elect's character, he was just quietly sexy. At the end of the show, it was revealed his recurring character had cancer. he and Tom Selleck could have made quite the 70's porno duo.
  17. That would be in Some Like it Hot not Leopoldstadt. and Shucked not Kimberly Akimbo. Strangely Enough I played the anagram game from Kimberly Akimbo with my name and came up with O A Chic Tranny. I know tranny will rankle some but that is just what I came up with.
  18. And despite those brickbats you are still here and perhaps, other have been spared a bad and or dangerous experience. Reluctance makes sense, but given time, one choses to be brave, or not.
  19. Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was found dead in his cell. He had been in the prison infirmary for some time. He thus completed his sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
  20. Your own safety is of paramount importance. Getting distance between you and him is a priority preferably to a public place with others around. While I believe you were in fear at the time, you should not be cowed into silence now. Perhaps starting a thread with just a warning that this man is worth avoiding. Hopefully, you kept important information, such as your name and address, private. Stay safe in the future. Inform someone where you are going to be and with whom you are going to be. I am about to write a phrase I never expected to write, but I agree with Bozo. The information here is helpful only with the details.
  21. Christian Broadcasting Network. Fleecing the gullible with claims or righteousness 0
  22. You seem to have an increased risk for GC and disseminated GC in particular. There are several risk factors which may cause such a predisposition, immunocompromise for example, IT may also be more common after removal of the spleen. It may be worth investigating other risk factors rather than just bad luck and bad selection of partners.
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